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Developmental Psychology

Young Adulthood
Source: Papalia (2021), Santrock (2018)
o Three criteria defines “Adulthood” o High levels of chronic stress are related to a host
 Accepting responsibility for oneself of physical and immunological impairments
 Making independent decisions o Stress may lead young adults to engage in risky
 Becoming financially independent behaviors, eat unhealthily, have poor quality of
o Emerging Adulthood – represents a period of sleep, etc.
time during which young adults can figure out o Emotion-Focused Coping – manage emotions
who they are and what they want to be by refusing to think about an issue or reframing
 Characterized by: identity exploration, the event in the positive light
instability, self-focused, feeling in-between, o Problem-Focused Coping – involves
and age of possibilities addressing an issue head-on and developing
Physical Development action-oriented ways of managing and
Health and Fitness changing a bad situation
o The habits that young adults develop during this o College-age women more likely to use emotion-
time in the life span tend to become ingrained focused strategies
over time and are highly predictive of the o Among college students, family stress, academic
likelihood they will experience good health at stress, is associated with high levels of insomnia
older ages o Sleep Deprivation affects not only the physical
o Genes affect the action of the hormone health but also cognitive, emotional, and social
receptors, stress response systems, and synaptic functioning as well
plasticity may influence a person’s ability to o Primary cognitive consequence is impaired
respond adaptively to stressful events attention and vigilance
o Poor diets and lack of physical activity are o Chronic sleep deprivation can seriously worsen
among the leading causes of preventable cognitive performance
diseases, overweight, and obesity o Sleep deprivation has been linked to depression
o WHO recommends Mediterranean-style diet and insomnia and sleep disturbances also are
rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and related to the risk of postpartum depression
unsaturated fats o Smoking is the leading preventable cause of
o Increase snacking, availability of inexpensive fast death, illness and impoverishment worldwide
foods, supersized portions, labor-saving o A tendency to addiction may be genetic
technologies, high-fat diets, and sedentary o College students tend to drink more frequently
recreational pursuits explains obesity epidemic and more heavily than their noncollegiate peers
o Bariatric Surgery – any surgery that is carried o Risky Drinking – consuming more than 14
out to induce weight loss, and it generally drinks a week or 4 drinks on any single day for
involves rerouting or removing parts of the men and more than 7 drinks a week or 3 days
stomach or small intestine on any single day for women
o The most common eating disorders in Young o Social Integration – active engagement in a
Adulthood are Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia broad range of social relationships, activities,
Nervosa and roles
o People who are physically active maintain o Social Support – refers to material information,
healthy body weight, builds muscles, strengthen and psychological resources derived from the
heart and lungs, lowers blood pressure, protects social network on which a person can rely for
against heart disease, etc. help in coping with stress
Developmental Psychology
Young Adulthood
Source: Papalia (2021), Santrock (2018)
o Alcoholism – long term physical condition tension for up to 2 weeks before menstrual
characterized by compulsive drinking that a period
person is unable to control  Response to monthly surges of female
o The most common habit-forming drugs include hormones
marijuana and prescription painkillers, followed  More typical in women in their 30s or older
by cocaine and heroin  Dysmenorrhea – caused by contractions of
o Adolescence and emerging adulthood appear the uterus which are set in motion by
to be sensitive periods for the onset of prostaglandin
depressive disorders o Infertility – inability to conceive a baby
o Adolescents who are depressed and who  Common causes in women: failure to
depression carries over into adulthood, tend to produce ova, mucus in the cervix or disease
have had significant childhood risk factors, such of the uterine lining
as neurological or developmental disorders, Cognitive Development
dysfunctional or unstable families, and Perspective on Adult Cognition
childhood behavioral disorders o Reflective Thinking – active, persistent, and
o Adult-onset group tend to have had low levels careful consideration of information or beliefs
of childhood risk factors and to possess more  Continually question facts, draw inferences,
resources to deal with the challenges of and make connections
emerging adulthood  Frequently engage in critical thinking
Sexual and Reproductive Issues  At approx. 20-25 years of age, the brain
o Pre-marital sex has been increasing for adults forms new neurons, synapses, and dendritic
over 18 connections, and the cortical regions that
o Acceptability of homosexual unions is growing, handle higher-level thinking become fully
especially in younger cohorts and in women myelinated
o Sexual Script – stereotyped pattern of role o Postformal Thought – characterized by the
prescriptions for how individuals should behave ability to deal with inconsistency, contradiction,
sexually and compromise
o Emerging adults tend to have more sexual  Draws on intuition and emotion as well as
partners than in older age groups, but they have logic to help people cope with situations
sex less frequently such as social dilemmas
o The most common contraceptive are the birth  Acknowledges that there may be more than
