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Mixed methods research designs

Alexis Battista & Dario Torre

To cite this article: Alexis Battista & Dario Torre (2023) Mixed methods research designs,
Medical Teacher, 45:6, 585-587, DOI: 10.1080/0142159X.2023.2200118
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Published online: 25 Apr 2023.

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2023, VOL. 45, NO. 6, 585–587


Mixed methods research designs

Alexis Battistaa and Dario Torreb
The Henry M Jackson Foundation for the Advancement of Military Medicine, Center for Health Professions Education, Uniformed
Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, MD, USA; bDepartment of Medicine, University of Central Florida Medical School,
Orlando, FL, USA

The theme for the concept map was identified based on the inquiry to examine different aspects of a phenomena to
paper of Tseng et al. (2023) in this issue of Medical Teacher. identify findings that would otherwise not be accessible
Mixed method research (MMR) as used by Tseng et al. through a monomethod approach.
(2023) is frequently called a third research movement  Investigators need to use one method of inquiry to
(Teddlie and Tashakkori 2009) and is often described as an explain or expand upon the other. For example, quanti-
intuitive approach that more naturally mirrors people’s
tative approaches may help identify relationships
daily lives. Health professionals, for example, already have
between variables, while qualitative approaches are bet-
some experience with mixing methods because they regu-
larly gather patient information through patient interviews, ter suited to uncovering greater details about the con-
physical exams, and diagnostic tests to make diagnoses texts or processes that underlie those relationships.
and treatment decisions. When first asked what MMR is,  When researching less well-known phenomena, investi-
some might describe mixed-methods as a study that gators may start with an exploratory approach to better
includes qualitative and quantitative data. However, this understand what questions are valuable. Then, they
limited perspective reduces MMR to types of data. might utilize those findings to expand the scope of the
Cresswell and Plano Clark et al. (Cresswell and Plano Clark research to determine the regularity across a larger
2018a, 2018b) define MMR as including the collection and population.
analysis of data drawing from qualitative and quantitative
approaches, organizing these approaches using specific When undertaking MMR, researchers must make deci-
designs, integrating findings, and framing these procedures
sions about timing, priority, level of interaction, and inte-
within theoretical and philosophical perspectives.
gration. In the concept map Figure 1, we depict three
Determining when and when not to use mixed methods
requires careful and thoughtful deliberation about why mixing common types of mixed methods designs: convergent
might better serve the study’s overall purpose (Greene 2007). (also known as triangulation), explanatory and exploratory.
Some common reasons include triangulation, a need for For each of these study designs, we highlight the timing,
more complete findings, a need to explain initial findings, or integration, and level of interaction of quantitative and
a need to explore first and then examine the regularity of qualitative strands. Other MM designs, such as embedded
those findings across a broader population (Cresswell and and longitudinal designs, are beyond this article’s scope.
Plano Clark 2018a, 2018b). Consider the following examples:

 Triangulation, one of the most common reasons to

employ MMR, is selected when an investigator’s goal is Disclosure statement
to use different inquiry approaches that offset biases to
The authors report no conflicts of interest. The authors alone are respon-
corroborate findings and increase the validity of
sible for the content and writing of the article. The views expressed in
this presentation do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position
 Investigators may seek a deeper, richer, more complete of the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, the
description or understanding of a phenomena. Here, Department of Defense, the Henry M. Jackson Foundation, or the U.S.
investigators intentionally use more than one form of Government.

CONTACT Alexis Battista Department of Medicine, The Henry M Jackson Foundation for the Advancement of Military
Medicine, Center for Health Professions Education, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, MD, USA
ß 2023 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

Funding References
The author(s) reported there is no funding associated with the work Cresswell JW, Plano Clark VL. 2018a. Core mixed methods designs. In:
featured in this article. Designing and conducting mixed methods research. 3rd ed.
Thousand Oaks (CA): Sage Publications, Inc.; p. 51–99.
Cresswell JW, Plano Clark VL. 2018b. The nature of mixed methods
Notes on contributors research. In: Designing and conducting mixed methods research.
Alexis Battista, PhD, FSSH, Associate Professor of Medicine, The Henry 3rd ed. Thousand Oaks (CA): Sage Publications, Inc.; p. 1–19.
M. Jackson Foundation for the Advancement of Military Medicine, Greene JC. 2007. Mixing methods on purpose. In: Mixed methods in
Center for Health Professions Education, Uniformed Services University social inquiry. San Francisco (CA): John Wiley & Sons; p. 95–111.
of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, MD. Teddlie C, Tashakkori A. 2009. Mixed Methods as the third
research community. In Foundations of mixed methods
Dario Torre, MD, PhD, MPH, Professor of Medicine, University of research: integrating quantitative and qualitative approaches in
Central Florida Medical School, Orlando, FL. the social and behavioral sciences. Thousand Oaks (CA): Sage
Publications, Inc.; p. 3–18.
Tseng AS, Edwards C, Rawls M, McGinn M, Wieghard N, Santen
ORCID SA, Deiorio NM. 2023. A mixed methods exploration of the
emergence of goal orientation in medical students’ individual-
Alexis Battista ized learning plans. Med Teach. DOI:10.1080/0142159X.2023.
Figure 1. The theme for the concept map was identified based on the paper of Tseng et al. (2023) in this issue of Medical Teacher.

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