QNET HVACT Laboratory - Instructor Manual

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QNET-012 HVAC Trainer

Quanser Engineering Trainer


QNET Heating and Ventilation Trainer

Instructor Manual
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Copyright ©2009, by Quanser Inc. All rights reserved.

QNET-HVAC Trainer Laboratory – Instructor Manual

Table of Contents

1. INTRODUCTION..........................................................................................................................................1

2. PREREQUISITES.........................................................................................................................................1

3. HVACT VIRTUAL INSTRUMENTS..............................................................................................................2

3.1. Summary...........................................................................................................................................2
3.2. Description........................................................................................................................................2
3.2.1. On-Off Control.......................................................................................................................................2
3.2.2. PI Control...............................................................................................................................................5

4. IN-LAB EXPERIMENTS...............................................................................................................................8
4.1. On-Off Control.................................................................................................................................8
4.1.1. Startup....................................................................................................................................................8
4.1.2. Relay Control.........................................................................................................................................9
4.1.3. Modeling..............................................................................................................................................10
4.1.4. Exercises..............................................................................................................................................12

4.2. PI Control........................................................................................................................................17
4.2.1. Startup..................................................................................................................................................17
4.2.2. PI Control with Anti-Windup...............................................................................................................17
4.2.3. Effect of Saturation and Windup..........................................................................................................18
4.2.4. Effect of Set-Point Weight...................................................................................................................19
4.2.5. PI Control According to Specifications................................................................................................19
4.2.6. Exercises..............................................................................................................................................21

5. REFERENCES...........................................................................................................................................29

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1. Introduction
This manual contains experimental procedures and lab exercises for the QNET Heating and Ventilation
Trainer (HVACT). The HVACT is depicted in Figure 1 and the hardware of the device is explained in
Reference [1].

Figure 1: QNET HVAC trainer on ELVIS II.

The prerequisites to run the LabVIEW Virtual Instruments (VIs) for the HVACT are listed in Section 2
and described in Section 3. The in-lab procedures are given in Section 4 and split into two sections: on-
off control and PI control. In Section 4.1, a relay switch is used to regulate the temperature inside the
chamber. This response is then used to establish a simple model of the plant. In Section 4.2, a PI
compensator is used to control the temperature. This section includes exercises that demonstrates the
effect of proportional and integral control, integrator anti-windup, and set-point weight. Students can
then use the model they derived to design PI gains that meet certain specifications. The exercises are
given within the lab procedures and labeled “Exercise”. In that case, enter your answer in the
corresponding exercises number in the corresponding section.

2. Prerequisites
The following system is required to run the QNET HVAC Trainer virtual instruments:
✔ PC equipped with either:
✔ NI-ELVIS I and an NI E-Series or M-Series DAQ card.

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✔ Quanser Engineering Trainer (QNET) module.

✔ LabVIEW 8.6.1 with the following add-ons:
✔ DAQmx
✔ Control Design and Simulation Module
✔ When using ELVIS II: ELVISmx installed for required drivers.
✔ When using ELVIS I: ELVIS CD 3.0.1 or later installed.

If these are not all installed then the VI will not be able to run! Please make sure all the software
and hardware components are installed. If an issue arises, then see the troubleshooting section in
Reference [1].

3. HVACT Virtual Instruments

3.1. Summary

Table 1 below lists and describes the HVACT LabVIEW Vis supplied with the QNET CD.
VI Description
QNET_HVACT_On_Off_Control.vi Control temperature using on-off control.

QNET_HVACT_PI_Control.vi Control temperature using a proportional-

integral (PI) regulator.
HVACT_PI_CD_Instructor Design PI gains according to given
Table 1: HVACT VIs supplied with the QNET CD.

3.2. Description
3.2.1. On-Off Control
The HVACT On-Off Control VI implements a relay to control the temperature of the chamber. This VI
can also be used to model the dynamics between the heater voltage and the temperature. Table 2 lists
and describes the main elements of the QNET-HVACT On-Off Control virtual instrument user
interface. Every element is uniquely identified through an ID number and located in Figure 2.

