Chapter 21 Audit of PSU

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21 Audit of PSU

21.1 – Framework for Government Audit

Legal Framework of CAG Scrutiny of Audit Reports

Audit reports & Annual accounts will be referred to specialized
Article • CAG shall be appointed by
148 President by India. committees.
• Tenure – 6 years or 65 years I. Public Accounts Committee
whichever is earlier. Examine the following:
• Remuneration – equivalent 1. Money was disbursed for the purpose to which they were
to that of a SC judge. applied.
• Removal – only on grounds 2. Expenditure was authorised.
of proven misbehaviour. 3. Re-appropriation made in accordance with the provisions made.
Article Powers and duties – 4. Statement of accounts of autonomous and semiautonomous
149 prescribed under CAG (Duties, bodies, the audit of which is conducted by the CAG.
powers and Conditions of II. Committee on Public Undertaking
Service Act, 1971.) Examine the following:
Article Accounts of the Union and 1. Reports and accounts of public undertakings.
150 States will be maintained as 2. Reports of the CAG on public undertakings.
per description given by 3. Efficiency of public undertakings and to see whether they are
President on advice of CAG. being managed in accordance with sound business principles
Article Report of CAG shall be and prudent commercial practices.
151 submitted to President/ 4. Such other aspects as allotted by Speaker.
Governor. Examination of public enterprises takes form of comprehensive
appraisal or evaluation of performance of undertaking.
III. Estimates Committee
Perform the following functions:
Organisations subject to CAG Audit
1. to report that economies, improvements in organisation,
1. All Union & State Government efficiency or administrative reform, consistent with the policy
departments. underlying the estimates may be affected;
2. Public Commercial Enterprises controlled 2. to suggest alternative policies in order to bring about efficiency
by Union and State Governments. and economy in administration;
3. Non-Commercial autonomous bodies and 3. to examine whether the money is well laid out within the limits
authorities owned or controlled by Govt. of the policy implied in the estimates; and
4. Authorities and bodies substantially 4. to suggest the form in which the estimates shall be presented to
financed from Union or States. Parliament.

CAG Role in functioning of financial committees

• Reports of CAG form the basis of Committees' working, i.e. committees examine the issues raised by C & AG Reports.
• Committees requires the assistance of C & AG for scrutinising the notes which the Ministries submit to the Committees in so
far as to check the correctness of submissions to the Committees and facts and figures in their draft reports;
• Reports of the Financial Committees are being submitted to the Parliament/State Legislature with their observations and
recommendations. The CAG assists various committees in suggesting the recommendations.

Compiled by: CA. Pankaj Garg Page 1

21.2 – PSU Audit (Objectives, Scope and Elements)

Objective & Scope of Audit of PSU Elements of Audit in case of PSU

1. Objectives of Audit of PSU 1 Parties Involved

(i) Fiscal Accountability: It includes audit of 1. The auditor: Role of auditor is fulfilled by Supreme Audit
provision of funds, sanctions, compliances Institution, India and by its personnel delegated with the
and propriety. task of conducting audits.
(ii) Managerial accountability: It includes 2. The responsible party: The responsible parties may be
audit of efficiency, economy and responsible for the subject matter information, for
effectiveness. managing the subject matter or for addressing
Another equally important objective is to help recommendations & may be individuals or organizations.
Generally, auditable entities and TCWG of the auditable
government and the enterprise management to
entities would be the responsible parties.
improve their efficiency & effectiveness by
3. Intended users: The intended users may be legislative or
bringing out financial & operational deficiencies,
oversight bodies, TCWG or the general public. The
inadequacies or ineffectiveness of systems,
intended user is primarily the Parliament or the
shortfalls in performance etc.
Legislature which represents the citizens by determining
2. Scope of CAG Audit the priorities of public finance, purpose and content of
Scope of CAG audit extends to; public spending and income.
(i) Financial Audit: to express an opinion on 2 Subject Matter, Criteria and Subject matter Information
a set of F.S. • Subject matter refers to the information, condition or
(ii) Compliance Audit: to determine whether activity that is measured or evaluated against certain
specified compliance requirements are criteria.
met or not. • Criteria: Each audit shall have criteria suitable to the
(iii) Comprehensive Audit: assessing overall circumstances of that audit. In determining the suitability
efficiency and effectiveness of Public of criteria, the auditor considers their relevance and
Enterprises. understandability for the intended users, as well as their
(iv) Propriety audit: verification of completeness, reliability and objectivity.
transactions on the tests of public interest, • Subject matter information refers to the outcome of
commonly accepted customs and evaluating or measuring the subject matter against the
standards of conduct. criteria.
(v) Performance Audit: examination of 3 Types of Engagements – 2 types
evidence for the purpose of providing an • Attestation engagements: Responsible party measures
independent assessment of the the subject matter against the criteria and presents the
performance of a govt. organisation, subject matter information, on which the auditor then
program, activity, or function. gathers sufficient and appropriate audit evidence to
provide a reasonable basis for expressing a conclusion.
3. Parts of audit Report of CAG
• Direct reporting engagements: It is the auditor who
(a) Introduction containing a general review
measures or evaluates the subject matter against the
of working results of Government
companies and corporations.
(b) Results of comprehensive appraisals of
selected undertakings conducted by the General principles of PSU Audit
Audit Board.
1. Ethics & Independence
(c) Resume of the company auditor’s reports
2. Professional Judgment, due care and skepticism
submitted by them under the directions
3. Quality Control
issued by CAG and that of comments on
4. Audit Team Management & Skill
accounts of the Government companies. 5. Audit Risk
(d) Significant results of audit of the 6. Materiality
undertakings not taken up for appraisal by 7. Documentation Compiled by: CA. Pankaj Garg
the Audit Board. 8. Communication

