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Jonna Marmolejo.

BS-PHARMACY I-C 11/10/23

Class facilitator: Ma'am Betty Ermitaño. Class schedule: 8:00-9:00 & Friday

SESSION 4: Knowing Myself through Psychological Testing


(This will serve as part of your score for Class Output)

Kindly write at least 5 sentences for each question below:

1.Which is/are your area/s of concern?

The areas of my concerns is about our struggles as a student in terms of educational issues. It
includes career concerns, learning. Also it involves our mental health emotional problems, as
well as decision-making.

Academic and social challenges faced by university students can lead to stress, anxiety, and
depression in students. Struggling with coursework can cause frustration and low self-esteem.
Social problems such as feeling left out or struggling to make friends can leave students feeling
alone, disconnected, and low self-confidence. Unaddressed mental health concerns can
escalate and impact a us students the ability to function well in their daily life.

It interferes with a student's ability to concentrate and sleep. These challenges faced by us
students can worsen the student's stress and anxiety levels, creating a cycle that is difficult to

2.What recent situation, events or factors do you think have contributed to your psychological
test result?

I think the recent situation, that contributed my psychological test results was the academic
and social challenges I experienced. The main cause for stressed out students is the heavy
coursework I am taking on. I don't have enough sleep stressing if I will fail or not. Studying
takes me a lot of time, and it is hard to balance it with my other life commitments. According to
research, it has found that excessive levels of academic stress can result in an “increased
prevalence of psychological and physical problems like depression, anxiety, nervousness, and
stress-related disorders,” which in turn can adversely affect academic results. I hope i can
overcome it someday.

3.What are you doing to get the help you need?

It can help to connect with others and become more resilient in the face of stress. If I connect
with others, there are a few ways that reduces my stress: Get in touch with my community,
family members or friends. Talk to someone that I trust with my feelings and worries. Having a
little time for culture, spiritual or religious activities. I volunteered with an organization that
interests me. I can also help myself by giving back to others. I also go out with other people,
connect to nature and explore the green spaces.

4.In what way/s do you think your psychological test result will help you in building your

I think, psychological test result will help me in building my character by identifying the
strengths and weaknesses. It also reveals more about my personality and cognitive abilities. It
fosters a strong support system around me. In other words, It helps us individuals to better
understand our strengths and weaknesses so that we can become the best version of
ourselves.Even the most self-aware individuals have personal blind spots, as the nature of self-
awareness is itself limited.

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