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à» m m m


wm r n m m m im o tso i m $ m


w ip io a à f iio w sm m m m m m m n m

M aà% % »à lit f # # l# I
of the for th#
à#### of
lA a U R o f ;%%%aawuK%(%Ai,

#% III#
fo & m m a o in m m M m m oom m

Bdworé % o W #

I # 19SD

iOmd of mpmrimml
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ih # r n m l^ ### W rm m %hê

I f là #f 1 9 # lu #e* W k «ad Mi
iih iil «ad h l # idboil la the #m#
elty* Se yeeeleed the degyee of laoheloa of Seohmmloel
Saglaeerlmg fyom the Polyteohalo la iti tmte of Irooîdya la
.#w# 1944# pmeeeatl# hie %oh#W*# th##l# oa **®bto Çfil«a#
%a#tMWtloa# ead te«t of » Socket XaMae^«

4fl«p dl#(hayge froa the ïhdted States Saey ta lhae

1048# he «ai e%loyed hy the Mr (kiadltloala» Bepwtmmt of
the Oeaerel Sleetrlo &#aay# # e r e he fir s t heoame latereet#,
#d la the problem# asiooleted elth refrtgeratloa mchlaery.
la iopteWber of 194? he aoo^ted a poeltloa as laetmotor
la Se#aM oal Sa#|a##ria# at the Solyteehalo la e tlta te o f
%ooMya$ a posltioa he bold# today,

«he larestieiatioa» sad aaalytoi ro^ptred for thi* thoM#

hare beta oarriod oa for a period of three years# etar$iag
la %)%«## 194? md ooatiaalnf a a tll the pressât, «h# la»
vistigatloa# eatalled th# u#« of many llhreriee# particular»
ly the mgimseMog ioM ettes Mhrary sad the «eWwology seo#
tio a 'Of the #e# fork Pahllo Mhrnry#

P E i5 T E ir ? l^ S S r '
# e a#W r I© «aproie M# grmtltmd#
%# P r # e # # r S atitl# fm M#
#f th# #h«siitry #ad. of th# w le m W # tr# tw #
of labrioatiag oils# md for Me laralm hle ##M#»
t#m# ih th# pr#pm#tt#h of th# «wmwrlpt#

fh# amthor #1«# Meh## t# nm^mm Me thmk#

$# Srofmeeor »r»et I*# Ri%#tt# for imtroduolag hi#
to I m& ÊMSkmim hie iatereet 1» th# ##i#a## of
t h e p w p o s e ù i t M s th e # !# i s to a m ly s # th e m s c h a a lo s l

friotioa io is ii In- tmiptnmt%ing rsfrigeratioa maiMaery* %»

aaalysi» herela prsssated i# of eofflolm t soop# to #mbl# the cai»
oolatioà of the t f in%inn lotsos that mi#it be esqpeoted in # re»
olprooaliag refrlgeretloa oompressor from # kaowledge of the oom»
pressor dimmsioa## # # gewrel ©oaditioa wd«»? # io h the oom»
pressor M il operete# md the #mrooteri#tios of the h&hrioetiog
o il that M il he wed#

A dieooseloh of homdsry layer lohrioetloh Is to he fooad

la the thesis* th# gesersi oomolosloa helm# that hydrod#eml# Ih#
hriostloa may he oonsidered e# eMstlag m* lorn# *s the film l i
groeter thm s fee moleoales thi#* sad s# long ## th# rlsooslty
meed Im th# hydmdysmio eomtiome is th# «ffeotir# MsooMly rather
thm the WLk rlsooslty of # # I# rie # # t.
S o a lm ii

Im lr o d n o llo a I.

M b r lo s llo a B

i e e lp r o e a t l 'o i a i f r i g e f a l i o » . 0 o # r e # # » r 19

W s M o a &>###$

I f i l a a#a M a g# M

# r# # 5 » p la B # « r ia f s 0

W # t » p im B e s ria g a 99

M # # » B ifift m

trtm k P lilo tt # 1 # m

C b a e la ilo à ii %

M M Io g r a p h y 40

the die ©every of the Wheel ha# eft beta celled oae of the meet ha el#
factor» la the advaacemmt dT clvlllm tlea# Ciirilleatioa a# ve Jw« i t
today, howeverp woaM he l%o#$lhle wlthoat the variety of lahrlem t#
that » emng other thiage » allow the wheel to keep taralag. «he f i r at
a»# of Ithrloaate to reduce the frlotlom hetweea two mvlag eorfaoee 1#
ankaowat I t ie eve» imkaowa me to whether or aot I t pr#-4at«e the die»
covery of the wheel. Recorded history has #aay meatloas of th# as# of
varioae fate sad oil# to ease the task of pashlag etoae hiooke to make
a pyrwld# or to make I t easls# for the horses to i^eed a chariot om I ts
way, hWhricatioa is one of the many arts headed dowm from am tl#lty.

