POB and Economics SBA

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Caribbean Secondary Examination Certificate

School Based Assessment



Students Name:

Akiva Francis

Samuel Spencer

Shevon John

Akeila Jawanza

Cliphon Jackson

Kimberley Rolex
Name of Centre: Brickdam Secondary School
School Code: 090036
Candidate Number:
Grade: 10
Subject: Principle of Business. Economics
Teachers name: Miss Fredrix

Issue: A feasibility study of Brickdam Secondary having a photocopy shop

Content Page

Acknowledgements …………………….…………………………………………………………5

Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………………….6

Title page…………………………………………………….



Background Overview…………………………………………………………………………….9


Presentation and Analysis of Data……………………………………………………………….11



Bibliography …………………………………………………………………………………….19


Knowledge and application Interpretation
comprehension and analysis
Table of Contents
1 1
● Table of contents accurately links pages
to content – 1 mark (KC)

Topic/Issue/Problem 2 2
● Topic/issue/problem is clearly stated
– 1 mark (KC)
● Topic/issue/problem accurately
describes the project – 1 mark (KC

Objectives 2 2
● Objectives are clearly stated and linked
to the topic/issue/problem– 1 mark (A)
● Objectives are realistic – 1 mark (A)

Background/Overview 2 2 4
● Includes a description of the
- Description includes the history
1 mark (KC)

- Description includes the

development – 1 mark (KC)

- Establishes the need for research -

Why/how is the
topic/issue/problem important to
student – 1 mark (A)

- Impact of topic/issue/problem on
society – 1 mark (A)

Methodology 2 6 2 10
● Data collection instrument clearly
described – 1–2 marks (KC)
● Data collection instrument appropriate
for type of data – 1 mark (A)
● Included at least two instruments of
data collection – 1 mark (A)
● Method of data collection clearly
described – 1–2 marks (A)
● Method of data collection adequately
justified – 1–2 marks (IA)
● Limitations of data collection method
clearly stated – 1–2 marks (A)

Presentation and Analysis of Data 2 4 4 10

● Data is presented in appropriate form
using tables, charts, graphs – 1–2 marks
● Data presented are relevant to the
objectives of the project – 1–2 marks (A)
● Data is adequately analysed – 1–2
marks (A)
● Data is analysed using appropriate
statistics – mean, median, mode – 1–2
marks (IA)
● Findings are consistent with analyses –
1–2 marks (IA)

Conclusion 4 4
● Conclusion succinctly summarises the
project – 1–2 marks (A)
● Conclusion is logical and based on
findings – 1–2 marks (A)

Recommendation 4 4
● Recommendations are realistic and
informed by findings – 1–2 marks (IA)
● Recommendations contribute to a
better understanding of the
topic/issue/problem –1–2 marks (IA)

Bibliography 1 1
Bibliography contains names of authors, name
of publisher(s), names and dates of publication,
and are written in alphabetical order – 1 mark
Overall presentation 2 2
● Consistently uses correct spelling and
grammar – 1 mark (A)
● Expression of ideas logical and
unambiguous – 1 mark (A)

total 10 20 10 40

I would like to express my gratitude to all those who have contributed to the completion of this Principle

of Business and Economics SBA. Their guidance and mentorship as well as cooperation have provided

me with invaluable skills, insight and ability to complete my tasks. My gratitude is extended to my

teacher Miss Fredrix and my group members Samuel Spencer, Shevon John and Akeila Jawanza.

This school-based assessment is based on having a photocopy and printer shop at Brickdam

Secondary School. The researchers decided to examine the feasibility of this to determine the

benefits, raising capital, and cost-related expenses. This includes the topics; Principle of

Business, Economics and Principle of Accounts

Title of project

❖ A feasibility study of Brickdam Secondary having a photocopy and printer shop.


● To assess three ways a photocopy shop will benefit the school’s population. (ECO &


● To determine how the expected cost for printed materials will affect demand and supply.


● To determine the potential price elasticity of demand for printed materials when there are

price changes. (Economics)

● To evaluate the potential for revenue to gain from sales figures projected. (POA & POB)
Background information


Brickdam Secondary School has a population of 401 students and 32 teachers.

Brickdam Secondary School was established to ensure that all Guyanese students of school age

have access to secondary education. The school was formerly known as Muslim Education Trust

College and was established in September 1961 at 45 Brickdam. Stabroek, Georgetown. It was

first located on Brickdam Road and was relocated to East La Penitence, Freeman Street due to …

in 20…

Ms. Shandrina Welcome-Lee served as Headteacher from 2015 to May 1 2023. Ms. Nekita John

( acting headteacher ) from 2023 to present.

