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List of Contents

S. No. Title Page

1 Abstract 2

2 List of Figures/ Charts 3

3 List of Abbreviations 5

4 Chapter-1 Introduction 6

5 Chapter-2 Review of Literature 10

6 Chapter-3 Implementation of project 11

7 Final Chapter- Conclusion and Future Scope 31

8 Publication details 33

9 References 34

10 Plagiarism report 36


This project aims to bring the fun of the realm of First-Person Horror game
with some new features. It will include computer-controlled intelligent entities
whose aim will be to challenge the human player. Players will navigate the
spooky forest, interacting with environmental objects and characters to
uncover clues and advance the storyline. This project explores a new
dimension in the traditional horror game to make it more interesting and
challenging. The simplicity of this game makes it an ideal candidate for a
major project as we can focus on advanced topics like AI Pathfinding and
implementation of computer controlled intelligent opponents.

Figure No Figure Name Page No

Fig 1.1 Development Timeline 10

Fig 3.1 Standard Keyboard Layout 17

Fig 3.2 Unity Project Window 19

Fig 3.3 Unity3D Interface 19

Fig 3.4 Unity Package Manager 20

Fig 3.5 Start Screen Flowchart 20

Fig 3.6 Level 1 Data Flow Diagram 21

Fig 3.7 Level 0 Data Flow Diagram 21

Fig 3.8 Health Kit 22

Fig 3.9 Flashlight Model 23

Fig 3.10 Flashlight Illumination 23

Fig 3.11 Objective Artifact 1 24

Fig 3.12 Objective Artifact 2 24

Fig 3.13 Objective Artifact 3 24

Fig 3.14 Objective Artifact 4 24

Fig 3.15 Enemy Taking Damage 25

Fig 3.16 Map Overview 27

Fig 3.17 Title Screen 28

Fig 3.18 3D Map Overview 28

Fig 3.18 Obelisk 29

Fig 3.20 Fire Animation 29

Fig 3.21 Old Well 29

Fig 3.22 Graveyard 30

Fig 3.23 Player Character 30

Fig 3.24 Monster 30

Fig 3.25 Animation States 31


Abbreviation Full form

PC Personal Computer

FPS First Person Shooter

UI User Interface

AI Artificial Intelligence

NPC Non Player Character

GDD Game Design Document

OS Operating System

GPU Graphics Processing Unit

AMD Advanced Micro Devices

RTX Nvidia Ray Tracing Texel eXtreme

GTX Nvidia Giga Texel Shader eXtreme

RAM Random Access Memory

GB Gigabyte

DX Microsoft DirectX

AR Augmented Reality

VR Virtual Reality

3D Three Dimension

DFD Data Flow Diagram


Title of the Game

Obsidian Woods: A Tale of Dread

FPS, Survival Horror, Puzzle Solver, Adventure

Game Description
Obsidian Woods: A Tale of Dread is a single-player narrative adventure-
horror game set in a mystical forest. The player controls Shawn, a young boy
on a quest to save his ailing sister, Lily, by breaking a family curse.

The scope of "Obsidian Woods: A Tale of Dread" is to offer a refined and
captivating gaming experience tailored for PC enthusiasts who appreciate
story-rich, exploration-centric games with intricate gameplay. Emphasizing
quality, player decisions, and community involvement, the project aims to
craft an unforgettable gaming journey within the survival horror genre.

Target Audience
Aged 18-25

Estimated Duration of the Gameplay

Approximately 3 hours

This horror game mixes exploration, puzzles, resource management, and
stealth for a thrilling experience. The developers believe a good story and
immersive world will hook players, measured by playtime, completion rates,

and positive reviews. They know finding the right balance and weaving the
mechanics into the story are crucial.

