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methods of exploration

Using mixed methods research in medical education:

basic guidelines for researchers
Karen E Schifferdecker1 & Virginia A Reed2

CONTEXT Mixed methods research involves of mixed methods research, research design
the collection, analysis and integration of both models relevant for medical education
qualitative and quantitative data in a single research, examples of each research design
study. The benefits of a mixed methods model in medical education research, and basic
approach are particularly evident when study- guidelines for medical education researchers
ing new questions or complex initiatives and interested in mixed methods research.
interactions, which is often the case in medical
education research. Basic guidelines for when CONCLUSIONS Mixed methods may prove
to use mixed methods research and how to superior in increasing the integrity and appli-
design a mixed methods study in medical cability of findings when studying new or com-
education research are not readily available. plex initiatives and interactions in medical
education research. They deserve an increased
METHODS The purpose of this paper is to presence and recognition in medical education
remedy that situation by providing an overview research.

Medical Education 2009: 43: 637–644


Department of Community and Family Medicine, Dartmouth Correspondence: Karen E Schifferdecker, OCER 7016, 46 Centerra
Medical School, Lebanon, New Hampshire, USA Parkway, Suite 102, Lebanon, New Hampshire 03766, USA.
Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, Dartmouth Tel: 00 1 603 653 3450; Fax: 00 1 603 653 3452;
College, Hanover, New Hampshire, USA E-mail:

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than a century,38,39 its use in education and medicine
has been hampered by epistemological debates
Medical education research finds itself at the inter- between the qualitative and quantitative
section of two approaches. It is subject to increasing traditions.40–45 During the past decade, mixed meth-
calls for evidence-based medical education,1–4 which ods research has been rigorously promoted as a
often relies on controlled experiments or comparison distinct methodology.15 Relating and integrating
groups. However, this emphasis on evidence-based qualitative and quantitative data in the research
practice threatens ‘to reduce research questions to process is key to distinguishing mixed methods
the pragmatics of technical efficiency and effective- research.14 This distinction has been supported by a
ness. It will not encourage research which explores proliferation of in-depth texts designed to guide
the wider social, philosophical or ethical issues’ researchers in the application of mixed meth-
inherent in educational and policy decisions.5 Com- ods,14,21,26,46 a new journal,47 and funding opportu-
mentaries on the future direction of medical educa- nities.15,48 Greene and her colleagues19 have defined
tion research leave little doubt that both qualitative five particular categories of purpose for the use of
and quantitative approaches are needed to expand mixed methods in research studies:
knowledge and understanding of educational process
and content, and of impacts.6–9 • development: to inform the development of one
method from another, using the methods
Medical education research regularly involves explo- sequentially for the purposes of increasing con-
ration of complex initiatives and interactions among struct validity;
multiple players,10–12 such as those involved in • complementing: to explore areas of overlap and
measuring the translation of knowledge, attitudes uniqueness within a phenomenon through the
and skills displayed in the provision of patient care.13 use of different methods for the purposes of
As such, medical education research provides the enhancing, elaborating, illustrating or clarifying
ideal milieu in which to conduct mixed methods results, and to aid in the description or applica-
research, which is, namely, the collection, analysis tion of research findings;
and integration of both qualitative and quantitative • triangulation: to cross-check and corroborate
data in a single study.14 The benefits of a mixed results by the use of different types of data;
methods approach are particularly evident when • expansion: to increase the range or scope of
studying new questions and initiatives or complex inquiry by appropriately matching the methodo-
initiatives and interactions in natural, as opposed to logy to various components of the question of
experimental, settings.15,16 This approach aims to interest, and
broaden and triangulate research findings17–21 in a • initiation: to specifically discover inconsistencies
way that sheds more light on these findings.15,22 and new perspectives that may be uncovered as a
result of employing both qualitative and
Mixed methods approaches should feel familiar to quantitative methods.
individuals practising medicine as most patient care
includes collecting and analysing both qualitative These purposes are not mutually exclusive and may
(patient history) and quantitative (physical examina- be combined in any given study.
tion and diagnostic tests) data, and resources on
conducting quantitative, qualitative and mixed meth-
ods research abound.15,17,23–33 Unfortunately, for
those who want to learn more about mixed methods
research in medical education, there is no readily
Although mixed methods research in medical edu-
available set of basic guidelines. The purpose of this
cation has grown significantly in the last decade,49
paper is to remedy that situation by providing a starting
specific research design models have not been
point for investigators interested in, but unfamiliar
defined. Current textbooks describe designs ranging
with, mixed methods research and approaches.
from four models with 10 variants15 to over 20
typologies of mixed methods research designs.50 In a
review of mixed methods studies in medical and
nursing education research carried out over the past
20 years, Schifferdecker49 identified four overarching
Although mixed methods research has been used in
design models that were used consistently. We use
the social and behavioural sciences34–37 for more

