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PROMISES Compiled by Dr. Johnson Cherian MD. PhD. Main Website: Main Blog: http://www.bless !!".

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* am with you and will watch o+er you where+er you go, and * will bring you bac- to this land. * will not lea+e you until * ha+e done what * ha+e promised you. ./enesis 0:)&1

. *2 you listen care2ully to the +oice o2 the 345D your /od and do what is right in his eyes, i2 you pay attention to his commands and -eep all his decrees, * will not bring on you any o2 the diseases * brought on the #gyptians, 2or * am the 345D, who heals you. .#6odus )&: 71 %. Worship the 345D your /od, and his blessing will be on your 2ood and water. * will ta-e away sic-ness 2rom among you. .#6odus %: &1 8. My Presence will go with you, and * will gi+e you rest. .#6odus %%:)81 &. * will cause all my goodness to pass in 2ront o2 you, and * will proclaim my name, the 345D, in your presence. * will ha+e mercy on whom * will ha+e mercy, and * will ha+e compassion on whom * will ha+e compassion. .#6odus %%:)"1 7. Wal- in all the way that the 345D your /od has commanded you, so that you may li+e and prosper and prolong your days in the land that you will possess. .Deuteronomy &:%%1 '. *2 you pay attention to these laws and are care2ul to 2ollow them, then the 345D your /od will -eep his co+enant o2 lo+e with you, as he swore to your 2ore2athers. .Deuteronomy ':) 1 0. 9e will lo+e you and bless you and increase your numbers. 9e will bless the 2ruit o2 your womb, the crops o2 your land$$your grain, new wine and oil$$the cal+es o2 your herds and the lambs o2 your 2loc-s in the land that he swore to your 2ore2athers to gi+e you. .Deuteronomy ':)%1 ". :o i2 you 2aith2ully obey the commands * am gi+ing you today$$to lo+e the 345D your /od and to ser+e him with all your heart and with all your soul$$ then * will send rain on your land in its season, both autumn and spring rains, so that you may gather in your grain, new wine and oil. * will pro+ide grass in the 2ields 2or your cattle, and you will eat and be satis2ied. .Deuteronomy )):)%$)&1

)!. ;or the 345D your /od is the one who goes with you to 2ight 2or you against your enemies to gi+e you +ictory. .Deuteronomy !:81 )). <ll these blessings will come upon you and accompany you i2 you obey the 345D your /od: =ou will be blessed in the city and blessed in the country. >he 2ruit o2 your womb will be blessed, and the crops o2 your land and the young o2 your li+estoc-$$ the cal+es o2 your herds and the lambs o2 your 2loc-s. =our bas-et and your -neading trough will be blessed. =ou will be blessed when you come in and blessed when you go out. .Deuteronomy 0: $71 ) . >he 345D will grant that the enemies who rise up against you will be de2eated be2ore you. >hey will come at you 2rom one direction but 2lee 2rom you in se+en. .Deuteronomy 0:'1 )%. >he 345D will grant you abundant prosperity$$in the 2ruit o2 your womb, the young o2 your li+estoc- and the crops o2 your ground$$in the land he swore to your 2ore2athers to gi+e you. >he 345D will open the hea+ens, the storehouse o2 his bounty, to send rain on your land in season and to bless all the wor- o2 your hands. =ou will lend to many nations but will borrow 2rom none. >he 345D will ma-e you the head, not the tail. *2 you pay attention to the commands o2 the 345D your /od that * gi+e you this day and care2ully 2ollow them, you will always be at the top, ne+er at the bottom. .Deuteronomy 0:))$)%1 )8. Care2ully 2ollow the terms o2 this co+enant, so that you may prosper in e+erything you do. .Deuteronomy ":"1 )&. >hen the 345D your /od will ma-e you most prosperous in all the wor- o2 your hands and in the 2ruit o2 your womb, the young o2 your li+estoc- and the crops o2 your land. >he 345D will again delight in you and ma-e you prosperous, just as he delighted in your 2athers, .Deuteronomy %!:"1 )7. :ee, * set be2ore you today li2e and prosperity, death and destruction. ;or * command you today to lo+e the 345D your /od, to wal- in his ways, and to -eep his commands, decrees and laws? then you will li+e and increase, and the 345D your /od will bless you in the land you are entering to possess. .Deuteronomy %!:)&,)71 )'. >he eternal /od is your re2uge, and underneath are the e+erlasting arms. 9e will dri+e out your enemy be2ore you, saying, @Destroy himAB .Deuteronomy %%: '1 )0. Do not let this Boo- o2 the 3aw depart 2rom your mouth? meditate on it day and night, so that you may be care2ul to do e+erything written in it. >hen you will be prosperous and success2ul. .Joshua ):01 )". >hose who are with us are more than those who are with them. . Cings 7:)71

!. Worship the 345D your /od? it is he who will deli+er you 2rom the hand o2 all your enemies. . Cings )':%"1 ). *2 my people, who are called by my name, will humble themsel+es and pray and seemy 2ace and turn 2rom their wic-ed ways, then will * hear 2rom hea+en and will 2orgi+e their sin and will heal their land. . Chronicles ':)81 . >he 345D is with you when you are with him. *2 you see- him, he will be 2ound by you. . Chronicles )&: 1 %. But as 2or you, be strong and do not gi+e up, 2or your wor- will be rewarded. . Chronicles )&:'1 8. ;or the eyes o2 the 345D range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are 2ully committed to him. . Chronicles )7:"1 &. *n 2amine he will ransom you 2rom death, and in battle 2rom the stro-e o2 the sword. .Job &: !1 7. =ou will be protected 2rom the lash o2 the tongue, and need not 2ear when destruction comes. .Job &: )1 '. =ou will come to the gra+e in 2ull +igor, li-e shea+es gathered in season. .Job &: 71 0. :urely /od does not reject a blameless man or strengthen the hands o2 e+ildoers. 9e will yet 2ill your mouth with laughter and your lips with shouts o2 joy. .Job 0: !, )1 ". =ou will be secure, because there is hope? you will loo- about you and ta-e your rest in sa2ety. .Job )):)01 %!. =ou will lie down, with no one to ma-e you a2raid, and many will court your 2a+or. .Job )):)"1 %). *2 you return to the <lmighty, you will be restored: *2 you remo+e wic-edness 2ar 2rom your tent and assign your nuggets to the dust, your gold o2 4phir to the roc-s in the ra+ines, then the <lmighty will be your gold, the choicest sil+er 2or you. :urely then you will 2ind delight in the <lmighty and will li2t up your 2ace to /od. =ou will pray to him, and he will hear you, and you will 2ul2ill your +ows. What you decide on will be done, and light will shine on your ways. When men are brought low and you say, @3i2t them upAB then he will sa+e the downcast. 9e will deli+er e+en one who is not innocent, who will be deli+ered through the cleanness o2 your hands. .Job : %$%!1

% . *2 they obey and ser+e him, they will spend the rest o2 their days in prosperity and their years in contentment. .Job %7:))1 %%. But those who su22er he deli+ers in their su22ering? he spea-s to them in their a22liction. .Job %7:)&1 %8. 9e is li-e a tree planted by streams o2 water, which yields its 2ruit in season and whose lea2 does not wither. Whate+er he does prospers. .Psalm ):%1 %&. =ou ha+e 2illed my heart with greater joy than when their grain and new wine abound. .Psalm 8:'1 %7. ;or surely, 4 345D, you bless the righteous? you surround them with your 2a+or as with a shield. .Psalm &:) 1 %'. >he 345D is a re2uge 2or the oppressed, a stronghold in times o2 trouble. .Psalm ":"1 %0. >hose who -now your name will trust in you, 2or you, 345D, ha+e ne+er 2orsa-en those who see- you. .Psalm ":)!1 %". But the needy will not always be 2orgotten, nor the hope o2 the a22licted e+er perish. .Psalm ":)01 8!. >he 345D is my roc-, my 2ortress and my deli+erer? my /od is my roc-, in which * ta-e re2uge. 9e is my shield and the horn o2 my sal+ation, my stronghold. .Psalm )0: 1 8). =ou, 4 345D, -eep my lamp burning? my /od turns my dar-ness into light. .Psalm )0: 01 8 . >he poor will eat and be satis2ied? they who see- the 345D will praise him$$ May your hearts li+e 2ore+erA .Psalm : 71 8%. :urely goodness and lo+e will 2ollow me all the days o2 my li2e, and * will dwell in the house o2 the 345D 2ore+er. .Psalm %:71 88. 9e guides the humble in what is right and teaches them his way. .Psalm &:"1 8&. Wait 2or the 345D? be strong and ta-e heart and wait 2or the 345D. .Psalm ':)81 87. ;or in the day o2 trouble he will -eep me sa2e in his dwelling? he will hide me in the shelter o2 his tabernacle and set me high upon a roc-. >hen my head will be e6alted abo+e the enemies who surround me? at his tabernacle will * sacri2ice with shouts o2 joy? * will sing and ma-e music to the 345D .Psalm ':&,71

