AF1 One Minute Speech

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Competencia comunicativa

Reflection about the conference related to

your degree

Student: Juan David Martínez Herrera

ID number: 2047927 Group: 081
Career: Mechatronics engineer
Classroom: 3108
Teacher: Edgar F. Arrollo Reyna
Hour: M2

San Nicolas de los Garza, Nuevo León, 16/09/2022

A mechatronics engineer aims to improve automated processes through
the design, planning and development of products and services that are
applied in industries such as automotive and aeronautics, and the
multiple tasks they handle, to name a few, among them is the
development of intelligent products, development of biodevices, design
of handling processes, design of interfaces and electronic systems,
among many other things. Graduates of this career must have knowledge
and skills that allow them to master the fields of engineering, which are:
mechanical, electrical, control and information technologies.

This career allows graduates to work in important and recognized

companies, such as: Ternium, Google, LEGO, CATERPILLAR, BMW, KIA,
among others.

In order to be graduated from this career it is necessary to comply with

social service, and with professional practices. Both things require a
certain number of credits, and to start them you must enroll one
semester before.

Finally, this career has different scholarships for students to develop

their maximum potential. Also, you can join the different social groups
that the mechatronics career offers, and in this way be part of the
mechatronics community.

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