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these four models – instrument development, where individuals sort pictures or words into piles,
explanatory, triangulation and longitudinal transfor- which produces similarity data across respondents.
mation – to define and illustrate mixed methods Analyses of these data can reveal how an area of interest
research designs in medical education. (e.g. patient-centred care) is defined, conceptualised
or agreed upon across different individuals.
In our focus on these four designs, we do not suggest
that they are the only ones available and appropriate One cautionary note for instrument development
for use in medical education or that they will always from qualitative data concerns the desire on the part
be the best designs to use. However, they cover a of an investigator to develop an instrument that
number of the variants in mixed methods covers every aspect of the topic revealed during
approaches, have been used successfully in medical qualitative analysis. As with any instrument, investi-
education studies49 and fulfil a wide range of gators must balance the overall question and purpose
purposes and options for conducting mixed methods of the instrument with the time required by respon-
research. For these reasons, we consider them to dents to complete it.
represent an excellent starting point from which to
define and illustrate mixed methods research in Explanatory model
medical education.
The explanatory design is one in which results or
Instrument development model questions arising from quantitative data are explored
qualitatively, producing data that are used to com-
Instrument development is a model in which quali- plement or clarify the original findings.
tative data are collected for the purpose of develop-
ing a quantitative instrument, such as a questionnaire Kennedy and colleagues54 wanted to explore the gap
or checklist, for observation. The resulting instru- between knowledge and behaviours among residents
ment is grounded in the views, experiences and when providing clinical care. They used the identifi-
language of the participants, rather than relying cation of autism and referral steps as the basis of their
solely on the perspective of the researchers. investigation. Firstly, the residents participated in a
training session on autism. They completed pre ⁄ post
Sherratt and Jones51 used this model to develop a questionnaires, which showed adequate and improved
needs assessment for continuing medical education knowledge of autism. A few weeks later, the residents
(CME) training in working with patients who misuse were videotaped during an OSCE-like scenario in
narcotics. They began by conducting semi-struc- which they observed a child who was potentially
tured interviews with individuals in different clinical autistic via a video and then discussed a management
roles to assess areas of concern when seeing patients plan with the child’s parent (standardised). A pre-set
misusing narcotics. They used themes identified checklist of expected behaviours (quantitative) was
through analysis of the interviews to develop a used to code residents’ videotaped scenarios and
questionnaire, which was sent to health care workers identify those residents whose behaviours did not
in more than 30 practices and pharmacies. Responses match their knowledge (gap). Afterwards, the resi-
to the questionnaire suggested that the topics dents were interviewed while viewing videotapes of
included were relevant concerns, as more than 80% of their encounters in order to capture their interpreta-
general practitioners and nurses were interested in tions of their reasoning and behaviours. Interviews
training on those topics. The researchers could have with residents who displayed a gap were then coded to
developed a questionnaire without the interviews or identify potential reasons for their behaviours.
they could have used the qualitative data only to select
topics for the CME course. However, by using an This study used a combination of two quantitative
instrument design approach, they were able to iden- approaches, a questionnaire and an OSCE-based
tify the range of possible relevant topics to address checklist of behaviours, to identify a gap between
(interviews) and to verify which were of primary knowledge and behaviours, but went further by
interest to their target audience (questionnaire). exploring reasons for this gap. A questionnaire could
have been developed to capture potential reasons for
Questionnaires are not the only instruments that can the gap, but semi-structured interviews allowed for
be designed from qualitative data. Other tools and wider exploration of the possible reasons.
techniques possible include observational checklists,
used extensively in objective structured clinical exam- One general consideration when using the explana-
inations (OSCEs),52 and pile sort exercises,53 a method tory model concerns the need to decide how