8'. *n the shelter o2 your presence you hide them 2rom the intrigues o2 men? in your dwelling you -eep them sa2e 2rom accusing tongues. .Psalm %): !1 80. Be strong and ta-e heart, all you who hope in the 345D. .Psalm %): 81 8". * will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go? * will counsel you and watch o+er you. .Psalm % :01 &!. ;ear the 345D, you his saints, 2or those who 2ear him lac- nothing. .Psalm %8:"1 &). >he lions may grow wea- and hungry, but those who see- the 345D lac- no good thing. .Psalm %8:)!1 & . >he righteous cry out, and the 345D hears them? he deli+ers them 2rom all their troubles. .Psalms %8:)'1 &%. >he 345D is close to the bro-enhearted and sa+es those who are crushed in spirit. .Psalm %8:)01 &8. >rust in the 345D and do well? dwell in the land and enjoy sa2e pasture. .Psalm %':%1 &&. Delight yoursel2 in the 345D and he will gi+e you the desires o2 your heart. .Psalms %':81 &7. 9e will ma-e your righteousness shine li-e the dawn, the justice o2 your cause li-e the noonday sun. .Psalm %':71 &'. But the mee- will inherit the land and enjoy great peace. .Psalm %':))1 &0. *2 the 345D delights in a manBs way, he ma-es his steps 2irm. .Psalm %': %1 &". * was young and now * am old, yet * ha+e ne+er seen the righteous 2orsa-en or their children begging bread. >hey are always generous and lend 2reely? their children will be blessed. .Psalm %': &, 71 7!. Consider the blameless, obser+e the upright? there is a 2uture 2or the man o2 peace .Psalm %':%'1 7). >he sal+ation o2 the righteous comes 2rom the 345D? he is their stronghold in time o2 trouble. .Psalm %':%"1 7 . Blessed is he who has regard 2or the wea-? the 345D deli+ers him in times o2 trouble. >he 345D will protect him and preser+e his li2e? he will bless him in the land and not surrender him to the desire o2 his 2oes. .Psalm 8):), 1

7%. /od is our re2uge and strength, an e+er$present help in trouble. >here2ore we will not 2ear, though the earth gi+e way and the mountains 2all into the heart o2 the sea, though its waters roar and 2oam and the mountains Dua-e with theyEre surging. .Psalm 87:)$%1 78. ;or this /od is our /od 2ore+er and e+er? he will be our guide e+en to the end. .Psalm 80:)81 7&. <nd call upon me in the day o2 trouble? * will deli+er you, and you will honor me.F .Psalm &!:)&1 77. Cast your cares on the 345D and he will sustain you? he will ne+er let the righteous 2all. .Psalm &&: 1 7'. 9e sends 2rom hea+en and sa+es me, rebu-ing those who hotly pursue me? /od sends his lo+e and his 2aith2ulness. .Psalm &':%1 70. With /od we will gain the +ictory, and he will trample down our enemies. .Psalm 7!:) 1 7". My soul will be satis2ied as with the richest o2 2oods? with singing lips my mouth will praise you. .Psalm 7%:&1 '!. 3et the righteous rejoice in the 345D and ta-e re2uge in him? let all the upright in heart praise himA .Psalm 78:)!1 '). >he 345D hears the needy and does not despise his capti+e people. .Psalm 7":%%1 ' . ;or he will deli+er the needy who cry out, the a22licted who ha+e no one to help. 9e will ta-e pity on the wea- and the needy and sa+e the needy 2rom death. .Psalm ' :) ,)%1 '%. ;or the 345D /od is a sun and shield? the 345D bestows 2a+or and honor? no good thing does he withhold 2rom those whose wal- is blameless. .Psalm 08:))1 '8. Blessed are those who ha+e learned to acclaim you, who wal- in the light o2 your presence, 4 345D. >hey rejoice in your name all day long? they e6ult in your righteousness. .Psalm 0":)&,)71 '&. 9e will co+er you with his 2eathers, and under his wings you will 2ind re2uge? his 2aith2ulness will be your shield and rampart. =ou will not 2ear the terror o2 night, nor the arrow that 2lies by day, nor the pestilence that stal-s in the dar-ness, nor the plague that destroys at midday .Psalm "):8$71

'7. *2 you ma-e the Most 9igh your dwelling$e+en the 345D, who is my re2uge then no harm will be2all you, no disaster will come near your tent. ;or he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways? .Psalm "):"$))1 ''. FBecause he lo+es me,F says the 345D, F* will rescue him? * will protect him, 2or he ac-nowledges my name. .Psalm "):)81 '0. With long li2e will * satis2y him and show him my sal+ation.F .Psalms "):)71 '". >hey will still bear 2ruit in old age, they will stay 2resh and green, .Psalm " :)81 0!. 3ight is shed upon the righteous and joy on the upright in heart. 5ejoice in the 345D, you who are righteous, and praise his holy name. .Psalm "':)),) 1 0). 9e will respond to the prayer o2 the destitute? he will not despise their plea. .Psalm )! :)'1 0 . =our word is a lamp to my 2eet and a light 2or my path. .Psalm ))":)!&1 0%. <s 2ar as the east is 2rom the west, so 2ar has he remo+ed our transgressions 2rom usG .Psalm )!%:) 1 08. <s a 2ather has compassion on his children, so the 345D has compassion on those who 2ear him? .Psalm )!%:)%1 0&. 9e brought them out o2 dar-ness and the deepest gloom and bro-e away their chains. .Psalm )!':)81 07. But he li2ted the needy out o2 their a22liction and increased their 2amilies li-e 2loc-s. .Psalm )!':8)1 0'. 9e pro+ides 2ood 2or those who 2ear him? he remembers his co+enant 2ore+er. .Psalm ))):&1 00. Blessed is the man who 2ears the 345D, who 2inds great delight in his commands. 9is children will be mighty in the land? the generation o2 the upright will be blessed. Wealth and riches are in his house, and his righteousness endures 2ore+er. .Psalm )) :)$%1 0". #+en in dar-ness light dawns 2or the upright, 2or the gracious and compassionate and righteous man. .Psalm )) :81 "!. /ood will come to him who is generous and lends 2reely, who conducts his a22airs with justice. :urely he will ne+er be sha-en? a righteous man will be remembered 2ore+er. 9e will ha+e no 2ear o2 bad news? his heart is stead2ast, trusting in the

345D. 9is heart is secure, he will ha+e no 2ear? in the end he will loo- in triumph on his 2oes. .Psalm )) :&$01 "). 9e raises the poor 2rom the dust and li2ts the needy 2rom the ash heap? he seats them with princes, with the princes o2 their people. .Psalms ))%:',01 " . 9e settles the barren woman in her home as a happy mother o2 children. .Psalms ))%:"1 "%. =ou who 2ear him, trust in the 345D$he is their help and shield. >he 345D remembers us and will bless us: 9e will bless the house o2 *srael, he will bless the house o2 <aron, he will bless those who 2ear the 345D$small and great ali-e. .Psalms ))&:))$)%1 "8. May the 345D ma-e you increase, both you and your children. May you be blessed by the 345D, the Ma-er o2 hea+en and earth..Psalms ))&:)8,)&1 "&. :houts o2 joy and +ictory resound in the tents o2 the righteous: F>he 3ordEs right hand has done mighty thingsA .Psalm ))0:)&1 "7. >he un2olding o2 your words gi+es light? it gi+es understanding to the simple. .Psalm ))":)%!1 "'. 9e sent 2orth his word and healed them? he rescued them 2rom the gra+e. .Psalm )!': !1 "0. >he 345D will -eep you 2rom all harm$$ he will watch o+er your li2e? the 345D will watch o+er your coming and going both now and 2ore+ermore. .Psalm ) ):',01 "". >hose who sow in tears will reap with songs o2 joy. 9e who goes out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs o2 joy, carrying shea+es with him. .Psalm ) 7:&,71 )!!. :ons are a heritage 2rom the 345D, children a reward 2rom him. 3i-e arrows in the hands o2 a warrior are sons born in oneBs youth. Blessed is the man whose Dui+er is 2ull o2 them. >hey will not be put to shame when they contend with their enemies in the gate. .Psalm ) ':%$&1 )!).=ou will eat the 2ruit o2 your labor? blessings and prosperity will be yours. .Psalm ) 0: 1 )! . =our wi2e will be li-e a 2ruit2ul +ine within your house? your sons will be li-e oli+e shoots around your table. .Psalm ) 0:%1

)!%. * will bless her with abundant pro+isions? her poor will * satis2y with 2ood. .Psalm )% :)&1 )!8. >hough * wal- in the midst o2 trouble, you preser+e my li2e? you stretch out your hand against the anger o2 my 2oes, with your right hand you sa+e me. .Psalm )%0:'1 )!&. >he 345D is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth. 9e 2ul2ills the desires o2 those who 2ear him? he hears their cry and sa+es them. .Psalms )8&:)0,)"1 )!7. 9e upholds the cause o2 the oppressed and gi+es 2ood to the hungry. >he 345D sets prisoners 2ree,>he 345D gi+es sight to the blind, the 345D li2ts up those who are bowed down, and the 345D lo+es the righteous. .Psalm )87:'1 )!'. >he 345D gi+es sight to the blind, the 345D li2ts up those who are bowed down, and the 345D lo+es the righteous. .Psalm )87:01 )!0. 9e heals the bro-enhearted and binds up their wounds. .Psalm )8':%1

)!". 9e grants peace to your borders and satis2ies you with the 2inest o2 wheat. .Psalm )8':)81 ))!.;or the 345D ta-es delight in his people? he crowns the humble with sal+ation. .Psalms )8":81 ))). But whoe+er listens to me will li+e in sa2ety and be at ease, without 2ear o2 harm.F .Pro+erbs ):%%1 )) .*n all your ways ac-nowledge him, and he will ma-e your paths straight. .Pro+erbs %:71 ))%.When you lie down, you will not be a2raid? when you lie down, your sleep will be sweet. .Pro+erbs %: 81 ))8.9a+e no 2ear o2 sudden disaster or o2 the ruin that o+erta-es the wic-ed, 2or the 345D will be your con2idence and will -eep your 2oot 2rom being snared. .Pro+erbs %: &, 71 ))&.>he path o2 the righteous is li-e the 2irst gleam o2 dawn, shining e+er brighter till the 2ull light o2 day. .Pro+erbs 8:)01 ))7.My son, -eep your 2atherBs commands and do not 2orsa-e your motherBs teaching. Bind them upon your heart 2ore+er? 2asten them around your nec-. When you wal-, they will guide you? when you sleep, they will watch o+er you? when you awa-e, they

will spea- to you. ;or these commands are a lamp, this teaching is a light, and the corrections o2 discipline are the way to li2e. .Pro+erbs 7: !$ %1 ))'.* lo+e those who lo+e me, and those who see- me 2ind me. .Pro+erbs 0:)'1 ))0.4ne man gi+es 2reely, yet gains e+en more? another withholds unduly, but comes to po+erty. < generous man will prosper? he who re2reshes others will himsel2 be re2reshed. .Pro+erbs )): 8, &1 ))".>he 2ear o2 the 345D teaches man wisdom, and humility comes be2ore honor. .Pro+erbs )&:%%1 ) !. When a manBs ways are pleasing to the 345D, he ma-es e+en his enemies li+e at peace with him. .Pro+erbs )7:'1