Player Engagement and Satisfaction

Keeping Players Hooked
• The game aims to keep players engage to the screen. We'll track how long
they play, if they finish the game, and how often they come back for more.
We'll also look at how they play, like where they explore, how many times
they try the puzzles, and how well they manage resources.
Happy Players
• In the end, we want players to have a blast. We'll see how this goes by
looking at reviews, completion rates, and surveys asking about their
enjoyment, the atmosphere, and their overall experience.

Development Timeline

Fig 1.1 Development Timeline

Software & Tools Used
• Unity3D Game Engine for game development
• Blender for asset modeling
• Audacity for audio editing

PC - The game performs well on PC due to its high-quality graphics,
customization features, and upcoming modding support. PC gaming offers
better resolutions and consistent performance, which complements its
horror and survival themes. Players can adjust their hardware settings for
optimized performance, and the platform's modding community provides
opportunities for added content and improved visuals.

System Requirements
Minimum System Requirements
• OS: Windows 10 64-bit Operating System
• Processor: Intel Core i3-7300 or AMD Ryzen 5 1400
• Memory: 8 GB RAM
• GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050ti or AMD Radeon RX 590
• DirectX Version: 11
• Storage: 20 GB available space
• Sound Card: DX12 compatible.
Recommended System Requirements
• OS: Windows 10 64-bit Operating System
• Processor: Intel Core i7-10700K or AMD Ryzen 7 5800
• Memory: 16 GB RAM
• GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 Super or AMD Radeon RX 5700
• DirectX Version: 12
• Storage: 20 GB available space
• Sound Card: DX12 compatible.

Team members and Roles

Jelvin Joseph as
• Tech Lead & Narrative Designer
• AI Programmer
Pulakesh Mondal as
• Animator
• AI Programmer

Ayush Gupta as
• Level Designer
• Alpha Tester
Ayush Gupta as
• Audio Engineer
• Environment Designer


Horror video games have become a prominent genre, captivating audiences

through engrossing stories, unsettling environments, and thrilling mechanics.
The enduring popularity of franchises like "Resident Evil," "Silent Hill," and
"Amnesia: The Dark Descent" demonstrates the effectiveness of horror as a
compelling gaming experience. In response, game developers are actively
researching design principles, psychological impacts, and immersive elements
to further enhance the fear and suspense experienced by players.
By synthesizing insights and trends influencing horror game development and
reception by analyzing academic papers, articles, and relevant studies.
Furthermore, the capabilities of technologies, particularly with the assistance
of Artificial Intelligence, have significantly contributed to the growing
prominence of horror games in the current landscape. Research by Consalvo
and Begy (2015) and Griffiths (2010) explores the nuances of horror game
design, investigating how elements like atmosphere, pacing, and audiovisual
design contribute to player fear and emotional investment. One prominent area
of investigation within horror game research revolves around narrative and
interactive elements in horror games. Scholars like Popovic and Chuang
(2007) analyze the integration of story and gameplay mechanics. They
examine how puzzles, decision-making opportunities, and character-driven
narratives influence player immersion and shape their experience within the
horror game world. Moving beyond game mechanics and narrative design,
research explores the psychological and emotional impact of horror games.
Valentine (2017) examines the concepts of presence and immersion within
game-based media. This research highlights how elements like narrative
feedback, interactive elements, and the overall aesthetic design influence
player engagement and emotional responses.
Turner (2015) explores the psychological underpinnings of survival horror
games. Her research investigates how emotions like fear, tension, and
suspense contribute to player engagement and motivation. These emotions, in
turn, influence gameplay choices and the emotional responses players


