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Plaintiff, '
v. '
' FILE NO.: _____________________
Defendant. '


The court having considered [PLAINTIFF’S/DEFENDANT’S] Motion for Guardian ad

Litem [OPTIONAL; IF SUCH A MOTION WAS FILED] and the court being vested with the
authority to appoint a Guardian ad Litem to represent the interests of the parties’ minor child
[CHILD NAME], born [DATE OF BIRTH], pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 9-11-17(c) and Uniform
Superior Court Rule 24.9, it is hereby ORDERED, ADJUDGED and DECREED as follows:
[NAME OF APPOINTED GUARDIAN AD LITEM] is hereby appointed to serve as
Guardian ad Litem for the minor child, and shall represent the best interests of the minor child
before this court. The Guardian ad Litem shall be an officer of the court and shall assist the court
in reaching a decision as to which party shall be awarded temporary and/or permanent physical
custody of the minor child. In order to perform his or her functions, the Guardian ad Litem shall
have full right and authority to completely investigate all aspects of the case and to interview all
parties and other persons with an interest in the custody, visitation, maintenance and/or education
of the minor child upon request by the Guardian ad Litem with reasonable notice. In the event
that a party or other person shall refuse to cooperate or be interviewed, the Guardian ad Litem
shall so report to the court and shall prepare the case without the assistance of the party or
witness unless the court otherwise directs.
The Guardian ad Litem shall have the right to inspect all records relating to the minor child
maintained by the Clerk of this Court in this and any other jurisdiction, other social and human
service agencies, the Department of Family and Children Services, and the Juvenile Court. The
Guardian ad Litem shall have the right to examine all records maintained by any school,
financial institution, hospital, doctor or other mental health provider, or any other social or
human services agency or financial institution pertaining to the minor child; if such records are
confidential, the parties shall execute appropriate releases to permit the Guardian Ad Litem to
inspect same. The Guardian ad Litem shall have the right to examine any residence wherein any
person seeking custody or visitation rights proposes to house the minor child. The Guardian ad
Litem may request the court to order examination of the minor child, parents or anyone seeking
custody of the minor child, by a medical or mental health professional, if appropriate. (The
authority of the court to order such a waiver of psychological privilege is a matter that counsel
should research and argue if needed.)
The Guardian ad Litem shall be entitled to notice of, and shall be entitled to participate
in, all hearings, trials, investigations, depositions or other proceedings concerning the minor
child, and counsel for both parties are responsible for insuring that the Guardian ad Litem
receives notice at the earliest possible date. The Guardian ad Litem shall be served with copies
of all pleadings, notices, discovery, reports and any other documents filed in this action.
The appointment of the Guardian ad Litem shall last until such time as the matters
pertaining to custody, visitation, maintenance or education raised in this action are settled,
dismissed or otherwise adjudicated.
Fees for the Guardian Ad Litem shall be paid as follows:
SO ORDERED, this day of [MONTH], [YEAR].

The Honorable [JUDGE NAME]
Judge, [COUNTY NAME] County Superior Court

Prepared by:
Georgia State Bar No. [NUMBER]

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