) ).ChildrenBs children are a crown to the aged, and parents are the pride o2 their children. .Pro+erbs )':71 ) . >he name o2 the 345D is a strong tower? the righteous run to it and are sa2e. .Pro+erbs )0:)!1

) %. 9e who is -ind to the poor lends to the 345D, and he will reward him 2or what he has done. .Pro+erbs )":)'1 ) 8. 9umility and the 2ear o2 the 345D bring wealth and honor and li2e. .Pro+erbs :81 ) &. < generous man will himsel2 be blessed, 2or he shares his 2ood with the poor. .Pro+erbs :"1 ) 7. >he 2ather o2 a righteous man has great joy? he who has a wise son delights in him. May your 2ather and mother be glad? may she who ga+e you birth rejoiceA .Pro+erbs %: 8$ 71 ) '. *2 your enemy is hungry, gi+e him 2ood to eat? i2 he is thirsty, gi+e him water to drin-. *n doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head, and the 345D will reward you. .Pro+erbs &: ), 1

) 0. >hat e+eryone may eat and drin-, and 2ind satis2action in all his toil$$this is the gi2t o2 /od .#cclesiastes %:)%1

) ".

When /od gi+es any man wealth and possessions, and enables him to enjoy them, to accept his lot and be happy in his wor-$$this is a gi2t o2 /od. .#cclesiastes &:)"1

)%!. Cast your bread upon the waters, 2or a2ter many days you will 2ind it again. .#cclesiastes )):)1 )%).>ell the righteous it will be well with them, 2or they will enjoy the 2ruit o2 their deeds. .*saiah %:)!1 )% . ;or * am the 345D, your /od, who ta-es hold o2 your right hand and says to you, Do not 2ear? * will help you. .*saiah ):)%1

)%%. 4nce more the humble will rejoice in the 345D? the needy will rejoice in the 9oly 4ne o2 *srael. .*saiah ":)"1 )%8. =et the 345D longs to be gracious to you? he rises to show you compassion. ;or the 345D is a /od o2 justice. Blessed are all who wait 2or himA .*saiah %!:)01 )%&. People o2 Hion, who li+e in Jerusalem, you will weep no more. 9ow gracious he will be when you cry 2or helpA <s soon as he hears, he will answer you. .*saiah %!:)"1 )%7. 9e will also send you rain 2or the seed you sow in the ground, and the 2ood that comes 2rom the land will be rich and plenti2ul. *n that day your cattle will graIe in broad meadows. .*saiah %!: %1 )%'. Whether you turn to the right or to the le2t, your ears will hear a +oice behind you, saying, F>his is the way? wal- in it.F .*saiah %): )1 )%0. >he 2ruit o2 righteousness will be peace? the e22ect o2 righteousness will be Duietness and con2idence 2ore+er. .*saiah % :)'1 )%". 9e who wal-s righteously and spea-s what is right, who rejects gain 2rom e6tortion and -eeps his hand 2rom accepting bribes, who stops his ears against plots o2 murder and shuts his eyes against contemplating e+il$this is the man who will dwell on the heights, whose re2uge will be the mountain 2ortress. 9is bread will be supplied, and water will not 2ail him. .*saiah %%:)&,)71 )8!. =our eyes will see the -ing in his beauty and +iew a land that stretches a2ar. .*saiah %%:)'1 )8).:trengthen the 2eeble hands, steady the -nees that gi+e way? say to those with 2ear2ul hearts, FBe strong, do not 2ear? your /od will come, he will come with +engeance? with di+ine retribution he will come to sa+e you.F .*saiah %&:%,81

)8 . 9e gi+es strength to the weary and increases the power o2 the wea-. #+en youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and 2all? but those who hope in the 345D will renew their strength. >hey will soar on wings li-e eagles? they will run and not grow weary, they will wal- and not be 2aint. .*saiah 8!: "$%)1 )8%. * too- you 2rom the ends o2 the earth, 2rom its 2arthest corners * called you. * said, =ou are my ser+ant? * ha+e chosen you and ha+e not rejected you. .*saiah 8):"1

)88. :o do not 2ear, 2or * am with you? do not be dismayed, 2or * am your /od. * will strengthen you and help you? * will uphold you with my righteous right hand. .*saiah 8):)!1 )8&. F<ll who rage against you will surely be ashamed and disgraced? those who oppose you will be as nothing and perish. >hough you search 2or your enemies, you will not 2ind them. >hose who wage war against you will be as nothing at all. ;or * am the 345D, your /od, who ta-es hold o2 your right hand says to you, Do not 2ear? * will help you. .*saiah 8):))$)%1 )87. Do not be a2raid, 4 worm Jacob, 4 little *srael, 2or * mysel2 will help you,F declares the 345D, your 5edeemer, the 9oly 4ne o2 *srael. .*saiah 8):)81

)8'. :ee, * will ma-e you into a threshing sledge, new and sharp, with many teeth. =ou will thresh the mountains and crush them, and reduce the hills to cha22. =ou will winnow them, the wind will pic- them up, and a gale will blow them away. But you will rejoice in the 345D and glory in the 9oly 4ne o2 *srael. .*saiah 8):)&,)71 )80. >he poor and needy search 2or water, but there is none? their tongues are parched with thirst. But * the 345D will answer them? *, the /od o2 *srael, will not 2orsa-e them. * will ma-e ri+ers 2low on barren heights, and springs within the +alleys. * will turn the desert into pools o2 water, and the parched ground into springs. .*saiah 8):)',)01 )8". * will lead the blind by ways they ha+e not -nown, along un2amiliar paths * will guide them? * will turn the dar-ness into light be2ore them and ma-e the rough places smooth. >hese are the things * will do? * will not 2orsa-e them. .*saiah 8 :)71 )&!. But now, this is what the 345D says$$ he who created you, 4 Jacob, he who 2ormed you, 4 *srael: F;ear not, 2or * ha+e redeemed you? * ha+e summoned you by name? you are mine. When you pass through the waters, * will be with you? and when

you pass through the ri+ers, they will not sweep o+er you. When you wal- through the 2ire, you will not be burned? the 2lames will not set you ablaIe. .*saiah 8%:), 1 )&).:ince you are precious and honored in my sight, and because * lo+e you, * will gi+e men in e6change 2or you, and people in e6change 2or your li2e. .*saiah 8%:81 )& . Do not be a2raid, 2or * am with you? * will bring your children 2rom the east and gather you 2rom the west. .*saiah 8%:&1 )&%. ;or * will pour water on the thirsty land, and streams on the dry ground? * will pour out my :pirit on your o22spring, and my blessing on your descendants. .*saiah 88:%1 )&8. >his is what the 345D says: F>he products o2 #gypt and the merchandise o2 Cush, and those tall :abeans$they will come o+er to you and will be yours? they will trudge behind you, coming o+er to you in chains. >hey will bow down be2ore you and plead with you, saying, @:urely /od is with you, and there is no other? there is no other god.B .*saiah 8&:)81 )&&. #+en to your old age and gray hairs * am he, * am he who will sustain you. * ha+e made you and * will carry you? * will sustain you and * will rescue you. .*saiah 87:81 )&7. But this is what the 345D says: F=es, capti+es will be ta-en 2rom warriors, and plunder retrie+ed 2rom the 2ierce? * will contend with those who contend with you, and your children * will sa+e. .*saiah 8": &1 )&'. But he was pierced 2or our transgressions, he was crushed 2or our iniDuities? the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and his wounds heal us. .*saiah &%:&1 )&0. >he 345D will teach all your sons, and great will be your childrenBs peace. .*saiah &8:)%1 )&". *n righteousness you will be established: >yranny will be 2ar 2rom you? you will ha+e nothing to 2ear. >error will be 2ar remo+ed? it will not come near you. .*saiah &8:)81 )7!. Jo weapon 2orged against you will pre+ail, and you will re2ute e+ery tongue that accuses you. >his is the heritage o2 the ser+ants o2 the 345D, and this is their +indication 2rom me,F declares the 345D. .*saiah &8:)'1

)7).:urely you will summon nations you -now not, and nations that do not -now you will hasten to you, because o2 the 345D your /od, the 9oly 4ne o2 *srael, 2or he has endowed you with splendor. .*saiah &&:&1 )7 . =ou will go out in joy and be led 2orth in peace? the mountains and hills will burst into song be2ore you, and all the trees o2 the 2ield will clap their hands. .*saiah &&:) 1 )7%. Creating praise on the lips o2 the mourners in *srael. Peace, peace, to those 2ar and near,F says the 345D. F<nd * will heal them.F .*saiah &':)"1 )78. *s it not to share your 2ood with the hungry and to pro+ide the poor wanderer with shelter$$ when you see the na-ed, to clothe him, and not to turn away 2rom your own 2lesh and bloodG >hen your light will brea- 2orth li-e the dawn, and your healing will Duic-ly appear? then your righteousness will go be2ore you, and the glory o2 the 345D will be your rear guard. >hen you will call, and the 345D will answer? you will cry 2or help, and he will say: 9ere am *. F*2 you do away with the yo-e o2 oppression, with the pointing 2inger and malicious tal-, and i2 you spend yoursel+es in behal2 o2 the hungry and satis2y the needs o2 the oppressed, then your light will rise in the dar-ness, and your night will become li-e the noonday. >he 345D will guide you always? he will satis2y your needs in a sun$scorched land and will strengthen your 2rame. =ou will be li-e a well$watered garden, li-e a spring whose waters ne+er 2ail. =our people will rebuild the ancient ruins and will raise up the age$ old 2oundations? you will be called 5epairer o2 Bro-en Walls, 5estorer o2 :treets with Dwellings. .*saiah &0:'$) 1 )7&. *2 you -eep your 2eet 2rom brea-ing the :abbath and 2rom doing as you please on my holy day, i2 you call the :abbath a delight and the 345DBs holy day honorable, and i2 you honor it by not going your own way and not doing as you please or spea-ing idle words, then you will 2ind your joy in the 345D, and * will cause you to ride on the heights o2 the land and to 2east on the inheritance o2 your 2ather Jacob.F .*saiah &0:)%,)81 )77. >hey will build houses and dwell in them? they will plant +ineyards and eat their 2ruit. Jo longer will they build houses and others li+e in them, or plant and others eat. ;or as the days o2 a tree, so will be the days o2 my people? my chosen ones will long enjoy the wor-s o2 their hands. >hey will not toil in +ain or bear children doomed to mis2ortune? 2or they will the 345D, they and their descendants with them, bless a people. .*saiah 7&: )$ %1 )7'. Be2ore they call * will answer? while they are still spea-ing * will hear. .*saiah 7&: 81 )70. FBe2ore * 2ormed you in the womb * -new you, be2ore you were born * set you apart? * appointed you as a prophet to the nations.K.Jeremiah ):&1

