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Aurora Armijo

ENGL 1120

April 23, 2024

Echoes of Injustice: A Tribute to Auntie’s Memory

In the depths of grief, we gather here today, To remember a life that was taken away. Auntie,
dear auntie, forever in our hearts, Your memory lives on, even though we're apart.

We witnessed the pain, the tears that were shed, A mother's screams, a sister's dread. Our
hearts are heavy with anger, sadness, and disbelief, As the court's decision brought us no relief.

Only 18 months, an insufficient sentence, Diminishing the value of a life so immense. But we
won't be silenced, we won't turn away, We'll fight for justice, for a brighter day.

Let's seek support, from loved ones and more, Therapists, support groups, to help us restore.
Channel our energy, our anger, our pain, Into advocacy, awareness, to break this chain.

We'll keep your memory alive, dear auntie, you see, Through acts of remembrance, sharing
your story. We'll honor your values, your spirit so strong, And prevent others from enduring this

So let us stand together, united as one, In the face of injustice, until it is undone. For our family,
for our auntie, we'll persist, In our quest for justice, we won't desist.

We'll raise our voices, loud and clear, For those who can't speak, we'll persevere. Through
poetry, through art, we'll make a stand, To create a world where justice is at hand.

Our love for you, dear auntie, will never fade, In our hearts, your memory will always be laid.
We'll share your story, your light will shine, And through our actions, justice we'll define.

In the courtroom, we witnessed the pain, As the sentence fell short, like a pouring rain. The
weight of injustice, heavy on our souls, But we'll carry on, with determination as our goal.

Your mother's screams, echoing in our minds, Your mother, whose heart forever binds, To the
memories of your laughter and smile, To the moments shared, now lost for a while.

Our own mother, tears streaming down her face, Her heart shattered, in this unjust space. And
our younger sisters, innocent and pure, Their lives forever changed, of that we're sure.

The anger boils within us, a fire so

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