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Action Scenes

Actions scenes are what happens when the characters confront hostile foes. They are broken into rounds whose length is dictated by the scene, a tavern brawl would have
rounds measured in seconds while a battle between two ships would have rounds lasting minutes. In a round each character has a turn in which they can take a Standard
Action, a Minor Action and any number of DIFFERENT free action. In action scenes the heroes always seize the initiative unless the forces of evil spend doom. Combat in An
Age Undreamed of is fast, kinetic, and lethal!
A standard action requires focus and attention: making an attack, moving from from long range into close, clearing a major hindrance
A Minor Action requires some concentration but not as much time or effort: stand from prone, bandage a bleeding wound, move from medium range to close
A Free Action requires little concentration or effort: Dropping prone, dropping an item, speak
These occur in response to something, these happen off turn, a character can make as many reactions as they want but it cost 1 doom + 1 per reaction
Reactions made previous, so that a characters second reaction costs 2 doom, a third costs 3 doom, etc.
All of the heroes in any order they wish then all of the villains go in any order the GM wishes. The GM may spend 1 Doom to have 1 villain take their turn
Initiative before a hero, this is repeatable
If one group of opponents attempts to surprise another than both groups attempt a STRUGGLE, each group nominates a leader for this struggle with the
Surprise others assisting. If the side who attempted the surprise wins the struggle, they acts first and each gains the benefits of the EXPLOIT Action. If the side
defending against the Surprise wins the struggle they may pay 2 DOOM or 1 FORTUNE to gain the benefits of surprise

Zones and Range

This system does not track exact distances but instead breaks a scene into distinct zones of variable size befitting the encounter, for example a fight between two ships may
have 5 zones each dozens of feet to a side, while a tavern brawl may also have 5 zones each barely ten feet to a side.
Range is used to determine the distance between two zones and is broken into the following categories: Reach, Close, Medium, Long, Extreme.
Within arms length, melee combat distance, moving within reach of something can be done for free as part of any move action but moving out of Reach may
Reach provoke Retaliation
Close A character's current zone, moving within close range is a Free Action
Medium. A zone adjacent to a character's current zone, moving to a point with in medium range is Minor Action
A zone two away from the character's current zone, moving to point at long range is a Standard Action which increases the difficulty of all subsequent
Long actions by (1D)
Extreme A zone which is three or more away from the character's current zone, a point at extreme range cannot be moved to in a Single Action

(X) (Y) 1 2 3 4
(X) and (Y) are within close range of each other and can move to Reach as a Free Action. (1) is within medium range of (X) and can be moved to with a
Minor Action while (2) is at Long Range and would require a Standard Action to move to. Zones (3) & (4) are at extreme range and can not be moved to in a
Single Action. If (X) were to move to (2) as a Standard Action (X) could then move to (3) as a Minor Action as it is now with in Medium Range

Obstacles Climbable walls, ladders, fences, etc. Requires a (D1) skill test to bypass, failure prevents you from bypassing the obstacle
Hindrances Effects an entire zone: Mud, a swamp, deep snow, etc. Requires a (D1) Skill Test to bypass, failure prevents your character from moving
Hazards Function the same as an obstacle or a hindrance but cause physical damage if the test to bypass is failed
Cover Large items such as boxes, Stone Pillars, Iron Racks, etc. Provide Physical Damage Soak (2) or (4)

Any damage suffered is removed from the appropriate stress (Vigor for physical & Resolve for Mental). Losing stress has no gameplay effect on your
Stress character until you either: A) lose all stress, or B) take 5 or more stress in one attack, if either occurs the character suffers one Harm (Wounds for Physical
and Trauma for Mental) or two harm if both occur

Each point of harm suffered increases the difficulty of tests relating to their corresponding attribute
Harm Wounds Increases the difficulty of Agility, Brawn, & Coordination
Trauma Increases the difficulty of Awareness, Intelligence, Personality, & Willpower
Stress All stress is restored at the end of an action scene
Once per day, a skill test can be made to treat harm (Difficulty is the amount of harm suffered) if successful than 1 Harm + 1 per momentum spent is
Harm suppressed, no longer affecting that character's tests. However if they suffer a new harm of the same type, all of their suppressed harm returns. To truly
remove harm requires time, rest, and possibly a healer.

