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Cagayan State University

College of Teacher Education, Andrews Campus


Submitted by:
Mary Rose E. Berdul
Lourenz C. Calucag
Marinelle S. Cauan
Nicole Diestro
Tricia Mae G. Francisco

Submitted to:
Dr. Apolinaria D. Andres
Cagayan State University
College of Teacher Education, Andrews Campus


At the end of the 40-minutes class discussion, the pupils will be able to:
a. describe the meaning of probability such as 50% chance of rain and one in a
million chance of winning;
b. quantifies the phrases most likely and unlikely to happen;
c. perform experiment and record outcomes; and
d. value the importance of probability in a real-life word problems.


Topic: Describe the meaning of probability such as 50% chance of rain
and one in a million chance of winning
Materials: Laptop, PPT, Box, Dice, and Coins.

Teacher’s Activity Pupils’ Activity
A. Motivation
( Lourenz Calucag)

Before we start our lesson for today,

may we first have an activity. Please
bring out the dice that I told you to
bring during our last meeting.

For this activity, your seat mate will be

your partner. Then, face your partner
and each of you will take turns to roll
the dice and guess the number that the
dice drew. First to get 2 points wins.

Is that clear, class? Yes, sir!

(The whole class will proceed to the
B. Presentation ( Lourenz Calucag)

Yes, sir!
Based on our activity class, I know that
you are familiar with the word
probability, right!
Probability represents
the likelihood of an event occurring.
Cagayan State University
College of Teacher Education, Andrews Campus

Now, can you defined what is It’s a measure of how probable or

probability class? likely something is to happen.

Very good!

Just like in our activity earlier which is

rolling a dice. We cannot predict what
number will appear if we roll the dice.
Because when we roll a one dice, we
can observe that there is an equal
probability of obtaining number 1-6. Yes sir!

Do you observe that during your

activity class?

That’s good to hear.

So now class, Our lesson for today is

all about Describe the meaning of
probability such as 50% chance of rain
and one in a million chance of

B. Discussion
( Mary Rose and Nicole )

Probability is used to describe how

something is likely and unlikely to
happen. Probability may be given in
fraction, decimal, or percent. The value
of probability ranges from 0 to 1.

Probability will help us decide how

often something is likely to happen,
but it will never help you exactly when
that event will happen unless the
probability is 0. ( it will never happen)
or 1 ( it will surely happen).

The event is unlikely to happen when

it’s probability is close to 0, like
winning a jackpot in a lottery where
Cagayan State University
College of Teacher Education, Andrews Campus

you only have one in a million chance

of winning. The most likely to happen
an event is the closer it’s probability to

For example the weather forecaster

says that the probability that it will rain
today is 50%. Does it mean that there
is a great chance that it will rain today?

To answer the question we need to

know the concept of probability.

Using a number line ranging from 0 to

1 , we can locate 50%.

Are you familiar with a number line Yes ma’am!


Can anyone from the class draw a

number line ranging from 0 to 1 on the
(The student will come infront and
draw a number line on the board)

Very good!

Now class to know if there is a great

chance that it will rain today, what is
50% in decimal?

That’s correct class. 0.50 or 0.5 ma’am

Based on the number line that your

classmate draw on the board, we can
say that the event that it will rain today
is unlikely to happen because 0.5 is in
the middle and it is not close to 1.

Do you understand class?

The chance that something will happen

is called Probability class.
Yes ma’am!
Cagayan State University
College of Teacher Education, Andrews Campus

To better understand our lesson for

today, I prepared a chart that indicate a
numbers that will help you know if the
things will impossible, unlikely, as
likely, likely and certain to happen.

( The teacher will show to class the


Now class to know if you pay attention

to our discussion, I have some
questions here that you need to answer.

Questions: It is impossible to snow in the

Philippines ma’am, because it’s a
1. It will snow tomorrow. tropical country.

Very good!

2. The sports analyst says that Manny

Pacquiao has 75% chance of winning This means that Manny Pacquiao is
his fight. likely to win his fight ma’am.

3. The weather forecaster says that It is certain that the sun will rise
there is a 100% chance that the sun tomorrow, because the probability is
will rise tomorrow. 100% ma’am.

Very good! I m glad that you pay

attention and understand our discussion
for today.
Cagayan State University
College of Teacher Education, Andrews Campus

C. Generalization
( Mary Rose and Marinelle
) A probability is the chance that
something will happen ma'am!
Again class, what is probability?

Probability allow us to develop

Why is it important for us to learn Critical thinking ma'am!
about probability?