Compiled by: CA. Pankaj Garg Page 2

21.3 – Types of PSU Audit (Financial, Compliance, Propriety & Comprehensive)

Financial Audit Compliance Audit

Meaning Audit which is conducted to express an • Independent assessment of whether a given

opinion on a set of F.S. subject matter is in compliance with
Coverage (i) Examination & evaluation of applicable authorities identified as criteria.

financial records & expression of • Compliance audits are carried out by
opinion on F.S.
assessing whether activities, financial
(ii) Examination of financial systems
transactions and information comply in all
and transactions including an
evaluation of compliance with material respects, with the authorities which
applicable statutes and govern the audited entity.
regulations; and Compliance auditing may be concerned with
(iii) Evaluation of internal control and 1. Regularity - adherence of the subject matter
internal audit functions that assist to the formal criteria emanating from relevant
in safeguarding assets and assure laws, regulations and agreements applicable
the accuracy and completeness of to the entity
accounting records. 2. Propriety - observance of the general

principles governing sound financial
management and the ethical conduct of public
Propriety Audit
Meaning Verification of transactions on the tests of While regularity is the main focus of compliance
public interest, commonly accepted auditing, propriety is equally pertinent in the
customs and standards of conduct. public-sector context, in which there are certain
Emphasis Instead of too much dependence on expectations concerning financial management
documents, vouchers and evidence, it shifts and the conduct of officials.
the emphasis to the substance of the
transactions and looks into the Comprehensive Audit
appropriateness thereof on a
consideration of financial prudence, Meaning Assessing overall efficiency and effectiveness of
public interest and prevention of Public Enterprises against certain pre-
wasteful expenditure. determined standards, objectives and criteria.
Principles (i) Expenditure is not prima facie more Coverage Areas covered vary from enterprise to
than the occasion demands and every enterprise depending on nature of enterprise, its
official exercise same degree of objectives and operations. Major areas are:
vigilance in respect of expenditure as 1. Comparison of overall capital cost of the
a person of ordinary prudence would project with the approved planned costs.
exercise in respect of his own money. 2. Production or operational outputs vis-a-vis
(ii) The authority exercises its power of under-utilisation of the installed capacity.
sanctioning expenditure to pass an 3. Systems of project formulation and
order which will not directly or implementation.
indirectly accrue to its own advantage. 4. Planned rate of return
(iii) Funds are not utilised for benefit of a 5. Cost control measures.
particular person or group of persons. 6. Research and development programmes.
(iv) Apart from the agreed remuneration, 7. System of repairs and maintenance.
no other avenue is kept open to 8. Effective and economical procedures
indirectly benefit the management 9. Project planning
personnel, employees and others. 10. Undue waste, unproductive time for men
Propriety and machines, wasteful utilisation or even
Para 3(iii) Para 3(iv) Para 3(viii) non-utilisation of resources
Para 3(ix) Para 3(x) Para 3(xi)
Para 3(xiii) Para 3(xv) Para 3(xviii) Compiled by: CA. Pankaj Garg

Compiled by: CA. Pankaj Garg Page 3

21.4 – Types of PSU Audit (Performance)

Meaning and Elements Factors to be considered Planning

while planning performance
Objective & systematic examination of audit
evidence for purpose of providing
assessment of performance of govt 1. Significance and the needs of
organization, program, activity, or potential users of the audit
function in order to provide information
2. Obtaining an understanding of
to improve public accountability & the program to be audited.
facilitate decision-making by parties 3. Legal and regulatory
with responsibility to oversee/initiate requirements.
corrective action. 4. Management controls.
Elements of performance Audit 5. Identifying the criteria needed
to evaluate matters subject to
• Minimising the cost of
resources used for an activity.
6. Identify significant findings and
• Evaluating economy implies recommendations from

forming an opinion whether previous audits that could affect

resources have been used the current audit objectives.
economically and acquired in 7. Potential sources of data that
due time, in appropriate could be used as audit evidence
quantity & quality at best price. and consider the validity and
reliability of these data.
• Measurement of input-output, 8. Consider whether the work of
maximum output at minimum other auditors and experts may
of inputs, or Minimum input for be used to satisfy some of the
any given quantity of output. auditors' objectives.
• Examining efficiency covers 9. Providing sufficient staff and
other resources to do the audit.

aspects of:
10. Preparing a written audit plan.
(a) Sound procurement
(b) Efficiently used resources;
(c) efficient operating
procedures; and Audit These are the basic audit questions that performance auditors
(d) meeting objectives, cost- Objective seek answers to.
effectively. Audit Criteria are the standards used to determine whether a program
Measurement of the extent to Criteria meets or exceeds expectations.
which objectives are achieved and Sources for obtaining audit criteria
the relationship between intended (i) procedure manuals of the entity.
impact and actual impact. It will (ii) policies, standards, directives and guidelines.
cover the following: (iii) criteria used by the same entity or other entities in similar
(a) determine the extent to which activities or programmes.
a program achieves a desired (iv) independent expert opinion and know how.

level of results; Audit Performance auditing generally follows one of three approaches
Approach in examining the performance of the audited entity (ies).
(b) assess the effectiveness of the
(a) System-oriented approach, which examines the proper
functioning of management systems, especially financial
(c) determine whether mngt. has management systems;
considered alternatives to (b) Result-oriented approach, which assesses whether the
carry program at a lower cost; outcome objectives have been achieved as intended or
(d) assess the adequacy of the whether programs or services are operating as intended; and
management control system; (c) Problem-oriented approach, which examines, verifies and
(e) ensure compliance with laws analyses the causes of particular problems or deviations
and regulations. from criteria.

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