Combat Actions
Standard Actions
Attack Perform an attack as described above
Choose an opponent (D1) Observation test, on success the first attack before the end of the next turn gains Pierce 2 and the attacker may spend 1M to gain
+1D and + 1DD
Move Long Move to a point at long range, all subsequent actions this turn are at +(1D) difficulty.
Ready Declare a triggering event and a standard action, if the event occurs before your next action, you may interrupt to perform your readied action
Declare a type of stress and attempt a (D1) test, on a success regain 2 points of that stress + 2 per momentum spent. Re-roll any cover dice until your next
Use a Skill Any (D1) Skill test
Withdraw Move out from Reach without provoking a Retaliate. If you have more allies within reach than the enemy, you may Withdraw as a Free Action
Minor Actions
Clear (D#) skill test to clear a condition, the (#) is determined by the strength of the condition
Move Med Move to a Point within Medium Range
Stand Stand from Prone

Free Actions
Drop an item ---
Drop Prone ---
Move Close Move to a point w/in close range
Move Reach Move to within reach of something as part of another move
Speak Can not be used to perform a test but can be used to bellow, shout an order, talk to allies, etc.

Defend Turns an attackers skill test into a struggle
Defend an ally within reach, turning an attackers skill test into a (D2) skill test. If the skill test is successful then the protector becomes the new target with
any momentum generated determining if the attack hits or not
Retaliate Attack a character making a non-combat skill test or moving from Reach without taking the Withdraw action.

Combat Momentum Spends

Increase damage of a successful attack by +1
Damage 1M (R)
Confidence 1M (R) Gain (1d) morale soak
Disarm 2-3M Knock an opponent's weapon away: 2-momentum for a one-handed weapon, 3-momentum for two-handed
Penetration 1M (R) Ignore soak equal to 2xM spent
Re-roll any number of DD
Damage 1M
Second Wind 1M (R) Recover 1 Vigor or Resolve
A second target within reach suffers 1/2 attack damage rounding up
Target 2
Swift Action 2 The Character gains an additional standard action, +(1D) to any skill test during that action
Withdraw 1 Leave reach without triggering retaliate

Combat Conditions
(1D) to skill (+1) to the action required for a
Dazed tests
Hindered move
Staggered A character can only take a standard action by adding 1 DOOM

Melee Combat
At the start of melee combat all characters within reach are On Guard so long as they are standing, aware, and able to defend. Guard Allows a character to
use their weapon's Reach to its full effect. When making an attack the combatants compare the reach of their weapons, If the defenders Reach is longer
than the attackers, the Difficulty of the skill test to attack increases by the difference between the two. ex. If the attacker has a dagger (R1) and the defender
Reach & has a Sword (R2) than the skill test to hit increases from (D1) to (D2). If a character loses Guard than the attacker gains a bonus +1D for every point by
Guard which their reach is shorter.
Losing A character loses guard if they are knocked prone or the attacker spends 2M after a successful attack
Resetting A character may reset their guard by using a Minor action and Parry test with difficulty equal to the opponents reach

Ranged Combat
Weapons have range values listed as Close (C), Medium (M), or Long (L). The attack difficulty increases by (1D) per Range increment outside of the weapons optimal range
a melee weapon can be thrown with a range of close, these weapons suffer (2D) penalty.

Weapon Qualities
if an effect is rolled the defender can not take a move action except
May use defend or protect against ranged attack. Grants (X) cover
Grappling to attempt an Acrobatics or Athletics test with (D) equal to the Shield (X)
soak. Sacrifice shield to avoid a wound
number of effects rolled
On Effect Target Staggered until end of next turn unless they pay 1
Hidden (X) Observation (DX) to discover if concealed Stun
DOOM per effect rolled
Ranged attack tests do not suffer the (2D) penalty for throwing a
Improvised No damage for 5&6 rolls Thrown
melee weapon
Unforgiving If an Attack with this weapon benefits from the Exploit action than it
Intense plus (1d) if weapon deals damage
(X) gains Intense & Vicious (X)
If an effect is rolled, defender knocked prone unless they pay 1
Knockdown Vicious (X) (Xd) per effect rolled
DOOM per effect
Parrying Reduces the DOOM cost of Defend or Protect by 1 (min 0) Weapons with volley use loads rather than ammo. loads are not
Volley consumed for ranged attacks but can be spent to add (+1D20) &
Piercing (X) Ignore soak equal to the number of effects rolled (1d) to an attack
Defense Attack Damage
Attack Skill Damage Type Roll Value
reaction Chart Dice (DD)
Melee Melee Physical Parry 1 1
Ranged Physical Acrobatics 2 2
Threaten Persuade Mental Discipline 3&4 0
5&6 1 + an effect

Recovery Recovery Damage

Damage Type Stress Soak Harm
(Self) (Other) Types
Physical Vigor (Brawn + Armor (S) + Wound (Ag, B, M=momentum
Resistance Healing R= repeatable
(creature) Resistance) Cover (V) C)
1D= 1 difficulty
Physical Armour (S) +
Structure Break ---- Crafts V= varies/dice
(Object) Cover (V) Abbreviations S=Static
Resolve d=Damage
Courage (S) + Trauma (A,I,P,
Mental (Willpower + Discipline Counsel DD=Damage
Morale (v) W)
Discipline) Dice

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