)7". Do not be a2raid o2 them, 2or * am with you and will rescue you,F declares the 345D. .Jeremiah ):01 )'!. >hey will 2ight against you but will not o+ercome you, 2or * am with you and will rescue you,F declares the 345D. .Jeremiah ):)"1

)').>here2ore this is what the 345D says: F*2 you repent, * will restore you that you may ser+e me? i2 you utter worthy, not worthless, words, you will be my spo-esman. .Jeremiah )&:)"1 )' . * will ma-e you a wall to this people, a 2orti2ied wall o2 bronIe? they will 2ight against you but will not o+ercome you, 2or * am with you to rescue and sa+e you,F declares the 345D. .Jeremiah )&: !1 )'%. F* will sa+e you 2rom the hands o2 the wic-ed and redeem you 2rom the grasp o2 the cruel.F .Jeremiah )&: )1 )'8. 9eal me, 4 345D, and * will be healed? sa+e me and * will be sa+ed, 2or you are the one * praise. .Jeremiah )':)81 )'&. ;or * -now the plans * ha+e 2or you,F declares the 345D, Fplans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to gi+e you hope and a 2uture. .Jeremiah ":))1 )'7. >hen you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and * will listen to you. =ou will see- me and 2ind me when you see- me with all your heart..Jeremiah ":) ,)%1 )''. =ou will see- me and 2ind me when you see- me with all your heart. .Jeremiah ":)%1 )'0. * am with you and will sa+e you, declares the 345D. .Jeremiah %!:))1

)'". But * will restore you to health and heal your wounds,E declares the 345D, @because you are called an outcast, Hion 2or whom no one cares.B .Jeremiah %!:)'1 )0!. >hey will come and shout 2or joy on the heights o2 Hion? they will rejoice in the bounty o2 the 345D$$ the grain, the new wine and the oil, the young o2 the 2loc-s and herds. >hey will be li-e a well$watered garden, and they will sorrow no more. .Jeremiah %):) 1 )0).Call to me and * will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not -now. .Jeremiah %%:%1

)0 .

*2 you stay in this land, * will build you up and not tear you down? * will plant you and not uproot you, 2or * am grie+ed o+er the disaster * ha+e in2licted on you . .Jeremiah 8 :)!1

)0%. Because o2 the 3ordEs great lo+e we are not consumed, 2or his compassions ne+er 2ail. >hey are new e+ery morning? great is your 2aith2ulness. .3amentations %: , %1 )08. >he 345D is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who see-s him? it is good to wait Duietly 2or the sal+ation o2 the 345D. .3amentations %: &, 71

)0&. * will sprin-le clean water on you, and you will be clean? * will cleanse you 2rom all your impurities and 2rom all your idols. * will gi+e you a new heart and put a new spirit in you? * will remo+e 2rom you your heart o2 stone and gi+e you a heart o2 2lesh. .#Ie-iel %7: &, 71 )07. <nd * will put my :pirit in you and mo+e you to 2ollow my decrees and be care2ul to -eep my laws. =ou will li+e .#Ie-iel %7: '1 )0'. >his is what the :o+ereign 345D says to these bones: * will ma-e breath enter you, and you will come to li2e. * will attach tendons to you and ma-e 2lesh come upon you and co+er you with s-in? * will put breath in you, and you will come to li2e. >hen you will -now that * am the 345D. .#Ie-iel %':&,71 )00. >his is what the :o+ereign 345D says: 4 my people, * am going to open your gra+es and bring you up 2rom them? * will bring you bac- to the land o2 *srael. >hen you, my people, will -now that * am the 345D, when * open your gra+es and bring you up 2rom them. * will put my :pirit in you and you will li+e, and * will settle you in your own land. >hen you will -now that * the 345D ha+e spo-en, and * ha+e done it, declares the 345D. .#Ie-iel %':) $)81 )0". :ow 2or yoursel+es righteousness, reap the 2ruit o2 un2ailing lo+e, and breaup your unplowed ground? 2or it is time to see- the 345D, until he comes and showers righteousness on you. .9osea )!:) 1

)"!. * will be li-e the dew to *srael? he will blossom li-e a lily. 3i-e a cedar o2 3ebanon he will send down his roots. .9osea )8:&1 )").>he 345D will be jealous 2or his land and ta-e pity on his people. >he 345D will reply to them: F* am sending you grain, new wine and oil, enough to satis2y you 2ully? ne+er again will * ma-e you an object o2 scorn to the nations. F* will dri+e the northern army 2ar 2rom you, pushing it into a parched and barren land, with its 2ront columns going into the eastern sea and those in the rear into the western sea. .Joel :)0$ !1

)" . * will repay you 2or the years the locusts ha+e eaten$the great locust and the young locust, the other locusts and the locust swarm my great army that * sent among you. =ou will ha+e plenty to eat, until you are 2ull, and you will praise the name o2 the 345D your /od, who has wor-ed wonders 2or you? ne+er again will my people be shamed. >hen you will -now that * am in *srael, that * am the 345D your /od, and that there is no other? ne+er again will my people be shamed. .Joel : &$ '1 )"%. * will pour out my :pirit on all people. =our sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams? your young men will see +isions. #+en on my ser+ants, both men and women, * will pour out my :pirit in those days. .Joel : 0, "1 )"8. <nd e+eryone who calls on the name o2 the 345D will be sa+ed? 2or on Mount Hion and in Jerusalem there will be deli+erance, as the 345D has said, among the sur+i+ors whom the 345D calls. .Joel :% 1 )"&. >he 345D is good, a re2uge in times o2 trouble. 9e cares 2or those who trust in him. .Jahum ):'1

)"7. :ee- the 345D, all you humble o2 the land, you who do what he commands. :ee- righteousness, see- humility? perhaps you will be sheltered on the day o2 the 3ordEs anger .Hephaniah :%1 )"'. >he 345D your /od is with you, he is mighty to sa+e. 9e will ta-e great delight in you, he will Duiet you with his lo+e, he will rejoice o+er you with singing.F .Hephaniah %:)'1 )"0. Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be 2ood in my house. >est me in this,F says the 345D <lmighty, Fand see i2 * will not throw open the 2loodgates o2 hea+en and pour out so much blessing that you will not ha+e room enough 2or it. * will pre+ent pests 2rom de+ouring your crops, and the +ines in your 2ields will not cast their 2ruit,F says the 345D <lmighty. F>hen all the nations will call you blessed, 2or yours will be a delight2ul land,F says the 345D <lmighty. .Malachi %:)!$) 1 )"". But 2or you who re+ere my name, the sun o2 righteousness will rise with healing in its wings. <nd you will go out and leap li-e cal+es released 2rom the stall. .Malachi 8: 1 !!. &:%1 !). ! . Blessed are the poor in spirit, 2or theirs is the -ingdom o2 hea+en. .Matthew

Blessed are those who mourn, 2or they will be com2orted. .Matthew &:81 Blessed are the mee-, 2or they will inherit the earth. .Matthew &:&1

!%. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst 2or righteousness, 2or they will be 2illed. .Matthew &:71 !8. !&. !7. &:"1 Blessed are the merci2ul, 2or they will be shown mercy. .Matthew &:'1 Blessed are the pure in heart, 2or they will see /od. .Matthew &:01 Blessed are the peacema-ers, 2or they will be called sons o2 /od. .Matthew

!'. Blessed are those who are persecuted because o2 righteousness, 2or theirs is the -ingdom o2 hea+en. .Matthew &:)!1 !0. Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and 2alsely say all -inds o2 e+il against you because o2 me. 5ejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in hea+en, 2or in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were be2ore you. .Matthew &:)),) 1 !". But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your ;ather, who is unseen. >hen youEre ;ather, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. .Matthew 7:71 )!. ;or i2 you 2orgi+e men when they sin against you, your hea+enly ;ather will also 2orgi+e you. But i2 you do not 2orgi+e men their sins, your ;ather will not 2orgi+e your sins. .Matthew 7:)81 )).But see- 2irst his -ingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be gi+en to you as well. .Matthew 7:%%1 ) . F<s- and it will be gi+en to you? see- and you will 2ind? -noc- and the door will be opened to you. ;or e+eryone who as-s recei+es? he who see-s 2inds? and to him who -noc-s, the door will be opened. .Matthew ':',01 )%. *2 you, then, though you are e+il, -now how to gi+e good gi2ts to your children, how much more will your ;ather in hea+en gi+e good gi2ts to those who ashimA .Matthew ':))1 )8. <re not two sparrows sold 2or a pennyG =et not one o2 them will 2all to the ground apart 2rom the will o2 your ;ather. <nd e+en the +ery hairs o2 your head are all numbered. :o donBt be a2raid? you are worth more than many sparrows. .Matthew )!: "$%)1 )&. Whoe+er ac-nowledges me be2ore men, * will also ac-nowledge him be2ore my ;ather in hea+en. .Matthew )!:% 1

