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Mol Gen Genet (1990) 221:287-290

© Springer-Verlag 1990

Electroporation of Bradyrhizobiumjaponicum
Mary Lou Guerinot, Barbara Anne Morisseau, and Taryn Klapatcb
Department of Biological Sciences, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH 03755, USA

Summary. Electroporation offers a fast, efficient and repro- lated to B. japonicum (Mattanovich et al. 1989; Wirth et al.
ducible way to introduce D N A into bacteria. We have suc- 1989). Although many of the reports involve the use of
cessfully used this technique to transform two commercially freshly prepared cells (Chassy and Flickinger 1987; Allen
important strains of Bradyrhizobium japonicum, the nitro- and Blaschek 1988; Aukrust and Nes 1988; Calvin and
gen-fixing soybean symbiont. Initially, electroporation con- Hanawalt 1988; Somkuti and Steinberg 1988; Miller et al.
ditions were optimized using plasmid D N A which had been 1988; Taketo 1988; Luchansky et al. 1988; Belliveau and
prepared from the same B. japonicum strain into which the Trevors 1989; David et al. 1989; Kim and Blaschek 1989;
D N A was to be transformed. Efficiencies of 105--106 trans- McIntyre and Harlander 1989), protocols involving ready-
formants/gg D N A were obtained for strains USDA 110 to-use frozen cells have been developed for several species
and 61A152 with ready-to-use frozen cells. Successful elec- including E. coli (Dower et al. 1988), Bacillus thuringiensis
troporation of B. japonicum with plasmid D N A prepared (Lereclus et al. 1989; Masson et al. 1989; Mahillon et al.
from Escheriehia coli varied with the E. coli strain from 1989) and Agrobacterium spp. (Mattanovich et al. 1989).
which the plasmid was purified. The highest transformation Because electroporation offers a fast, reliable method for
efficiencies (104 transformantsAtg DNA) were obtained us- D N A transformation, we set out to optimize conditions
ing D N A prepared from a dcm-dam- strain ofE. coli. This for the introduction of plasmid D N A into two different
suggests that routine isolation of D N A from an E. coli strains of B. japonicum via electroporation. In this report,
strain incapable of D N A modification should help in in- we document the conditions for electroporation resulting
creasing transformation efficiencies for other strains of bac- in efficiencies as high as 1 x 106 transformantsAtg D N A
teria where D N A restriction appears to be a significant using frozen cells of B. japonicum. We also present evidence
obstacle to successful transformation. We have also moni- that successful electroporation of B. japonicum is dependent
tored the rate of spontaneous mutation in electroporated on the E. coli strain from which the plasmid D N A is puri-
cells and saw no significant difference in the frequency of fied and that rates of spontaneous mutation are not altered
streptomycin resistance for electroporated cells compared by electroporation.
to control cells.
Key words: Bradyrhizobium japonicum Transformation - Materials and methods
Electroporation - DNA modification
Bacterial strains and plasmids. B. japonicurn strain
U S D A l l 0 is the small colony derivative as described pre-
viously (Guerinot and Chelm 1986) and B. japonieum
61A152 was generously provided by Nitragin Co. (Mil-
waukee, Wis.). E. coli strains HB101 (pro leu thi lacY hsd20
Bradyrhizobium japonicum, the nitrogen-fixing symbiont of endA recA rpsL20 ara-14 galK2 xyl-5 rntl-1 supE44),
soybeans, has been refractory to genetic transformation by ED8654 (lacY1 galK2 galT22 metB1 trpR55 hsdR514
classical methods. Introduction of D N A into this species supE44 supF58) and GM2163 (F- 2-ara-I4 leuB6 tonA31
has had to rely solely on conjugal matings with Escherichia lacY1 tsx-78 supE44 galK2 galT22 hisG4 rpsL136 xyl-5 mtl-
coli (e.g. Ditta et al. 1980). Using conjugation, researchers 1 thi-I daml3::Tn9 dcm-6 hsdR2 mcrB1 mcrA) were used
have developed successful protocols for transposon muta- as hosts for various plasmids. Plasmid pRK290 is a 20 kb
genesis (Horn et al. 1984) and gene replacements (Hahn and broad host range cloning vector carrying a tetracycline re-
Hennecke 1984; Guerinot and Chelm 1986) but such proce- sistance determinant (Ditta etal. 1980). pLAFR1 is a
dures are time-consuming and require the use of fresh cul- 21.6 kb cosmid derivative of pRK290 (Friedman et al.
