Marketing Chapter 11

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Chapter 11 Ceiling

the price
Vision | Mission | Objectives
External Analysis

Competitive Analysis
Consumer Analysis

(incl. research, behaviour, possible segmentations)


Company Analysis
(incl. targeting, positioning, value prop. & objectives)

Marketing Plan

(incl. marketing mix: product, price, place, promotion)

(incl. financial assessment, control)
Price elastciity:
ineleastic demand:
tobacco, alcohol, weed,
Elastic demand: change
occurs greatly
The 5 C's
Pricing strategies
New product pricing
Psychology of pricing
Pricing tactics
Price: 5 C’s
Company Objectives:
Profit orientation
Sales orientation
Competitor orientation
Customer orientation
Price: 5 C’s
Customers: Price Elasticity
Price elasticity of demand illustrates the response of demand to a
change in price
Inelastic demand occurs when demand hardly changes when there is a
small change in price
Elastic demand occurs when demand changes greatly for a small change
in price
Price elasticity of demand = % change in quantity demand
% change in price
Price: 5 C’s
Customers: Price Elasticity
Razor and the razor blade for example

Cross-price elasticity
Substitution effect
Income effect
Price: 5 C’s
Should you close vs open: you
Fixed costs remain the same
should stay open as fixed rate
throughout a specific period.
Variable costs can increase or
decrease based on the output of the Costs: does not change.

business. Examples of fixed costs

include rent, taxes, and insurance.
Examples of variable costs include
credit card fees, direct labor, and
Variable costs
Fixed costs
Total Cost
Price: 5 C’s
Costs: Break Even Analysis
Total Variable Cost = Variable Cost per unit X Quantity
Total Cost = Fixed Cost + Total Variable Cost
Total Revenue = Price X Quantity

Fixed Costs
Break-Even Point (units) =
Contribution per unit
Price: 5 C’s
Price: 5 C’s
Channel Members
Manufacturers, wholesalers and
retailers can have different
perspectives on pricing strategies
Manufactures must protect against
grey market transactions
Price: 5 C’s
… some other factors
The Internet
Economic Factors
Disposable Income
Pricing Strategies
Pricing Strategies
Cost Based
Cost-base pricing methods start with cost
All costs calculated on a per unit basis
Assumes costs don’t vary for
different levels of production
Pricing Strategies

Value Based
Setting prices that focus on the
overall value of the product
Consumer perceptions
Pricing Strategies
New Product Pricing

Market Penetration
Price Skimming
Psychological Factors

Reference Pricing
Everyday low pricing (EDLP)
Odd prices
Price-quality relationship
Psychological Factors

Price-quality relationship
Most inexperienced consumers use price as
an indicator of quality
Price becomes crucial when consumers
have little knowledge about certain products/
Pricing Tactics: B2B
Seasonal Discounts
Cash Discounts
Quantity discounts
Uniform delivered vs.
geographic pricing
Pricing Tactics: B2B
Seasonal Discounts

Designed to spur buyers into purchasing merchandise early

Pricing Tactics: B2B

Cash Discounts

2/10 net 30
Pricing Tactics: B2B
Lowers the final cost in return
for specific behaviour
Advertising allowance
Listing allowance
Pricing Tactics: B2B

Quantity discounts
Uniform delivered vs.
geographic pricing
Pricing Tactics: Consumer

Price Lining
Price Bundling
Leader Pricing
Pricing Tactics: Consumer

By-Product Pricing
Price Reductions: Consumer

Coupons & rebates
Quantity discounts
Seasonal discounts

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