Soal Pas B. Ing Klas 2-1

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SK Kemenkumham RI Nomor : AHU-0007140.AH.01.12 Tahun 2016

Alamat : Jl. Adi Wijaya RT 02 RW 03 Ardirejo Kepanjen Malang 65163
Telp. 082245486413 email :

Soal Penilaian Akhir Semester 1

Tahun 2022-2023
Score Teacher Parent
Name : _________________________ Subject : English
sign sign
Day / Date : _________________________ Time :
Class/Grade : 2nd / 1st

“Say Bismillah before you doing the exam”

A. Choose the correct answer by crossing (X) a,b, c or d!
1. The students ..... every 09.00 at the morning.
a. Pray dhuhur
b. Pray dhuha
c. Pray magrib
d. Pray ashar
2. Mr. Ahmad is ....
a. Thin
b. Fat
c. Short
d. Tall
3. Arranged the good sentences!
a. Fatimah are happy
b. Fatimah is happy
c. Fatimah happy is
d. Is Fatimah happy
4. It is break time. Ali and his friends ..... in the canteen.
a. Borrow some books
b. Clean the room
c. Buy food and drink
d. Pray dhuhur
5. The spelling of FLAG is ...
a. [el] – [el] – [ei] – [di]
b. [ef] – [el] – [ei] – [ji]
c. [ef] – [el] – [ei] – [bi]
d. [ef] – [el] – [ai] – [ji]
6. The spelling of BLACK is ....
a. [bi] – [el] – [ei] – [si] – [kei]
b. [di] – [el] – [ei] – [si] – [kei]
c. [bi] – [en] – [ei] – [si] – [kei]
d. [bi] – [el] – [ai] – [si] – [kei]
7. I am going to school wearing ....
a. Uniform b. Sock d. Cap
8. Anisa is wearing ..... for sleeping
a. Short
b. Pajamas
c. Slippers
d. Sock
9. Zaid : Do you like an eggplant?
Bilal : .........
a. Yes, I do c. Yes, I does
b. No , I does d. No, I do not
10.What fruit is it ? It is ...
a. Apple c. banana
b. Jackfruit d. Pineaple

11.I can smell with my ...

a. Mouth c. Tongue
b. Nose d. Eye

12.Neck in Indonesia is ....

a. Dagu b. Hidung c. Leher d. dada
13.Zainab : Where do you come from?
Fatimah : I ............... from Malang
a. Come b. Live c. Comes d. lives
14.Abdul : Where do you live?
Musa : I .... at Jalan Merpati.
b. Come b. Live c. Comes d. lives
15.Arrange into a good sentence!
Yogyakarta – from – comes – Mr. Ahmad
a. Mr. Ahmad come from Yogyakarta c. Mr. Ahmad Yogyakarta come from
b. Mr. Ahmad comes from Yogyakarta d. Mr. Ahmad come Yogyakarta from
B. Fill the blanks with the correct answer!
1. Furqon prays in the ...
2. The spelling of FAN is [........] – [.......] – [.........]
3. It is a ........

4. It is a ........

5. Sad >< ............

6. Musa is wearing ....

7. Head in Indonesia is ....
8. I can see (melihat) with my ....
Fill with “live”, “lives”, “come” or “comes”
9. We .......... from Madura
10.Sarah ........... at Jalan Adi Utomo number 4
C. Answer the question corectly!
Translate into Indonesia!
1. I can smell with my nose.
Answer : _______________________________________________
2. Bilal lives at Jalan Pahlawan number 12.
Answer : _______________________________________________

How to spell this word?

Answer : [____] – [____] – [____] - [_____]

Arrange into a good sentence!

4. Likes – Salman – starfruit
Answer : _______________________________________________
5. From – Jakarta – I - come
Answer : _______________________________________________

“Say Alhamdulillah after you finish doing the exam”

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