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Written Exam

mid-term ✘ final exam Quiz

Programme: BA Tourism and Leisure Management, Baku, ATMU

Course: Personality Training III
Examiner: Mr. Araz Baghirli
Group: AATP BA Cohort 2020
Term: Winter 2021/22
Semester: 1
Date / Duration /%: 15 January 2022 1 hour 50/100 Points

Fatima Safarova
Student SURNAME, First Name

Student ID-Number


Achieved Points / %:


Grading Scale:
100-91% = Superior (1)
<91-81% = Good (2)
<81-71% = Satisfactory (3)
<71-60% = Passing (4)
<60% = Unsatisfactory (5)


* You have 1 hour to finish the test. You can get 50 points by answering
all the questions right. Please note that, they could be evaluated
differently, for 2, 3, or 4 points depending on difficulty level and the
required knowledge. You are not allowed to switch off the camera; speak
with anyone; read, listen, copy from any source; use other devices for
any purpose during the exam. Please, get ensure in advance that your
camera fully covers your hands and face. In case of any question, you
are free to call the facilitator.


A note on ethical behaviour during the test:

Ethical behaviour is a condition of employment in most businesses and academic integrity is expected
of all IMC students. Any instance of cheating (includes, but is not limited to looking at other students
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failing grade for the

Signature Examiner: ______________________________

1. Fill the gap: The purpose of Roger Fisher, William L. Ury and Bruce Patton to create ……………
principled negotiation ……………………………………………………………………….is to reach agreement
without jeopardizing business relations. “Getting to Yes” by Fisher and Ury is a classic book
describing the concept. (2 points)

2. Choose the correct: In the book Getting to YES: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In, the
authors give 3 suggestions to accomplish this: 1- Inventing a list of actions one might take if no
agreement is reached; 2 - Converting some of the more promising ideas and transforming them
into tangible and partial alternatives; 3 -Selecting the alternative that sounds best. What is this?
(2 points)

a) Objective criteria

3. Analyze the case and circle the correct points: (max. 3 points)

Assume that you recently purchased a car for $25 000 and, after driving it, discover that it is
absolutely wasteful in term of money and uncomfortable for you. You believe that the Seller had
some degree of knowledge and, therefore, potentially could make a new deal for lower price to
buy it back. You are going to negotiation with him. At the same time some people started
periodically offer you different prices ranging from $ 15 000 to $22 800. Your former boss
declared you yesterday, “remember I always ready to buy this “wheelbarrow” for $20 000”.
1. Your BATNA is $25 000
2. Your WATNA is $15 000
3. Your MLATNA is $15 000
4. Your MLATNA is $22 800
5. Your BATNA is $22 800
6. Your WATNA is $20 000
7. Your BATNA is $20 000
8. Your WATNA is $25 000
9. Your MLATNA is $20 000
4. Explain the differences between Human Relations and Interactionist views on conflicts (3

Conflict is a normal occurrence in all organizations, hence it is unnecessary to control and

eradicate it. The interactionist perspective, on the other hand, sees group conflict as natural and
believes that a specific dispute is necessary for the group to operate well.

5. Which are the correct descriptions of the “Compromise” conflict-handling intention (2

1) To achieve temporary settlements to the complex issues
2) To arrive at expedient solutions under time pressure
3) When goals are important but not worth the effort of potential disruption of more assertive
4) When opponent with equal power are committed to mutually exclusive goals

a) 1, 2
b) 1, 4
c) 2, 3, 4
d) all

6. Tomas-Kilmann Conflict Instrument is designed to analyze ________________________(2 points)

a) Behavior
b) Outcomes
c) Third parties
d) Functions
c) Potential opposition or incompatibility

7. Choose the correct variant to fill the gap: When the issue is trivial, or more important issues
are pressing, no chance of satisfying own concerns is perceived and potential disruption outweighs
the benefits of resolution ______________________________conflict handling mode is usually selected. (2
a) Compromising
b) Collaborating
c) Avoiding
d) Competing
8. Please fill the gap and complete the sentence right: (3 points)
Communication, bringing in outsiders, restructuring the organization, appointing the
devil’s advocate could be considered _________________________________.