Very well said! Probability also allows

us to develop our critical thinking
skills, so we can use it in finding
whether it has a chance to rain or not.

What else class? Probability also promotes critical

thinking skills ma'am!

Very Good! Base on our discussion

earlier what do you think is the If the event happens more than half
difference of likely and unlikely to time, we say it is likely. And if it
happen? happens less than half time, we say it
is unlikely ma'am.

That's correct! In addition to that, if it

happens exactly half the time, we say it
has and even chance. If every
outcomes corresponds to the event, we
say its certain.

So what would be the number if the

chance is likely to happen? The probability can range from 0-1
ma'am where 0 means the event to be
Cagayan State University
College of Teacher Education, Andrews Campus

an impossible one and 1 indicates a

certain event.

Correct! How about the number if the

chance is unlikely to happen?
The probability of an event of
unlikely to happen is closest to zero
How about neither likely nor unlikely
to happen?
The probability is around ½ indicates
an event that is neither unlikely or
likely ma'am.
Base on your understanding of our
topic, can you give me an example of
likely or unlikely to happen?
For example ma'am if the analyst says
that Manny Pacquiao has 75% chance
of winning in his fight .
Can you elaborate your example?

We can say that Pacquiao has a

chance to win his fight because 75%
(0.75) is closer to 1 or 100% which is
likely to happen ma'am.

Excellent! Class, do you understand

now? Yes ma'am!

D. Values Integration
( Nicole Diestro )

Class what is the importance of Ma'am probability plays a crucial role

probability in our life? in everyday life in various ways. It
helps us to determine and make
informed decisions in situations
where outcomes are uncertain, such as
in weather forecasting, insurance and

Very Good!
Can you give an example that we can
apply our topic. About weather ma’am.
Cagayan State University
College of Teacher Education, Andrews Campus

We can use weather as an example
because of the help of probability we
can use it to determine if there is a
chance to rain or not.
Can you give me another example Ma'am betting on a lottery.

Correct, that is also one of the

examples of probability. Because if
you bet on lottery you don't know if
you're be having a chance to win or
lose. So if you know that you don't
have the chance to win, don't bet.
Always remember class you need to
use your money wisely. Do you Yes ma'am.

Overall, probability is essential for

making rational choices and
understanding the world around us.

E. Application
( Marinelle Cauan )

Let’s test your ability if you understand

our topic.
Instruction: The whole class will
divide into three groups. Each group (Each group pick a leader)
should choose a leader.

I’ve got here a box that have a

questions inside. The leader of each
( The leaders will go infront and pick a
group should come infront and pick 5
five questions in the box)
questions inside the box.

Examples of question inside the box

Cagayan State University
College of Teacher Education, Andrews Campus

1. Is it certain or impossible that the

pointer on the spinner will stop on a
capital letter?
2. There are 30 days in February?
3. There is a 75% that the sun will rise
4. There will be a 4 seasons in the
5. Pulling a red marble in your bag
with 10 yellow marbles, 6 red marbles
and 1 green marbles.

After picking five questions they need

to go back to their group.

(The leaders will go back to their group)

Answer the following questions. Use
impossible, most unlikely, as likely as
unlikely, most likely, or certain to
describe each statement. You need to
write your answer in a 1/4 sheet of

After finishing your activity, each

group should pick one member of the
group to present your activity. You
need to add some explanation to prove
your answer.
Do you understand class? Yes ma’am.

Okay class, start doing your activity


IV. EVALUATION ( Tricia Mae Francisco )

Test I.
Direction: Answer the following questions.
Cagayan State University
College of Teacher Education, Andrews Campus

1. John's probability of winning the game is 60%. What is the probability of John not
winning the game?

2. What is the total sample space if a consonant is to be picked from a set of english

3. In an entrance exam only three students are selected for every 100 students who
appear for the examination. What is the percentage probability of success in the

4. What is the probability of getting the same number, when two dice are rolled?

5. Peter hits 2 shots right for every 5 shots. What is the probability of peter winning the

Test II.
Direction: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the statement is incorrect.
1. Probability is used to describe how something is likely and unlikely to happen.

2. A shopper could use probability to decide to buy a lottery ticket or not.

3. It is most likely to happen that the sun will set in the south.
4. The chance that the toss coin shows a head is 50%.
5. If an event is certain to happen it has a probability of zero.

V. ASSIGNMENT ( Tricia Mae Francisco )

Make an experiment at home by tossing a coin 20 times. Record all possible outcomes by
completing the table below.
Outcomes Tally of Outcomes Frequency
Cagayan State University
College of Teacher Education, Andrews Campus

Total 20 20

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