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Hayden Klinedinst MUED 337

Choral Teaching Sequence – Lesson Plan No. 1

List of Potential Concepts/Objectives

- legato singing mechanisms
- staggered breathing techniques
- dynamic contrast through shaping and phrasing
- singing through “tight” harmonic textures

Grade Level: 9th-12th Class Type: Chorus Length of Lesson: 20-30 minutes

Lesson Topic/Focus an Introductory Rehearsal of David Dickau’s “Stars I Shall Find”

Objective(s) SWBAT perform ms. 58-77 of “Stars I Shall Find” through singing
with accurate pitches and rhythms.
Materials - Octavo
- Pencil
- Piano
Prior Knowledge Students have a basic understanding of the texture and language of
this piece (i.e., they have heard a recording of the piece and we
have discussed the meaning of the text as an ensemble; however,
students are not aware of any rhythmic or melodic material yet).
Universal Design for Engagement: In between reps, promote student self-reflection
Learning through identifying “strengths and weaknesses” from the previous
Action & Expression: (coincides with Engagement) Provide
students with strategies to strengthen their weaknesses for the next
Representation: Providing auditory cues (echoing) for key concepts
(rhythm) in visual information (the octavo).
National Core MU:Pr5.3.E.5a – Use self-reflection to refine individual
Music Standards performances of a repertoire of music.
MU:Pr5.3.E.8a – Develop strategies to address technical challenges
in a repertoire of music.
MU:Pr5.3.E.IIa – Apply appropriate rehearsal strategies to address
ensemble challenges in a repertoire of music, and evaluate their
Assessment Performance Tasks:
- Students will perform ms. 58-77 as a collective ensemble.

Other Evidence, if applicable:

- Students will perform sections of ms. 58-77 isolated by voice
Learning Strategies Opening: Warm-Ups
& Instructional 1. Breath: Have students echo each of the following 4-beat
Procedures rhythmic patterns on “ch”
2. Voice: Have students sing the following passage, ascending
and then descending by half steps, on [a]

1. ms. 58-61 – sopranos & altos: Speak the text in rhythm for
the students as they follow along in their octavos. Have them
echo the passage. Use a metronome (17) to ensure rhythmic
accuracy each rep. Once rhythmic material is mastered, play
each part separately on the piano as the students follow
along in their octavos. Have them echo the passage
individually and together.
2. ms. 62-65 – tenors & basses: Repeat the same process
from step 1 for these respective measures and voice parts.
3. ms. 66-77 – tutti: Repeat the same process from step 1 for
these respective measures and voice parts.
Closure: Put all sections together (ms. 58-77). Review any rhythmic
or melodic material as needed. When reviewing, play (or sing) the
isolated part once. Then, as the individual part is singing, play (or
sing) a similar part (20).
Extension: If time allows, begin to identify and integrate Dickau’s
dynamic shape and phrasing from ms. 58-77.

Note: All usages of James Jordan’s Rehearse! cards are indicated through red text, along with
the card’s respective (number).
Hayden Klinedinst

Choral Teaching Sequence – Lesson Plan No. 3

Grade Level: 9-12 Class Type: Chorus Length of Lesson: 40 minutes

Lesson Topic/Focus Dic,on in David Dickau’s “Stars I Shall Find”

Objec,ve(s) Students will be able to perform David Dickau’s “Stars I Shall Find” with clear
ar,cula,on and enuncia,on.
Materials  Octavos
 Piano, for rehearsal
 Individual Recording Devices, for assessment
 Rehearse Card No. 56 – Use varying rehearsal techniques to correct dic,on
problems (e.g., rehearsing staccato on text).
 Rehearse Card No. 59 – Listen for accurate ar,cula,on of consonants.
Prior Knowledge Students already have mastered the melodic, harmonic, and rhythmic content of
the piece.
Universal Design for Mul,ple Means of Engagement (Purposeful and mo,vated learners): Collabora,on
Learning (UDL) among students to think cri,cally about content covered in lesson.
Mul,ple Means of Ac,on and Expression (Strategic and goal-directed learners):
Using physical gestures to align consonants and/or vowels.
Mul,ple Means of Representa,on (Resourceful and knowledgeable learners): Using
the projector as a larger visual reference for students.
Na,onal Core Music MU:Pr4.3.E.Ia Demonstrate an understanding of context in a varied repertoire of
Standards music through prepared performances.
MU:Pr5.3.E.IIa Develop and apply appropriate rehearsal strategies to address
individual and ensemble challenges in a varied repertoire of music, and evaluate
their success.
Vocabulary Words  Dic,on
 Enuncia,on/Pronuncia,on
 Consonant
 Vowel
Assessment Performance Task: Students will perform a por,on of the selected repertoire and
simultaneously individually record themselves performing. Students will be judged
on their ability to correctly and accurately ar,culate and pronounce rehearsed
sec,ons of the selected repertoire. A rubric will be used to measure student’s
strengths and weaknesses of their recordings.