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Figure 2: QNET-HVACT On-Off Control virtual instrument.

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ID # Label Parameter Description Unit

1 Chamber Temp Tc Temperature inside chamber numeric °C
2 Ambient Temp Ta,m Temperature outside chamber numeric °C
display (i.e. measured room temperature).
3 Ta Latched ambient temperature that is added
to reference temperature from Signal
4 Heater Voltage Vh Heater input voltage numeric display. V
5 Calibrate Sets the red latched ambient temperature to
the measured ambient temperature.
6 Signal Type Type of signal generated for the
temperature reference.
7 Amplitude Generated signal amplitude input box. °C
8 Frequency Generated signal frequency input box. Hz
9 Offset Generated signal offset input box. °C
10 Vh_amp Vh,amp Heater voltage relay amplitude input box. V
11 Vh_off Vh,off Heater voltage relay offset input box. V
12 ∆Th ∆Th Heater relay hysteresis width. °C
13 Tf Tf Time constant of filter for measured signal s
input box.
14 Update Filter Updates the filter transfer function with the
time constant.
15 h h Sampling time interval of virtual s
instrument input box.
16 cycle Number of relay cycles to take into account
when performing auto-model procedure.
17 Modelling OFF Click on this button to begin auto-model
18 Status Output box that reports the current result of
the auto-modeling procedure.
19 dt Total time duration of cyles used for auto-
20 Frequency Frequency of cycles.
21 Kv Kv Model gain calculated from auto-model °C/(V.s)
procedure: slope of temperature response

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used in open-loop transfer function.

22 Temperature Tc, Tr Scope with measured chamber temperature °C
(in red) and reference temperature (in blue).
23 Voltage Vm Scope with applied motor voltage (red). V
24 Pause Plots Pauses the Temperature and Voltage
25 Start Control When not pressed, the control output is
ignored and a voltage of zero is applied to
the motor.
26 EXIT Stops the LabVIEW virtual instrument
from running.
27 Q-Guide Loads the QNET Interactive Learning
Guide experiment procedure for this VI.
28 Real-Time? The green light indicates that the sampling
rate is being maintained.
Table 2: Nomenclature of QNET-HVACT On-Off Control VI

Remark: The reference temperature is relative to the latched ambient temperature, ID #3 in Table 2.
The reference temperature is equal to the sum of the signal generated from the Signal Generator and the
latched ambient temperature.

3.2.2. PI Control
In the QNET HVACT PI Control VI, a proportional-integral compensator is used to control the
temperature of the chamber. The PI control includes anti-windup and set-point weight strategies. Table
3 lists and describes the main elements of the QNET-HVACT PI Control virtual instrument user
interface. Every element is uniquely identified through an ID number and located in Figure 3.

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Figure 3: Nomenclature of QNET-HVACT PI Control VI.

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# Label Parameter Description Unit

1 Chamber Temp Tc Temperature inside chamber numeric display. oC

Temperature outside chamber numeric display (i.e.

2 Ambient Temp Ta,m oC
measured room temperature).
Ta Latched ambient temperature that is added to reference
temperature from Signal Generator.
4 Heater Voltage Vh Heater input voltage numeric display. V
Sets the red latched ambient temperature to the measured
5 Calibrate
ambient temperature.
6 Signal Type Type of signal generated for the temperature reference.
7 Amplitude Generated signal amplitude input box. oC

