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There's a tree that commonly known as Calabash tree, its a tropical tree that are native in america. It
produces large, ground-like fruits for various purposes. The hard shell of the dried and carved to
create containers, utensils or some culture the Calabash prit is also used dees- natural bowls and up.
In sove places, thee is arreciated with folklore and traditional medicine. It typically grows in tropical
and sub tropical climates. Medicinal Properties while traditional medicare uses calabash for certain.

Purposes, there may be aspects of its medicinal properties that are not thoroughly ducumented
orunderstood from spientipic perspective Traditional medicine: In certain cultures, Parts of the
calabash tree, such as the leaves of fruit, have been used in traditional medicine for various Purpose
this might include treating conditions like coughs, Asthma, or skin Pasues. Anti-inflammatory
Properties: some traditional uses suggest anti inflammatory properties, whichcould be beneficial for
conditions involving inplammation. However, scientific studies are needed to validate there claims.
Antioxidant Potential like may plants, Crescentia cujete may contain compounds with antioxidant
Properties Antioxidant are known for their Potential to neutralize harmful pree rodicals in the body
wound Healing In some traditional practices, calabach has been used topically to aid in wound
healing. this could be attributed to potential antimicrobial or skin-soothing Properties.

While some traditional with caution until user more have been reported; its essential to approach
these regorous research conducted. As of now, potental unknown health benefitits that require
further investigation are; Bioactive Compounds - that might contribute potential health benefits.
Clinical Trials to evaluate the effect and safety of Calabash fruit for specific health conditions.
Pharmacological Mechanism and interaction and side effect, Optimal damage and forms.

Therefore, we conduct research about Calabash fruit Or Miracle fruit Ice cream, Processing
techniques, sensory evaluation and utritional Analysis. Since calabash fruit is medicinal fruit that taste
sweet and like cola and there's miracle wine lined up in market so, we want and try a miracle ice

Research Design

In this study, the researcher used experimental research design to determine the acceptability of
Calabash Ice Cream; Processing Techniques, and Nutritional Analysis. The researcher used the
surveyethod by evaluation form to gather data on this product. In this research the independent
variable would likely be the Processing Techniques applied to make ice cream, such as freezing methods,
ingredients used, etc. The dependent variable would be the nutritional composition of the ice cream
which would influenced by the processing Techniques.

Research Environment

The environment of this study will be inside the campus of Samar State University - Paranas Campus

Research Respondent

This study involves a total of 30 subjects from different Year level of BSIT students, Instructors and
Utilities of the campus. This subject are identified through random sampling.



Campus Utilities




Food Technology

Fashion and Apparel


Research Instrument

The Researchers used Hedonic Rating Scale questionnaire as the main tool in gathering data to gather
acceptability level of Calabash Ice Cream, base on their opinion of the subjects as to it's appearance,
task, texture and aroma.

Sampling Techniques

The researcher used random sampling techniques. The researcher asked first the permission to those
target subject from the BSIT students, Instructors and Utilities. After having the access, the named of the
students, Instructors, and Utilities were taken randomly through drawn and the names that will be pick
would be the subject.

Data Gathering Procedure

Phase 1. Preparation of Ingredients, tools and Equipment

The preparation of Calabash Ice Cream; Processing Techniques and Nutritional Analysis was
followed by the ingredients and procedure.

A. Materials Needed

Table 1. Materials and Measurements of Original Calabash Ice Cream

1st Formulation

Ingredients Measurements

Calabash Juice 1 Cup

Nestle Cream 500ml

Condensed Milk 1 Can small

Doner 1/4

Coconut Milk 1cup

Powdered Milk 1cup

This is the original flavor of Calabash Ice Cream Product.

Since, evaluation had many suggestions and recommendations, e.g are add some organic food
coloring, reduce condensed Milk or substitute for white sugar.

Evaluation rate is

Table 2. Materials and Measurements of Colored Calabash Ice Cream

Ingredients Measurements
Calabash Juice 2 cups

Nestle Cream 500ml

Sugar ( white) 1/4

Doner 1/4

Coconut milk 1cup

Powdered Milk 1cup

Food Color 1/2 tsp.

Table 3. Materials and Measurements of Calabash Ice Cream with Almond Nuts

Ingredients Measurements

Calabash Juice 2 cups

Nestle Cream 500ml

Sugar (white) 1/4

Doner 1/4

Coconut Milk 1cup

Powdered milk 1cup

Food Color 1/2 tsp.

Almond Nuts 1/2 cup


Step 1. Boil the Calabash to get the extract

Step 2. Boil the Calabash extract with doner and set aside

Step 3. Whip the cream to double size the level, whip until it soft.

Step 4. Add the sugar and powdered milk, Nestle Cream. Add the Calabash extract gradually, last add
the coconut milk.

Step 5. Mix it until it well combine

Step 6. Transfer it to a cup and put it into the refrigerator overnight.

Step 7. When it is ready to serve place the out of the refrigerator and serve immediately.

Phase ll. Tasting of Product for Acceptability

The Calabash Ice Cream were presented to the subjects for tasting to know the difference between
three(3) different formulation of Calabash Ice Cream.

Phase lll.

After tasting the product, the researches distributes the questionnaire to the subjects for them to vote
and indetify according to the acceptability of the product in terms in appearance, aroma, taste and


The researchers will conduct a survey for Calabash Ice Cream in three formulation. Kindly rate the
product in terms of appearance, aroma, taste and texture using the 5 point Hedonic Rating Scale. Just
put a check in the corresponding columns.


Original Flavor

Score card- Hedonic Rating Scale

Like very much Like Neither like Dislike Dislike very

moderately nor dislike moderately much
(4) (3) (2) (1)




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