At Brickdam Secondary school there is a high demand for printed materials by students and

teachers, however, both parties suffer tremendously, since there is only one photocopier

machine located in the school’s main office. This printer/photocopier is mainly operated by the

school’s who print or photocopies important documents and test papers for the End of term

Examinations. Moreover, although the machine is sometimes made accessible for the students

and or teachers to print or photocopy documents, it is costly or will be limited to a few copies .

This affects the school population a lot because oftentimes, the students may have to write

countless pages of work and this in itself takes away from the crucial interaction and practical

aspect of teaching and learning.

Therefore the researchers sought to conduct a feasibility study to determine how much and to

what extent the school’s population may benefit from the school having its own photocopy shop.

The instrument that the researchers chose to conduct this research will be a questionnaire. A questionnaire

is a list of questions, usually printed and submitted for replies, that can be analyzed for usable

information. Questionnaires are a popular research tool as they allow researchers to collect data from a

large number of participants in a short period of time. They can gather information of great quantity and

quality, providing valuable insights into the topic. In addition, questionnaires offer the advantage of

anonymity, which encourages respondents to provide honest and unbiased answers.

The researchers will use a questionnaire consisting of 10 questions. The researchers will then visit the

different classes, where they will distribute questionnaires to the students of the school. On the same day,

they will collect all the data. On the 20th of September, the researchers will interview a total of 30 people

who attend the school related to the topic of a feasibility study of having a photocopy and printing shop at

Brickdam Secondary School.


The invention of the questionnaire was one of many difficulties the researchers encountered

while performing the study. It was challenging for the researchers to come up with questions that

would be able to give them the information they required to complete their investigation. They

addressed this difficulty by basing the questions they created on a textbook's description of a

school's copier and printery business. With the use of the internet and the group's collective

wisdom, the researchers were able to overcome this obstacle.

Presentation of Data

Analysis of Data

Options Respondents Tally Total

Normal working hours 2 // 2
Mid term assessment 1 // 1
End of term examination 1 // 1

All times during the school year 16 //// //// //// / 16

Figure 1. The bar graph above shows when the demand for printed material is greatest. 5 teachers

and 15 students of different grades were asked, “When do you think the demand for printed

material is greatest?” Of the 20 respondents who answered the questionnaire, 10% chose

“Normal working hours," 5% chose “Mid term assessment” as well as “End of term examination

(assessment)," and the last 80% chose “All terms during the school years.”
Through the use of the questionnaire, the researchers asked, “How do you think the students and

staff of Brickdam Secondary School would benefit from the school having a photocopy shop?”

To which three respondents answered, “It will bring revenue to the school, the students will also

develop consumerism skills," “The students can print without leaving the compound, and

teachers can use it to print learning materials,” and “It would lessen the amount of late and non-

submissions of assignments.” With other positive and similar answers, it is proven that the

school would gain from having a photocopy shop.

Options Respondents Tally Total

$20 per page in black and white—$80 in colored

10 //// //// 10

$40 per page in black and white—$100 in colored

9 //// //// 9

$60 per page in black and white, $140 in colored

1/ 1
In figure. 1, column chart showing how much the respondents at Brickdam Secondary School are

willing to pay if there was a photocopy shop. 5 teachers and 15 students of different grades were

asked, “How much are you willing to pay to get your work photocopied or printed if there was a

photocopy shop at the school?" Of the 20 respondents who answered the questionnaire, 50%

chose "$20 per page in black and white—$80 in colored” and 40% chose "$40 per page in black

and white—$100 in colored." And 10% chose "$60 per page in black and white, $140 in

colored." Therefore, if the prices for printed material are lower, then the demand for it will be

higher, according to the questionnaire conducted.

Options Respondents Tally Total
Yes 8 //// /// 8
No 7 //// // 7
No response 5 //// 5

In figure. 2, the 3D pie chart shows if the respondents at Brickdam Secondary School will

continue to use the services if the price for printed materials, for example, black and white copy,

moves from $60 to $80 per page and colored copy moves from $140 to $200 per page. 5 teachers

and 15 students of different grades were asked, "If the school indeed has a photocopy shop and

you need printed material, would you continue to use the services if the price for printed

materials, for example, black and white copy, moves from $60 to $80 per page and colored copy
moves from $140 to $200 per page? Yes/ no.” Of the 20 respondents who answered the

questionnaire, 40% responded "yes," 35% responded "no," and the remaining 25% did not

answer the question. For this question, the respondents were torn; the majority chose yes, for

reasons such as “convenience, efficiency, and location." Others chose no, for reasons related to

“cost and that they would rather print elsewhere to their convenience.”