)7. FCome to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and * will gi+e you rest. >a-e my yo-e upon you and learn 2rom me, 2or * am gentle and humble in heart, and you will 2ind rest 2or your souls. ;or my yo-e is easy and my burden is light.F .Matthew )): 0$%!1 )'. ;or whoe+er does the will o2 my ;ather in hea+en are my brother and sister and mother.F .Matthew ) :&!1 )0. ;or whoe+er wants to sa+e his li2e will lose it, but whoe+er loses his li2e 2or me will 2ind it. .Matthew )7: &1 )". ;or the :on o2 Man is going to come in his ;atherBs glory with his angels, and then he will reward each person according to what he has done. .Matthew )7: '1 !. * tell you the truth, i2 you ha+e 2aith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, @Mo+e 2rom here to thereB and it will mo+e. Jothing will be impossible 2or you. .Matthew )': !, )1 ). >here2ore, whoe+er humbles himsel2 li-e this child is the greatest in the -ingdom o2 hea+en. .Matthew )0:81 . Whate+er you bind on earth will be bound in hea+en, and whate+er you loose on earth will be loosed in hea+en. .Matthew )0:)01 %. *2 two o2 you on earth agree about anything you as- 2or, it will be done 2or you by my ;ather in hea+en. .Matthew )0:)"1

8. <nd e+eryone who has le2t houses or brothers or sisters or 2ather or mother or children or 2ields 2or my sa-e will recei+e a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal li2e. But many who are 2irst will be last, and many who are last will be 2irst. .Matthew )": ",%!1 &. *2 you ha+e 2aith and do not doubt, not only can you do what was done to the 2ig tree, but also you can say to this mountain, @/o, throw yoursel2 into the sea,B and it will be done. .Matthew ): )1 7. *2 you belie+e, you will recei+e whate+er you as- 2or in prayer.F.Matthew


'. 0.

But he who stands 2irm to the end will be sa+ed. .Matthew 8:)%1 <nd surely * am with you always, to the +ery end o2 the age . .Matthew

0: !1

". With the measure you use, it will be measured to you$$and e+en more. Whoe+er has will be gi+en more? whoe+er does not ha+e, e+en what he has will be ta-en 2rom him. .Mar- 8: 8, &1 %!. . F#+erything is possible 2or him who belie+es.F .Mar- ": %1

%). * tell you the truth, anyone who gi+es you a cup o2 water in my name because you belong to Christ will certainly not lose his reward. .Mar- ":8)1 % . >here2ore * tell you, whate+er you as- 2or in prayer, belie+e that you ha+e recei+ed it, and it will be yours. .Mar- )): 81

%%. Whoe+er belie+es and is baptiIed will be sa+ed, but whoe+er does not belie+e will be condemned. .Mar- )7:)71 %8. <nd these signs will accompany those who belie+e: *n my name they will dri+e out demons? they will spea- in new tongues? they will pic- up sna-es with their hands? and when they drin- deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all? they will place their hands on sic- people, and they will get well.F .Mar- )7:)',)01 %&. /od is not a man, that he should lay, nor a son o2 man, that he should change his mind. Does he spea- and then not actG Does he promise and not 2ul2illG .Mar%:)"1 ;or nothing is impossible with /od. .3u-e ):%'1


%'. But lo+e your enemies, do well to them, and lend to them without e6pecting to get anything bac-. >hen your reward will be great, and you will be sons o2 the Most 9igh, because he is -ind to the ungrate2ul and wic-ed. Be merci2ul, just as your ;ather is merci2ul. Do not judge, and you will not be judgedG Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. ;orgi+e, and you will be 2orgi+en. /i+e, and it will be gi+en to you. < good measure, pressed down, sha-en together and running o+er, will be poured into your lap. ;or with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. .3u-e 7:%&$%01 %0. *2 you then, though you are e+il, -now how to gi+e good gi2ts to your children, how much more will your ;ather in hea+en gi+e the 9oly :pirit to those who as- himAF .3u-e )):)%1 %". FBlessed rather are those who hear the word o2 /od and obey it.F .3u-e )): 01 8!. Consider how the lilies grow. >hey do not labor or spin. =et * tell you, not e+en :olomon in all his splendor was dressed li-e one o2 these. *2 that is how /od

clothes the grass o2 the 2ield, which is here today, and tomorrow is thrown into the 2ire, how much more will he clothe you, 4 you o2 little 2aithA .3u-e ) : ', 01 8). FDo not be a2raid, little 2loc-, 2or your ;ather has been pleased to gi+e you the -ingdom .3u-e ) :% 1

8 . >he 3ord answered, FWho then is the 2aith2ul and wise manager, whom the master puts in charge o2 his ser+ants to gi+e them their 2ood allowance at the proper timeG *t will be good 2or that ser+ant whom the master 2inds doing so when he returns. * tell you the truth, he will put him in charge o2 all his possessions . .3u-e ) :8 $881

8%. But when you gi+e a banDuet, in+ite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed. <lthough they cannot repay you, you will be repaid at the resurrection o2 the righteous.F .3u-e )8:)%,)81 88. FWhat is impossible with men is possible with /od.F .3u-e )0: '1

8&. * tell you the truth,F Jesus said to them, Fno one who has le2t home or wi2e or brothers or parents or children 2or the sa-e o2 the -ingdom o2 /od will 2ail to recei+e many times as much in this age and, in the age to come, eternal li2e ..3u-e )0: ",%!1


* am going to send you what my ;ather has promised? but stay in the city until you ha+e been clothed with power 2rom on high.F .3u-e 8:8"1

8'. =et to all who recei+ed him, to those who belie+ed in his name, he ga+e the right to become children o2 /od. .John ):) 1 80. ;or /od so lo+ed the world that he ga+e his one and only :on, that whoe+er belie+es in him shall not perish but ha+e eternal li2e. ;or /od did not send his :on into the world to condemn the world, but to sa+e the world through him. .John%:)7,)'1 8". But whoe+er drin-s the water * gi+e him will ne+er thirst. *ndeed, the water * gi+e him will become in him a spring o2 water welling up to eternal li2e.F .John 8:)81 &!. F* tell you the truth, whoe+er hears my word and belie+es him who sent me has eternal li2e and will not be condemned? he has crossed o+er 2rom death to li2e. * tell you the truth, a time is coming and has now come when the dead will hear the +oice o2 the :on o2 /od and those who hear will li+e. .John &: 8, &1

&). Do not be amaIed at this, 2or a time is coming when all who are in their gra+es will hear his +oice and come out$$those who ha+e done good will rise to li+e, and those who ha+e done e+il will rise to be condemned . .John &: 0, "1 & . >hen Jesus declared, F* am the bread o2 li2e. 9e who comes to me will ne+er go hungry, and he who belie+es in me will ne+er be thirsty . .John 7:%&1 ;or my ;atherBs will is that e+eryone who loo-s to the :on and belie+es in him shall ha+e eternal li2e, and * will raise him up at the last day.F .John 7:8!1


&8. * am the li+ing bread that came down 2rom hea+en. *2 anyone eats o2 this bread, he will li+e 2ore+er. .John 7:&)1 &&. Whoe+er eats my 2lesh and drin-s my blood has eternal li2e, and * will raise him up at the last day. .John 7:&81 >his is the bread that came down 2rom hea+en. =our 2ore2athers ate manna and died, but he who 2eeds on this bread will li+e 2ore+er . .John 7:&01


&'. Whoe+er belie+es in me, as the :cripture has said, streams o2 li+ing water will 2low 2rom within him. .John ':%0,%"1 &0. When Jesus spo-e again to the people, he said, F* am the light o2 the world. Whoe+er 2ollows me will ne+er wal- in dar-ness, but will ha+e the light o2 li2e.F.John 0:) 1 &". 7!. :o i2 the :on sets you 2ree, you will be 2ree indeed. .John 0:%71

* am the gate? whoe+er enters through me will be sa+ed. 9e will come in and go out, and 2ind pasture. .John )!:"1

7). My sheep listen to my +oice? * -now them, and they 2ollow me. * gi+e them eternal li2e, and they shall ne+er perish? no one can snatch them out o2 my hand. My ;ather, who has gi+en them to me, is greater than all? no one can snatch them out o2 my ;atherBs hand. .John )!: '$ "1 7 . Jesus said to her, F* am the resurrection and the li2e. 9e who belie+es in me will li+e, e+en though he dies? and whoe+er li+es and belie+es in me will ne+er die. .John )): &, 71 7%. FDo not let your hearts be troubled. >rust in /od? trust also in me. *n my ;atherBs house are many rooms? i2 it were not so, * would ha+e told you. * am going there to prepare a place 2or you. <nd i2 * go and prepare a place 2or you, * will come bac- and ta-e you to be with me that you also may be where * am . .John )8:)$%1


* tell you the truth, anyone who has 2aith in me will do what * ha+e been doing. 9e will do e+en greater things than these, because * am going to the ;ather . .John )8:) 1

7&. <nd * will do whate+er you as- in my name, so that the :on may bring glory to the ;ather. =ou may as- me 2or anything in my name, and * will do it. .John )8:)%,)81 77. <nd * will as- the ;ather, and he will gi+e you another Counselor to be with you 2ore+er$$the :pirit o2 truth. >he world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor -nows him. But you -now him, 2or he li+es with you and will be in you. * will not lea+e you as orphans? .John )8:)7,)'1 7'. * will not lea+e you as orphans? * will come to you. .John )8:)01

70. Whoe+er has my commands and obeys them, he is the one who lo+es me. 9e who lo+es me will be lo+ed by my ;ather, and * too will lo+e him and show mysel2 to him.F .John )8: )1 7". Jesus replied, F*2 anyone lo+es me, he will obey my teaching. My ;ather will lo+e him, and we will come to him and ma-e our home with him . .John )8: %1

