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Submitted to:

Dr. Maria Fe Abejar


A survey was conducted in Barangay Apas to assess the situation of flooding.

Interviews and survey questionnaires were used to gather data. According to the SK
councils in the area, the students and employees were the most affected by
demographics. Flooded roads with hidden potholes and canal connections made it
difficult to cross the area. Even with a little rain, the area was heavily prone to floods
that lasted for 1-2 hours due to unmaintained drainage systems, especially in the 6th
Street, Dagohoy Street, and Mactan Street terminals. Barangay Apas was identified by
Eddie Llamedo, the chief of DENR-7, as one of the areas prone to flooding (Demecillo,
2014). The highly urbanized cities of Cebu have been attempting to implement flood
control projects for several years, but they have been facing delays due to the lack of
funding from the national government; some projects date back to 2017 (Sitchon, 2023).

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) article on the year 2019, they
defined flood is a frequent type of natural disaster that occurs when an overflow of water
submerges land that is usually dry, they are caused by heavy rainfall, rapid snowmelt,
or a storm surge from a tropical cyclone or tsunami in coastal areas. It can threaten
lives, inundate properties and businesses, destroy belongings, damage vital
infrastructure, and prevent access to essential public services as the frequent effects of
the flood are long-term, costly, disruptive, and distressing for communities involved in
the area (Victoria State Emergency, 2019).

As our society becomes more urbanized and climate change becomes more
prevalent, the issue of flooding has become increasingly significant. Last year, four days
of rain caused widespread ankle-deep flooding in Cebu, with the most affected area
being in many parts of urbanized cities, including Barangay Apas (Sitchon, 2023).
Experiencing the aftermath of a flood can profoundly affect a person's mental well-being
(Stanke et al., 2012). The impacts on a person's well-being can be severe and may
include death, heart attacks, electrocution, carbon monoxide poisoning, or fire, all of
which are associated with flooding (World Health Organization (WHO), 2019).

Hence, disaster preparedness should always remain as one of the key concepts
of flood management which is an integral part of the affected communities' livelihood
and well-being in Barangay Apas. It is crucial not just to safeguard the vulnerable
demographic in the area but to also bring knowledge about preparedness to tackle the
flood. Lastly, encourage the community to prioritize safety and acquire the necessary
skills to face floods effectively, empowering individuals and communities to take
proactive measures before, during, and after a flood to promote resilience.

Figure 1

In the demographic profile provided, there is a distribution between male and

female respondents. The survey attracted participation from both sexes, indicating a
comprehensive representation of the community's population. The presence of both
males and females suggests that individuals of all sexes are equally concerned about
the issue addressed, which in this case, revolves around disaster and mental health,
particularly focusing on flooding in the small area of Barangay Apas, Cebu City. This
balanced representation ensures that the perspectives gathered from the survey reflect
the diverse experiences and needs of the entire community, regardless of sex (Figure
Age Range

Figure 1.1

The age range of the participants has a diverse spread across different
generations. From young adults to middle-aged individuals and seniors, individuals from
various age groups participated in the survey. This age distribution has importance and
relevance to the issue at hand, which is flooding within the community of Barangay
Apas. The presence of respondents from different age brackets enables understanding
of the concerns faced by individuals at various life stages. It facilitates the exchange of
intergenerational knowledge and experiences, enriching the discussions and outcomes
of the activity. By including participants of different ages, ensuring that the solutions and
interventions proposed are inclusive and responsive to the needs of the entire
community affected by flooding in Barangay Apas.

In the context of facilitating a successful needs assessment program, the careful

selection of appropriate tools emerges as an essential part. As indicated by Asana
(2024), needs assessment instruments offer a methodical and organized method for
pinpointing, scrutinizing, and ranking the requirements of a team. Through the utilization
of these tools, teams can gather crucial insights into their current status, identify areas
requiring improvement, pinpoint opportunities for advancement, and formulate targeted
plans to tackle identified needs (Asana, 2024).

Interviews and surveys are essential tools for conducting needs assessments
within communities. They provide direct insight into the challenges, perspectives, and
experiences of individuals. Interviews allow researchers to gather in-depth information,
while surveys capture a broad range of viewpoints. Together, these methods offer a
comprehensive understanding of community needs, guiding the development of
effective interventions and solutions.

For the purpose of conducting a comprehensive needs assessment, the team

developed and utilized two primary tools: interviews and survey questionnaires. These
tools were carefully made and evaluated to gather insightful data and feedback from the
residents of Barangay Apas.