As a soieaoei Ichrloatlo» dates from the experimeats of Beamchnap

fowers (1)0 1» &%la»d la 18$5, #shom$ heamolds (s), la the followlag
year, ihowsd that the laws of hydrodyaamlcs coald he # p lled to the la»
hrlcatloa of hearlags. Worklag ladepeadeatly la Bossia, at about the
same time, I . y#troff (3) cam# to atout the same concluMoas as iower# md
leyaolds* la the ymrs followiag mea have made coatrlhutloas to the
sol erne# of l#rloatioa* aotahly %e%mll (4) la iaglaad* domerfeld (5) la
ieraaay, aad Magehury (#) # heresy (?) «ad Bom r# (8) la # e î&lted

Ihllowlag the work of these mea many lavemtlgatioa# # both actual

tests aad %y mthematlcel aaalysee » have hem coaducted to solve prohlmss
la luhricatloa of latorest to the ladlvldml iavestigstore,

•Ifamher# Im par#th«sl# refer to the hlhliography.


%# # # # # of thesis Is to malyeo th# mobmMoal ftloMoa

lost## ta raclproeatlag W rtgem ttoa ms^remsor##

have shorn that the frlc tlo a hetwe#» two dry «ateriiâi 1#
mot depW mt as mm# oa eWao# fimleh ae * l # t ordloartly he empwW#
raté of heating me found mot to he solely # fumotlom of eorfaeo flmlih#

Woo# {#) me the f ir e t to preeeat m reaeomhl# e%l#mtlom of #1#

offoot. He found » a# me well hnown » that no matter how smooth the
fin i eh, the ewrfeo# ooneieted e»»eat|ally of M ile and mlleye# He #à#o
found* however# that every M il on the enrfaee eat up an eleotrloal field
eimllar in natnr# to faraday*• line# of foroo# and that I t was the inter#
f erenot hot ween these field s » as one surface moved over the other # that
oansed the degradation of energy into heat*

«h# purposes of a luhrioant then are two#foldi f ir s t to prevent me#

ohanloal oontaot%ver the others and seoondly# to separate the mrfaoes
suffiohntly to prevent interferenoe hetwem their eleotrioal fields.

I t i s m il known that many fluids » o il and water are two » will ad»
here to a metal plate# # i l e other fluid» » msronry for e m # l# » will not.
the meohamim of adhesion m s investigated hy Hardy (10) and he fotmd that
adhesion is due to eleotrioal forces on the fluid and an the metal. He al»
so fomd that these foroes prodnoe am orientation in the moleoMes of the
fluid# and to eome entent in those of the metal, th is orientation is # e
asymmetrical fields of ■fores snrrounding the wle'emle# of the fluid, the
field s of these mleoMes are attmoted hy opposite fields# and i f the

oÇ "VVie/ surfaces QS one/ moves


metal plate he# m field of opposite poW lty, the w lem lee of the fW d
will adhere to It#

lid eal (U ) etated that reeemt i»ve#tl#tloné hear out iHar#'*# theory#
(IB) hae Msown that mey moleouie# are themeelvee ##mmetrl.Wl#
and Alexander (13) pointed out that the orientatim in organio ooepounAe,
and w e t luhrtoantc are or#nio oospotxDdi, depend# on the aeyimotfy of the

In general, the field of a pleoe of metal i# dependent on the material

and on it# eurfaoe fin i ah# fhia in a aenae explain# why wme materlala
make hotter hearing# » are more eaally Inhrloated » than othmre# I f the
polarity of the field of foree of the o il mleonle i t oppoaite in elgn to
that of the hearing material a, the molecnles of the o il will move to hath
the journal and the hearing, orient their field# to that o f \ limited am#
teat » reel et my tendency to pull them apart# Since the bonding of the
material# I# loose, the orientation I# les# the further the luhrioant I#
from the journWl and bearing. Mnally the orientation disappear# and the
wlecttlee adhere to each other by residual force##

lanmmir found that the adsorbed film fomed a boundary layer between
the metal and the lubricant# fhls layer i# about one molecule tMck, i* a
static layer #mi»pla#tic in nature, and i s formed by the chemieal W on of
the metal and the oil# fhe layer# of lubricant that form above thi# long»
m ir layer af# formed due to the attraction between the fields of the
metal and the component# of the o il poeeesing the aeymetrical moleculee