'!. But the Counselor, the 9oly :pirit, whom the ;ather will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you o2 e+erything * ha+e said to you. .John )8: 71 '). Peace * lea+e with you? my peace * gi+e you. * do not gi+e to you as the world gi+es. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be a2raid. .John )8: '1 ' . * am the +ine? you are the branches. *2 a man remains in me and * in him, he will bear much 2ruit? apart 2rom me you can do nothing. .John )&:&1 '%. *2 you remain in me and my words remain in you, as- whate+er you wish, and it will be gi+en you .John )&:'1 '8. But when he, the :pirit o2 truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth. 9e will not spea- on his own? he will spea- only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come. 9e will bring glory to me by ta-ing 2rom what is mine and ma-ing it -nown to you. .John )7:)%1 '&. *n that day you will no longer as- me anything. * tell you the truth, my ;ather will gi+e you whate+er you as- in my name . Lntil now you ha+e not as-ed 2or

anything in my name. <s- and you will recei+e, and your joy will be complete . .John )7: %, 81 '7. <nd e+eryone who calls on the name o2 the 3ord will be sa+ed.B .<cts : )1

''. F5epent and be baptiIed, e+ery one o2 you, in the name o2 Jesus Christ 2or the 2orgi+eness o2 your sins. <nd you will recei+e the gi2t o2 the 9oly :pirit. >he promise is 2or you and your children and 2or all who are 2ar o22$$2or all whom the 3ord our /od will call.F .<cts :%0,%"1 '0. /od does not show 2a+oritism but accepts men 2rom e+ery nation who 2ear him and do what is right. .<cts )!:%8,%&1 '". <ll the prophets testi2y about him that e+eryone who belie+es in him recei+es 2orgi+eness o2 sins through his name.F.<cts )!:8%1 0!. >hrough him e+eryone who belie+es is justi2ied 2rom e+erything you could not be justi2ied 2rom by the law o2 Moses..<cts )%:%"1

0). FBelie+e in the 3ord Jesus, and you will be sa+ed$$you and your household.F .<cts )7:%)1 0 . /lory, honor and peace 2or e+eryone who does good: 2irst 2or the Jew, then 2or the /entile. ));or /od does not show 2a+oritism. .5omans :)!,))1 9owe+er, to the man who does not wor- but trusts /od who justi2ies the wic-ed, his 2aith is credited as righteousness ..5omans 8:&1


08. >here2ore, since we ha+e been justi2ied through 2aith, we ha+e peace with /od through our 3ord Jesus Christ, through whom we ha+e gained access by 2aith into this grace in which we now stand. <nd we rejoice in the hope o2 the glory o2 /od. .5omans &:), 1 0&. <nd hope does not disappoint us, because /od has poured out his lo+e into our hearts by the 9oly :pirit, whom he has gi+en us. .5omans &:&1 07. *2 we ha+e been united with him li-e this in his death, we will certainly also be united with him in his resurrection. .5omans 7:&1 ;or the wages o2 sin is death, but the gi2t o2 /od is eternal li2e in Christ Jesus our 3ord..5omans 7: %1


00. >here2ore, there is now no condemnation 2or those who are in Christ Jesus. .5omans 0:)1 0". <nd i2 the :pirit o2 him who raised Jesus 2rom the dead is li+ing in you, he who raised Christ 2rom the dead will also gi+e li2e to your mortal bodies through his :pirit, who li+es in you. .5omans 0:))1 "!. >hose who are led by the :pirit o2 /od are sons o2 /od . ;or you did not recei+e a spirit that ma-es you a sla+e again to 2ear, but you recei+ed the :pirit o2 sonship. <nd by him we cry, F<bba, ;ather.F .5omans 0:)8,)&1 "). <nd we -now that in all things /od wor-s 2or the good o2 those who lo+e him, who ha+e been called according to his purpose. .5omans 0: 01

" . 9e who did not spare his own :on, but ga+e him up 2or us all$$how will he not also, along with him, graciously gi+e us all thingsG .5omans 0:% 1 "%. Jeither death nor li2e, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the 2uture, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us 2rom the lo+e o2 /od that is in Christ Jesus our 3ord. .5omans 0:%0,%"1 "8. F<nyone who trusts in him will ne+er be put to shame.F .5omans )!:))1

"&. ConseDuently, 2aith comes 2rom hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word o2 Christ. .5omans )!:)'1 "7. May the /od o2 hope 2ill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may o+er2low with hope by the power o2 the 9oly :pirit. .5omans )&:)%1 "'. ;or the message o2 the cross is 2oolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being sa+ed it is the power o2 /od. .) Corinthians ):)01

"0. FJo eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has concei+ed what /od has prepared 2or those who lo+e himF .) Corinthians :"1 "". We ha+e not recei+ed the spirit o2 the world but the :pirit who is 2rom /od, that we may understand what /od has 2reely gi+en us. .) Corinthians :) 1 %!!. ;or no one can lay any 2oundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ. *2 any man builds on this 2oundation using gold, sil+er, costly stones, wood, hay or straw, his wor- will be shown 2or what it is, because the Day will bring it to light. *t will be re+ealed with 2ire, and the 2ire will test the Duality o2 each

manBs wor-. *2 what he has built sur+i+es, he will recei+e his reward. .) Corinthians %:))$)81 %!). >here2ore judge nothing be2ore the appointed time? wait till the 3ord comes. 9e will bring to light what is hidden in dar-ness and will e6pose the moti+es o2 menBs hearts. <t that time each will recei+e his praise 2rom /od. .) Corinthians 8:&1 %! . By his power /od raised the 3ord 2rom the dead, and he will raise us also. .) Corinthians 7:)81 %!%. Jo temptation has seiIed you e6cept what is common to man. <nd /od is 2aith2ul? he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also pro+ide a way out so that you can stand up under it. .) Corinthians )!:)%1 %!8. Jow to each one the mani2estation o2 the :pirit is gi+en 2or the common good. >o one there is gi+en through the :pirit the message o2 wisdom, to another the message o2 -nowledge by means o2 the same :pirit, to another 2aith by the same :pirit, to another gi2ts o2 healing by that one :pirit, to another miraculous powers, to another prophecy, to another distinguishing between spirits, to another spea-ing in di22erent -inds o2 tongues, and to still another the interpretation o2 tongues. .) Corinthians ) :'$)!1 %!&. :o will it be with the resurrection o2 the dead. >he body that is sown is perishable, it is raised imperishable? it is sown in dishonor, it is raised in glory? it is sown in wea-ness, it is raised in power? it is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body. .) Corinthians )&:8 $881 %!7. 3isten, * tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed in a 2lash, in the twin-ling o2 an eye, at the last trumpet. ;or the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed. ;or the perishable must clothe itsel2 with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality. .) Corinthians )&:&)$&%1 %!'. But than-s be to /odA 9e gi+es us the +ictory through our 3ord Jesus Christ. .) Corinthians )&:&'1 %!0. >here2ore, my dear brothers, stand 2irm. 3et nothing mo+e you. <lways gi+e yoursel+es 2ully to the wor- o2 the 3ord, because you -now that your labor in the 3ord is not in +ain. .) Corinthians )&:&01 %!". Praise be to the /od and ;ather o2 our 3ord Jesus Christ, the ;ather o2 compassion and the /od o2 all com2ort, who com2orts us in all our troubles, so that we can com2ort those in any trouble with the com2ort we oursel+es ha+e recei+ed 2rom /od. . Corinthians ):%,81

%)!. ;or no matter how many promises /od has made, they are F=esF in Christ. <nd so through him the F<menF is spo-en by us to the glory o2 /od. . Corinthians ): !1 %)).Jow it is /od who ma-es both us and you stand 2irm in Christ. 9e anointed us, set his seal o2 ownership on us, and put his :pirit in our hearts as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come. . Corinthians ): ), 1 %) . But than-s be to /od, who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads e+erywhere the 2ragrance o2 the -nowledge o2 him . . Corinthians :)81 Jow the 3ord is the :pirit, and where the :pirit o2 the 3ord is, there is 2reedom. . Corinthians %:)'1


%)8. <nd we, who with un+eiled 2aces all re2lect the 3ordBs glory, are being trans2ormed into his li-eness with e+er$increasing glory, which comes 2rom the 3ord, who is the :pirit. . Corinthians %:)01 %)&. But we ha+e this treasure in jars o2 clay to show that this all$surpassing power is 2rom /od and not 2rom us. . . Corinthians 8:'1

%)7. With that same spirit o2 2aith we also belie+e and there2ore spea-, because we -now that the one who raised the 3ord Jesus 2rom the dead will also raise us with Jesus and present us with you in his presence. . Corinthians 8:)%,)81 %)'. ;or our light and momentary troubles are achie+ing 2or us an eternal glory that 2ar outweighs them all. :o we 2i6 our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. ;or what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. . Corinthians 8:)',)01


Jow we -now that i2 the earthly tent we li+e in is destroyed, we ha+e a building 2rom /od, an eternal house in hea+en, not built by human hands . Corinthians &:)1


Jow it is /od who has made us 2or this +ery purpose and has gi+en us the :pirit as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come. . Corinthians &:&1 >here2ore, i2 anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation? the old has gone, the new has comeA . Corinthians &:)'1

% !.

% ). What agreement is there between the temple o2 /od and idolsG ;or we are the temple o2 the li+ing /od. <s /od has said: F* will li+e with them and wal- among

them, and * will be their /od, and they will be my people.F F>here2ore come out 2rom them and be separate, says the 3ord. >ouch no unclean thing, and * will recei+e you.F F* will be a ;ather to you, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the 3ord <lmighty.K . Corinthians 7:)7$)01 % . ;or you -now the grace o2 our 3ord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet 2or your sa-es he became poor, so that you through his po+erty might become rich. . Corinthians 0:"1 5emember this: Whoe+er sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoe+er sows generously will also reap generously. . Corinthians ":71 <nd /od is able to ma-e all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, ha+ing all that you need, you will abound in e+ery good wor-. . Corinthians ":01

% %.