To address the persistent issue of flooding in specific areas such as 6th Street,
Dagohoy Street, Mactan Street, and around the Terminal or the Latransco
transportation hub, the team conducted interviews and surveys with the SK Councils in
the locality. Despite the absence of severe weather events like typhoons or low-
pressure areas, these areas are consistently affected by flooding, often within just 1-2
hours of rainfall. This poses significant challenges for commuters, particularly students
and employees.

The interview tool consisted of a series of open-ended questions that allowed the
team to engage in formal and meaningful conversations with community leaders such
as the SK councils and the captain of Barangay Apas. As for the survey questionnaire, it
was designed to gather detailed information from a diverse group of residents in
Barangay Apas. The survey comprises a combination of closed-ended questions and
demographic inquiries. This approach enables the team to systematically analyze and
measure the extent of the identified needs, as well as explore any potential differences
based on demographic factors like age and gender and socioeconomic status.

Utilizing these valuable tools was essential for effectively assessing the situation.
These methods provided direct insights into the community's experiences and
perspectives on flood vulnerability. Interviewing the SK Councils allowed the team to
gather firsthand accounts of the challenges faced by the community, while surveys
targeted volunteers, employees, and youth, offering a broader range of perspectives.

Physical Impact
Figure 2

As we delved into the "Physical" aspect of our needs assessment, focusing on the
question "Have you experienced any physical harm or injuries due to flooding in
Barangay Apas?" We obtained insightful data. The pie graph revealed that 58% of
respondents answered affirmatively, indicating they had experienced physical harm or
injuries, while 42% answered negatively. This data underscores the significant impact of
flooding on the physical well-being of residents in Barangay Apas.
Figure 2.1

The impact of flooding on access to essential services such as healthcare, food,

or transportation, the resulting pie graph depicted a stark reality. A staggering 96% of
respondents answered affirmatively, indicating that flooding has indeed affected their
access to these crucial services. Only a mere 4% responded negatively. This data
highlights the widespread disruption and challenges faced by the community in
Barangay Apas due to flooding, emphasizing the urgent need for effective solutions and

Figure 2.2

The subsequent pie graph illuminated the community's sentiments: a significant 68%
responded affirmatively, indicating a sense of security amidst challenging weather
conditions. However, a notable 32% expressed feeling unsafe during such
circumstances. These findings shed light on the diverse experiences within Barangay
Apas, emphasizing the necessity of addressing safety concerns during adverse weather
Psychological Impact:
Figure 3
The results indicate that a significant portion of the respondents, comprising
36%, reported worrying about the possibility of flooding in Barangay Apas frequently.
This suggests that flooding is a recurring concern for a considerable segment of the
community, potentially affecting their mental well-being. Additionally, another 36%
reported worrying about flooding always, indicating a persistent anxiety surrounding this
issue. This high percentage indicates the psychological impact that the threat of flooding
has on the residents of Barangay Apas. Furthermore, 14% reported worrying about
flooding sometimes, while another 14% reported rarely worrying about it. However, it is
essential to note that even occasional or rare worries about flooding can still contribute
to psychological distress.

Figure 3.1

The results indicate that a notable proportion of respondents, comprising 34%,

reported experiencing feelings of anxiety, stress, or fear related to flooding. This
suggests that flooding has had a tangible impact on the mental well-being of a
significant portion of the community. Conversely, only 6% of respondents reported not
experiencing such feelings, indicating a minority within the sample population. These
findings highlight the prevalence of negative emotions associated with flooding among
residents of Barangay Apas.
Figure 3.2

The majority of respondents, constituting 61%, expressed feeling adequately

informed and prepared to respond to flooding events in Barangay Apas. This indicates a
sense of confidence and readiness among a significant portion of the community in
dealing with such situations. However, 39% of respondents reported not feeling
adequately informed or prepared. This suggests a potential gap in knowledge or
resources regarding flood preparedness within the community. Addressing this disparity
is crucial to ensuring the overall resilience of Barangay Apas in the face of flooding

Emotional Impact:
Figure 4

The findings indicate that flooding in Barangay Apas has an impact on the
emotional well-being of the residents. A significant majority, comprising 70% of
respondents, reported experiencing increased stress and anxiety as a result of the
flooding. This suggests that the prevalence of flooding events has contributed to
heightened levels of psychological distress within the community. Additionally, 14% of
respondents reported feelings of sadness or depression, highlighting the emotional toll
that these incidents have had on some individuals. None of the respondents mentioned
experiencing anger or frustration directly attributed to flooding. However, 16% of

respondents expressed a sense of helplessness in dealing with the effects of flooding,

indicating a feeling of being overwhelmed or unable to cope with the situation
Figure 4.1

