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Emmanuel College Languages - Writing Rubric Year 7

Assessment Criteria
Final Product: /12
Criteria 1 2 3 4

Writing elements The activity book The activity book The activity book The activity book
demonstrates that you demonstrates that you demonstrates that you demonstrates that you
have a limited have some have understood of the have clearly
understanding of the understanding of the required topic you focused understood of the
required topic you required topic you on. required topic you
focused on. focused on. focused on.
This included majority of
This included a lot This included some of correct Italian spelling and This included correct
errors with Italian correct Italian spelling agreement of Italian spelling and
spelling and and agreement of nouns/adjectives when agreement of
agreement of nouns/adjectives required. nouns/adjectives
nouns/adjectives when required. when required.
when required.
Conveying Minimal compulsory Some compulsory Majority compulsory All compulsory topics
topics covered. topics covered. topics covered. covered and/or extra
Originality and Activities created are Some originality in Originality is displayed in Originality is reflected
copied and pasted activities created from activities which reflect through the activity
from previous previous learning. own ideas and book by using a
learning. creativeness. common theme of
Some effort is colours, pictures,
Or displayed using Colours, pictures, headings and sub-
colours, headings and headings and sub- headings.
Activities created a sub-headings. headings are included,
vague and do not which enhance the overall A range of activities
reflect effort and time. Similar activities activity book. are displayed which
throughout activity have learning
book. A range of activities intentions and success
throughout the booklet. criteria attached.

Whole Project /8
Agency Project/assignment is Work is lacking in Worked hard to complete Exhibits pride in going
incomplete. Did not effort. Inconsistent projects/assignments with well beyond
participate in participant in class a great effort. Consistently requirements. Leads
discussions. Often discussions. Often participated in discussions. by example and
needed reminders to needed reminders to Independent worker. inspired others during
stay on task stay on task. discussions with
thought provoking
Collaboration Rarely provides useful Occasionally provides Usually provides useful Provided useful ideas
ideas when useful ideas when ideas when participating in when participating in
participating in the participating in the the group and in the group and in
group and in group and in classroom discussion. A classroom discussion.
classroom discussion. classroom discussion. satisfactory group A strong group
May refuse to May refuse to member who does what is member who tries
participate. Rarely participate. required. Often listens to, hard! Listens to,
listens to, shares with, Occasionally listens to, shares with, and supports shares with, and
and supports the shares with, and the efforts of others, but supports the efforts of
efforts of others. supports the efforts of sometimes is not a good others. Does not cause
Often is not a good others. Often is not a team member. "waves" in the group.
team player. good team player.

/20 %

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