% 8.

% &. Jow he who supplies seed to the sower and bread 2or 2ood will also supply and increase your store o2 seed and will enlarge the har+est o2 your righteousness. =ou will be made rich in e+ery way so that you can be generous on e+ery occasion, and through us your generosity will result in than-sgi+ing to /od. . Corinthians ":)!,))1

% 7. FMy grace is su22icient 2or you, 2or my power is made per2ect in wea-ness.F . Corinthians ) :"1 % '. ;or to be sure, he was cruci2ied in wea-ness, yet he li+es by /odBs power. 3i-ewise, we are wea- in him, yet by /odBs power we will li+e with him to ser+e you. . Corinthians )%:81 % 0. Christ redeemed us 2rom the curse o2 the law by becoming a curse 2or us, 2or it is written: FCursed is e+eryone who is hung on a tree.K 9e redeemed us in order that the blessing gi+en to <braham might come to the /entiles through Christ Jesus, so that by 2aith we might recei+e the promise o2 the :pirit. ./alatians %:)%,)81 % ". =ou are all sons o2 /od through 2aith in Christ Jesus, 2or all o2 you who were baptiIed into Christ ha+e clothed yoursel+es with Christ. >here is neither Jew nor /ree-, sla+e nor 2ree, male nor 2emale, 2or you are all one in Christ Jesus. *2 you belong to Christ, then you are <brahamBs seed, and heirs according to the promise. ./alatians %: 7$ "1

%%!. 3et us not become weary in doing good, 2or at the proper time we will reap a har+est i2 we do not gi+e up ./alatians 7:"1 %%). Praise be to the /od and ;ather o2 our 3ord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the hea+enly realms with e+ery spiritual blessing in Christ. .#phesians ):%1

%% . *n him we ha+e redemption through his blood, the 2orgi+eness o2 sins, in accordance with the riches o2 /odBs grace that he la+ished on us with all wisdom and understanding. .#phesians ):'1 %%%. *n him we were also chosen, ha+ing been predestined according to the plan o2 him who wor-s out e+erything in con2ormity with the purpose o2 his will, in order that we, who were the 2irst to hope in Christ, might be 2or the praise o2 his glory. <nd you also were included in Christ when you heard the word o2 truth, the gospel o2 your sal+ation. 9a+ing belie+ed, you were mar-ed in him with a seal, the promised 9oly :pirit, who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption o2 those who are /odBs possession$$to the praise o2 his glory. .#phesians ):))$)81 %%8. Jow to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we as- or imagine, according to his power that is at wor- within us to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, 2or e+er and e+erA .#phesians %: )1 %%&. Children, obey your parents in the 3ord, 2or this is right. F9onor your 2ather and motherF$$which is the 2irst commandment with a promise$$ Fthat it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long li2e on the earth.F .#phesians 7:)$%1 %%7. >he 3ord will reward e+eryone 2or whate+er good he does, whether he is sla+e or 2ree. .#phesians 7:01

%%'. 9e who began a good wor- in you will carry it on to completion until the day o2 Christ Jesus. .Philippians ):71 %%0. But our citiIenship is in hea+en. <nd we eagerly await a :a+ior 2rom there, the 3ord Jesus Christ, who, by the power that enables him to bring e+erything under his control, will trans2orm our lowly bodies so that they will be li-e his glorious body. .Philippians %: !, )1

%%". <nd the peace o2 /od, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. .Philippians 8:'1 %8!. * can do e+erything through him who gi+es me strength. .Philippians 8:)%1

%8). <nd my /od will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus. .Philippians 8:)"1

%8 . =ou ha+e been gi+en 2ullness in Christ, who is the head o+er e+ery power and authority. .Colossians :)!1 %8%. ;or you died, and your li2e is now hidden with Christ in /od. When Christ, who is your li2e, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory. .Colossians %:%,81 %88. Whate+er you do, wor- at it with all your heart, as wor-ing 2or the 3ord, not 2or men, since you -now that you will recei+e an inheritance 2rom the 3ord as a reward. *t is the 3ord Christ you are ser+ing . .Colossians %: %, 81 %8&. We belie+e that Jesus died and rose again and so we belie+e that /od will bring with Jesus those who ha+e 2allen asleep in him. <ccording to the 3ordBs own word, we tell you that we who are still ali+e, who are le2t till the coming o2 the 3ord, will certainly not precede those who ha+e 2allen asleep. ;or the 3ord himsel2 will come down 2rom hea+en, with a loud command, with the +oice o2 the archangel and with the trumpet call o2 /od, and the dead in Christ will rise 2irst. <2ter that, we who are still ali+e and are le2t will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the 3ord in the air. <nd so we will be with the 3ord 2ore+er. .) >hessalonians 8:)8$)'1 %87. ;or /od did not appoint us to su22er wrath but to recei+e sal+ation through our 3ord Jesus Christ. 9e died 2or us so that, whether we are awa-e or asleep, we may li+e together with him. .) >hessalonians &:",)!1 %8'. But the 3ord is 2aith2ul, and he will strengthen and protect you 2rom the e+il one. . >hessalonians %:%1 %80. Jow may the 3ord o2 peace himsel2 gi+e you peace at all times and in e+ery way. >he 3ord is with all o2 you. . >hessalonians %:)71 %8". ;or physical training is o2 some +alue, but godliness has +alue 2or all things, holding promise 2or both the present li2e and the li2e to come. .) >imothy 8:01 %&!. ;or /od did not gi+e us a spirit o2 timidity, but a spirit o2 power, o2 lo+e and o2 sel2$discipline . . >imothy ):'1 * -now whom * ha+e belie+ed, and am con+inced that he is able to guard what * ha+e entrusted to him 2or that day. . >imothy ):) 1 >he 3ord will rescue me 2rom e+ery e+il attac- and will bring me sa2ely to his hea+enly -ingdom. . >imothy ):)01


%& .

%&%. 9e sa+ed us through the washing o2 rebirth and renewal by the 9oly :pirit, whom he poured out on us generously through Jesus Christ our :a+ior, so that, ha+ing been justi2ied by his grace, we might become heirs ha+ing the hope o2 eternal li2e. .>itus %:&$'1 %&8. /race to you and peace 2rom /od our ;ather and the 3ord Jesus Christ. .Philemon ):%1 %&&. We ha+e come to share in Christ i2 we hold 2irmly till the end the con2idence we had at 2irst. .9ebrews %:)81

%&7. ;or the word o2 /od is li+ing and acti+e. :harper than any double$edged sword, it penetrates e+en to di+iding soul and spirit, joints and marrow? it judges the thoughts and attitudes o2 the heart. .9ebrews 8:) 1 %&'. /od is not unjust? he will not 2orget your wor- and the lo+e you ha+e shown him as you ha+e helped his people and continue to help them . .9ebrews 7:)!1

%&0. We do not want you to become laIy, but to imitate those who through 2aith and patience inherit what has been promised. .9ebrews 7:) 1 %&". Because /od wanted to ma-e the unchanging nature o2 his purpose +ery clear to the heirs o2 what was promised, he con2irmed it with an oath. /od did this so that, by two unchangeable things in which it is impossible 2or /od to lie, we who ha+e 2led to ta-e hold o2 the hope o22ered to us may be greatly encouraged. .9ebrews 7:)',)01 %7!. >here2ore he is able to sa+e completely those who come to /od through him, because he always li+es to intercede 2or them. .9ebrews ': &1 %7). =ou need to perse+ere so that when you ha+e done the will o2 /od, you will recei+e what he has promised. .9ebrews )!:%71

%7 . <nd without 2aith it is impossible to please /od, because anyone who comes to him must belie+e that he e6ists and that he rewards those who earnestly seehim. .9ebrew )):71 %7%. >here2ore, since we are recei+ing a -ingdom that cannot be sha-en, let us be than-2ul, and so worship /od acceptably with re+erence and awe . .9ebrews ) : 01

%78. Ceep your li+es 2ree 2rom the lo+e o2 money and be content with what you ha+e, because /od has said, FJe+er will * lea+e you? ne+er will * 2orsa-e you. .9ebrews )%:&1


Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and 2ore+er. .9ebrews )%:01

%77. May the /od o2 peace, who through the blood o2 the eternal co+enant brought bac- 2rom the dead our 3ord Jesus, that great :hepherd o2 the sheep, eDuip you with e+erything good 2or doing his will, and may he wor- in us what is pleasing to him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory 2or e+er and e+er . .9ebrews )%: !, )1

%7'. Perse+erance must 2inish its wor- so that you may be mature and complete, not lac-ing anything. .James ):81 %70. *2 any o2 you lac-s wisdom, he should as- /od, who gi+es generously to all without 2inding 2ault, and it will be gi+en to him. .James ):&1 %7". Blessed is the man who perse+eres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will recei+e the crown o2 li2e that /od has promised to those who lo+e him. .James ):) 1 %'!. #+ery good and per2ect gi2t is 2rom abo+e, coming down 2rom the ;ather o2 the hea+enly lights, who does not change li-e shi2ting shadows. . .James ):)'1

%'). But the man who loo-s intently into the per2ect law that gi+es 2reedom, and continues to do this, not 2orgetting what he has heard, but doing it$$he will be blessed in what he does. .James ): &1 %' . 3isten, my dear brothers: 9as not /od chosen those who are poor in the eyes o2 the world to be rich in 2aith and to inherit the -ingdom he promised those who lo+e himG . .James :&1 %'%. But he gi+es us more grace. >hat is why :cripture says: F/od opposes the proud but gi+es grace to the humble.F.James 8:71 %'8. 9umble yoursel+es be2ore the 3ord, and he will li2t you up. .James 8:)!1

