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1. Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure on what part of the human body?

a. !Nose
b. Chin
c. Ears
d. Neck

2. Which type of rock is created by intense heat AND pressure?

a. Diamond
b. !Metamorphic
c. Sedimentary
d. Igneous

3. Which of the following blood vessels carries deoxygenated blood?

a. Aorta
b. Coronary Artery
c. !Pulmonary Artery
d. Pulmonary Vein

4. Which is not a type of neuron?

a. Interneuron
b. Motor Neuron
c. Sensory Neuron
d. !Perceptual Neuron

5. Which of these is a type of stretchdeep tendon reflex?

a. Gag reflex
b. !Ankle jerk reflex
c. Pupillary light reflex
d. Scratch reflex

6. The element involved in making human blood red is which of the following?
a. Iridium
b. Cobalt
c. !Iron
d. Copper

7. The medical term for the belly button is which of the following?
a. !Umbilicus
b. Nares
c. Nevus
d. Paxillus

8. Water always boils at 100deg;C, 212deg;F, 373.15K, no matter where you are.
a. !False
b. True

9. What is the halflife of Uranium235?

a. 1,260,900,000 years
b. Uranium235 is a stable isotope
c. 4,300,400,000 years
d. !703,800,000 years
10. Autosomaldominant Compelling HelioOphthalmic Outburst syndrome is the need to
do what when seeing the Sun?
a. Yawn
b. Hiccup
c. Cough
d. !Sneeze

11. What is the name of the cognitive bias wherein a person with low ability in a
particular skill mistake themselves as being superior?
a. !DunningKruger effect
b. FreudHall effect
c. Muuml;llerLyer effect
d. MeyersBriggs effect

12. In physics, conservation of energy and conservation of momentum are both

consequences of which of the following?
a. Carnot039;s Theorem
b. !Noether039;s Theorem
c. Bell039;s Theorem
d. Wick039;s Theorem

1. The Western Electric Model 500 telephone uses tone dialing to dial phone
a. True
b. !False

2. Microphones can be used not only to pick up sound, but also to project sound
similar to a speaker.
a. !True
b. False

3. Who patented a steam engine that produced continuous rotary motion?

a. Nikola Tesla
b. Albert Einstein
c. Alessandro Volta
d. !James Watt

4. In what year was the Oculus Rift revealed to the public through a Kickstarter
a. 2011
b. 2010
c. 2013
d. !2012

5. When did the CD begin to appear on the consumer market?

a. 1992
b. 1972
c. !1982
d. 1962

6. When was the iPhone released?

a. 2004
b. !2007
c. 2006
d. 2005

7. Who built the first laser?

a. !Theodore Harold Maiman
b. Nikola Tesla
c. Jack Kilby
d. Edith Clarke

8. Which company developed the Hololens?

a. HTC
b. Oculus
c. Tobii
d. !Microsoft

9. Mobile hardware and software company quot;Blackberry Limitedquot; was founded in

which country?
a. United Kingdom
b. Norway
c. !Canada
d. United States of America

10. What round is a classic AK47 chambered in?

a. !7.62x39mm
b. 5.56x45mm
c. 7.62x51mm
d. 5.45x39mm

11. Out of all of the NASA Space Shuttles, which 2 have been destroyed in
a. Enterprise and Atlantis
b. None of the Above
c. !Challenger and Columbia
d. Discovery and Endeavour

1. RAM stands for Random Access Memory.

a. !True
b. False

2. In most programming languages, the operator ++ is equivalent to the statement

quot;+ 1quot;.
a. False
b. !True
3. Which operating system was released first?
a. OS2
b. Linux
c. !Mac OS
d. Windows

4. What is the main CPU is the Sega Mega Drive Sega Genesis?
a. !Motorola 68000
b. Intel 8088
c. Zilog Z80
d. Yamaha YM2612

5. Which of these people was NOT a founder of Apple Inc?

a. !Jonathan Ive
b. Ronald Wayne
c. Steve Jobs
d. Steve Wozniak

6. When did the online streaming service quot;Mixerquot; launch?

a. 2009
b. 2013
c. 2011
d. !2016

7. Which programming language was developed by Sun Microsystems in 1995?

a. Python
b. !Java
c. C++
d. Solaris OS

8. What is the name given to layer 4 of the Open Systems Interconnection ISO model?
a. Data link
b. Session
c. Network
d. !Transport

9. What major programming language does Unreal Engine 4 use?

a. ECMAScript
b. C
c. !C++
d. Assembly

10. The acronym quot;RIPquot; stands for which of these?

a. Regular Interval Processes
b. Routine Inspection Protocol
c. !Routing Information Protocol
d. Runtime Instance Processes

11. How many bits make up the significand portion of a single precision floating
point number?
a. 53
b. !23
c. 15
d. 8

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