Instruc,onal Strategies  Introduce new knowledge

 Model new skills and knowledge
 Guided prac,ce
 Pose leading ques,ons
Opening 1. Historical Context:
a. Have students open to the back of the cover page of the octavo.
(Labeled “About the Work”)
Hayden Klinedinst

b. Ask for a student to read aloud the paragraph.

c. Discuss with the students the importance of celebra,ng hopes,
dreams, and aspira,ons.
d. Ask students, “what hopes/dreams/aspira,ons do you have? What
steps can you take to obtain them?”
2. Warm-Up:
a. Breath: “Follow Me” Conduc,ng PaEerns
i. Students sing “ch” while following conduc,ng paEerns of
various tempi, ,me, and dura,ons.
b. Vocal: “Whether the Weather Be Cold”
i. Text & Solfège:
Do Re
Whether the weather be cold,
Mi Fa
Whether the weather be hot,
Sol La
We’ll be together whatever the weather,
Ti Do
Whether we like it or not.
ii. Students sing (^) ascending and descending.
Procedures 3. Ask students, “why do you think we sang that tricky warm up today with a lot
of words?”
4. Explain to students that today we will be adjus,ng the dic,on in “Stars I Shall
Find,” in hopes that we can make it sound more clearer for our audience at
our upcoming concert.
5. Run-through the piece in its en,rety.
6. Note: The following 6-step process should be repeated for each of the sec,ons
of the piece.
a. Determine a “rehearsal sec,on.” (e.g., ms. 58-77)
b. Have students’ pair with their neighbor and determine where they
think consonant placement should go for the rehearsal sec,on.
c. Discuss partner thoughts together as a class.
d. Rehearse the sec,on, integra,ng the new consonant placement. Stop
and adjust as needed for further clariKca,on.
e. Determine, as an ensemble, vowel placement through rehearsing the
sec,on and again, stopping and adjus,ng as needed to ensure vowels
are matching and correctly balanced.
f. Rehearse the sec,on in its en,rety, integra,ng all new aspects of
dic,on discussed.
Closure 7. Assessment:
a. Have students get out their individual devices.
b. Project the rubric that will be used to measure students’ accuracy of
dic,on. Discuss the rubric, in its en,rety, with the students.
c. Record one of the rehearsal sec,ons (ideally, the sec,on rehearsed the
most throughout the rehearsal)
d. Have students submit their recordings via technology instruc,on (e.g.,
Schoology, Google Classroom, etc.)
Hayden Klinedinst

Homework Submission of individual recording, if not completed during class ,me.

Extension Repeat the same process for another selec,on in the concert repertoire.

Rubric for Assessment:

Developing Improving ProKcient
Pronuncia,on Struggles to accurately Frequently the text Regularly pronouncing
pronounce the text correctly, with an the text correctly.
correctly. occasional error(s).
Ar,cula,on Struggles to accurately Frequently ar,culates the Regularly accurately
ar,culate the consonants consonants and vowels ar,culates the
and vowels of the text of the text correctly, with consonants and vowels
correctly. an occasional error(s). of the text correctly.
Pitch Accuracy Struggles to accurately Frequently sings the Regularly sings the
sing the correct pitches. correct pitches. correct pitches.
Rhythmic Accuracy Struggles to accurately Frequently sings the Regularly sings the
sing the correct rhythms. correct rhythms. correct rhythms.
Hayden Klinedinst MUED 337


Grade Level: 9th-12th Class Type: Chorus Length of Lesson: 25 minutes

Lesson Topic/Focus Ar'cula'on and Dic'on in David Dickau’s Stars I Shall Find
(focusing speci,cally on measures 70-end)
Objecve(s) Students will be able to perform David Dickau’s Stars I Shall Find with clear and
ar'culate dic'on.
Materials  Octavo
 Piano, for reference and accompaniment
 Card No. 55 – Use a three-step process to teach dic'on.
 Card No. 57 – Fix dic'on problems using a correc'on hierarchy.
Prior Knowledge Students have a strong understanding of the melodic, harmonic, and rhythmic material
throughout this sec'on.
Planning with UDL Mulple Means of Engagement (Purposeful and mo'vated learners): Providing
students with feedback that emphasizes e;ort, improvement, and achieving the
objec've rather than on rela've performance.
Mulple Means of Acon and Expression (Strategic and goal-directed learners):
Providing students with sca;olding through conduc'ng gestures throughout the
Mulple Means of Representaon (Resourceful and knowledgeable learners):
Allowing students to “run-through” the designated sec'on for rehearsal once to
ac'vate prior knowledge prior to introducing new concepts.
Naonal Core Music MU:Pr6.1.E.8a Demonstrate a@en'on to technical accuracy and expressive quali'es in
Standards prepared performances of a varied repertoire of music.
Assessment Performance Tasks
Students will demonstrate clear and ar'culate dic'on through performing the
designated sec'on for rehearsal as an ensemble.


Opening (Hook, Introduc'on, How will you focus students’ a@en'on and get them ready for the lesson? SEL
Warm-Up, etc.) ac'vity?
Warm-Up: Introduce this warm-up through rote teaching (2-measure phrases).
Emphasize the important consonants ([s] and [d]) throughout – connect each
of the consonants to one another. AGer mastery of phrase structure and
ar'cula'on, have the ensemble split into a 2-part round, then a 4-part round.

Acvang Prior Knowledge: AGer loca'ng measure 70 (page 10, 2nd system),
have students run-through this sec'on (ms. 70-end), as a review.

Instruc'onal 1. Speak the text, in 2-measure phrases, from measures 70-77. (Card No. 55)
Hayden Klinedinst MUED 337

Strategies/Procedures 2. Apply the connec'on to the warm-up exercise through providing

sca;olding to the students – “where do you think the [s] sound should
3. Chant measures 70-77 through elonga'ng rhythms. (Card No. 55)
4. Reapply pitches to the sec'on, run-through repeatedly as needed.
5. Repeat steps 1-4 for measures 82-end. Be prepared to emphasize where
the [k] sound should go in measure 86!
CLOSURE Run-through the en're sec'on, adjus'ng dic'on problems using the following
hierarchy as needed: (Card No. 57)
1. Fix [u] and [i] vowels ,rst, ensuring vowels are suNciently closed, as well
as high and forward.
2. Fix [] and (capital) [i] vowels next, reinforcing correct tongue posi'on and
ensuring vowels are closed.
EXTENSION Begin applying similar concepts to other sec'ons of the score.

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