Shawn was pacing back and forth in the dim hospital room, feeling worried
sick. His little sister, Lily, lay still on the bed, her eyes dull and lifeless. The
doctors couldn't figure out what was wrong with her, no matter how hard they
tried. Shawn was desperate. He decided to try something different, something
beyond regular medicine. He heard about a wise person who lived deep in the
forest, someone who could see things others couldn't. Without wasting any
time, Shawn headed into the forest. The trees seemed to whisper secrets, and
the shadows felt like they were watching him. But Shawn didn't let that scare
him off. He was determined to save his sister.
After a long journey, Shawn finally found the wise person. They told him a
shocking truth: their family had been cursed a long time ago, and now Lily
was suffering because of it. To break the curse, Shawn had to go back to where
it all started – a spooky, abandoned part of the forest. There, he had to find
five special objects that could break the curse for good. Shawn set off on his
quest, knowing it wouldn't be easy. The forest was full of dangerous creatures
and angry spirits. But he kept going, driven by his love for his sister. Each
artifact he found brought him closer to breaking the curse, but it also made the
forest even scarier. The creatures seemed to get angrier, and the shadows grew
Despite the dangers, Shawn never gave up. He knew he had to save his sister,
no matter what. And finally, after facing countless challenges, he found the
last artifact. With all five objects in hand, Shawn performed the ritual to break
the curse. A bright light filled the forest, chasing away the darkness and freeing
his family from the curse's grip. Shawn rushed back to the hospital, his heart
pounding with hope. And when he saw Lily sitting up in bed, smiling and
healthy, he knew it was all worth it. Tears of joy streamed down Shawn's face
as he hugged his sister tightly. They had faced the darkness together and come
out stronger on the other side.

Gameplay Objective
1. Exploration: Players will explore the forest, interacting with objects
and characters to find clues and progress the story.
2. Puzzle-Solving: Environmental puzzles and logic puzzles will gate
progression and require players to use their wits to overcome
3. Resource Management: Players will need to manage resources like
health items and bullets to navigate and survive the dangers of the
4. Collectibles: There will be optional collectibles scattered throughout
the forest that can support the player to survive/escape the forest.
5. Escape from Danger:
In certain areas of the forest, players will encounter hostile creatures
or spirits. These sections will require players to use stealth mechanics
to avoid detection. Crouching behind objects, moving silently, and
using distractions can be employed to bypass enemies. If the player
gets detected he must kill the enemy or get killed.

1. Damage & Healing System:
The damage system in our game is responsible for calculating and
applying damage to various entities within the game world, such as
players and enemies. It adds some extra interactivity to gameplay
by introducing consequences for interactions and combat
public Slider HealthBar;
public float maxHealth = 100;
public float currhealth;
void Start()

HealthBar.value = maxHealth;
currhealth = HealthBar.value;

The slider is a UI element which represents the health point for the
character. Maximum health will be 100 and initially current health
will be equal to maximum health.

private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)

if (other.gameObject.CompareTag("Enemy"))
currhealth -= 40;

if (other.gameObject.CompareTag("FirstAid"))
currhealth += 40;

Eveny game object have their own tag in the game by which we can
differentiate then and perform operation on them. If the player’s
Capsule collider collides with the Enemy’s box collider, then the
health of the player will be decreased. The amount of health the
player will lose based on the type of the enemy. Same if the
HealthKit’s collider touches with player’s collider he’ll gain a
certain amount of health.

2. Flashlight System:
The flashlight system in our game provides illumination in dark
environments, enhancing player visibility and creating atmospheric
private void OnTriggerStay(Collider other)
if (other.gameObject.CompareTag("Player")) {

if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.E))

In making of the flashlight system we first made a instance of the

real flashlight and attach it to the player. At first if and only if the
gameObject is the player then the condition will execute.

private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
if (other.gameObject.CompareTag("Player"))

As soon as player’s collider collides with the flashlight Player will

get a text to pick up the torch. On pressing ‘E’ key which is assigned
to the GetKey function the flashlight object will be destroyed form
the scene and instance of that flashlight will be activated.

Gameplay Overview
Gameplay will be created using Keyboard and Mouse as the game will be
built for PC use, controls will function similarly to other Survival games. The
idea is to create a familiar control scheme like other popular Survival Game's
making it easy for the player to understand if they are used to PC control
schemes. Most of the movement controls will be handled using animations
but some variables will need to be created to judge how fast the character
should move had how high they should jump.