8 Frequency Generated signal frequency input box. Hz

9 Offset Generated signal offset input box. oC

10 kp kp Controller proportional gain input box. V/oC

11 ki ki Controller integral gain input box.
12 bsp bsp Controller set-point gain input box.
13 Tr Tr Anti-windup tracking time constant. s
14 Tf Tf Time constant of filter for measured signal input box. s
Apply control parameters to implemented digital
15 Update Control
controller running in VI.
16 h h Sampling time interval of virtual instrument input box. s
Model gain calculated from auto-model procedure: slope o
17 Kv Kv of temperature response used in open-loop transfer C/
function. (V.s)
18 zeta ζ Damping ratio control specification input box.
19 w0 ω0 Natural frequency control specification input box.
20 Update Design
21 Set Desired
kp,d Desired proportional gain to meet zeta, w0, and p0
22 kp
specification output box. V/oC
Desired integral gain to meet zeta and w0 specification V/
23 ki ki,d
output box. (oC.s)
bsp,d Desired set-point weight to meet zeta and w0
24 bsp
specification output box.
25 Ts ts Simulated settling time output box. s

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26 PO PO Simulated percentage overshoot. %

Tc, Tr Scope with the measured chamber temperature (in red) oC
27 Temperature
and the reference temperature (in blue).
28 Voltage Vm Scope with applied motor voltage (red). V
29 Pause Plots Pauses the Temperature and Voltage scopes.
When not pressed, the control output is ignored and a
30 Start Control
voltage of zero is applied to the motor.
Loads the QNET Interactive Learning Guide experiment
31 Q-Guide
procedure for this VI.
32 EXIT Stops the LabVIEW virtual instrument from running.
The green light indicates that the sampling rate is being
33 Real-Time?
Table 3: Nomenclature of QNET-HVACT PI Control VI.

4. In-Lab Experiments

4.1. On-Off Control

4.1.1. Startup
1. Open the QNET_HVACT_On_Off_Control.vi.
2. Ensure the correct Device is chosen, as shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4: Selecting correct device.

3. Run the QNET_HVACT_On_Off_Control.vi shown in Figure 5, below..

4. The cooling fan is automatically activated when the Prototyping Board Power switch on the
ELVIS unit is on. Let the actual temperature, Tc , in the Temperature (C) scope settle until it
stops decreasing.
5. Adjust the Temperature (C) scope scales to see both the reference and actual temperatures (see
Reference [1] for help).
6. As illustrated in Figure 5, calibrate the temperature sensors by clicking on the Calibrate button.
This will align the chamber temperature, Tc, to the measured ambient temperature, Ta.
7. Activate the control by clicking on the Heater OFF button (in the top-right corner of Figure 5).

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Figure 5: Calibrating the temperature in the QNET HVACT On-Off Control VI.

4.1.2. Relay Control

1. Ensure the QNET_HVACT_On_Off_Control.vi is running and has been calibrated as instructed
in Section 4.1.1. When running, the VI should look similar to Figure 6.
2. In the Signal Generator section set:
Amplitude = 0 °C
Frequency = 0.008 Hz
Offset = 0.5 °C
3. Examine the actual temperature (red) and reference temperature (blue) responses in the
Temperature (C) scope.
4. Exercise 1: Gradually vary the Offset in the Signal Generator between 0.5 °C and 2 °C. How is
the reference temperature, Tr, in the Temperature (C) scope is set? Attach a sample temperature
5. Exercise 2: Vary the relay amplitude, Vh_amp, in the Control Parameters section. Explain how
the heater voltage affects the temperature variation and, in particular, observe the frequency and
amplitude of the chamber temperature. Attach a representative temperature response.

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6. Exercise 3: Explain the effect of changing the relay mean, Vh_off. Attach a temperature
7. Exercise 4: Examine the effects of changing the relay width (or hysteresis), DTh, between 0.01
°C and 1.00 °C. Give a short explanation and attach a temperature response with a narrow and
wide hysteresis.
8. Click on the Stop button to stop running the VI.

Figure 6: QNET-HVACT On-Off Control VI.

