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Research Activity: Discovering Canada’s Physical Diversity

Grade 9 Academic Geography

In this activity, you will choose one of several pre-determined locations in Canada and research valuable
information (Society, Economy, and Environment) for that location. Next, you will design a creative PowerPoint
Presentation and feature the most essential information, based on your research. PowerPoint will include
research information such as pictures and key facts. Please use the following as a checklist to complete your
research activity.

1. Select your city from the list.
2. Create a PowerPoint that demonstrates a logical and creative lay-out (organization of pictures, etc.)
* NOTE: Two- three sentences per slide in PowerPoint with a matching picture.
Use proper font size! You may use as many slides as you wish to present for 10- 15 minutes.
* You are also encouraged to include video clips up to 3-4 minutes in length.
3. Print-out of all PowerPoint slides using regular 8.5’ x 11’paper – no bigger, no smaller.

Introduction: (approx. 1- 3 slides)

1. Name of location (i.e., your city’s name) prominently displayed.
Use the class wall map to show the class where your city is located.
* Please practice this in advance so that you know where you are going J
2. Pictures that show LANDFORMS (mountains, plains, lakes, etc.) of your selected area.
3. Pictures that show VEGETATION (types of trees, shrubs, flowers that grow naturally) of your selected area.

Part #1: What to do there? (Society) (approx. 5 - 10 slides)

Research and explain details about the types of recreational activities and tourist sites available in or around your
city (Must be recreational activities, cultural activities, traditional events, or other societal activities). Try to
include relevant information in an interesting and/or humorous way and be sure to include at least 5 activities.
This information will be gathered through internet research.

Part #2: Landforms, Natural Resources and Vegetation (Environment). (approx. 8 - 15 slides)
A detailed description of the landforms, natural resources, and vegetation located in or around your city. You
will use a map to determine the landform region your city is located in. Next research your city’s landforms,
natural resources, vegetation and use this information to help complete your description for this section.

Part #3 How are people economically sustainable? (Economy). (approx. 5 - 10 slides)

A detailed description of the economy located in or around your city. You will use the internet resources to
determine the economy in your region/city and establish inter-relationships between the environment and the
economy. E.g. Do the landforms influence the economy? Does vegetation influence the economy? Or Are there
Natural Resources that influence the economy?

Part #4: Unique Fact about your City. (approx. 1 - 3 slides)

Include a “weird” or “unusual” facts or characteristic about your city. Also, provide the nickname/slogan of
your location. Explain the meaning of this nickname.

Important: Provide valuable information that would allow your audience to make connections on how
the natural environment influences the activities, jobs, and any other human interactions in the city you
have researched.

Name: ____________________

Partner`s Name: ____________________ Partner`s Name: ____________________

City: _____________________

Due date for Power Point and Presentation: ________________________________________

City Research Activity of: Landforms, Natural Vegetation and Recreational Activities. Location: ____________________
Name: _____________________ Name: _____________________ Name: _____________________
Level 1-/1/1+ Level 2-/2/2+ Level 3-/3/3+ Level 4-/4/4+
Knowledge/ - Able to explain the - Able to explain the landforms - Able to explain the - Able to explain the landforms
landforms of your of your region with some landforms of your region of your region with a high
Understanding region with limited detail and accuracy using with good detail and degree of detail and accuracy
detail and accuracy some examples. accuracy using many using many notable examples.
using a few examples. examples.
- Able to explain the vegetation - Able to explain the vegetation
- Able to explain the of your region with some - Able to explain the of your region with a high
vegetation of your detail and accuracy using vegetation of your region degree of detail and accuracy
region with limited some examples. with good detail and using many splendid examples.
detail and accuracy accuracy using many
using a few examples. examples.

Thinking/ - Able to explain the - Able to explain the several - Able to explain the several - Able to explain the several
several types of types of recreational or types of recreational or types of recreational or
Inquiry recreational or economic activities you economic activities you economic activities you
economic activities experienced within your experienced within your experienced within your region
you experienced region with some detail and region with good detail and with a high degree of detail and
within your region accuracy using some accuracy using many accuracy using many splendid
with limited detail and examples. examples. examples.
accuracy using a few
examples. - Limited connection of - Good connection of - Excellent connection of
recreational or economic recreational or economic recreational or economic
- Did not fully connect activities to your regions s activities to your regions s activities to your regions s
recreational or society, economy, society, economy, society, economy,
economic activities to environment. environment. environment.
your region's society,

Communication - PowerPoint shows - PowerPoint shows some - PowerPoint shows good - PowerPoint shows a high
limited creativity. creativity. Organization and creativity. Organization and degree of creativity.
Organization and neatness of PowerPoint is neatness of PowerPoint is Organization and neatness of
neatness of limited. good. PowerPoint is excellent.
PowerPoint is limited.
- PowerPoint contains many - PowerPoint contains some - PowerPoint contains few
- PowerPoint contains grammatical errors and is grammatical errors and grammatical errors and
a high degree of limited in detail. contains good details. contains a high degree of
grammatical errors detail.
and is limited in

Application - Visuals lack - Visuals contain some - Visuals are relevant and are - Visuals are extremely relevant
relevance and are not relevance and are explained explained well in your and are explained well in your
- Individual use of explained well in your well in your legend. legend. legend.
time in and outside - Included all/some of the - Included all the paragraphs - Included all the paragraphs
of class: - Included all/some of paragraphs with some detail. with good detail. with a high degree of detail.
the paragraphs with
Student 1: limited detail.
________________ - Effective use of time in and
- Limited use of time in - Limited use of time in and outside of class to prepare - Highly effective use of time in
Student 2: and outside of class outside of class to prepare for for project. class and additional time
________________ to prepare for project. project. outside of class to prepare for
Student 3:

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