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2023 NBT Survival Guide

Everything you need to

know about the NBTs in
one place! 071 500 4951

What are the NBTs?
The NBTs were implemented in
2008 and are a set of tests that
assess students’ academic
literacy, general knowledge, and
mathematical skill in an effort to
measure academic readiness for

The NBTs were set up by the Higher

Education of SA and are currently
administered by the NBT Project
based in CETAP at UCT. NBT results
are used by many universities as an
extra admission criterion for
applicants to their institutions. They
serve to complement and support,
rather than replace or duplicate NSC

Dr Abbey Mathekga, the head of the The NBT consists of two tests: the
higher education enrolment MAT and the AQL. The AQL
programme, said: “They [the NBTs] combines Academic Literacy and
are intended to identify learners Quantitative Literacy in one
who might have problems in certain multiple-choice test requiring three
subjects. They are also aimed at hours writing time. The MAT
determining the level of (Mathematics) is also a multiple-
competency of learners in certain choice test with three hours
learning areas.” allowed. 071 500 4951

What does the NBT
The Quantitative Literacy (QL)
assess? sections assess a student’s capacity
to: understand basic numerical
The NBT assesses readiness for concepts, read and interpret graphs,
tertiary study. reason logically and identify patterns
and trends. It is largely based on the
The AQL aims to test proficiency in Grade 11 Maths Literacy syllabus.
language comprehension as well as
logic-based numerical skills. It The Mathematics (MAT) paper (a
assesses knowledge learned in the separate three-hour paper, only
senior high school phase. It aims to written by students applying for
assess whether students will be able certain degree programmes and who
to apply knowledge learnt in high have done Core Maths at school)
school to the tertiary context. The assesses mostly Grade 11 Core
AQL section comprises Maths syllabus content although
approximately 75 multiple-choice some Grade 12 work is included. It
questions. also takes a multiple-choice format. It
tests proficiency in such areas as
The Academic Literacy (AL) problem-solving and modelling,
sections will require reading of functions, trigonometry, spatial
various texts with multiple choice perception, and probability.
questions referring to the text.
Some questions are general Both the AQL and MAT are
knowledge-based. Questions on differentiated into cognitive levels,
grammar, punctuation, vocabulary meaning there is a range in difficulty
are included. It predominantly in each section - with the easier
assesses the ability to understand applications generally coming first.
the meaning and application of
various texts as well as Click on this link to view in detail what is
understanding and applying the covered in the NBT:
argument or main point of the
author. 071 500 4951

Do I need to write the Having said that, you should write the
NBTs when you feel ready. If you feel
NBT? And if so, when that you may benefit from further
do I need to write it? revision, and you do not have an early
university application date (it can be as
early as June for medical students), you
Many South African universities
may choose to write your test later in
require applicants to write the NBTs.
the cycle.
There is an intake cycle for each
tertiary year, generally starting in
The NBTs are available from the end of
June the year before. The NBT dates
May until the first Saturday in January
reflect this cycle and start testing
of the following year. This means that
towards the end of May for the
you could wait to write your NBT until
upcoming year to ensure all
you finish your syllabus. You must
university application dates can
decide for yourself when you want to
utilise the NBT. All students wishing
write - before or after your exams.
to apply to university should write at
their earliest opportunity, although
Keep in mind that different institutions
it is your choice on which date you
& faculties' requirements determine
want to write.
the deadlines for learners to submit
NBT results, which may be as early as
As tertiary institutions cannot
June or July. You must meet the closing
complete your application until they
dates and deadlines for the institutions
have your NBT scores, students
to which you are applying. You should
need to write at their earliest
also allow time for your NBTs to be
possible date in accordance with
processed and the results sent to
their chosen university and degree
institutions (approx 6 weeks after
programme requirements. Available
writing). Some
data by the NBT suggests that
universities/departments accept
learners who write the tests later in
applications with proof that you have
the year have no advantage over
written the NBT without having
those writing in earlier sessions.
received the actual results. 071 500 4951

2024 University Intake Requirements
Note, this table is a very summarised version of our full NBT requirements
document. Please ensure that you read the full document here.

