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Name: Siti Aisyah

NIM: 2110117220015
Subject: Curriculum and Instruction A3
Lecturer: Moh. Yamin, S.Pd., M.Pd.

The 1984 CBSA (Cara Belajar Siswa Aktif) curriculum, led by Dr. Conny R. Semiawan,
shifted learning from a behavior-based approach to a constructivist approach inspired by
Jean Piaget. This change aimed to boost active English communication among students,
highlighting language as a social tool. The curriculum focused on students engaging in
learning through the Student Active Learning (SAL) model, encouraging them to participate
actively and prioritize listening and speaking skills.

Key aspects of this curriculum included:

- Packaging subject matter using a spiral approach, which organizes teaching material by
depth and breadth.

- Emphasizing understanding before practice, using teaching aids to support


- Delivering material based on students' readiness and mental maturity.

- Emphasizing process skills to foster knowledge acquisition and communication.

The curriculum stressed aligning teaching with specific objectives for effective learning.
Principles like student-centered learning and communicative language instruction continue to
shape English education in Indonesia.

The 1994 curriculum (K-94), developed a decade later, maintained the communicative
approach while integrating life skills education. It featured a quarterly subject division system
(caturwulan) with dense subject matter and active student involvement. This curriculum
applied a unified core curriculum nationwide but allowed for regional adaptations to meet
local needs.

Main features of the 1994 curriculum were:

- Enhancements to English education, focusing on life skills integration and regional


- Continued emphasis on student-centered learning and active participation.

- Commitment to regional adaptations to meet diverse student needs.

The shift from the 1984 to the 1994 curriculum reflects a move toward a more inclusive
education approach, adapting to changing student and societal needs. It emphasizes
student-centered learning, communicative language teaching, and life skills integration. The
1994 curriculum's quarterly system and national core exemplify Indonesia's commitment to
preparing students for life's challenges with a relevant and responsive curriculum tailored to
local contexts.

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