9. Please, select the variant that is wrong about Integrative Bargaining (2 points)
a) primary motivation is “I win, you win”
b) focus on relationships of short term
c) find available variable amount of resources to be divided
d) primary interests are convergent or congruent with each other

10. Which suits more for being defined as an impartial third party that skilled in conflict
management who attempts to facilitate creative problem solving through communication
and analysis (2 points)
a) Mediator
b) Arbitrator
c) Conciliator
d) Consultant

11.Describe the Harvard Principled Negotiation briefly analyzing each principle: (max.4

Separate the people from the problem. The main problem is not to win or to promote
interests, the point is that to understand both sides and try to find solution way.

Focus on interests, not positions. The main point is to consider their basic needs, wants. For
example, two brothers want to buy gift for their mother’s birthday. One of them wants to buy
online, because he doesn’t have enough time, but other wants to go shop. Because he doesn’t
trust onleine shopping. At the end they decide that one of them go to shop and take picture gift
and send another. This type of interest-based bargaining can enable solutions that meet each
party’s needs.
3. Invent options for mutual gain. Options refer to any available alternatives that parties may
examine to meet their interests, including conditions, contingencies, and trades, in a
4. Insist on using objective criteria. The main issue is whose facts and evidences are correct

12.Describe the differences between compromising and collaborating intentions in conflict

handling (max. 3 points)
Collaboration is when two or more people work together on a project. A compromise, on the
other hand, is an agreement achieved after each party makes compromises. True, both
cooperation and compromise include two or more parties, but the parties' approaches to and
solutions to the problem differ.

13. Describe the differences between the “Altering human variables” and “Expansion of
resources” techniques used for conflict resolutions (2 points)
Altering human variables – Faulty attitudes and behaviours are changed through human relations
training. Expansion of resources: to the extent that scarce resources cause conflict, removing their
scarcity e will help resolve conflict. if upgradation of one's position has caused ripples elsewhere,
some more jobs might be similarly upgraded.

14.What are the outcomes from Functional Conflicts? Name at least 3 (max.3 points)
1. He or she should be knowledgeable of both sides of the argument.
2. A person is capable of quickly resolving moral dilemmas.
3. They attempt to come up with new ideas as well as make improvements.

15. Choose the correct variant (2 points)

According to the concept of Johari Window these areas are not known to a person

a) open/free area; blind area

b) hidden area; blind area
c) blind area; unknown area
d) hidden area; unknown area
16. Explain the differences between Mediator and Arbitrator (max. 4 points)

Mediator actually tries to help other people who want to satisfy all parties. They don’t decide
conflict or dispute. Main purpose of them negotiate solution of different methods like giving
suggestions, advice etc. Arbitrator prefers to judge. They decide outcome based on evidence.

17.Explain the differences between Conciliator and Consultant (max. 3 points)

Conciliator is a person who facilitates informal conversation. It is linked to a negotiator as well as

a person who is the polar opposite of it. Consultants aim to solve problems in a creative way for
communication while also analyzing the situation.

18.What could be a right way for a person wishing to decrease the blind area according to
Johari Window? (2points)
a) Receive feedbacks on self-personal qualities from unknown people
b) Tell secrets only to the closest friends
c) Tell more about himself/herself to the surrounding people
d) Ask close friends for feedbacks characterizing on personal qualities

19.Choose the wrong variant describing the Johari Window (2 points)

a) A four-pane window, represented by its four quadrants
b) Joseph Luft and Hurry Ingham created to disclose the hidden aspects of others
c) Can be used for personal or group development
d) Disclosure/Feedback model for self-awareness and understanding relationship

20.Which wrong about the principles of the Johari Window? (2 points)

a) Forced awareness (exposure) is undesirable and usually ineffective
b) The smaller the third quadrant, the poorer the communication
c) It takes energy to hide, deny, or to be blind to behavior which is involved in interaction
d) A change in any one quadrant will affect all other quadrants.

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