Muslim Teenager

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Muslim Teenager in Millennial Era

Ladies and gentlemen

Before you get amazed, I want to tell you guys a story about me and my best friend. One day,
I went to my best friend’s house to have a sleepover, when I arrived at his house. I see a lot of
unique calligraphy of Arabic writing. At this point, I was thinking that my best friend is a
very diligent Muslim but wait we cannot judge a book by its cover, so I kept my thoughts to
my head and I just play with him until Dzuhur praying.

Times went by and Dzuhur is here, I heard the a’dzan from the mosque. So, I ask my best
friend this “Dude should we go to the mosque and pray over there?” He reply to me “No let’s
just stay at home and keep on playing video games” At this moment we know that video
games has taken over our religion but it’s not just video games that stop us from praying to
our god it’s also radicalism, terrorism and social media.

Let me explain why those are the things that stop us from praying to our god. Let’s start from
video games, video games are very fun to play with especially with your best friend. Videos
games are most played by teenagers and it can also be very addictive, it can damage our brain
as well and after that they eventually become lazy to pray.

Next is radicalism, radicalism is convincing people to believe in us of everything we talk

about, so we have to be careful to trust people from around us because this action can be
cause by anyone to everyone. This is very dangerous because teenagers are still in the
learning process and so if people convince them that they should not pray eventually they
will believe it and Muslim religion will extinct very slowly.

Further to terrorism, terrorism is a violence against civilian sometimes it can be very

dangerous because to prevent it we must risk our own life, this is damaging our religion
because some civilian doesn’t want to give their life to the terrorist so eventually the civilians
will do anything that the terrorist tell them to and we know for a fact that most teenagers are
very scared of violence.

This action is very dangerous because most of the terrorist will tell some of the teenagers to
be a suicide attack. Does anybody know what a suicide attack is? Well suicide attack is any
violent attack in which the attacker accepts their own death as a direct result of the method
used to harm, damage, or destroy the target. We all know that suicide won’t get us to heaven
instead It will get us to hell.
Last but not least is social media, social media is a websites and applications that enable users
to create and share content or to participate in social networking but most people use it to
watch their favourite K-pop singer and eventually they will slowly following their favourite
K-pop singer’s style.

This action is very dangerous because most of the teenagers really love K-pop and they have
their own favourite singer. We all know that K-pop is from Korea and so not all people is
Muslim in there.

This might cause teenagers to leave the Muslim religion and eventually join their favourite
singer’s religion. This action is very easy to prevent, we just need to spend more time with
our children so then they will have more time with us other than their favourite K-pop
singers. You know when I was in Australia, I never forget to pray and read holy Quran
because my mum always tells me to pray and read holy Quran every day.

I think that we all have to keep our precious children safely and give them more knowledge
about Muslim religion because without it, we will have a very bad future we also don’t want
our children to be the next victim but we want out children to be the next generation of our
Muslim religion. We all know that we want our children to memorize the whole al-Quran,
right? A lot of you must’ve said yes because Al-Quran is our holy book.

In this universe, nothing is perfect except for Allah SWT and so we must do some action to
support this universe and make our self to be more respectful to our religion which is Muslim
because Allah cannot fix our self, only we can. Do it before it’s too late because we don’t live

That’s all my speech, hopefully you are amazed and learn something new. I am Dzaki Annafi
from Junior High School of Global Madani. Thank you for listening and have a nice day.

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