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LABORATORY REPORT #4 Drag Coefficient of Spheres Submitted to: Satvik Jagadeesh In

context of the course: MECH 361 - Fluid Mechanics II Andrey Mandzyuk (26391036) Angela
Stroubakis (27014244) Christopher Richard (27038526) Faddy Kamel (27534493) Concordia
University Experiment Performed on Wednesday, November 9th2016 Experiment Submitted on
Wednesday, November 23rd2016 Objective
The objective of this experiment is to observe and analyze the drag of a moving body based on
the speed of the body, the shape and size of the moving body and the fluid through which the
body is moving. Introduction Drag is the force acting opposite to the relative motion of the
object moving in a fluid medium. The drag force on a body consists of two components. One
component is pressure drag, which is caused by the air particles being more compressed on the
front- facing surface of the body and more spaced out on the back surfaces of the body. The other
component of drag is the friction drag, which is caused by the friction of the fluid applied against
the surface of the moving body. This experiment will show how thedrag force (F D ) is a
dependant on the speed of the moving body (v), the size of the moving body (A) and the density
of the fluid medium that the body is moving through (ρ f ). The drag force can be defined as
follows: FD=CD1 2ρf v2 A Procedure 1.Measure the diameter and obtain the mass of all five
spheres of each set. Record these values. 2.Place one sphere at the top of the tube and prepare to
start the timer. 3.Release the spheres into the tubes. 4.Start the timer when the sphere reaches the
first O-Ring. 5.Stop the timer when the sphere reaches the second O-Ring. Record the time.
6.Retrieve the sphere by opening the first valve, closing it, then opening the second valve to
release the sphere in the beaker. Ensure that the two valves are never open at the same time.
Leave the spheres in the beaker. 7.Repeat steps 2 to 6 for the other four spheres. 8.Retrieve the
spheres. 9.Repeat step 7, two more times to have a total of three trials for each sphere. Do this
for both sets of spheres in their respective fluids. 10.Perform a video analysis of the large
aluminum sphere using the digital camera and Logger Pro Software to record the time the sphere
takes to travel from one O-Ring to the other O-Ring. This should be done once for each fluid.
Table 1: Experimental Results of the Spheres in Water Sphere MaterialMass, m(g)Diameter, d
(mm) Sink Time, t (s) Run 1Run 2Run 3MeanVideo* Large
Aluminum1.5010.1391.000.881.141.010.95 Small Aluminum0.205.0251.001.340.951.10 Large
POM (Delrin)0.709.9611.651.761.661.69 Small POM (Delrin)0.104.952. PE6.6
(Nylon)0.6010.0022.452.562.682.56 *Video Analysis was only necessary for the large aluminum
sphere Table 2: Experimental Results of the Spheres in Aqueous Glycerine Sphere MaterialMass,
m(g)Diameter, d (mm) Sink Time, t (s) Run 1Run 2Run 3MeanVideo* Large
Aluminum1.5010.0441.120.600.780.830.68 Small Aluminum0.204.9691. Large
POM (Delrin)0.739.9622. Small POM (Delrin)0.094.9534.713.553.503.92 PE6.6
(Nylon)0.6010.0026.696.646.686.67 *Video Analysis was only necessary for the large aluminum
sphere 1. Sphere Areas (A) and Volumes (V) Sample Calculations:Small Aluminum (Water Set):
Area (A): A=π d 24=π(5.025) 4=19.83mm 2

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Volume (V): V=¿ 5.025¿ 3 ¿ π¿ π d 3 6 =¿ Table 3: Areas and Volumes for Each Set of Spheres
Sphere MaterialWaterAqueous Glycerine Area ( mm 2)Volume (mm3)Area (mm2)Volume ( mm
3) Large Aluminum80.74545.7479.23530.54 Small Aluminum19.8366.4419.3964.24 Large
POM (Delrin)77.93517.5077.94517.65 Small POM (Delrin)19.2463.5119.2763.62 PE6.6
(Nylon)78.57523.9178.57523.91 2. Terminal Velocities (v T ) and Reynolds Number (Re):
Sample Calculations: Small Aluminum (Water Set): Velocities (v T ): vT =ht=0.5 1.10
=0.4545m/s=455mm/s Reynolds Number (Re): ℜ=vd ν=455(5.02

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