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me mega mural movement

How Indla's rundown railway stations have been

In India, 23 million people travel on the railways
f,Aiery day, and the stations are full of life, The poorer
passengers don't lust pass through the stations—they
sleep in them. cook meals on kerosene stoves, eat and
wash on the platforms as they wait for unconscionably'
delayed trains. As a result. many Indian stations have
become a microcosm of the squalors that afflicts much
of the urban 'landscape,

But all that is changing. There are now 80 stations

hi (and some metro stations) across India where every
inch3 throbs with colour and imagery. Indians who
wou)d. normally never enter an art gallery now
encounter new art by local artists,
The movement began in 2014. when conservationist
and tiger expert Verna.; Thapar wondered why sawed
Madhopur station, which is close to Ranthambore
national park, home of the tiger, couldn't be decorated
with tigers. Why couldn't people visiting Briaracpur bird
sanctuary get of the train to be greeted with murals
of birds? Why couldn't the station at Bhubarreshwar,
known for its crocodiles and Buddhist statues. reflect
this heritage.? d UMW' hasbecome ancanair,publicartMuseumt--Whatwehavebeen

Thapar contacted railway offi (dais and, with the

help of the World Wildlife Fund, the stations began attemptingtoachieveisafreedom
to change. Tiger eyes now follow you through meant riot lust for the artists, who stand to gain a wider

Madhopur scat ion, With a few bnishstrokes, a. decrepit canvas. but also for those who Idbewou able to
exresslyviv a- ugliness and misery s. WO de tprobidre entotri a- ruineriplacc.
arttheymight never.havehad

accesstoof says theertativedirector[oftheproject"HanifKureshj.

iheffifdardiem,cOirl, 2018
Look the picture and describe It briefly, Give your fmpresslons,
plead Ow fir 1 1(1e and sum up the project.
Expiain ts, i'iayorisior the project and the result. How are Indian twirl
stallions Lyiecl to promote Indiagi culture?

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