Ip PT Ip English Y5 T2eot MG

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Test Year 5, Term 2, End-of-term Test

Timings This test is to be completed within one lesson.

Question Curriculum objective Acceptable answers Additional guidance Marks

1 R5.2A Recall details of characters, We had learned to suffer. 1
events or pieces of information from texts
and explain how they are linked.
2 R5.1A Read aloud an unfamiliar text of She did nothing. 1
about 400 words, observing full stops,
question marks and speech marks.

3 R5.1B Decode unfamiliar words using a sat there on purpose 1

range of strategies, including
identification of prefixes and suffixes.
4 R5.2B Summarise a story or sequence called her names 1 mark for all correct, a further mark for 2
by retelling the main events in order. pulled her hair all in the right order
jabbed his nails into her back
5 R5.2A Recall details of characters, Award one mark for an answer about it 1
events or pieces of information from texts being the part children would look forward
and explain how they are linked. to most.
6 R5.3A Infer the meaning of metaphors a) Like a tomb 2
using context. b) Award one mark for pointing out
similarities, for example, dark, spooky,
7 R5.2A Recall details of characters, Award one mark for an answer about 1
events or pieces of information from texts showing there was no way to escape.
and explain how they are linked.
8 R5.1B Decode unfamiliar words using a fell 1
range of strategies, including
identification of prefixes and suffixes.
9 R5.3B Infer a character’s responses to Award one mark for an answer such as: 1
events and other characters. They don’t like him.; They want him to go
away or stop.
10 R5.1B Decode unfamiliar words using a try not to laugh 1
range of strategies, including
identification of prefixes and suffixes.
11 R5.3B Infer a character’s responses to Give one mark for an answer about him 1
events and other characters. being the teacher, so he shouldn’t think it
is funny.
12 R5.4C Read arguments and persuasion Mr Stevens is the best teacher at the Award two marks for all correct answers, 2
texts, identifying key text features and school. – opinion and one mark for a single error.
distinguishing between fact and opinion. Lee was mean to the other children. –
Lee deserved what happened to him. –
Lee gets annoyed when people ignore
him. – fact
13 R5.2B Summarise a story or sequence 3,2,1,4 1
by retelling the main events in order.
14 W5.3A Begin to use paragraphs in longer Award up to two marks for appropriate 6
pieces of writing; W5.3B Write short use of paragraphing, and other
stories (of 300–400 words) where each organisational features such as full-stops
end links to the beginning. and capital letters.

Award up to two further marks for a

continuation of the story, where the story
is clearly structured with a beginning,
middle and end that link together.

Award up to two marks for use of varied

vocabulary, and effective use of time
words (e.g. next, afterwards) and
conjunctions (e.g. because, and) to add
interest to writing and help structure
Total for test 22

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