%'&. *s any one o2 you sic-G 9e should call the elders o2 the church to pray o+er him and anoint him with oil in the name o2 the 3ord. <nd the prayer o22ered in 2aith will ma-e the sic- person well? the 3ord will raise him up. *2 he has sinned, he will be 2orgi+en. .James &:)8,)&1 %'7. >here2ore con2ess your sins to each other and pray 2or each other so that you may be healed. >he prayer o2 a righteous man is power2ul and e22ecti+e. .James &:)71 %''. Praise be to the /od and ;ather o2 our 3ord Jesus ChristA *n his great mercy he has gi+en us new birth into a li+ing hope through the resurrection o2 Jesus Christ

2rom the dead, and into an inheritance that can ne+er perish, spoil or 2ade$$-ept in hea+en 2or you, who through 2aith are shielded by /odBs power until the coming o2 the sal+ation that is ready to be re+ealed in the last time. .) Peter ):%$&1 %'0. =ou also, li-e li+ing stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, o22ering spiritual sacri2ices acceptable to /od through Jesus Christ . .) Peter :&1 %'". But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to /od, that you may declare the praises o2 him who called you out o2 dar-ness into his wonder2ul light. 4nce you were not a people, but now you are the people o2 /od? once you had not recei+ed mercy, but now you ha+e recei+ed mercy. .) Peter :",)!1 %0!. 9e himsel2 bore our sins in his body on the tree, so that we might die to sins and li+e 2or righteousness? by his wounds you ha+e been healed. .) Peter : 81 %0). ;or the eyes o2 the 3ord are on the righteous and his ears are attenti+e to their prayer, %0 . but the 2ace o2 the 3ord is against those who do e+il. .) Peter %:) 1 %0%. *2 you are insulted because o2 the name o2 Christ, you are blessed, 2or the :pirit o2 glory and o2 /od rests on you. .) Peter 8:)81 <nd when the Chie2 :hepherd appears, you will recei+e the crown o2 glory that will ne+er 2ade away. .) Peter &:81 9umble yoursel+es, there2ore, under /odBs mighty hand, that he may li2t you up in due time. .) Peter &:71 Cast all your an6iety on him because he cares 2or you. .) Peter &:'1




%0'. <nd the /od o2 all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, a2ter you ha+e su22ered a little while, will himsel2 restore you and ma-e you strong, 2irm and stead2ast. .) Peter &:)!1 %00. 9is di+ine power has gi+en us e+erything we need 2or li2e and godliness through our -nowledge o2 him who called us by his own glory and goodness. >hrough these he has gi+en us his +ery great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the di+ine nature and escape the corruption in the world caused by e+il desires. . Peter ):%,81


>he 3ord -nows how to rescue godly men 2rom trials and to hold the unrighteous 2or the day o2 judgment, while continuing their punishment . . Peter :"1

%"!. >he 3ord is not slow in -eeping his promise, as some understand slowness. 9e is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but e+eryone to come to repentance. . Peter %:"1 %"). But i2 we wal- in the light, as he is in the light, we ha+e 2ellowship with one another, and the blood o2 Jesus, his :on, puri2ies us 2rom all sin. .) John ):'1 %" . *2 we con2ess our sins, he is 2aith2ul and just and will 2orgi+e us our sins and puri2y us 2rom all unrighteousness. .) John ):"1 %"%. But i2 anybody does sin, we ha+e one who spea-s to the ;ather in our de2ense$$Jesus Christ, the 5ighteous 4ne. 9e is the atoning sacri2ice 2or our sins, and not only 2or ours but also 2or the sins o2 the whole world. .) John :), 1 %"8. But i2 anyone obeys his word, /odBs lo+e is truly made complete in him. >his is how we -now we are in him. .) John :&1 %"&. Whoe+er lo+es his brother li+es in the light, and there is nothing in him to ma-e him stumble. But whoe+er hates .) John :)!1 %"7. >he world and its desires pass away, but the man who does the will o2 /od li+es 2ore+er. .) John :)'1 %"'. <nd this is what he promised us$$e+en eternal li2e. .) John : &1

%"0. <s 2or you, the anointing you recei+ed 2rom him remains in you, and you do not need anyone to teach you. But as his anointing teaches you about all things and as that anointing is real, not counter2eit$$just as it has taught you, remain in him. .) John : '1 %"". Dear 2riends, now we are children o2 /od, and what we will be has not yet been made -nown. But we -now that when he appears, we shall be li-e him, 2or we shall see him as he is. .) John %: 1 8!!. Dear 2riends, i2 our hearts do not condemn us, we ha+e con2idence be2ore /od and recei+e 2rom him anything we as-, because we obey his commands and do what pleases him. .) John %: ), 1 8!). *2 anyone ac-nowledges that Jesus is the :on o2 /od, /od li+es in him and he in /od. .) John 8:)&1

8! . >here is no 2ear in lo+e. But per2ect lo+e dri+es out 2ear, because 2ear has to do with punishment. .) John 8:)01 8!%. ;or e+eryone born o2 /od o+ercomes the world. >his is the +ictory that has o+ercome the world, e+en our 2aith. .) John &:81 8!8. 9e who has the :on has li2e? he who does not ha+e the :on o2 /od does not ha+e li2e. .) John &:) 1 8!&. >his is the con2idence we ha+e in approaching /od: that i2 we as- anything according to his will, he hears us. <nd i2 we -now that he hears us$$whate+er we as-$$we -now that we ha+e what we as-ed o2 him. .) John &:)8,)&1 8!7. /race, mercy and peace 2rom /od the ;ather and 2rom Jesus Christ, the ;atherBs :on, will be with us in truth and lo+e. . John %1 Dear 2riend, * pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, e+en as your soul is getting along well. .% John 1 Mercy, peace and lo+e be yours in abundance . .Jude 1



8!". Blessed is the one who reads the words o2 this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and ta-e to heart what is written in it, because the time is near. .5e+elation ):%1 8)!. >o him who o+ercomes, * will gi+e the right to eat 2rom the tree o2 li2e, which is in the paradise o2 /od. .5e+elation :'1 8)).Be 2aith2ul, e+en to the point o2 death, and * will gi+e you the crown o2 li2e. .5e+elation :)!1 8) . >o him who o+ercomes, * will gi+e some o2 the hidden manna. * will also gi+e him a white stone with a new name written on it, -nown only to him who recei+es it. .5e+elation :)'1 8)%. >o him who o+ercomes and does my will to the end, * will gi+e authority o+er the nations. 9e will rule them with an iron scepter? he will dash them to pieces li-e pottery, just as * ha+e recei+ed authority 2rom my ;ather. * will also gi+e him the morning star. .5e+elation : 7$ 01 8)8. 9e who o+ercomes will, li-e them, be dressed in white. * will ne+er blot out his name 2rom the boo- o2 li2e, but will ac-nowledge his name be2ore my ;ather and his angels. .5e+elation %:&1

8)&. :ince you ha+e -ept my command to endure patiently, * will also -eep you 2rom the hour o2 trial that is going to come upon the whole world to test those who li+e on the earth. .5e+elation %:)!1 8)7. 9im who o+ercomes * will ma-e a pillar in the temple o2 my /od. Je+er again will he lea+e it. * will write on him the name o2 my /od and the name o2 the city o2 my /od, the new Jerusalem, which is coming down out o2 hea+en 2rom my /od? and * will also write on him my new name. .5e+elation %:) 1 8)'. 9ere * amA * stand at the door and -noc-. *2 anyone hears my +oice and opens the door, * will come in and eat with him, and he with me. .5e+elation %: !1 8)0. >o him who o+ercomes, * will gi+e the right to sit with me on my throne, just as * o+ercame and sat down with my ;ather on his throne . .5e+elation %: )1

8)". >here2ore, Fthey are be2ore the throne o2 /od and ser+e him day and night in his temple? and he who sits on the throne will spread his tent o+er them. Je+er again will they hunger? ne+er again will they thirst. >he sun will not beat upon them, nor any scorching heat. ;or the 3amb at the center o2 the throne will be their shepherd? he will lead them to springs o2 li+ing water. <nd /od will wipe away e+ery tear 2rom their eyes.F .5e+elation ':)&$)'1 8 !. >hey o+ercame him by the blood o2 the 3amb and by the word o2 their testimony. .5e+elation ) :))1 8 ). Blessed are those who are in+ited to the wedding supper o2 the 3ambA .5e+elation )":"1 8 . Blessed and holy are those who ha+e part in the 2irst resurrection. >he second death has no power o+er them, but they will be priests o2 /od and o2 Christ and will reign with him 2or a thousand years. .5e+elation !:71 9e will wipe e+ery tear 2rom their eyes. >here will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, 2or the old order o2 things has passed away.F .5e+elation ):81 8 8. 9e who o+ercomes will inherit all this, and * will be his /od and he will be my . son .5e+elation ):'1

8 %.

8 &. Jo longer will there be any curse. >he throne o2 /od and o2 the 3amb will be in the city, and his ser+ants will ser+e him. >hey will see his 2ace, and his name will be on their 2oreheads. >here will be no more night. >hey will not need the light o2 a lamp or the light o2 the sun, 2or the 3ord /od will gi+e them light. <nd they will reign 2or e+er and e+er. .5e+elation :%$&1

8 7. FBehold, * am coming soonA Blessed is he who -eeps the words o2 the prophecy in this boo-.F .5e+elation :'1 8 '. FBehold, * am coming soonA My reward is with me, and * will gi+e to e+eryone according to what he has done. M.5e+elation :) 1 FBlessed are those who wash their robes, that they may ha+e the right to the tree o2 li2e and may go through the gates into the city . M.5e+elation :)81

8 0.

8 ". >he :pirit and the bride say, FComeAF <nd let him who hears say, FComeAF Whoe+er is thirsty, let him come? and whoe+er wishes, let him ta-e the 2ree gi2t o2 the water o2 li2e. M.5e+elation :)'1

Compiled by Dr. Johnson Cherian MD. PhD. Main Website: Main Blog: http://www.bless !!".com #$Mail: johnson%&'!(

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