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individuals will be selected for the qualitative portion previously described is the longitudinal transforma-
of the study. In the above example, all participants tion model. This model collects data at multiple
were interviewed, but only a subset of the interviews points (longitudinal), generally from more than one
were analysed based on the quantitative results (i.e. population (e.g. residents and attending doctors),
those in which a gap was found). Although there and uses multiple methods (such as coding of e-mail
are instances in which the individuals participating communications, pre ⁄ post questionnaires and exam-
in the quantitative phase of a study may not be ination scores). The data are analysed and integrated
available for the qualitative phase (e.g. Year 4 medical throughout the project and often build on one
students), it is generally recommended that individ- another.
uals selected for the qualitative phase should be
drawn from those used in the quantitative phase in Coady and colleagues57 wanted to define a core set of
order to best represent their experiences or views.15 musculoskeletal skills for medical students. They
began by conducting focus groups with doctors from
Triangulation model multiple specialties and in-depth interviews with
doctor experts to inform the design and content of
Triangulation, the most widely used design in mixed a questionnaire (instrument development). The
methods research,15 is a model in which qualitative questionnaire was sent to a large number of clinicians
and quantitative data are collected simultaneously. representing different specialties. Results were
Data collection generally occurs in a relatively short summarised and used to develop a modified
period of time and involves a single population (e.g. group-nominative technique for a six-member,
medical students). Data are integrated in the final multi-specialty group to finalise the core set of
analyses. musculoskeletal skills. The nominal group technique
is a consensus planning tool that helps a group to
Papp and colleagues55 wanted to examine professional prioritise issues or come to consensus on some topic,
and personal effects of sleep loss and fatigue on such as clinical guidelines.58 In this group-nominative
residents. Residents from five institutions participated process, members of the group were given focus
in focus groups on experiences with sleep loss, fatigue group and questionnaire summary results to review.
and coping strategies, and then completed a ques- They were then asked to vote on whether items in
tionnaire which included a standardised measure of the list of skills were core, not core or undecided,
sleepiness. Data were analysed separately and then and to present their reasons and decisions to the
integrated to provide an overview of the existence of group (a form of the explanatory design model).
sleep loss and fatigue (quantitative results), and the Modification of some of the skills took place and
professional and personal effects of sleep loss and a second round of voting ensued, leading to
fatigue (qualitative results). By choosing a triangula- consensus on a 50-item set of core examination
tion design, the researchers were able to both skills for medical students. By using a longitudinal
substantiate the hypothesis that residents are sleep- transformation design, the investigators were able
deprived and also to describe the areas of professional to define the universe of possible core skills in
and personal effects associated with this deprivation. depth (qualitative), narrow the relative importance
of these skills through a larger group (quantitative),
One potential challenge in both the triangulation and provide both sets of data to experts from
and explanatory designs refers to the discovery of multiple fields in order to refine the final set of
contradictions between the qualitative and quantita- core skills (qualitative and quantitative combined).
tive findings.15 Although such findings are seemingly Additional examples of longitudinal transformation
disconcerting, these situations allow for opportunities studies in medical education can be found in the
to develop new research questions or theories, and to nursing literature.59,60
collect additional data for clarification and explora-
tion. Padgett56 has suggested that if additional time Important considerations in the longitudinal trans-
or resources are not available to further the study, formation design concern when and how data are
results should be presented together and directions collected, analysed and compared or integrated. In
for future research defined. some cases, information to develop one piece of the
study is dependent on analysis of another dataset,
Longitudinal transformation such as the development of a questionnaire from
qualitative data. In other cases, data collection at one
A model that combines many of the characteristics, stage might bias data collected at a later stage (e.g.
benefits and potential challenges of the models conducting focus groups before administration of a

