Informative Speech

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Topic: How business owners’ personal characteristics impact their business.

General Purpose: To Inform

Specific Purpose: To inform my audience how the characteristic of a business owner impacts
the business

Attention Getter: If Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos business owners and founders like them did not have
some personal characteristic that impacted their businesses than the products and services that
they are providing us as a customers would not have been there.

Reason to Listen: People think that running business and earning profit from them is easy for a
business owner, but they might not know what goes on behind the doors of running a business.
Furthermore, they might not know what makes a business owner so passionate to provide the
service and products and invent new and improved products for customers.

Credibility Statement: I spent lots of time searching about how personal characteristic of a
business owner impacts their business by watching videos and articles, going through forums of
people researching and sharing information they’ve found about the topic. Thus, I know that I
have wide rang of knowledge on this topic. In addition, as I am student who is doing a business
in major in university, I think that I have little knowledge of the business aspect of the topic.

Thesis Statement: The three utmost important points of how personal characteristic of a
business owner impacts their business are some of the characteristic the business owners have
and also on how the impact of these characteristics make profits for the business and last but not
the least how the management team benefits from these characteristic.

Preview of Main Points:

1. First, I will discuss on some of the characteristic a businessowner have and also, I will
discuss on how the impact of these characteristic make profits for the business
2. Finally, I will discuss on how the management team benefits from these characteristic.
II. Body
There are some characteristic that a person has and using these characteristics for running the
business is one the thing that might be useful for the business. Therefore, at first let me discuss
about some characteristic and how these characteristic have profited the business and also
benefited the management team.
i. Open to change: Having a plan is important but being stubborn and resistant to change
despite the evidence is unwise as new technology and methods of running an organization
being invented or founded by them. Therefore, successful business owners embrace change.
Thus, being open to change helps the organization to make profit from changing to
something new.

ii. Focused on Achieving Goals: Being able to set and then focusing on achieving goals is
another important character trait. This includes short-term, medium-term, and long-term
goals, plus it includes regularly reviewing progress and adjusting as required. If the business
owner does not think about the goals in their long term, medium term, and short term than
the business will not make any profit as they will not have a picture on what to do in the
future and on what level they want to reach to improve the product or service that the
organization is providing. Also helps to allocate the investments of the firm according to the
analysis from which the product and service the organizations are making profits and also
improving on the service and product that are not making profit.

iii. Resilient: Running a business is not easy and dealing with setbacks is part of the day-to-day.
Successful business owners need to be resilient to keep believing and keep going. If the
business owner is not resilient on how to make improvements on their product or service so
that they deliver one of the topmost product or service and for this reason after improving the
product or services, the organization will automatically make profit.

iv. Willing to Take a Risk: Many successful business owners leave jobs this is just one
indication of their willingness to take risks. For example, Jeff Bezos worked at DE Shaw,
which was his last job before founding Amazon. In De Shaw he was one of the company’s
most important vice presidents. At this time, he was also a leader in Internet product
marketing strategies. In fact, the company did not accept his innovative methods, Jeff Bezos
decided to leave them and open his website, selling books over the internet. Another is
investing their own money when getting a return is far from guaranteed. After all, there is a
big difference between spotting an opportunity in the market and going for it. If the risk is
high the returns that the business will get will also be high, thus the profit of the business will
be high.
Lastly, I want to discuss on the point that how these characteristics help the firm’s management
i. Open to change: Being open to change helps the firm’s management team learn about new
me technology and methods. Also, will help them to quickly adapt to any situation that
comes on their way

ii. Focused on Achieving Goals: Being able to set and then focusing on achieving goals helps
the management team to run smoothly because having the goals that has been set for the firm
on the long run, medium run and in short run lets the management team know about in which
position they are in, and much time will it take to reach the goal. In addition, it helps them to
compare with other organization and with themself according to the other year.

iii. Resilient: A businessowner has to be resilient if this characteristic is not being shown by the
business owner than the management team will not feel motivated towards the products and
services that that are providing to the customers. They will not have the attitude to do their
best on their job no matter what.

iv. Willing to Take a Risk: If the management team will not be willing to give any ideas or
anything suggestions to the businessowner. If they see that the business owner is not willing
to take risk than they will be willing to take risk and will be limited to some ideas, and if they
see that businessowner is willing to take risk than the management will be willing to take risk
and also will try to find unique ways and do unique things.
III. Conclusion

A. Review of Main Points:

1. First, I will discuss on some of the characteristic a businessowner have and also, I will
discuss on how the impact of these characteristic make profits for the business
2. Finally, I will discuss on how the management team benefits from these characteristic.

B. Restated Thesis: These characteristic helps a businessowner to make their businesses to

operate successfully and the impact on the business in making profits for the business and also
helps the management team in many ways to plan and operate the organization.

C. Closure: Running a business is not easy for any businessowner and using their personal
characteristics can impact the business and, as the businessowners have these unique personal
characteristics these impact on the profit of the firm and also on the management of the
organization. For these characteristic has helped businessowners to make profit and also to
operate their firm efficiently.


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