4.1.3. Modeling
1. Ensure the QNET_HVACT_On_Off_Control.vi is running and has been calibrated as instructed
in Section 4.1.1. When running, the VI should look similar to Figure 6.
2. In the Signal Generator section set:
Amplitude = 0 °C
Frequency = 0.008 Hz
Offset = 1.50 °C.
3. In the Control Parameters section set:

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Vh_amp = 4.0 V
Vh_off = 4.0 V
DTh = 0.50 °C.
4. Adjust the Temperature (C) scope scales to see both the reference and actual temperatures (see
Reference [1] for help).
5. Adjust the Offset in the Signal Generator to obtain a relatively symmetrical oscillation (i.e. the
rate of increase and decrease should be similar).
6. Exercise 5: Observe the heater voltage and the chamber temperature. As discussed in Reference
[2], this can be modeled by the simple transfer function P(s) = Kv/s. Find parameter Kv that
would describe the relation between the voltage and the temperature signals. Make sure you fill
Table 4 and attach both the temperature and voltage responses used to find Kv.
7. Click on the Stop button to stop running the VI.

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4.1.4. Exercises
Exercise 1: Setting the Reference Temperature

The absolute reference temperature is the sum of the latched calibrated ambient temperature, Ta,
and the relative reference temperature, ∆Tr, which is set in the Signal Generator, thus
T r = Ta + ∆ Tr [s1]

For the run shown in Figure 7, the relative reference and latched ambient temperatures are
∆ Tr = 1.0 [ degC ] [s2]
Ta = 19.9 [ degC ] [s3]
and the reference temperature is
Tr = 20.9 [ degC ] [s4]

Figure 7: On-off response with Tr=19.9+1.0 deg, Vh_amp = 2.5V, Vh_off = 2.5V, and dTh = 0.25 °C.

0 1 2

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Exercise 2: Changing Relay Amplitude

Compare the temperature response when using a relay that goes up to 8 V in Figure 8 with the
Figure 7 that uses a maximum relay output of 5 V. The frequency is higher (i.e. 5 cycles instead of
3) because the chamber is heated more quickly.

Figure 8: On-off response with Tr=19.9+1.0 deg, Vh_amp = 8V, Vh_off = 4V, and dTh = 0.25 °C. 0 1 2

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Exercise 3: Changing Relay Mean

As depicted in Figure 9, if the offset of the relay is increased then it takes longer for the chamber to
cool down because the average heater voltage is now higher. This causes the frequency to decrease
(i.e. goes through 1 cycle).

Figure 9: On-off response with Tr=19.9+1.0 deg, Vh_amp = 2V, Vh_off = 5V, and dTh = 0.25 °C.

0 1 2

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Exercise 4: Changing Relay Hysteresis Width

Compare the response in Figure 8 and Figure 10. Both responses have the same relay amplitude and
offset. The hysteresis width in Figure 8 is 0.25 °C compared to 0.75 °C in Figure 10. As illustrated,
increasing the hysteresis width of the relay switch decreases the frequency of the temperature
signal. A larger hysteresis allows the chamber temperature to heat at higher points above the
reference and cool down more below the reference.

Figure 10: On-off response with Tr=19.9+1.0 deg, Vh_amp = 4V, Vh_off = 4V, and dTh = 0.75 °C.

0 1 2

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Exercise 5: Find Model Parameter

The model parameter Kv is the slope of the ramp and can be defined by
Kv = [s5]
dt dVh

The measurements based on the responses shown in Figure 11 and Figure 12 are given in Table 4,
along with the model parameter Kv that is found.

Figure 11: On-off response with Tr=19.9+1.50 deg, Vh_amp = 4V, Vh_off = 4V, and dTh =
0.5 °C.

0 1 2
Figure 12: On-off response heater voltage.

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Parameters Symbol Value Units

Temperature change ∆Tc 0.5 °C
Heater voltage change ∆Vh 8 V
Ramp time ∆t 10 s
Ramp slope Κv 0.00625 °C/(V.s)
Table 4: HVACT model parameter.

