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Lesson 2
Lesson Objectives:
• Explain the importance and purpose of the
instructional planning cycle;
• Examine the ADDIE instructional planning model;
• Discuss the relationship between the steps in
ADDIE instructional design process; and
• Prepare an instructional plan using the ADDIE
instructional design template

Examine the ADDIE
instructional design Analysis
process on the right
side. What do you
observe about the Evaluation Design
steps? How about
the relationship
between the five

Implementation Development
• It is an iterative instructional design process, where the
formative evaluation results of each phase may lead the
instructional designer back to any previous phase. The end
product of one phase is the starting product of the next phase.

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A. Complete the table below with expected outputs

when performing the ADDIE instructional design process.
• assessment of goals needs of
Analysis (the process of defining learners
what it is to be learned) • problem identification
• task analysis
• write objectives
• develop test items
Design (the process of specifying • plan instruction
how it is to be learned) • identify resources
• select delivery system

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• work with producers

Development (the process of writing
• develop worksheets and
and producing the materials)

Implementation (the actual delivery

• teacher-training
of instruction whether classroom-
• tryout
based, computer-based, or lab-

Evaluation (the process of

• record test results
determining the adequacy,
• Interpret test results
effectiveness, and efficiency of
• survey graduates
instruction; maybe formative or
• revise activities

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It is your turn to prepare your own instructional plan. Observe the
steps below and write your answers in the corresponding boxes.
ADDIE Instructional Design
Lesson Planning Worksheet

Step 1: Analyze
1A. What are your goals for your lesson?

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1B. What are the relevant characteristics of your learners that you will consider?

Step 2: Design
2A. What are your specific learning objectives?

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2B. How will you measure if students have achieved these objectives? What assessment
tools and processes will you use?

Step 3: Develop
3A. What instructional strategies will you use?

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3B. What logistical issues impact your lesson?

Step 4: Implement
You will deliver your lesson here and facilitate learning

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Step 5: Evaluate
5A. What feedback did you receive? What would you change about your plan?

5B. What would you need to watch out for when you implement it?

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Lesson Synthesis
After going through the complex yet exciting
process of instructional planning, what was it
like? Describe your strengths and the
challenges that you encountered when you
were familiarizing yourself with the process.

Thank you
Ms. Jessica Rosales
Part-Time Instructor

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