tures of both B. japonicum and various E. coli strains. Elec- 1982). pLAFR3 is a derivative of pLAFR1 containing the
troporation, which uses high intensity electric fields to re- polylinker region from pUC8 (Staskawicz et al. 1987).
versibly permeabilize membranes, has now been reported
as a method for transforming a number of bacterial species, Preparation ofDNA. Plasmids were mobilized via conjuga-
including Agrobacterium tumefaciens which is closely re- tion from E. coli into B. japonicum strains U S D A I I 0 and
61A152 using pRK2013 as a helper plasmid (Guerinot and
Offprint requests to: M.L. Guerinot Chelm 1986) or were transformed into E. coli strains using

a standard CaClz technique. Plasmid D N A was then puri- in Campylobacter jejuni (Miller et al. 1988). As discussed
fied from both E. coli and B. japonicum strains by CsC1 below, the use of plasmid D N A prepared from various
gradient centrifugation using an alkaline lysis procedure E. coli strains did result in lower transformation efficiencies
(Garger et al. 1983). in B. japonieum. Using pLAFR1 D N A prepared from B.
japonieum, we compared the effectiveness of electric pulses
Preparation of cells for electroporation. Cells of USDA 110 over a wide range of field strengths at two time constants.
were grown in yeast extract xylose (YEX) medium (Adams A maximum transformation efficiency of 1.8 x 10 s transfor-
et al. /984). For strain 61A152, cells were grown in yeast mants/gg D N A occurred at a field strength of 11.25 kV/cm
extract-mannitol (YEM) medium (Vincent 1970). The pH for USDA 110 with a pulse length of 20 msec. The maxi-
of both media was adjusted to 6.8 before autoclaving. Cells mum transformation efficiency (1.1 x 106/gg DNA) for
were incubated at 30 ° C with shaking. Cells at various opti- strain 61A152 occurred at a field strength of 12.5 kV/cm
cal densities (monitored at 600 nm) were chilled on ice and with a pulse length of 5 msec. Mattanovich et al. (1989)
harvested by centrifugation at 4000 x g for 15 rain at 4 ° C. have reported a similar transformation efficiency (1 x/06/
The pellet from 1 1 of cells was resuspended in 1 1 of cold, ggDNA) for A. tumefaciens at the same field strength
sterile distilled water, centrifuged as above and resuspended (12.5 kV/cm) which is the highest obtainable with the Gene
in 0.5 1 of cold, sterile distilled water. The cells were centri- Pulser unit. Other researchers have also reported maximum
fuged, resuspended in 20 ml of cold, sterile 10% glycerol, transformation efficiencies at the highest voltage setting;
centrifuged and finally resuspended in 2 ml of cold, sterile however many have used cuvettes with a 0.4 cm electrode
10% glycerol. This concentrated suspension of cells was distance which gives a maximum field strength of 6.25 kV/
distributed in 40 gl aliquots, frozen in liquid nitrogen and cm (e.g. Allen and Blaschek /988). In the experiments to
stored at - 7 0 ° C. Each aliquot contained 109-10 l° colony optimize electroporation conditions, 12 ng of D N A was
forming units/ml. used with cells whose concentration was 109-101° cells/ml.
Both the D N A and cell concentration determine the fre-
Transformation protocol. Cells prepared as described above quency of transformation. Thus, with the conditions stated,
were thawed on ice. D N A was added (final concentration the frequency of transformation ranged from 10- 6 to 10 - 7.
