Democratic Theory

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How will you connect the democratic theories to the present democratic
system in the Philippines? How about in other parts of Southeast Asia?

As we all know, the Philippines is a democratic and republican State. Since

democratic theory is an established subfield of political theory that is primarily
concerned with examining the definition and meaning of the concept of
democracy, its theories surely define the current system of Government our
country has. The same goes to our neighbors in Southeast Asia that adapts the
same kind of Government.

3. Explain why democratic theory prevails as compared with other thoughts.

Discuss briefly

Democratic theory provides a myriad of questions and subtheories that can

document the ideals, actors, and institutions of democracies past and present. It
also provides explanatory theories about how democracies are made or what
made them vanish. It explains ethical ideals of how people can act as one and
articulate the practices by which such ideals can be realized. It develops proposals
for new forms of institutions and provides guiding visions of the future.

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