8 Week Squat Program

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8 Week Squat Program

Before we do this program there are a few things that you need to know and need
to execute for this program to be effective.

First, this program is 8 weeks, if you have done the 4 week program, this program
will be more of a slow burn. The extra weeks allow us to progress without causing
extreme stress on the body. With the extra weeks it will also allow the added
strength from the program to stick around longer.

What is vitally important with this program is that you are recovering properly.
Sleep and nutrition are non-negotiables. The only thing that will keep you from
achieving new PRs on this squat program is a lack of recovery. Before you embark
I would give yourself some recovery parameters that you must adhere to for the
duration of this program. Depending on your lifestyle, that may change. If i were to
set my own parameters it would be this; 7 hours of sleep a night minimum, 240g of
protein a day minimum, a gallon of water a day minimum. Again, yours may look
very different. But, if I adhere to that, I will make progress. If you start getting back
to back nights of poor sleep, your progress will slip. If you see the number on the
scale go down, your progress will slip. If you are constantly dehydrated, your
progress will slip.

You must keep in mind that the program is the vehicle and your recovery is the
terrain. If you try to drive a ferrari through a road full of speed bumps and
potholes, you won't be able to see the full ability of the ferrari. Make the road as
smooth as possible by recovering well to see what this program is truly capable of

On the program you will see volume based on percentages and you will also see
“work up to moderate/heavy” sets. Those sets contain guidelines as to where the
heavy set should be weight wise. For example, you may see “target weight
between 75-80%” underneath the exercise. ALWAYS stay within those guidelines,
and do NOT bite off too much too early.

Think of every squat workout you do as putting money in the bank, we are saving
up as much as we can that way at the end of this, we get something really nice (a
big fat PR) not a small PR on week 3 then another on week 6 then maybe a PR at
the end. Bank these workouts, stay level headed now matter how strong you may
be feeling. Be patient and watch what happens in week 8.

Week 1 is primarily a reactivation type week, when entering a hard squat cycle its
easy to go out of the gate too quick. If you did the 4 week cycle, you may have
noticed that after the first workout, you were extremely sore. The point of the first
week is to introduce some soreness and allow the body to adapt to the volume
that we will be putting it through. That way when we get to the sets that really
matter, the body is ready and firing on all cylinders. This is yet another advantage
of running the 8 week program.

If you are confused about any of the accessory movements, simply give them a
search on youtube, they are very common accessory movements and will be easy
to find.

The last thing. DO NOT do any of these workouts back to back, that is way too
much stimulus on the body in a short period of time and will throw off your
progress. If you get behind, dont stress, it is 8 weeks of work, but, if life gets in the
way a couple days, it could drag out to 9 weeks or even 10. Just do not do any
workouts back to back.

With that being said, get a plan in place, set the parameters, and let's get to work.


Weeks 1-2

Week 3-4
Weeks 5-6
Weeks 7-8

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