of D N A varied from 12 ng/ml to 4 gg/ml depending on The mortality associated with the high field strengths neces-
the experiment) and the mixture was vortexed. After 5 min, sary for transformation of B. japonicum ranged from
the mixture was transferred to a sterile, prechilled cuvette 20%-95%, with a greater percentage of the cells surviving
(inter-electrode distance of 0.2 cm) and placed in the Gene the shorter pulse (data not shown). The efficiency of trans-
Pulser apparatus equipped with a Pulse Controller to vary formation was similar for cells in early to mid log phase
the resistance (Bio-Rad Laboratories, Richmond, Calif.). of growth for both strains and, as has been reported by
Varying voltages were applied at a constant capacitance others, we saw a linear relationship between the amount
setting of 25 gF. The resistance was set to generate theoreti- of D N A added and the total number of transformants (data
cal time constants of 5 msec or 20 msec. Following the not shown).
pulse, the cells were immediately diluted with 1 ml of either Colonies were visible on the selective plates 5-7 days
YEX for USDA 110 or yeast extract glutamate-gluconate after plating. This compares quite favorably to conjugal
(YEGG) medium (Guerinot and Chelm 1986) for 61A152. mating procedures which take over 2 weeks to complete.
The cells were then transferred to a tube and incubated Clearly the ability to have frozen competent cells on hand
at 30 ° C with shaking for 20 h, approximately two cell dou- greatly facilitates molecular genetic studies of B. japonicum.
blings for these slow-growing bacteria (in keeping with the
manufacturer's recommendations). At the end of the recov-
ery period, the cells were diluted as necessary in 0.0/%
Frequency of spontaneous mutation
Tween 80 and plated onto selective plates containing tetra- Because of the high mortalities associated with electropora-
cycline at 100 ~tg/ml for USDA 110 or at 200 gg/ml for tion of B. japonicum, we investigated whether the surviving
61A152. Dilutions were also plated onto non-selective
plates to assess cell survival. Colony hybridizations verified
Table 1. Effect of electroporation on the frequency of spontaneous
that antibiotic resistant colonies represented transformed
mutation to streptomycin resistance in Bradyrhizobiumjaponicum
cells. Controls where either the electric pulse or D N A was strains USDA lt0 and 61A152
omitted resulted in no transformants. To determine whether
electroporation increased the rate of spontaneous mutation, Strain Frequency of spontaneous mutation a
cells were plated onto Y E G G plates containing streptomy- (colony forming units x 10 - s)
cin (1 mg/ml) or rifampicin (0.5 mg/ml).
Mean ± 95% Confidence interval
Results and discussion USDA tl0
Electroporated cells 48 32
Optimization of protocol Control cells 18 20
Plasmid D N A which had been prepared from the same 61A152
B. japonicum strain into which it was to be transformed
Electroporated cells 5.0 0.8
was used to optimize conditions for electroporation. This Control cells 5.1 1.6
avoided any possible problems with D N A restriction of
transforming D N A isolated from a heterologous source, a All the values in the table are averages of five independent trials.
which had previously been reported to have a dramatic Cells were electroporated at a field strength of 12.5 kV/cm, with
effect on the efficiency of transformation by electroporation a pulse length of 5 msec

cells had a higher frequency of spontaneous mutation than poration into Lactococcus lactis subsp, lactis. Clearly, each
control cells which had not been electroporated (Table 1). species to be transformed via electroporation should first
There is no difference in the frequency of mutation to strep- be transformed with D N A prepared from itself and then
tomycin resistance for either USDA 110 or 61A152, as can tested for its receptivity to E. coli prepared DNA. Table 2
be seen by a comparison of the 95% confidence intervals. also shows that fewer transformants were detected when
There was also no difference in the frequency of rifampicin plasmid D N A prepared from B. japonicum strain 61A152
resistance (data not shown), Therefore, although electro- was used to transform B. japonicum strain USDA 110 and
potation results in lethality, it does not appear to be muta- vice versa, relative to the numbers obtained with homolo-
genic. gous DNA. These results taken together indicate that these
B. japonicum strains probably have D N A restriction/modi-
fication systems. The other two published reports on elec-
Use of DNA prepared in E. coli for electroporation of
troporation of members of the Rhizobiaceae did not ad-
B. japonicum
dress D N A restriction (Wirth et al. 1989; Mattanovich
After optimizing the conditions for electroporation, we in- et al. 1989).
