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Concepts of Political Analysis

In this video, the difference between the Government, the State, and the Regime
was thoroughly discussed. As its place in the layer, the Government has the
smallest structure at is composed of elected and appointed officials. Much larger in
scope is the state that is composed of the ruling party, the dominant groups and the
legal system that is put in place. Encompassing both of these is the regime that is
made up of the media, leaders, religion, the race class system, the international
norms, the global financial markets among other things.

I have also learned the classifications of a state depending on its legitimacy,

sovereignty, and authority. Examples of failed states were given and explanation of
how a state can exist and yet be classified as evil of fail to gain international
recognition. The basis of legitimacy was also discussed as well as the threats to a
State’s sovereignty.

PESTEL analysis, Political Factors

As discussed in this video, the different factors that can affect an organization
or business were enumerated--- factors such as tax policies, stability of
government, government of expenditure levels, and foreign trade regulations which
can affect business decisions particularly in private companies. Aside from the
effects of political factors, the video also enumerated its impact. In summary,
business decisions can be affected by the said factors and can also determine the
longevity of a company depending on the state of politics where it is in operation.

PESTEL analysis explained

The P in PESTEL is a just a part of a much broader scope of PESTEL which is

explained in the last video. As defined by the host, the other letters in PESTEL
stand for E – Economic, S – Social, T – Technological, E – Environmental, and L
– Legal. Generally speaking, PESTEL is a framework or tool that is used to
analyze and monitor the macro-environmental factors that have an impact on an
organization. This is directly related to SWOT analysis where threats and
weaknesses are identified through this framework. The video enumerated the
factors that fall under each category in PESTEL and how it can affect a company
or organization.

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