Player Controls

Fig 3.1 Standard Keyboard Layout

W, A, S, D: Controls for moving. W for forward, D for backward, A for left

and S for right.
Shift: Enables sprint making the player run faster.

E: Interacts with game objects in the world.
F: Toggle Flashlight ON/OFF
Space: Makes the player jump.
Mouse Click (Left): To attack/shoot the enemy.
R: To reload the weapon.

• Shawn: The Player character, a courageous and determined young
• Lily: Shawn's little sister, who is suffering from the curse.
• The Wise One: A mysterious figure who lives deep in the forest and
guides Shawn on his quest (NPC).
• Forest Creatures: Aggressive and hostile creatures that inhabit the
forest (wolves, mutated dogs, ghouls, zombies etc.)

Game Physics
Movement – Shawn's movement offers two main speeds: walking and
sprinting. Players can walk at a consistent pace without affecting Shawn's
stamina, even over long distances. Sprinting, on the other hand, is influenced
by Shawn's fatigue level. The longer Shawn sprints continuously, the more his
stamina depletes. Once drained, Shawn will revert to walking until his stamina
replenishes, which naturally regenerates over time.

Combat – Combat dynamics vary based on the weapon chosen by the player.
Using close-combat weapons with Shawn means slower attack speeds but
higher damage output. This concept translates to firearms as well: more
powerful firearms can inflict greater damage but have longer reload times,
leaving Shawn vulnerable to enemy attacks. Enemies react to the damage
inflicted based on their health status, which could range from being
momentarily immobilized, pushed back, or even knocked down. When Shawn
takes damage, there's a brief window where he's susceptible to further attacks
and unable to defend himself, akin to being knocked off balance. Additionally,
a unique falling animation plays when Shawn succumbs to defeat.

Game Engine and Technology Stack

We used Unity to make the game atmosphere spooky and engaging. We used
Unity coding to add the game features, the game contains well sculpted 3D
models and sounds from the Asset Store, and used Unity's graphics and sound
tools to make the game feel environment feel truly creepy. With Unity, we
easily put together detailed scenes using different pieces like assets and codes.
The physics part made things feel real, and the animation and sound tools
made our monsters scary and noises feel eerie really stand out. Unity is a
widely used game engine for creating games on different platforms such as
PC, Consoles, Mobiles, and even AR and VR devices.

Fig 3.2 Unity Project Window

Fig 3.3 Unity3D Interface

Fig 3.4 Unity Package Manager

Fig 3.5 Start Screen Flowchart


Fig 3.7 Level 0 DFD

Fig 3.6 Level 1 DFD

Gameplay Features
Player Experience

In our game, the player will dive into a scary journey filled with suspense and
creepy settings. The game is designed to keep players on their toes, feeling
a mix of fear and tension. Players can expect some of these:

1. Feeling Scared: Players will always feel a bit scared, thanks to dark
hallways, spooky noises, and hidden dangers around every turn.

2. Exploring: Players will enjoy exploring spooky places and finding

hidden secrets in the game.

3. Brain Teasers: The game has puzzles and challenges that make
players think hard and feel great when they solve them.

4. Limited Supplies: Players need to manage their supplies like bullets

and health items carefully, making survival more challenging.

5. Mind Games: There are psychological horror elements that mess with
the player's mind, like seeing things that aren't there or feeling
increasingly uneasy as the game goes on.

Collectables and Rewards

Players can find different types of collectables that boost their gaming

Fig 3.8 Health Kit

• Health Kits: These restore the player's health, helping them stay alive
when facing enemies.

Fig 3.9 Flashlight Model

Fig 3.10 Flashlight Illumination

• Flashlight: Gathering torch lights improves visibility in dark places,
making it easier to explore.