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post-intervention assessment). As with any study, noted, when ‘the only tool researchers have is a
potential bias should be identified prior to data hammer, they tend to see every problem as a nail’.
collection and steps taken to eliminate or reduce it. Thus, mixed methods perspectives can aid in the
Creswell and Plano Clark15 describe some possible determination of the best tools possible for answering
approaches, such as distributing qualitative data the question or hypothesis, and may lead to the
collection equally between control and treatment decision that a purely qualitative or quantitative
arms in a trial or collecting unobtrusive qualitative approach is appropriate. If researchers with qualita-
data, such as diaries kept by all participants. tive or mixed methods expertise are difficult to
locate, departments such as those of anthropology,
The research design models and studies described nursing, sociology and education are potential
above illustrate the range of research questions and resources, as are colleagues who conduct research in
topics that can be addressed using mixed methods community-based settings. When a mixed methods
research designs. In each case, the researchers could approach is chosen, there are a number of major
have chosen a solely qualitative or quantitative steps to be taken for designing, analysing and
approach to address their research question. How- publishing studies:
ever, the combination of approaches allowed them to
enhance the relevance, depth, applicability and • Identify the study design as mixed methods and
triangulation of their research findings. choose the appropriate research design.14,15,61
This increases the recognition and easy identifi-
As discussed, specific considerations and challenges cation of mixed methods studies in medical
arise in mixed methods designs just as they do in education research and connects this literature
purely qualitative and quantitative approaches. More to the larger mixed methods research paradigm.
general challenges for conducting mixed methods • Decide on the prominence of each data type in
research relate to: data collection, analysis and results (i.e. whether
the study is quantitative-dominant, qualitative-
1 the availability of resources with which to conduct dominant, or whether both types are given equal
the research, including time, money and per- status).39,62,63 The more detailed investigators are
sonnel with strengths in both qualitative and in defining the prominence of each data type,
quantitative methods; the more they will be able to plan for the
2 access to tools and programs with which to store resources and personnel needed.
and arrange data to promote comparison or • Develop sampling strategies for data collection
integration of qualitative and quantitative data, that provide adequate data for the research
and questions asked and that adhere to guidelines
3 the difficulties encountered in publishing mixed within the methods chosen. These strategies
methods studies, given word limits and the should address common considerations when
amount of data such studies present. designing quantitative or qualitative studies, such
as ensuring adequate power to develop infer-
To aid medical education researchers in considering ences or conducting sufficient interviews to
mixed methods approaches and addressing some of establish reliability.61,64,65
the potential challenges and questions, we provide • Decide how and when data are collected,
the following general guidelines for developing analysed and integrated or compared. In the first
mixed methods studies. three models, the order and process is fairly
straightforward. Qualitative and quantitative data
are collected and analysed sequentially in the
GUIDELINES FOR MIXED METHODS RESEARCH instrument development and explanatory models
STUDIES IN MEDICAL EDUCATION and concurrently in the triangulation model. The
longitudinal transformation model requires
The most important task in any research is to clearly careful planning to identify potential biases and
define the research question and hypothesis to be to consider when different datasets need to be
investigated. In the case of mixed methods studies, collected, analysed and integrated. Realistic
multidisciplinary teams with expertise in qualitative, analyses of the time required for each project
quantitative and mixed methods approaches are phase are important. On a cautionary note,
invaluable, both for defining the question or researchers unfamiliar with qualitative
hypothesis and for selecting the research design approaches can easily underestimate the
model and methods to use. As Stange and Zyzanski16 resources and time required. For example, the

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