vestigated the transformation of B. japonicum using D N A At the present time we know very little about restriction/
which had been prepared from a variety of E. coli strains. modification systems in B. japonicum. Introduction of for-
Table 2 allows a comparison of transformation efficiencies eign D N A into bacterial cells frequently leads to restriction,
for strains USDA 110 and 61A152 when transformed with which results either from the absence or presence of modi-
D N A prepared from different hosts. Results from trials fied bases in DNA. Because E. eoli has at least three systems
which gave less than 30 total transformants are reported (mcrA, mcrB and mrr) which degrade D N A specifically
but it should be noted that these values are not as statisti- when D N A is methylated either at cytosine residues (Ra-
cally reliable as those from more successful trials. Plasmid leigh and Wilson 1986) or at adenine residues (Heitman
D N A prepared from E, coli strain GM2163 gave transfor- and Model 1987), we reasoned that B. japonicum might
mation efficiencies 1-3 orders of magnitude greater than have similar systems. Therefore, the use of unmodified
those observed with D N A prepared from E. coli strains D N A might increase transformation frequencies. In E. coli,
ED8654 or HB101. These same D N A preparations were there are three different systems which are known to modify
all capable of efficiently transforming E. coli strains via DNA: the dam system (Geier and Modrich 1979), the dcm
electroporation (data not shown). In C. jejuni, transforma- system (May and Hattman 1975) and the EcoK or EcoB
tion was also decreased by at least 4 orders of magnitude system (Bickle 1982). As noted above, D N A prepared from
when the transforming D N A was prepared from E. coli strain GM2163, which is deficient in both the dam and
strain HB101 (Miller et al. 1988). This is in contrast to dcm systems, gave the best transformation efficiencies with
reports by others that D N A prepared from E. coli strains both strains of B. japonicum (Table 2). Presumably an
HBI01 (Kim and Blaschek 1989) or MC1061 (David et al. E. coli strain deficient in all three known modification sys-
1989) transformed cells of Clostridium petfringens or Leu- tems would be the best host for preparation of D N A to
conostoc paramesenteroides, respectively, just as efficiently be used in electroporation. Interestingly, Luchansky et al.
as D N A prepared from the strain to be transformed. There (1988) also reported successful electroporation of a number
is also a recent report by Langella and Chopin (1989) that of bacterial species using D N A prepared from a d a m - d c m -
plasmid D N A escapes restriction by two different restric- strain of E. coli (JM110). However, they presented no data
tion/modification systems following its transfer by electro- for D N A prepared from other E. eoli strains and did not
discuss whether they felt the genotype of the E. eoli strain
Table2. Electroporation of Bradyrhizobium japonicum strains used contributed to successful transformation.
USDA 110 and 61A152 In summary, electroporation offers a fast, efficient
method for introduction of D N A into B. japonicum. The
Source" Relevant genotype Transformation major advantages offered by the procedure presented here
efficiencyb are speed and simplicity. Our results suggest that routine
isolation of D N A from an E. coli strain incapable of D N A
USDA 110c 61A152° modification might help in increasing electroporation effi-
ciencies for other strains of bacteria for which D N A restric-
GM2163 dam dcm- hsdM + 2.7 x 104 4.9 x 103
HB101 dam+dem + hsdM- 1.3 x 103 9× 102.
tion appears to be a significant obstacle to successful trans-
ED8654 dam+dcm+hsdM + 5x 10 o * 9× 101 * formation.
U S D A 110 1.1 × 105 8× 102*
61A152 5x 102* 1.1 × 106 Acknowledgements. We thank Elizabeth Raleigh for providing
E. coli strain GM2163, Marina Abate and Erin Connolly for help
a Strain from which donor plasmid was extracted and subsequently in the beginning stages of this project and Rob McClung for criti-
CsC1purified prior to electroporation. Plasmids pRK290, pLAFRI cally reviewing the manuscript. This research was supported by
and pLAFR3 all gave equivalent results NSF grant DMB 8615190 to MLG. Friends of the Norris Cotton
b Expressed as antibiotic resistant colonies recovered per gg plas- Cancer Center generously provided funds for the purchase of the
mid DNA. Each value is an average of at least two trials. Values Gene Pulser Apparatus.
from trials which gave less than 30 total transformants are indi-
cated by an asterisk (*)
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