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The way we travel will change dramatically in the next decade.

Something that has currently been in peoples mind was, how are we going to travel in
the future? Would cars fly? And some other hypothesis that we made. We had been
through a lot of changes thanks to technology. Personally, I think that it´s possible a
huge change in the future.
Firstly, it is public knowledge that vehicles, car, bus, plane etc had a negative
environmental impact, that´s because they produce lots of pollutants that hits affecting
the stratosphere and the ozone layer. If we all stopped using this transport it would help
a lot to in the future live in better environment conditions.
I believe that in the 2075 scientists would find the way to use technology in our
transport to make it less pollutant, but on the other hand, we have to try to considerate
that this change needs time, meanwhile we have to make a few changes in our vehicles
To sum up, we all know that transport as buses, cars and others. Are important and
assure us a comfortable travel and get well to our destination, but if we still consuming
and continue to pollute, this change it will be so far away in the future, by now it´s
important to take consideration and if you can go to one place with no need of transport
you make a good for you and for the environment.

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