Lecture Slides 3

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Communication Barriers

Inside this topic

Communication breakdown
Types of communication barriers
Sender barriers and receiver barriers
Attitudes and values
Dealing with change
Valuing differences
Bias generalisations and stereotyping
Cultural awareness
Environmental barriers
Noise in Shannon and Weaver’s model
Activity 1: Look at the illustration below. Why do you think there
has been a breakdown in communication? What barriers can you
Activity 2:Language Barriers
Anant Misra: Double M.A, Ph.d

Prakash- Semi-literate

Who according to you is the better speaker?

Activity 3: Sender barriers and receiver barriers
Sender Receiver
1 Becoming distracted or daydreaming

2 Interrupting

3 Fixing other people’s problems

4 Finishing another person’s sentences

5 Making assumptions about people based on their accents or dress

6 Bias towards your own values and experience

7 Overusing closed questions

8 Not being aware of non-verbal cues

9 Jumping to conclusions

10 Not making sure you’ve got their attention

11 Body language that doesn’t fit (incongruent), such as nodding but

Organizational Barriers

Dealing with change

Wrong choice of medium

Hierarchical barrier
Wrong choice of words
An Apology E-mail by Flipkart
Socio-Psychological Barriers
Pre -
Attitude conceived

Lack of

Unintentional Insensitivity leads to…
Environmental barriers
House on Fire – Contextual Barriers
Activity 4-Physical Barrier
Status Barrier How long will you have to work to buy
Attitudes and values
I had a fine evening, It was a disaster. My
how was Urs??? husband came home, ate
his dinner in 3 mins & fell
asleep in 2 mins. How was

Oh mine was amazing !

My husband came home
and took me out for a
romantic dinner. After
dinner we walked for an
hour. When we came
home he lit the candles
around the house. It was
like a fairy tale !
Great. I came home, dinner
How was your
was on the table, I ate & fell
asleep. What about you ?
Building Blocks for Confident Communication

Developing your
listening skills

Seeking to suspend

Testing your assumption

Balancing use of inquiry

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