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The members of our group investigated many different aspects of Abuse with
topics ranging from, ‘Drug and Alcohol Abuse Amongst Young People’,
‘Domestic Violence Against Women and Children’, 'Sexual Assault’,
‘Discriminatory Abuse’, ‘Mental Abuse’ and ‘Child Abuse’. The artefacts were
easily found since Abuse is a commonly discussed topic world-wide. Overall
our group had eighteen (18) artefacts to choose from.

The three chosen artefacts included two articles, “What is Sexual

Assault?” (2021) by Berry Law Firm, Child Abuse (2018)by a
poem, Never Will I Ever Forget by Springlove53 (September 22). Our group
communicated using WhatsApp during the Easter holidays and determined
which three artefacts had the most relatable information regarding our topic.
These artefacts were then shared with each group member to be inserted onto
their reference page.

From the first artefact “ What is Sexual Assault?” we learned that sexual
assault is contact without consent from an individual that forces them to be
involved in sexual acts and can affect them emotionally, physically and
psychologically. The artefact “ Never Will I Ever Forget” taught us that
whatever traumatic sexual experiences or manipulation that both males and
females experience they will never forget. For instance, “ Never shall I forget
how they tricked me into believing they loved me, that they cared for me, when
all they wanted was my body.” From the artefact “Child Abuse” we observed
an increase in the number of children dying before adulthood as a result of
trauma caused by abuse. For instance, "But the fact is today, one out of three
girls and one out of five boys are subjected to sexual abuse before they reach
age eighteen and approximately five children die every day because of the
consequence of child abuse." Throughout all three artefacts it was noted that
each victim of abuse experiences extended trauma after an incident.

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