NBT Required for some or all


University of Cape Town Yes

University of the Witwatersrand Yes

Stellenbosch University Yes

University of the Free State Yes

Rhodes University Yes

University of the Western Cape No, however, some applicants may be asked to.

University of KwaZulu-Natal No, however, some applicants may be asked to.

North-West University No

University of Johannesburg No

University of Pretoria No

What if I'm applying to two different institutions

with different intake requirements?
If you are applying to more than one institution or faculty then you need to
register and write the NBTs to meet the earliest deadline. You are only required
to write the test once, even when applying to more than one institution. All
institutions to which you apply will be able to access your NBT results. 071 500 4951

Check the following
What are the tests like?
before you book!
The NBTs are multiple-choice tests.
You need to check the following Both the AQL and MAT test are 3 hours
before you select the date and test long. Answers are recorded on what is
site: called a “bubble sheet”. The answer
Your school’s calendar for sporting sheets are scanned and then
and social events, holidays and transferred into scores using
exams sophisticated computer software. The
Closing dates and application AQL is made up of 25-minute sections.
deadlines at all institutions where You may not refer back or go forward
you intend to apply but can only work in the specified 25-
The language of instruction where minute section. The MAT is not made
you are applying up of sections in this way.

All this needs to be taken into

How do I book an NBT?
consideration when you are deciding
when the best time is to write your
Registration for the NBTs is done
online and takes about 5 minutes. NBT
registration for the 2024 intake opens
on 3rd April 2023.

Follow this link:
to book your test.

Note: you will need your official South

African ID or foreign passport in order
to complete the registration process. 071 500 4951

How do I book an NBT? Why do I have to book?
(continued) The NBT project and the local venues
Your registration is only valid for guarantee space and materials only for
the specific date and location those who register to write at that venue
you select and must be done at on that day.
least three weeks before you
wish to write. It is your What are the available
responsibility to register early
enough to ensure a place on one
dates to write my NBT?
of the national test days at your
NBT registration for the 2024 intake
chosen point. Fees for the 2024
opens on 3rd April 2023. All test dates
intake cycle are:
for the 2024 intake cycle will be available
AQL only R145 | AQL & MAT
to book from 3rd April 2023.

The tests will run on the weekend, every

Should you miss the test for
week or every second week betwen May
which you were registered, you
2023 and January 2024.
will need to re-register and pay
The NBT test dates will be released on
space and materials ONLY for
1st April 2023. Follow this link for all the
students who have registered to
NBT dates
write at a specific venue on a
specific day.

Where can I write my NBT?

There are various centres across South
Africa where you can write your NBT but
the NBTs can also be written online.

You can view the test locations via the

link above once they are released. 071 500 4951

What times are the tests?
The AQL is written in the morning (3 hours of writing time), and learners must
be at the test venue by 07:30. The MAT is written in the afternoon on the
same day, with a short lunch break between the two tests. The MAT also has
3 hours of writing time. No learner is allowed to arrive at mid-day to write just
the MAT test. If you are writing the MAT test, you must write it on the same
day as you write the AQL test.

What must I take to my in person NBT?

Your ID Book, passport, or a certified receipt of application for South
African ID
Your registration letter and EasyPay proof of payment (without this you
will not be allowed to write the NBTs - the venue administrator will stamp
the receipt and return it to you)
Two HB pencils, an eraser, and a pencil sharpener
Lunch and water, if you are writing both tests
DO NOT bring calculators, rulers, dictionaries, scrap paper, notebooks or
ipads, tablets or phones

NOTE that learners without an official ID will be turned away and

not allowed to write (except where the following documentation
is provided - a birth certificate with an affidavit from the police
including a recent photograph and a letter of application
for ID from Home Affairs). 071 500 4951

What can I expect on In what languages can I
test day? write the NBTs?
YOU MUST CHECK IN AT 7:30AM. The NBTs are available in English and
The test venue door closes at 8:30 Afrikaans. When you register you will
after which no one is allowed be asked to indicate the language in
inside the test room. which you wish to write.

