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cLASS & Back- Player

lEVEL Wanderer, 1º ground Hunted by the Shadow name

cHARACTER nAME Woodmen of Wilderland Shadow Wandering-madness Experience

Culture Weakness
Brunihild, the Widow

Inspiration Character tRAITS

Armour Class Initiative Speed ____________________________
Strength Distinctive Quality
+3 14 or 16* +3 9m ___________________________
Quick of Hearing. You have learned that
+2 Proficiency Bonus hearing your enemy before you can see them
16 can be the difference between life and death.
Current Hit Points ____________________________
Dexterity SAVING THROWS Speciality
0 ✔ ____
+5 Strength ___________________________
Dark Secrets. The best way to elude and
0 Dexterity
Hit Point Maximum ____________________________
defeat your hunters is to learn more about
10 
✔ ____
+4 Constitution them. You study all you can about the
0 Intelligence
Temporary Hit Miserable
Constitution ____
+2 Wisdom Points Hope
____ Corruption
+2 ____ Charisma
The Shadow has strengthened me in
ways that I’m certain it didn’t anticipate
14 ___________________________
or desire.
Skills Hit Dice Death Saves ___________________________
Intelligence Despair
 ____
0 Acrobatics (Dex) d10 Successes
I put my friends in danger just by being
0 
✔ ____
+4 Animal Handling (Wis)
Total _______________
with them.

✔ ____
+5 Athletics (Str)
10 ____
+1 Deception (Cha)

0 History (Int) Attacks Features, Traits, and Virtues
+2 Insight (Wis) Name Atk Bonus Damage/Type ____________________________
Known Lands:
+2 ____
+1 Intimidation (Cha)
Axe +5 1d8+3 slashing
Long years spent roaming over the land have given you

✔ ____
+2 Investigation (Int)
vast amounts of knowledge about some of the regions of
Middle-earth. You know the terrain of such lands like the
14 ____
0 Lore (Int) 2x Spear +5 /+2 1d6+3(+0) piercing backs of your hands and your lore can seem almost
unnatural to any companions travelling with you. When
+2 Medicine (Wis)
you make an Intelligence or Wisdom check related to a
Dagger +5 /+2 1d4+3(+0) piercing
Charisma 
✔ ____
+2 Nature (Int) landyou know, your proficiency bonus is doubled if you
____________________________ are using a skill you are proficient in. (Northern Mirkwood,
+1 ____
+2 Perception (Wis)
Axe (Versatile (1d10)) 2kg ____________________________
East Middle Vales, East Anduin Vales, Grey Mountain
+1 Performance (Cha) Narrows, Woodland Realm) When you are travelling in
____________________________ one of your Known Lands you gain the following benefits:
12 ____
+1 Persuasion (Cha) Spear (Thrown (6/18) Versatile (1d8)) 1,5kg
0 Riddle (Int)
Dagger (Finesse, light, thrown (range 6/18))
• If any part of a journey passes through a land you know,
the DC of your personal Event tests are lowered by 2.
Shadow 
✔ ____
+2 Shadow-lore (Int) 0,5kgs • If the entire journey passes through lands you know, and
0 Sleight of Hand (Dex)
you act as Guide, you lower the Peril Rating of the
Journey by 2.

✔ ____
+2 Stealth (Dex) Ring Mail (AC 14, Disadvantage Stealth) 18kgs. • You have advantage when making Wisdom saving
___________________________ throws against Corruption caused by Blighted lands you