control pills, female sterilization, and condoms one valid way of viewing an issue and that
o Casual Sex is fairly common the world is made up of shades of gray
o However, Sexual assaults are problem o Schaie: A lifespan Model of Cognitive
o Rape – forcible sexual intercourse Development
o Date or Acquaintance Rape – coercive sexual Acquisitive Stage (Childhood and Adolescence)
activity directed at someone with whom the Children acquire info and skills mainly for their
perpetrator is at least casually acquianted own sake or as preparation in society
o Most lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Achieving Stage (Late teens or early twenties
persons are clear about their sexual identity to thirties)
o Premenstrual Syndrome – disorder that They use what they know to pursue goals
produces physical discomfort and emotional Responsible Stage (Late 30s to early 60s)
Developmental Psychology
Young Adulthood
Source: Papalia (2021), Santrock (2018)
Use their minds to solve practical problems Education and Work
associated with responsibilities to others o Gap Year – taking a year off from formal
Executive Stage (30s or 40s through middle education or the workplace
age) o Distance Learning – courses are delivered via
Responsible for societal systems or social mail, internet, or other technological means
movements o Family support seems to be a key factor in
Reorganizational Stage (end of middle age, college adjustment
beginning of late adulthood)
o As students gain more experience and think
Enter retirement reorganize their lives and
more deeply, they begin to realize that much
intellectual energies around meaningful pursuits
knowledge and many values are somewhat
that take place of paid work
Reintegrative Stage (Late Adulthood)
Focus on the purpose of what they do and o Commitment within Relativism – students
concentrate on tasks that have most meaning for decide for themselves, ideally, what they want to
them believe
Legacy-Creating Stage (advanced old age) o Whether a person completes college may
Older people may create instructions for the depend not only on motivation, academic
disposition of prized possessions, make funeral aptitude, and preparation, and ability to work
arrangements, provide oral histories, or write their independently, but also on social integration
life stories as legacy for their loved ones and social support
o Componential Knowledge – analytical abilities o People seem to grow in challenging hobs
o Experiential Intelligence – original thinking, o Substantive Complexity – the degree of
experience-based thought and independent judgement it requires
o Contextual Intelligence – knowing your way – and a person’s flexibility in coping with
around cognitive demands
o Tacit Knowledge – inside information, know- o Spillover Hypothesis – cognitive gains from
how, “hacks”, not formally taught or openly work carry over to nonworking hours
expressed; commonsense knowledge of how to Psychosocial Development
get agead Emerging Adulthood: Patterns and Tasks
 Includes self-management, management of o Traditionally, adulthood was defined by markers
tasks, and management of others such as moving out of the family home,
o Emotional Intelligence – refers to four related marriage, children, full-time employment, or
skills: the abilities to perceive, use, understand, establishment of career
and manage or regulate emotions to achieve o Early marriage and family formation are
goals (Salovey & Mayer, 1990) associated with poverty and substance use
 Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional o Emerging adults with the highest well-being
Intelligence Test) were those who were not yet married, had no
Moral Reasoning children, attend college, and lived away from
o In Kohlberg’s Postconventional Morality, people their childhood home
became more capable of fully principled moral o Emerging adulthood offers Moratorium – time
reasoning, and that they made moral decisions out from developmental pressures and allow
on the basis of universal principles of justice young people the freedom to experiment
o Culture affects the understanding of morality various roles and lifestyles
Developmental Psychology
Young Adulthood
Source: Papalia (2021), Santrock (2018)
o Recentering – name for the process that o Love – a mutual devotion between partners who
underlies the shift to an adult identity have chosen to share their lives and have
Stage 1: Beginning children
Individual is still embedded in the family of origin, o Maladaptive Tendency: Promiscuity –
but expectations for self-reliance and self- tendency to become intimate too freely, too
directedness begin to increase easily
Stage 2: During o Malignant Tendency: Exclusion – tendency to
Individual remains connected to but no longer isolate oneself from everyone
embedded within the family of origin o Timing-of-Events Model – holds that the
Stage 3: Usually by Age 30
course of development depends on when
Marked independence from the family of origin
certain events occur in people’s lives
and commitment to a career, a partner, and
o Normative Life Events (Normative Age-
possibly children
Graded Events) – those typically happen at
o Moratorium – self-conscious crisis that ideally
certain times of life
leads to a resolution and identity achievement
o Social Clock – society’s norms for appropriate
timing of life events
o Many young adults seem to do little active,
o Trait Models – psychological models that focus
conscious deliberation, instead of taking passive
on the measurement and examination of
approach or taking the lead from the parents
different traits
o Positive parent-child relationships during early
o McCrae’s Five-Factor Model – Openness,
adolescence predict warmer and less conflicted
Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness,
relationships with both parents when children
reach age 26
o People’s personalities remain similar does not
