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How did the boys end up on the jungle island?

Plane crash

Describe Ralph's physical features.

Fair hair, wearing a school uniform, and has the body shape of a boxer

What was Ralph's reaction to being on the island?

He was excited that there were no adults

Describe Piggy's physical features.

Shorter than Ralph, very fat, and wears glasses

What was Piggy's reaction to being on the island?

He is very unhappy about the whole thing

How does Ralph respond to Piggy's practical suggestions to have a meeting?

He keeps ignoring them

How does Ralph think they will be rescued?

His dad will come when he gets leave from the Navy

What had Piggy overheard the pilot saying?

That an atomic bomb killed them all

How does Ralph attract the other boys on the island? What does he do?
Blows in a conch

How do the younger boys act when they get there?

They get up there, sit down, and Piggy asks them their names (excited and constantly

Describe the way Jack and his band of choirboys looked as they came toward the
assembled group?
They acted like they were all big and knew what was happening, all in black togs, in a
line, and had silver and gold badges

How does Jack treat the others?

He is rude and tries to rule over them

What conflict soon arises?

They need a leader

How is it solved?
They vote

What does Ralph do to make Jack feel better?

Makes him ruler of his choir and calls them hunters, they will fight/hunt

What is the purpose of the expedition of Jack, Ralph, and Simon?

To see whether or not they were on an island and to see if they were alone

How does Simon describe the unusual buds on the bushes?

Like green candles

Why hadn't Jack been able to kill the pig?

He couldn't because he didn't want to hurt it

Chapter 2

What rule concerning the conch is made?

Whoever is holding the conch has the right to speak

What does Piggy attempt to call the group's attention to?

That no one knows that they've crashed on this island

How does the talk of the "beasties" affect the boys?

It makes them all a little nervous that there may be a monster out there

At this time, Ralph says the boys appear to have 2 goals. What are they?
Have fun/get rescued and light a fire

How does the group react to Ralph's suggestion they they build a fire? How does Piggy
describe their actions?
The group is excites but Piggy says they are being childless and stupid

How does Piggy treat a small boy? What does this tell us about Piggy?
He is very caring and patient which shows he is the most mature, adult-like person

How do they manage to start a fire?

They used dead wood and Piggy's glasses to focus the sunlight to set the wood on fire

What responsibility has Jack taken on for his choir?

That the Hunters will manage the fire and keep it going

What goes wrong?

Tree catches on fire

Do you see symbolism here?

Chaos just like the world at that time
What is going on in the adult world at the time?

Who is missing?
The Littlun with the Mulberry-marked face

Chapter 3
Describe Jack. What is he wearing? What looks different now from when he first arrived
on the island? What is Jack doing?
He is wearing tattered shorts. Now he has sun burns, longer and lighter hair. He is
hunting for pigs.

Why does Jack want the boys to paint their faces?

To be able to sneak up on the pigs while hunting.

What are Ralph and Simon doing?

They are building the shelters/huts.

What is Ralph upset by?

Jack's obsession with hunting all of the time and he won't help build the shelters. The lit
tuns just run off and play.

What are Ralph's feelings about meetings?

He feels that the kids just come and ask for stuff.

Describe the conflict between Jack and Ralph after Ralph says, "When the meeting is
over they'd work for five minutes, then wander off or go hunting."
Jack says that we need meat but Ralph says that we need shelter.
Jack says he could have killed a pig if they could make what?
Barbs on the spear head.

There are two reasons why Ralph thinks it is really important to have shelter. What are
1) If it rains then they will be dry
2) It will protect them from the "snake-thing", they will fell more comfort.

Of what are the children still afraid?

The Beastie

What are Jack's thoughts on rescue?

He'll love to be rescued but he wants to kill a pig first.

Where must the pigs be hiding during the hot day?

High up in the shade of the trees.
What is no longer mentionable? Why?

Where do Jack and Ralph assume Simon is?

They think that Simon is taking a bath.

Where is Simon really? What is he doing?