At check-in, you will be given an Note that you can only use one
answer sheet with your name language i.e there is no option to write
and ID number printed on the one test in English and the other in
Once you are seated inside the
test room, carefully check the
How do I get my NBT
printed name results?
You will be given instructions by
You can access your results by logging
the Chief Invigilator on how to
onto the NBT website with your ID or
make corrections by sending a request to nbt@
You must show your official ID approximately 5/6 weeks after you
to an invigilator before the test have written your test. If you are
begins having difficulty accessing your results,
Place your ID beside the answer you should send an e-mail to request
sheet, along with your pencils them. NBT Project staff are not allowed
and eraser. Everything else must to release your results over the phone.
be placed on the floor
Note that bathroom breaks are To request your NBT results you need:
Your ID number
not allowed. Plan ahead, and
Your full names (as provided on the
remember that the writing
NBT answer sheet)
session is 3 hours long
Your surname (as provided on the
NBT answer sheet) 071 500 4951

Which institutions will
use my NBT results and
how do they get them?
All the universities to which you apply
can receive your NBT results. Many
South African universities use the
NBTs in conjunction with the National
Senior Certificate (NSC) for access to
their programmes. The NBTs help to
interpret your NSC results and can be When you apply to an institution,
used by universities in different ways. they will place your name on their
applicant list. As applications are
Some use them to help make processed, they send the NBT
decisions about your Project a request for scores that
access/application to university. match the applicants on the list.
This means that your NBT results, Universities will only get your results
in combination with your matric when they request them.
results, are used to determine
whether you are ready for Before you submit your registration
academic study to write the NBT, you are asked to
Some universities use the results check a box giving permission for
for placement within the your results to be sent to the
institution. This means that your requesting institutions and for your
NBT results are used to decide results to be used in research
whether you will need extra projects. Be sure to read this and
academic support after you have check this box before hitting
been accepted to university “submit”. Remember, it is your
Some institutions use them to responsibility to check whether your
develop curricula within their NBT results have been loaded with
university your tertiary institution. 071 500 4951

Can I write the NBTs Other useful information
more than once? The NBTs are available in both
Afrikaans and English. When you
Some universities do allow their
register, you will have the
applicants to write the NBT more
opportunity to indicate which of
than once in an attempt to achieve a
these two languages you prefer to
better result the second time around.
write in.
However you need to check with the
specific faculty and tertiary institution
NBT results are valid for two years.
that you are applying to, to make
This means that it is worthwhile
sure that this is the case as not every
writing your NBT in your Matric year
university will accept the second
even if you are having a gap year.
Your syllabus will never be fresher in
your mind than it is now.
Note If you do choose to write a
second time, you should give yourself
If you cannot write the NBTs in the
at least 6 weeks between writing
year before your studies (if, for
sessions. If you write the MAT test a
example, you are overseas), you are
second time, you must also write the
allowed to write them in January
AQL test a second time on the same
before the start of the academic
year. Bear in mind, however, that
you do expose yourself to specific
Are past tests risks and practical implications in
terms of placement and selection if
available? you write the tests at such a late
stage. It is therefore strongly
No. The tests are confidential and not
recommended that you write the
available to anyone. The test assesses
NBTs in your matric year.
your prior knowledge - what you
know and are able to do.
For enquiries about the writing of your NBTs contact: | 021 650 3523 | 071 500 4951