Fig 3.11 Objective Artifact 1

Fig 3.12 Objective Artifact 2

Fig 3.13 Objective Artifact 3

Fig 3.14 Objective Artifact 4

• Clues: These offer hints about the game's plot and can assist players to
win the game collect all 4 and the level will be completed.

Collecting these items gives players better chances of surviving, makes

exploring more efficient, and deepens their understanding of the game's story.

Enemy AI and Combat System

Fig 3.15 Enemy Taking Damage - Gunshot

private void Fire()

readyToFire = false;

float xOffset = Random.Range(-spread, spread);

float yOffset = Random.Range(-spread, spread);

Vector3 direction = playerCamera.transform.forward + new Vector3(xOffset,

yOffset, 0);

if (Physics.Raycast(playerCamera.transform.position, direction, out hitInfo,

range, enemyLayer))
if (hitInfo.collider.CompareTag("Enemy"))


Combat system uses Unity Raycast system in which everything is based on

determining which objects in a scene are intersected by a ray in the game scene
originating from the player camera. Here a ray particle is being launched from
the gun (camera) which we can take as a bullet which has some specific
position and direction and if there exist any game object with tag Enemy which

interrupt the ray on its way then we can execute the next logic that enemy is
taking damage and its health will be decreased by whatever amount we want
to set.

Art and Animation

Level Overview

The level is set in a dark and ominous forest, with towering trees, dense
foliage, and an eerie atmosphere that adds to the suspense and tension. The
focal point of the level is an ancient obelisk situated in the center, serving as a
landmark and a key element in the game's narrative.

Key Locations:

1. Starting Point:

• Players begin their journey at a designated starting point, equipped

with basic supplies and instructions to guide them.

2. Obelisk in the Centre:

• The ancient obelisk in the center of the forest is a mysterious

structure that holds significance to the game's storyline. It serves
as a central hub that players must navigate around and return to.

3. Graveyard:

• A spooky graveyard filled with tombstones, crypts, and eerie

statues. It's a haunting location where players may encounter
supernatural phenomena or hidden secrets.

4. Haunted Mansion:

• An imposing mansion shrouded in darkness and mystery. Players

can explore its rooms, corridors, and hidden passages to uncover
clues and confront challenges.

Fig 3.16 Map Overview

• Ghouls:

• These are undead creatures that roam the forest, lurking in shadows
and ambushing unsuspecting players.

• Mutated Creatures:

• Abominations created by dark magic or experiments gone wrong.

These creatures are more formidable and pose a greater threat to


• Collect Clues:

• Players must find and collect all three clues scattered throughout
the level. These clues are essential for unraveling the game's
mystery and progressing to the next stage.


• Avoiding/Defeating Conflicts:

• Players can choose to avoid conflicts by sneaking past enemies or

use weapons and tools to defeat them. Strategy and resource
management are crucial for survival.

• Winning the Game:

• To win the game, players must successfully collect all three clues
while navigating through the forest, graveyard, and haunted
mansion without getting caught or defeated by enemies.

Environment Design and Assets

Fig 3.17 Title Screen of the game

Fig 3.18 3D Map Overview Forest Biome with an obelisk in the center.

Fig 3.19 Obelisk

Fig 3.20 Fire Animation

Fig 3.21 Old Well

Fig 3.22 Graveyard


Fig 3.23 Player Character “Shawn”

Fig 3.24 Monster

Visual Style and Art Direction
The game boasts a dark and eerie visual design, with moody lighting and
detailed environments. The color scheme shifts between strong contrasts and
subdued shades, adding to the game's suspenseful and mysterious vibe.

Realistic yet Dark: We aim for a realistic look that immerses players in the
game's world. Using lifelike textures, lighting, and physics, we create an
environment that feels both real and unsettling.

Low and Moody Lights: Dynamic lighting is used to cast eerie shadows,
enhancing the feeling of darkness and suspense. Lights from flashlights,
emergency sources, and flickering bulbs guide players through the

Harmony of Sight and Sound: We've ensured that the visual elements
complement the game's audio design. The sounds, background noises, and
music all work together seamlessly to amplify the horror experience.