4.2. PI Control
4.2.1. Startup
1. Run the QNET_HVACT_PI_Control.vi, as shown in Figure 13, below.
2. The cooling fan is automatically activated when the Prototyping Board Power switch on the
ELVIS unit is on. Let the actual temperature in the Temperature (C) scope settle until it stops
3. Adjust the Temperature (C) scope scales to see both the reference and actual temperatures (click
here for help).
4. As illustrated in Figure 5, above, calibrate the temperature sensors by clicking on the Calibrate
button. This will align the chamber temperature, Tc, to the measured ambient temperature, Ta.
5. Activate the control by clicking on the Heater OFF button (in the top-right corner).
6. Adjust the Temperature (C) scope scales to see both the reference and actual temperatures (see
Reference [1] for help).

4.2.2. PI Control with Anti-Windup

1. Ensure the QNET_HVACT_PI_Control.vi is running and has been calibrated as instructed in
Section 4.2.1.
2. In the Signal Generator section set:
Amplitude = 0.50 °C
Frequency = 0.0200 Hz
Offset = 1.50 °C
3. In Control Parameters set:
kp = 4.00 V/°C
ki = 0.5 V/(°C.s)
bsp = 1.00
Tr = 1.00 s
4. Examine the temperature response to the square wave input.

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5. Exercise 1: Set ki to 0 V/(°C.s) and change the proportional gain kp between 2 V/°C and 10
V/°C. Explain the effect proportional gain has on the temperature control performance. Attach a
temperature response when using a low and high proportional gain.
6. Exercise 2: Set kp to 0.5 V/(°C.s) and change the integral gain ki between 0.25 V/(°C.s) and 2.0
V/(°C.s) and observe its effect on the temperature control performance. Show the temperature
response with a low and high integral gain.
7. Click on the Stop button to stop running the VI.

Figure 13: QNET-HVACT PI Control VI.

4.2.3. Effect of Saturation and Windup

1. Ensure the QNET_HVACT_PI_Control.vi is running and has been calibrated as instructed in
Section 4.2.1.
2. In the Signal Generator section set:
Amplitude = 0.75 °C
Offset = 1.50 °C
Frequency = 0.0200 Hz
3. In Control Parameters set:
kp = 8.00 V/°C

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ki = 4.00 V/(°C.s)
bsp = 1.00
Tr = 100.0 s
4. Exercise 3: What effect does increasing the anti-windup reset parameter have on the control
signal and on the temperature response? Attach a response of the temperature and heater
voltage. See Reference [2] for more information on anti-windup.
5. In the Control Parameters section, set Tr = 1.0 s.
6. Exercise 4: What effect does decreasing Tr have on the control signal and on the temperature
response? Capture the temperature response as well as the heater voltage.
7. Click on the Stop button to stop running the VI.

4.2.4. Effect of Set-Point Weight

1. Ensure the QNET_HVACT_PI_Control.vi is running and has been calibrated as instructed in
Section 4.2.1.
2. In Signal Generator set:
Amplitude= 0.50 °C
Offset = 1.50 °C
Frequency = 0.0200 Hz.
3. In Control Parameters set:
kp = 8.00 V/°C
ki =1.00 V/(°C.s)
bsp = 0.00
Tr = 1.00 s
4. Exercise 5: Examine the response of the measured temperature in the Temperature (C) scope as
well as the input heater voltage in the Voltage (V) scope. Attach the temperature and heater
voltage responses.
5. Try the controller with a set-point weight of 1.00.
6. Exercise 6: Study what effects raising bsp has on the measured temperature signal in the
Temperature (C) scope and the control signal shown in the Voltage (V) scope. Capture the
temperature response and its corresponding heater voltage.
7. Click on the Stop button to stop running the VI.

4.2.5. PI Control According to Specifications

1. Ensure the QNET_HVACT_PI_Control.vi is running and has been calibrated as instructed in
Section 4.2.1.
2. In Signal Generator set:
Amplitude = 0.50 °C
Offset= 1.50 °C
Frequency = 0.0200 Hz
3. Exercise 7: Find the proportional and integral gains, i.e. kp and ki, needed for the response to
satisfy the following specifications:
zeta = 0.60
w0 = 0.125 rad/s

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Use the model gain found previously in Section 4.1.3 and the design principles outlined in
Reference [2].
4. Enter the obtained control gains in the Control Parameters section.
5. Exercise 8: Examine the measured temperature response using your design PI gains. How is
the performance of the controller compared to the previous controller?Attach the temperature
and the heater voltage responses.
6. Click on the Stop button to stop running the VI.