The results, comprising 96% of respondents, have experienced significant

disruptions to their daily lives or routines as a direct consequence of flooding in
Barangay Apas. This overwhelming majority suggests that flooding has had a pervasive
impact on the community, causing widespread disruptions to normal activities and
routines. The high percentage of respondents reporting disruptions underscores the
severity of the issue and its implications for the overall well-being and livelihoods of the
residents. Only a small percentage, 4% of respondents, reported not experiencing
significant disruptions due to flooding. While this minority may have been less affected
directly, this directs the pervasive nature of the disruptions caused by flooding in the
Figure 4.2

The data reveals that a significant majority of respondents, comprising 82%, feel
supported by the community and local authorities in coping with the challenges posed
by flooding in Barangay Apas. This suggests that there is a perceived level of solidarity
and assistance within the community, as well as recognition of efforts by local
authorities to address the impact of flooding. However, 18% of respondents indicated
feeling unsupported, signaling that there are still individuals within the community who
may not feel adequately assisted or reassured in dealing with the repercussions of
flooding. This indicates that support mechanisms are inclusive and accessible to all
residents, addressing any gaps in assistance to foster a more resilient and united
community response to flooding-related challenges.

The outcomes of the needs assessment conducted in Barangay Apas provide

insight into the diverse effects of flooding on the community. A majority of participants
shared experiencing physical harm or injuries (58%), while a vast majority (96%)
encountered disruptions to essential services due to flooding. Although a significant
portion of residents feel secure during adverse weather conditions (68%), concerns
regarding flooding persist, with 36% frequently worrying and 36% always worrying about
its possibility. The emotional toll is palpable, with 70% reporting increased stress and
anxiety, and 14% indicating feelings of sadness or depression. Despite these
adversities, a majority (61%) feel adequately informed and prepared for flooding events,
suggesting a level of community resilience. Nevertheless, a notable portion (39%)
express feeling inadequately informed or prepared, highlighting the necessity for
targeted interventions. While the community largely perceives support from both fellow
residents and local authorities (82%), there remains a minority (18%) feeling
unsupported, indicating the importance of inclusive support mechanisms. These
findings create the pressing need for holistic strategies to address the physical,
emotional, and informational needs of Barangay Apas residents, aimed at mitigating the
impact of flooding and enhancing community resilience.


To conclude, the disaster needs assessment conducted in Barangay Apas has provided
important information about how flooding affects the community.

Based on the results of the disaster needs assessment conducted in Barangay Apas, it
is evident from the results of the disaster needs assessment carried out in Barangay
Apas that flooding has a significant impact on the community's mental, emotional, and
physical well-being. According to the survey, the majority of participants in Barangay
Apas reported having physical injuries as a result of floods, which made it difficult for
them to get essential services like food, medicine, and transportation. In addition, a lot
of locals expressed continuous worries and anxieties about potential flooding incidents,
which raised tension and anxiety levels. Their everyday routines and lives have been
disturbed by this emotional burden. All things considered, Barangay Apas's residents'
livelihoods and general well-being have been severely damaged by flooding.The
recurring threat of flooding engenders significant concern and worry among residents,
highlighting the urgent need for targeted flood preparedness and mitigation strategies.

The needs assessment conclusion led to the following recommendation, which have
been proposed to address the problem caused by flooding in Barangay Apas:

● Given the growing range of effects that flooding is having on the mental well-
being and overall well-being of Barangay Apas residents, it is crucial to provide
mental health assistance, recognize the emotional toll that flooding takes, as well
as make sure that there are sufficient resources available to support the
psychological well-being of individuals. This could incorporate community-based
efforts to improve mental health and resilience as well as group assistance.

● Enhance infrastructure and drainage networks: Investing in the enhancement

and upkeep of drainage systems in flood-prone zones like 6th Street, Dagohoy
Street, Mactan Street, and the Terminal vicinity is vital. This step aims to mitigate
flood impacts that will likely lessen the likelihood of physical harm and injuries.