In game Animations

Fig 3.25 Animations States for Enemy

Enemy movements consist of 4 states, i.e. Idle, Patrol, Chase and Attack. All
of them are Boolean states, means only one state can be activated at a time.
Switching between states depends on the script which is connected with the

void Start()
EnemyHealth.value = health;
agent = GetComponent<NavMeshAgent>();
animator = GetComponent<Animator>();

Start method will execute the animator component once and according to the
states the animation will switch.

case EnemyState.Idle:
animator.SetBool("IsPatrolling", false);
animator.SetBool("IsChasing", false);
animator.SetBool("IsAttacking", false);
if (distanceToPlayer <= chaseRange)
currentState = EnemyState.Chase;
// idletimer
idleTimer += Time.deltaTime;
if (idleTimer >= patrolDelay)
currentState = EnemyState.Patrol;
idleTimer = 0f;

SetBool function of the animator component is used to control different

Boolean parameters.

When The enemy is in idle state every other states e.g. Chase, attack and Patrol
will be disabled. If the distance of the player is less or equal to the chase range
which is hardcoded above then the state will be switched to chase state.

case EnemyState.Chase:

animator.SetBool("IsChasing", true);
animator.SetBool("IsPatrolling", false);

if (distanceToPlayer > chaseRange)

currentState = EnemyState.Patrol;

if (distanceToPlayer <= attackRange)

currentState = EnemyState.Attack;

In case of Chase state only Chasing animation parameter will be activated any
other will be disabled. If the distance of the player from the enemy is greater
than the chase range it will return back to patrol state whether there any other
state is activated. Also, If the player is too close to the enemy the state will
again switch to attack state.


Unique Selling Points

• Unique fusion of survival horror, puzzles, and tactical combat.

• Tension and strategy heightened by sound-responsive ghost


• Survival features bring psychological dilemmas and impactful

decision-making to the forefront.

Monetization Strategy
The game will be available for purchase with optional in-game purchases for
cosmetic items and convenience items. No pay-to-win mechanics will be

Challenges and Considerations

Balancing the hurdles: Making sure sneaking past enemies, facing bosses,
and solving mysteries are all challenging and exciting without being too hard.

Setting the Spooky Mood: Using sound, visuals, and level design to create a
creepy and immersive atmosphere.

Puzzle Design: Creating puzzles that fit the story, offer variety, and provide
hints when needed.

Visuals: Making sure the game looks as eerie as it feels with lighting,
shadows, and spooky environments.

Audio Design: Utilizing proper sound effects, ambient noises to build tension,
enhance immersion, and evoke fear among players. Also choosing the best
soundtracks and modifying them according to scenarios was challenging.

Next steps

As a team, we are excited to outline our plans for the future development of
"Obsidian Woods: A Tale of Dread." Our roadmap includes:

1. Creating More Maps: Designing and developing additional maps to

showcase the game's core gameplay mechanics. These new
environments will offer diverse settings that challenge players in
different ways.
2. Adding Additional Difficulty Levels: Adding additional difficulty
settings to accommodate players with varying skill levels, from casual
gamers to hardcore survival horror enthusiasts. These difficulty
settings will adjust various gameplay elements, such as enemy AI
behavior, puzzle complexity.
3. Story Expansion: We're planning to expand the already existed story
and world-building of Obsidian Woods: A Tale of Dread, exploring its
hidden details and backstory. Also, we are planning to add cutscenes
and Cinematics in between certain encounters and events within the

Paper submitted to International Journal of AI and Soft Computing (204726)


Dated: 15/03/2024

Dated: 16/03/2024

Dated: 05/04/2024

Dated: 07/04/2024

Dated: 10/04/2024

Dated: 15/04/2024

Dated: 16/04/2024

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