✔ ____
+4 Survival (Wis)
Shield* (AC +2) 3kgs ____________________________
0 Traditions (Int) • You cannot become lost under normal circumstances.
• You know at least one place in each Known Land
where you can safely take a long rest: a settlement
where you have friends, perhaps, or a hidden cabin
Equipment ___________________________
in the woods or simply a dry and defensible cavern or
+2 Passive Perception (wisdom)
_____________________ ___________________________
secret glade.
A travelling cloak, travelling • You have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) ability
G _____________________ __________________________
checks and can move stealthily at a normal pace.
gear for the current season, a
• While tracking other creatures, you automatically
Other proficiencies & languages _____________________
dagger belt, a decorative leather learn their exact number, their sizes and how recently
____________________________ _____________________
armband. __________________________
they passed through the area.
You can speak the Vale of Anduin Tongue – an S
archaic version of the Common Speech, 8 _____________________ ___________________________
Ways of the Wild:
closely related to Dalish. _____________________ __________________________
You have a great deal of experience from travelling
____________________________ C ____________________ __________________________
the wilderness and surviving the various dangers that the
Armour: Light armour, medium armour, shields. _____________________ __________________________
wild constantly offers. At 1st level, you have advantage on
all Wisdom (Survival) ability checks when tracking others
Weapons: Simple weapons, martial weapons. ____________________________ __________________________
through the wilderness.
Tools: None.
____________________________ ____________________________ __________________________
If you act as a company’s Guide on a journey, you are
considered to be assuming all vacant travelling roles (you
___________________________ ____________________________ __________________________
are considered to ‘fill in’ as the company’s Hunter, Scout
___________________________ __________________________
and Look-out at the same time, if no other companion is
already covering that role).
___________________________ ___________________________
Standard of Living Frugal

20 1,77m 75kgs
Age Height Weight
cHARACTER nAME ________________________________________________
green tanned white red-haired
Brunihild, the Widow Eyes Skin Hair

Character Appearance Allies and Patrons

______________________________ _____________________________
______________________________ _____________________________
______________________________ _____________________________
_____________________________ _____________________________
_____________________________ _____________________________

Character Backstory Additional Features and Traits

_____________________________ _____________________________
Feature: Troubling to the Wise _____________________________
Staunching Song of the Woodmen:
You or your family have struck a blow
____________________________ _____________________________
You or your family’s deeds are well-known amongst _____________________________
This song has been taught to the worthiest members of
against the Shadow and it hit back hard. the notables of Middle-earth and you have come to your clan since your people first descended along the
_____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________
banks of the Great River. Its tune echoes Elven songs from
The Shadow’s agents are tracking you know many lords, Elves and even Wizards. Some of
____________________________ _____________________________
these you count as friends and others are merely _____________________________
a time of war and weapons, and its precious knowledge
everywhere, making it dangerous for you has been passed with great care from one generation
_____________________________ _____________________________
names you can mention to be accorded food and _____________________________
to the next. Singing its words can reduce the loss of a
to stay in one place for too long. If that shelter for the night. Even your friends know that
wasn’t enough, your reputation precedes ______________________________ ______________________________
warrior’s life-blood to a trickle, letting it flow back to the
trouble follows you and they will do everything they heart.
you and your mere presence is disturbing ______________________________
can to help you on your way while keeping you as ______________________________
After you finish a short rest, you may sing this song to
and troubling to local notables. Most will _____________________________
safe as possible. This means that you often have _____________________________
recover a Hit Die + your Constitution modifier’s worth
of damage without expending one of your Hit Dice. By
still extend you the common courtesies _____________________________
knowledge of the lesser-known hiding places and _____________________________
spending Inspiration, you may do the same for all the other
catacombs in the castles and cities that you visit.
due your station, but you are often ______________________________ ______________________________
members of your company. Your allies roll to recover hit
encouraged to move quickly onward points based on their Hit Dice and Constitution modifier,
_____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________
not yours.
before the Shadow finds you.
_____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________
Woodcrafty – You have proficiency in the Survival skill.
____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________
____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________
Virtue – You gain one Woodmen of Wilderland
CulturalVirtue of your choice.
_____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________
____________________________ Treasure
_____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________
_____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________
____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________
_____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________
____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________
____________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________
____________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________
____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________
____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________
____________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________
___________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________

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