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Sannyu Perle

Reservations Manager

True Blue Travel Agency

Dear Ms. Perle,

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. As the President of the French Club at St.
Xavier's Secondary School, I am writing to inquire about the flights and accommodations for our
upcoming excursion to the beautiful French island of Martinique.

Our club consists of 25 enthusiastic students who are eager to explore the rich culture and language
of France. We have set the dates for our trip from August 15 to 20, 2024. To ensure that we can
adequately plan for this exciting adventure, we kindly request the following information:

- Flights by the airline AIR PLUS: We would like to know if AIR PLUS provides flights to
Martinique during the specified period. Please provide details on the availability of flights,
including departure and arrival times, as well as the duration of the journey.
- Cost of flight per student: Considering our limited budget, it is important for us to
understand the cost implications of the flights. Could you please provide us with the cost
per student for the round trip? This will help us determine the financial feasibility of the
excursion for our club members.
- Group discounts: Given that we are organizing a trip for a sizable group, we are wondering if
AIR PLUS offers any group discounts for student travel. Any information regarding
discounted rates or special offers would be greatly appreciated, as it would assist us in
managing our expenses effectively.

Furthermore, we would also like to inquire about reasonable hotel accommodations in Martinique.
Since our primary focus is to provide a comfortable and safe environment for our students, we kindly
request your assistance in finding suitable options. We are looking for accommodations that meet
the following criteria:

- Safe and secure location

- Clean and well-maintained facilities
- Proximity to popular attractions and public transportation
- Reasonable rates for student groups

If you could provide us with a list of recommended hotels or any special rates available for student
groups, it would greatly assist us in making an informed decision.

We understand that our deadline for receiving this information is July 1, 2024. Therefore, we kindly
request your prompt response. We are confident that with your expertise and assistance, we will be
able to plan and execute a successful and memorable trip for our French Club members.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. We eagerly await your response and look forward to
collaborating with you to make this excursion a remarkable experience for our students.

Yours sincerely,
Mohamed Khan

President, French Club

St. Xavier's Secondary School

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