Respondents that say yes they will continue to = 8


8/20 * 100= 40%

Black and white

NP=80 OP=60

80-60/60 * 100 = 33.3

40%/33.3%= 1.2% Elastic


NP=200 OP=140

200-140/140 * 100 = 42.9

40%/42.9%= 0.9% Inelastic


The researchers conducted a questionnaire to investigate the feasibility study of Brickdam

Secondary having a photocopy and printer shop. Through this questionnaire distributed to both

staff and students the researchers were able to gather the necessary information needed to

complete this School Based Assessment.

Through the use of the questionnaire, the researchers asked, “How do you think the students and

staff of Brickdam Secondary School would benefit from the school having a photocopy shop?”

To which three respondents answered, “It will bring revenue to the school, the students will also

develop consumerism skills," “The students can print without leaving the compound, and

teachers can use it to print learning materials,” and “It would lessen the amount of late and non-

submissions of assignments.” With other positive and similar answers, it is proven that the

school would gain from having a photocopy shop.

In figure. 1, column chart showing how much the respondents at Brickdam Secondary School are

willing to pay if there was a photocopy shop. 5 teachers and 15 students of different grades were

asked, “How much are you willing to pay to get your work photocopied or printed if there was a

photocopy shop at the school?" Of the 20 respondents who answered the questionnaire, 50%

chose "$20 per page in black and white—$80 in colored” and 40% chose "$40 per page in black

and white—$100 in colored." And 10% chose "$60 per page in black and white, $140 in

colored." Therefore, if the prices for printed material are lower, then the demand for it will be

higher, according to the questionnaire conducted.

In figure. 2, the 3D pie chart shows if the respondents at Brickdam Secondary School will

continue to use the services if the price for printed materials, for example, black and white copy,

moves from $60 to $80 per page and colored copy moves from $140 to $200 per page. 5 teachers

and 15 students of different grades were asked, "If the school indeed has a photocopy shop and

you need printed material, would you continue to use the services if the price for printed

materials, for example, black and white copy, moves from $60 to $80 per page and colored copy

moves from $140 to $200 per page? Yes/ no.” Of the 20 respondents who answered the

questionnaire, 40% responded "yes," 35% responded "no," and the remaining 25% did not

answer the question. For this question, the respondents were torn; the majority chose yes, for

reasons such as “convenience, efficiency, and location." Others chose no, for reasons related to

“cost and that they would rather print elsewhere to their convenience.”

In conclusion, the researchers discovered that both staff and students at Brickdam Secondary

School feel positively about the school having a photocopy shop and are willing to pay for the

service; some are even willing to pay if the prices were to go up. This research helped the

researchers gain experience in creating business plans. It will help both staff and students have

easier access to printed material. Thanks to this research, the researchers were able to get as

much information as possible to support their objectives.


The researchers recommend that Brickdam Secondary School gets a photocopy shop because it

will benefit the school in many ways. Helping teachers educate their students with printed

materials and lessening the window for late and non-submissions of assignments and homework.

The school will also gain revenue from this business, therefore, it should be considered a






Brickdam Secondary School

228 Freeman St, East La Penitence, Georgetown.

Dear Respondent,

We are currently fifth form students in preparation to write CSEC

examinations in 2024. The requirements of our CSEC examinations include a complete School

Based Assessment, to sit the exam. The topic our members would have chosen is “A feasibility

study of Brickdam Secondary having a photocopy and printer shop.” With the method

questionnaire being chosen to collect the necessary data.

Comprising 10 questions, the general motive is to understand the

different reasons why Brickdam should get a photocopying and printer shop and why it

shouldn’t, all of which are required to answer. All responses to the questionnaire will be kept

anonymous and private, as there is no obligation to give your name. Kind regards for your

awaited response.

Yours Respectfully,
Akiva Francis, Samuel Spencer, Shevon John and Akeila Jawanza.


1. Sex: Male Female

2. Teacher student

3. Where do you usually go to print and/or photocopy your work?


4. How much do you pay to get your work printed or photocopied there?

per black and white________________ colored copy respectively__________________

5. On average how much money do you send there in a month. _____________________________

6. How would you feel if Brickdam Secondary School had a photocopy shop?

*Elated *Happy *Neutral *Unhappy *Sad

Explain your feelings.


7. When do you think the demand for printed material is greatest?

*Normal school hours

*Mid term assessment

*End of term examination (assessment)

*All times during the school year

8. How do you think the students and staff of Brickdam Secondary School would benefit from the

school having a photocopy shop?

9. How much are you willing to pay to get your work photocopied or printed if there was a

photocopy shop at the school.

*$20per page in black and white-$80 In coloured

*$40per page in black and white-$100In coloured

*$60per page in black and white-$140 In coloured

10. If the school indeed has a photocopy shop and you need printed material, would you continue to

use the services if the price for printed materials for example black and white copy moves from

$60 to $80 per page and coloured copy moves from $140 to $200 per page? Yes/ no.

Provide a reason for your answer.


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