He went deep into the jungle by himself, he's in this thick part of the jungle. He found a
little secret hiding place. He's just sitting there enjoying the quietness from everything

Chapter 4
What seems to be happening regularly at midday?
Many hallucinate

For what alleged reason do some of the boys smear themselves with colored clay?
To camouflage themselves from the pigs

What does Piggy want the boys to make?

A sundial

What does Simon see that excites everyone?

Smoke from a passing ship

What does Roger do that upsets the littluns?

Destroys their sandcastle

What gives Littlun Henry so much pleasure as he pokes at the small forms of life in the
pool with a stick?
He made little rivers to control where he wanted the transparencies to go. He enjoyed it
because it gave him a sense of power and control.

What keeps Roger from actually hitting Henry with the stones he throws at the smaller
"the taboo of the old life." Civilization taught him that it was wrong to throw rocks at little

What reason does Jack give for applying the colored clay to his face?
Camouflage from the pigs while hunting.
Why couldn't the boys signal the ship that Ralph spotted on the horizon?
The hunters let the fire burn out.

Where were Jack and his choir when Ralph spotted the smoke on the ship?
They were killing a pig.

Why does Jack attack Piggy, and what is the result of the attack?
Jack attacks Piggy because Piggy blamed him for letting the fire go out. This made him
mad so he smacked Piggy on the head, and Piggy's glasses flew off and broke.

What is Jack's reaction when Simon gives Piggy the meat?

He became angry at Simon and cut off a piece of meat and threw it at Simon's feet.

Why do Roger and Maurice kick over the sand castles of the younger children?
They simply act out of meanness. They do, however, destroy both a bit of happiness
and a reminder of the boys' previous existence. Roger "led the way," indicating his
growing sadism. (Pg. 60)

Why does some sort of excuse come to Maurice's mind?

In his old life when he did things like this, he had to have some excuse to tell the adults.
His guilt feelings are behavioral responses conditioned by society.

What is symbolized by the distinction in Golding's coined words "biguns" and "littluns"?
In the simplest terms, the boys are now speaking sloppily, losing a bit more of their
individuality and civilization. Sam and Eric conveniently become one, their individuality
blotted out by combining their names into "Samneric." Golding has created a dualistic
society, each side unconcerned with the actions and well-being of the other. The stage
is being set for the upcoming violence.

What literary terms are used in the following quotations: "The sun gazed down like an
angry eye"? (Pg. 58)
Personification, giving the sun the ability to see, and simile, comparing it to an eye with
the word "like" are the two terms.

Why, according to the narrator, does Roger not throw the rocks to hit Henry? What
comment is made about civilization? How is it foreshadowing?
Apparently he would like to, but he is prevented from doing so by the "invisible yet
strong taboo of the old life. Round the squatting child was the protection of parents and
school and policemen and the law." Civilization not only does not acknowledge Roger
anymore, but also "was in ruins;" this foreshadowing points to the future disintegration
of the island civilization. (Pg. 62)

In what sense does putting on the mask free Jack? Why might this liberation bode ill for
the others?
"The mask...behind which Jack hid, liberated [him] from shame and self-
consciousness." (Pg. 64) Since it is because of shame, fear of retribution, and self-
consciousness that we do not treat others badly, a loss of these qualities means that
Jack may treat others harshly when he is concealed. The disguise is one of savagery
and a primitive existence. It doubly removes him, not only from his acts, but also from
the constraints of civilization.
What creates the barrier between Jack and Ralph?
Because Jack left the fire watch to go hunting, the signal fire went out. The ship on the
horizon might have rescued them if the fire had been tended.
What bloodthirsty chant has become part of their hunting ritual?
"Kill the pig. Cut her throat. Spill her blood." (Pg. 69)
What two worlds does the narrator say that Jack and Ralph depict?
Jack represents "the brilliant world of hunting, tactics, fierce exhilaration, skill;" Ralph
represents "the world of longing and baffled commonsense." (Pg. 71)

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