o The view that these young adults who “fail to
mean no change occurs
launch” and do not move out of their parents’
homes are selfish slackers who refuse to grow
up is largely inaccurate
Personality Development
o Normative-Stage Models – theoretical o Typological Approach – seeks to complement
approaches that hold that adults follow a basic and expand trait research by looking at
sequence of age-related psychosocial changes personality functioning whole
Approximate Crisis Virtue o Ego-Resilient – well-adjusted, self-confident,
Age Developed articulate, attentive, helpful, Cooperative, task-
Young Intimacy vs. Love focused
Adulthood Isoclation o Overcontrolled – shy, quiet, anxious,
(21-39 yrs) dependable, tend to keep thoughts to
o According to Erikson, if adults cannot make
themselves and withdraw from conflict, subject
deep personal commitments to others, they risk
to depression
becoming overly isolated and self-absorbed
o Undercontrolled – active, energetic, impulsive,
o As young adults work to resolve conflicting
stubborn, and easily distracted
demands for intimacy and competitiveness, they
o Three Attachment Styles:
develop an ethical sense, which Erikson
1. Secure – have positive views in relationships,
considered a marker of adulthood
find it easy to get close to others, and are not
Developmental Psychology
Young Adulthood
Source: Papalia (2021), Santrock (2018)
overly concerned about romantic There is closeness, understanding, emotional
relationships support, affection, bondedness, and warmth
2. Avoidant – hesitant about getting involved e.g., ka-talking stage mo na ayaw makipag-meet
in romantic relationships and once they do, up at walang label
they distance themselves to their partners Infatuation
3. Anxious – demand closeness, less trusting, Passion present
more emotional, jealous, and possessive Strong physical attraction
Foundations of Intimate Relationships e.g., crushes, someone na naka-salubong mo sa
kanto tapos crush mo agad
o Intimate relationship requires self-awareness,
Empty Love
empathy, the ability to communicate emotions,
Commitment only
resolve conflict, and sustain commitments
Found in long-term relationship that have lost
o Friendships during young adulthood are much
both intimacy and passion
less stable because people relocate more
e.g., arranged marriage (justin-hailey charot)
frequently Companionate Love
o They tend to center on work, sharing confidence Intimacy and Commitment present
and advice Long-term, committed friendship, no physical
o Women have more intimate friendships than attraction
men e.g., Couple with no sex life charot, BESTIEEEEES
o Men are more likely to share information and Fatuous Love
activities Passion and Commitment only
o Fictive Kin – treated as family members despite Couple makes commitment without allowing
a lack of blood relationship themselves to develop intimacy
o Sternberg’s Triangular Theory of Love – the e.g., Fuck Buddies
way love develops is a story. The loves are its Consummate Love
authors, and the story they create reflects their All three components completed
personalities and their conceptions of love. e.g., SANA ALL
o Three elements of love: Marital and Nonmarital Lifestyles
a. Intimacy – emotional element, involves self- o Some young adults stay single because they
disclosure, which leads to connection, have not found the right mate, some are single
warmth, and trust by choice
b. Passion – motivational element, based on o Friends With Benefits – relationships of
inner drives that translate physiological friendships blended with physical intimacy, but
arousal into sexual desire little commitment
c. Commitment – cognitive element, the o Gay and Lesbian relationships mirror
decision to love and make the relationship heterosexual relationships
work (exclusive or marry)  More likely to negotiate household chores
Nonlove on a more egalitarian basis
No intimacy, passion, nor commitment  Resolve conflicts in more positive ways
Casual Interactions  Less stable
e.g., friends, acquaintances  Lesbian couples are more likely to divorce
Liking than gay couples (AAAAWWW
Intimacy present CALZONAAAAAAAA)
Developmental Psychology
Young Adulthood
Source: Papalia (2021), Santrock (2018)
o Cohabitation – unmarried couple involved in o Remarriages are more likely to end in divorce
sexual relationship live together than second marriage
o Most young adults plan to marry, but only when end
they feel ready, and they see getting on their
feet financially and establishing themselves in a
stable jobs or careers
o Married people tend to be happier than
unmarried people
o Sex impacts relationship quality
o Women tend to place more importance on
emotional expressiveness than men do
o Marital satisfaction typically declines during the
child-raising years, and the more children, the
greater decline
o Many couples find their relationship becoming
more traditional following the birth of a child,
with the woman often engaging in the bulk of
caregiving and housekeeping
o Combining work and family roles is good for
both men’s and women’s mental and physical
health and has positive effects on the strength
of their relationship
When Marriage Ends
o The most cited reasons are incompatibility, lack
of emotional support, lack of career support,
abuse, premarital cohabitation, and infidelity
o Couples are more likely to stay married if they
have children. However, it can create more
conflict and does greater damage
o Adults with divorced parents are more likely to
expect that their marriage will not last
(commitment issues)
o Divorce tends to reduce long-term well-being
o People who were thought they were happily
married tend to react more negatively and adapt
more slowly to divorce
o Remarriage is the triumph of hope over
o Families in which both parents bring children
into marriage are marked by higher levels of

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