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4.2.6. Exercises
Exercise 1: Effect of Changing Proportional Gain

The response shown in Figure 14 is when a low proportional gain is used while the response shown
in Figure 15 is when a higher proportional gain is used. The settling time is improved with a higher
proportional gain and the steady-state error is decreased.

Figure 14: PI response with kp = 2.0 and ki = 0.

0 1 2
Figure 15: PI response with kp = 10.0 and ki = 0.

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Exercise 2: Effect of Changing Integral Gain

The PI response when using low and high integral gains are depicted in Figure 16 and Figure 17,
respectively. Increasing the integral gain makes the response faster, i.e. decreases the rise time.
However, increasing it can cause some overshoot due to actuator saturation.

Figure 16: PI response with kp = 0.5 and ki = 0.25.

0 1 2
Figure 17: PI response with kp = 0.5 and ki = 2.0.

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Exercise 3: Response without Anti-Windup

Setting the anti-windup reset time to a value as large as 100 effectively shuts off the anti-windup.
As shown in Figure 19, without anti-windup the heater voltage remains saturated at 8 V even after
the temperature has reached its reference. This results in a larger overshoot, as shown in the
temperature response pictured in Figure 18.

Figure 18: Temperature response with kp = 8, ki = 4, bsp = 1, and Tr = 100.

0 1 2
Figure 19: Heater voltage with kp = 8, ki = 4, bsp = 1, and Tr = 100.

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Exercise 4: Response with Anti-Windup

The temperature response and heater voltage used with anti-windup is depicted in Figure 20 and
Figure 21. As shown, anti-windup decreases the overshoot in the temperature response. Remark in
Figure 21 that the heater voltage begins to decrease as soon as the reference is reached.

Figure 20: Temperature response with kp = 8, ki = 4, bsp = 1, and Tr = 1.

Figure 21: Heater voltage with kp = 8, ki = 4, bsp = 1, and Tr = 1. 0 1 2

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Exercise 5: Response without Set-Point Weight

The PI temperature response when the set-point weight is set to 0 is depicted in Figure 22.

Figure 22: PI temperature response with kp = 8, ki = 1, bsp = 0, and Tr = 1.

0 1 2

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Exercise 6: Response with Set-Point Weight

The PI temperature response with the set-point weight set to 1 is pictured in Figure 22. Increasing
the set-point weight decreases the settling time of the response, i.e. reaches final value faster, at the
expense of more overshoot (and more control effort).

Figure 23: PI temperature response with kp = 8, ki = 1, bsp = 1, and Tr = 1.

0 1 2

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Exercise 7: Design PI Control according to Specifications

Recall from Reference [2], the proportional and integral gains required to meet natural frequency ω0
and ζ specifications are
2ζ ω0
kp = [s6]
ω 02
ki = [s7]

The gains needed to satisfy the specifications are

 V 
k p = 24.0   [s8]
 degC 
 V 
k i = 2.50   [s9]
 degC s  .

This is found using the Kv model gain found in Exercise 5 (given in Table 4) and substituting the 0 1 2
specifications given above.

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Exercise 8: PI Control Response according to Specifications

The temperature response and heater voltage used with the designed PI gains is depicted in Figure
24 and Figure 25. The response behaves nicely. There is no overshoot, little steady-state error, and
the response reaches its setpoint fairly quickly (i.e. low settling time).

Figure 24: Temperature response with kp = 24, ki = 2.50, bsp = 1, and Tr = 1.

0 1 2
Figure 25: Heater voltage with kp = 24, ki = 2.50, bsp = 1, and Tr = 1.

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5. References
[1] QNET User Manual
[2] QNET Practical Control Guide

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