Our courses and workshos includes
How do I prepare for the the following: training of essential
NBTs? sections known to be tested
regularly in the NBTs, test day best
Advantage Learn offers NBT Prep
practices, how to go about
courses, both blended and online via
answering multiple choice questions,
our website
extensive practice examples and a
full mock exam.
This course is recommended for all
students wanting to prepare and do
well in their NBT. With many years of
experience in preparing students for When should I prepare?
the NBT coupled with a world-class
online learning environment and There are so many factors to
exceptional educators, we are well consider when determining when to
placed to give you peace of mind with start preparing. However, to keep it
this challenging test. simple there are 3 things you should
be thinking about when planning
Since formally commencing NBT your preparation:
training in 2013, Advantage Learn has
helped over 2000 students across (1) When does your university
South Africa to prepare for this test. require your test to be written?
We are adding more cities and towns There will be testing opportunities
to our list in 2016 as well as between May 2023 and January 2024
expanding the course to be offered in and although this is a long runway,
Afrikaans as well as English. you should lean on your university
requirements to determine your
Our carefully designed courses ideal writing date. For learners
prepare students for both papers of applying to medicine, typically the
the National Benchmark Test (NBT) - requirement is that you have written
the MAT and AQL. It is important that your test before the first week in
you do this course at the appropriate July.
time for your NBT. 071 500 4951

When should I prepare? NBT Workshops
(continued) NBT workshops are in-person or
live online classroom-style
(2) When are you writing your test?
The test dates for the 2024 intake will
be released on the 1st of April,
Taught by only the best educators,
however, to give you a good indicator,
these workshops have been
last year’s first testing opportunity was
helping learners to succeed in the
on the 14th of May. What we have
NBTs since 2013. Our workshops
found historically is that writing in the
are available in-person across all
months of May, June and July are
major metros in South Africa, as
typically ideal months to write but be
well as via a live-stream, giving
sure to check your university
you face-time with an educator.
requirements before booking your
AQL & MAT workshops
NBT Workbook
(3) What type of preparation are
Access to Advantage Learn
you choosing?
mock NBT exams
It is always helpful to start preparing
Available in English or
early so that you have time to work on
skills you feel you may be lacking. Our
Q&A during the lesson
online courses enable you to prepare
Learn at a set date and time
starting from right now up until your
test date this year! However, our
workshops give you the classroom feel
you may need to get your knowledge
up to par and these workshops include
access to our digital or physical
workbooks. We recommend preparing
from around a month before your test
date to ensure that you have enough
time to solidify your knowledge. 071 500 4951

Online Courses
Our online courses consist of
recorded video lessons, practice
quizzes and downloadable

These video lessons enable you to

learn at any time via a video lesson
path. Our coaches and online
support teachers are ready to help
you with your NBT preparations
through our live chat platform.

AQL & MAT courses

12 Months access
Access to Advantage Learn
mock NBT exams For Schools
Available in English or Afrikaans Advantage Learn offers schools and
Online Teacher support organisations NBT workshops and
Learn in your own time course packages for their learners.
If you would like more information
about these packages, contact our
team via live chat or email

Workshop at your school

Special school discounts
Workshop and course packages
available 071 500 4951

What our parents What our learners
have to say... have to say...

"I would like to extend our utmost

gratitude to Advantage Learn. My son “This course is exactly what I was
went to you about a month ago, he just looking for. I had done a previous
did his NBT Exam. He was feeling so ill course which did not prepare me for
before the exam, but when he walked the NBTs at all, but after only 14%
out, I could see the relief on his face. into this course, I already feel much
more confident.”-
He said the Workshop he attended with - Yolandie Kotze -
some of his friends, saved his life. He
also said, he hopes all the kids in the
exam room went to you, otherwise they
would have struggled. As a parent I
"Absolutely Fanatastic! On completion
highly recommend your workshop, we
of the AQL and MAT course, I felt well
know for a fact it makes a huge
prepared for what I could expect to
difference, as he went into the exam
receive in the NBT. Our teacher (Cris)
worried and came out with a smile.
was outstanding and really brought
Again, thank you and well done!"
the challenging concepts down to the
- Vicky de Jager-
student level, which definitely made it
easy and relatable to understand.
Over a 10/10 course and would highly
recommend it to others that aim to
tackle the NBTs and do more than
- Erin Rose Ungerer - 071 500 4951

Other Useful Links

Click here for our NBT booking page.

Click here for more FAQ's related to the NBTs.

Click here for our 2024 intake NBT requirements guide.

Click here to book your NBT test. 071 500 4951

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