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Sara: Girls, we should go to the movies this Friday!

The best movie is finally at the theater, and I

want to go watch it with both of you.
Mena: I love the idea, how about dinner afterwards? We could go to that new Italian restaurant that
opened downtown, I saw an add about it and it was very eye-catching.
Cami:I saw it too, everything looked delicious although a little expensive, but the plan sounds
perfect. I need to unwind with a good movie and dinner with friends.
Sara: Great, then it's a plan. What time can you both meet at the movies?
Mena: I don’t know, the show starts at 7 pm, so we could either meet at 6:30 pm or 6:45 pm so we
don't have to rush.
Cami: I think 6:30 it’s a good time, we'll meet at the main entrance. And after the movie, we go to
the restaurant, do you want me to make a reservation?
Sara: Yes, please. And be sure to ask for a table on the terrace, the view of the city must be more
beautiful than the other restaurant we went the last time.
Mena: This is so exciting; we haven’t reunited in so long.
Sara: I know, but this is the perfect time to catch up on the drama.
Cami: Yes, that’s the best part, okay so, the reservation is done, I can't wait to try their famous
lasagna and tiramisu.
Mena: And I can’t wait to try that Chicken Alfredo pasta, and the chionotto.
Sara: okay, now stop because my mouth is watering.
Mena: So, girls' Friday it is! Movie, dinner, and the best company, what more could we ask for?
Cami: I just need Friday to come fast, I want it to be Friday already!
Sara: It's going to be a spectacular night!
Mena: Yay, so see you in Friday.
Cami: Til Friday, love you, bye

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