Mock 9

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Questions 32-42 are based on the following passages.

?LAY Passage t discusses the relationship between geography and human culture. Passage 2 is an
excerpt from The Secret tilfu/ Dust by Hannah Holmes (Wiley). The author addresses climate
change. (Note: An oviraptor iA a type of dinosaur. Mount Pinatubo was a volcano that erupted
in 199r.)

Passase 1 the and gases trappecl in the ice, the ciimare is
- ahvays
- in flux. If it's not getiing
Fluman culture is inrrariabl,v rooted in rl-re site \/armer, it's getting colder. Year to year the shifts Aa)
in 'vr4iich it floi-rrishes. Thus human history is also may be masked b-v an El Niiio, a La Nifia, a Mount
the studlr of iand and v:ater formations, climate, Pinatutio, or sorne other temporary drama. But
a:rd characteristics of the physicai rtorld. Climaie, decade to decade, century to century, the wc::1d's
/.:r of course, is neither a consiant nor a sole factor in temperature is in constant motion"
i'tumarr deveiopment. The earth's cliraate has
uridergone many variations in its iong history. So
On a granc scale, our moderate, modern climaie is t+si
abnormal. Through most of the dinosaur era the
too are there shifts in cirriiizations. Today's fertile
planet's normal state was deciciedly steamier.
soil, verdant forests, and prosperous empire may
\Ahen the oviraptor perished in ihe Gobi Desert
irnr very n'ell be toroorrovr,'s ruins, as the fall of classic
l\riayan ciriilization follor,l,ing a prolonged drought
the world may have been eieven to fourteen
degrees hotter, on ar,,erage. (5r)
in the ninth century illLrstrates.
Then, just 2.5 miliion years ago, the pianet entered
Ackno'wledging the influence of climate, scientists
a pattern of periodic ice ages, punctilated by brief
today study ihe graduai rise in averag€ tempera-
warm spells. The ice caps, as a resuit, have taken
i;) ture, preparinp for major shifts in trade, popula-
tion density, and poiitical affinit5,. lVlodern science to advancing and retreating intern-ritter-ttly. 1'1.
glaciers have ruled for the lion's share of tirne, (i5i
has in some sense inherited ihe mantle of ancient
w'ith the warm "intergiacials" lasting roughly len
seers. One l-ristorian declared tiiat climatologlsts
tl-rousand years each. We inl"rabit an interglacial
haiie taken up the role of ancient priests -- those
r:o: in Egypi, for example, whose prayers to the gods
known as the Holocene, r.thich ought to be conring
'lvere designed to ensure tliat the annual flood of to an end any day nolr,. The thermometer, ho\,\,-
ever, does not seem poised for a plr,rnge. (601
the Nile River rvas sufficient for agricuiture but not
so extensirre as to caus€ darnage to setllemenls. AJl things being equal, no clirnatologisi wr:uid be

Lei anyone studying the effect of climate change surpriseri if tire Holocene persisted for another fe='rs
thcusand years
i,,:) or-r human culture must atrsc talie into accoullt the - ciimate change is that erratic.
But all things are not equal. Humarr industry has
ccnslstency and resiliency of hunian life. Archae*
vurought plofound ciranges in the Earih's atmos- ibs)
cir.rgists a.t scrrre sites have found simiiarities in
phere siace tire iast rnarn.l period.
artifacts and settiement patterns trefore and afier
n-iajcr climate changes. i\lore tl-ian TJ,aloo vears
Based on the statements in the {irst paragraph
ir.r ago, for exarnple, the eruption of Mi, Toba, a
(Lines r-rz) of Passage r, which posiiion
volcarro in incioiresia, ejected so much d,"rst itrto
woirld that arrtlror most likciy suppori)
the atmosphere that sr-rnligl'rt dimmed and the
earth ertered an ice age. if clir:rate change is such (A) liistor_r: is intertwined'with geo graphy.
a po-werful force, how is it that hunrar-rity sunirred (E) Hurnan beings shape their environment,
r:sl fli!s period \Arith its culture largely intact? not the other r,r,,av arour-rd.
rd5>dstr z (c) Ciimate and prosperity are ccmi>letely
One verv clear message in the ice is iirat the (D) Dramatic climate chan5les al-.rua\r5 g3.Lts6
Earth's cliniate is nat',-rraiiy erratic. Accorriiirg to drarratic cultural slrifrs.

5?. PAFT 2

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