● Improve communication and dissemination of information: Ensuring residents

receive timely and accurate flood-related information is essential. Establishing a
reliable communication framework can relay flood warnings, evacuation
protocols, and readiness guidelines effectively, easing concerns and

● Foster community resilience: Empowering both individuals and communities to

take preemptive actions before, during, and after flooding events is crucial. This
entails providing training and education on flood preparedness, this involves first
aid, emergency response, and evacuation strategies. Equipping residents with
requisite skills and knowledge enhances their capacity to manage flooding
challenges adeptly.

● It is recommended to implement comprehensive flood preparedness measures,

enhance community resilience through education and awareness programs,
strengthen communication and collaboration between stakeholders, invest in
long-term flood prevention solutions, and regularly monitor and evaluate flood
risk and community needs.

Asana, T. (2024, February 23). What is a Needs Assessment? 3 Types and Examples
[2024] • Asana. Asana.

Diaz, A., Neal, J. W., & Vandenbroeck, P. (2018). Conducting community needs
assessments: A multidisciplinary approach. Journal of Community Psychology, 46(4),

Demecillo, J. M. A. (2014, August 21). DENR-7: 14 barangays prone to landslide, flood.

Sitchon, J. (2023, September 22). 4 days of rain causes widespread flooding in Cebu.

Stanke, C., Murray, V., Amlôt, R., Nurse, J., & Williams, R. (2012). The effects of
flooding on mental health: Outcomes and recommendations from a review of the
literature. PLOS Currents.

Victoria State Emergency Service. (19, August). SES Thornbury & Northcote Local
Flood Guide Flash flood information for Merri Creek and Darebin Creek. Australia.

World Health Organization: WHO. (2019, November 8). Floods.


March 20, 2024

● Understanding a community's needs and obstacles is essential to effectively

addressing its issues, and this is where needs assessments come in. The team
has decided to focus our effort on Barangay Apas in Lahug after giving it some
serious thought. Our team scheduled a meeting with SK Chairman Mangco of
Barangay Apas. During the meeting, our leader discussed the concept of our
needs assessment, its content, how it will be conducted with the support of the
councils, and its purpose. Fortunately, they agreed with and liked the concept,
then signed our transmittal letter.
March 21, 2024

● Following the productive discussion, our team painstakingly assembled all the
resources required to carry out the Needs Assessment in Barangay Apas. We
carefully designed the survey questionnaires and other evaluation tools to meet
the unique requirements and circumstances of the inhabitants. We held a
thorough briefing session before distributing these tools, making sure that the
survey forms' content was clearly explained in Bisaya, the local tongue, to
encourage greater comprehension and involvement from the Barangay Apas
inhabitants. This method laid a solid foundation for the assessment process by
promoting inclusivity and community engagement in addition to ensuring clarity.
March 23, 2024

● Our team got together on this day for a quick yet important meeting to review our
conversation with the Barangay Apas SK Chairman. We carefully analyzed the
knowledge acquired from the discussion, thinking back on important ideas, and
planning our course of action. In parallel, we kept up our efforts to get people to
participate in the survey, making sure that a wide range of Barangay Apas
residents were represented so that various needs and viewpoints could be
successfully captured. In addition, our meeting was a good time to assign duties
and obligations to team members. Based on each person's unique skills and
areas of experience, each assignment was carefully assigned to ensure a
smooth workflow and economical use of resources. We sought to maximize our
impact in meeting the needs of the community while streamlining our efforts
through efficient coordination and collaboration.
March 24, 2024

● Our team embarked on the essential task of distributing survey forms to a select
group of Barangay Apas residents. With meticulous planning and coordination,
we ensured widespread coverage, enabling us to gather a wealth of valuable
input. In addition to collecting survey data, we engaged in insightful discussions
with locals, delving into their accounts and perspectives on local flooding. These
conversations yielded rich insights into the community's challenges during flood
events and provided invaluable qualitative data. By actively listening to their
stories and experiences, we gained a profound understanding of the multifaceted
impacts of floods on residents' lives, properties, and livelihoods. Employing a
dual approach of survey distribution and qualitative interaction, we ensured a
comprehensive grasp of the community's needs and aspirations. This holistic
methodology serves as a robust foundation for developing targeted interventions
and solutions to enhance flood resilience in Barangay Apas.
March 25, 2024

● On this productive day, our team meticulously entered the demographic details of
respondents into our database and tabulated the survey results. By efficiently
organizing and analyzing the data, we laid the groundwork for informed decision-
making and tailored interventions to address the needs of the community

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