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1. Piaget’s term for incorporation of new information into an existing cognitive structure.
A. Assimilation
B. Accommodation
C. Adaptation
D. Organization

• Organization - Piaget’s term for the creation of categories or systems of knowledge

• Adaptation - Piaget’s term for adjustment to new information about the environment, achieved through
processes of assimilation and accommodation.
• Assimilation - Piaget’s term for incorporation of new information into an existing cognitive structure.
• Accommodation - Piaget’s term for changes in a cognitive structure to include new information.

2. Vygotsky’s term for the difference between what a child can do alone and what the child can do with help.
A. zone of proximal development (ZPD)
B. scaffolding
C. helping
D. sociocultural theory

• Zone of proximal development (ZPD) - difference

• Scaffolding - temporary support to help a child master a task.

3. During the_______ stage, the organs and major body systems—respiratory, digestive, and nervous—develop
rapidly. This process is known as organogenesis. This is a critical period, when the embryo is most vulnerable to
destructive influences in the prenatal environment
A. Fetal
B. Germinal
C. Embryonic
D. Fertilization

4. Males are more likely than females to be spontaneously aborted or to be stillborn (dead at or after the 20th week of
A. Not True
B. Not False
C. None of the above.

5. The Dilation of the Cervix stage lasts until the cervix is fully open (___ centimeters, or about ___ inches) so the
baby can descend into the birth canal.
A. 4 centimeters; 10 inches
B. 8 centimeters; 12 inches
C. 10 centimeters; 4 inches
D. 12 centimeters; 8 inches

6. Which of the following statements are not TRUE?

I. The cerebrum, the largest part of the brain, is divided into right and left halves, or hemispheres, each with
specialized functions.
II. This specialization of the hemispheres is called lateralization.


III. The left hemisphere is mainly concerned with language and logical thinking, the right hemisphere with visual and
spatial functions such as map reading and drawing.
IV. Joining the two hemispheres is a tough band of tissue called the corpus callosum, which allows them to share
information and coordinate commands.
A. II only
B. IV only
C. III only
D. None of the above

7. Handedness, the preference for using one hand over the other, is usually evident by about ____.
A. age 4 C. age 5
B. age 6 D. age 3

8. Vygotsky emphasized the role of ________ in the development of a child.

A. cognition C. behavior
B. social Interaction D. unconscious conflicts

9. Development is a _________ process according to Freud’s theory.

A. continuous
B. discontinuous
C. systematized
D. none of the above

Freud’s theory includes stages:

Oral, Anal, Phalic, Latency, Genital
Discontinuous Process: with stages
Continuous Process: no stages

10. Sometime between 5 and 7 months, after babies can reach for and grasp objects, they develop _______
perception, the ability to acquire information through touch, for example, by handling objects rather than by simply
looking at them.
A. depth C. haptic
B. hand D. visual

A. An embryo with only an X chromosome is not viable.
B. An embryo with only a Y chromosome is viable.
A. only A is true C. both A and B are true
B. only B is true D. both A and B are false

viable - able to survive

if X only: able to survive

ex. Turner (XO) syndrome

if Y only: cannot survive


12. Also known as a permanently altered gene.

A. genotype
B. mutated gene
B. susceptibility gene
C. longevity gene

A. genotype – genetic make up

B. mutated gene - permanently altered gene
B. susceptibility - makes individual more vulnerable to diseases
C. longevity gene - makes individual less vulnerable to diseases

13. This is a loss that's "not openly acknowledged, socially mourned, or publicly supported".
A. complicated grief
B. anticipatory grief
C. enchanted grief
D. disenfranchised grief

14. Behavior: Percy gets perfect attendance

Consequence: He does not have to take the final examination
A. Positive Reinforcement
B. Negative Reinforcement
C. Positive Punishment
D. Negative Punishment

Negative kasi may inalis. ‘Di na siya magtatake ng final exam.

Reinforcement kasi we want na maulit yung behavior na yun.
negative reinforcement works by taking away something that the individual finds undesirable. This removal reinforces
the behavior that proceeds it, making it more likely that the response will occur again in the future.

15. Kessler proposed _____ as the sixth stage of grief in Kübler-Ross grief model.
A. Acceptance
B. Continuing
C. Meaning
D. There is no sixth stage.

In a book co-authored with David Kessler and published posthumously, Kübler-Ross expanded her model to include
any form of personal loss, such as the death of a loved one, the loss of a job or income, major rejection, the end of a
relationship or divorce, drug addiction, incarceration, the onset of a disease or an infertility diagnosis, and even minor
losses, such as a loss of insurance coverage. Kessler has also proposed "Meaning" as a sixth stage of grief
DABDAM na siya 😊


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