"Hie journal Qnd hcor%ng and 4ken — to

of the w fé o l polarlly* fMo group of layer# of the lubrlomi or#

ly W le d the #uIomb la y # r«

'" f a r i # ( l 4 ) r e o o g M # ^ t h a t a good l u b r i o m t e h o u ld have tw o p ro p e r»

II## ofpoiit. to ###& other# f l t s l , th# moleoule# #ould Mr# th t obliily

to adhere to other molecule# 1» layer# oloee to th# motel, mrfao#»; ###md»
ly , the moieoole# mhould have e low degree of e###lon hetween layer# not
oloee to th# metal #rfao#e. th is iMioated that luhrioani# are ooi^lex
mimlmree, one oo#omnt po##e##lng th# aaymelrloal moleWaa of the oorreot
polarity to form the Im gm ir md Uouloat- layer# adhering to th# metal ma»
fmoé# Of the hearing, a»d the other oo#omate forming the free httUc heWe#
th# metal wrfao##.

feat# on th# ologglnc of metal ompillariea oonèioled a t the #a##aohm»

eeite Inatitut# of #eohm.logy by hileo# aWBarnard t l i ) #ow#d that the
moleouW atiraotloa of li# i^ # W alee# I# m # ' lee# than that of MtMdi
to hraee or eteel. • «hie W MplMm %#y gkmm mhe# a poor hearing elthou#
I t ha# a very emooth iorfaoe.* ^

#»oe liquid# of low êwinm teoMone or# m m likely to wet aurfaoo#

than thoe# of h i # eorfao# tmeloa#, there W et# two faotor# t#ad|«i to
pmm «egrofation In the luhrioant* fh# oo#om#t# ha#n# the low me€nm
teaolon# and the ##mmetrio#l mleoul## of th# # rr# o t polar! % M il he at*
lra#t#d to the. metal emrfaoee* #11# the ether ee#omemt# will he le f t to
fom the morimiod hulk helweem the ewfao##* th i g led .#mrl# to the ffl»
loMmg # n # a l oooologlo»##
té fh# lubricity 1» # funolion of # » #urf### $#&@ion «nd th# wl#»
otiiar ##»m#try.
a* #tW io»nt# ar# oomposed both of tm# iubriomto » Mvimg low mm#
fm % tmMom» md nsm m M m l molooul## of tb# corroot polarity* md #
mtrim or oarMor material#.
3# Mudgoi* wax## and other impuritl## that f i l l # oaMtio# im th#
metal mrfao## are mmd##ir#b|#. Better Imbrioatiom I# obtalmod Mthmt
4* fh# ideal lubricamt ha# a ma#wm moffioiomt of adh#Mom of th#
true lubrioamt and a mimimm internal ooeffioient of frictio n of th#' matrix

A fluid may b# dofi&ed a# # material that Oamot support a shear #re#e

while a t re st, fewtom stated that the Aeariag #tr### between adjacent lay»
#r# of fluid of infinitésimal thiokmese is proportional to the rate of
shear in the Mreotiom pespendioular to the direotion of motion oansing the

Assume a weightlee# plate A ( f i # r e I) asperated fm m mother plate

B by an i»m%re#sab|e fluid of thioknes# h. the ^ u id i* under no pr##»
sure, #xo#t for it# om hydro#tatio head # io h may be ooneidered a# negli^
glblef and the flu id my be oonsidered a# adhering to each of the plate# »
as the theory developed by to d y and substantiated by blleon and Bansard
_ -.......... , y
A I »>

H ^
} /

F iG U R g 1

0 on9ld«r # fnrm applied te the plate À eaueing i t te mm Mth m

veleeity H# *he fluid adhering te B remain# at rest wMie the fluid ad#
heriag to A move# at a velocity V* I f the fluid is conMdered a# beimg
oompoaed of layer# of infinitesimal tblekme##, ea«h layer will be md>jeot»
ed to a sheming stres# 8* m i oh from lewtom*# lav# of vieoou# flow is pro*
portional to du/dy, Whm

vhere^A'a the proportionality faotor# oalled the vieooMty.

and in the o»g*s. systemyW = dyae-#eo/««^. # i e w i t i s oalled the poise.

In the Ifesgllih system lb»##o/sP and this unit is oalled the r e # . I t
i s to be noted that the vieoosity unite for the English system are In th#
powd#foroe sy ttw .

%# differential equation for preemre distribution la a fluid ievM*

oped by Reynolds, i s the basi# for the %drodynamio Inbrioation themf*
Consider figure 9. Plate 4 is moving o v # plate 1 Mth a velooity f .
fake the origin of a ooordiaate system x, y*. s on plate 4# with x ImreaMw

la UwmUm m U m f mà r lacraaalas fmm à W #« I f m eeW A#

« aai t éluaailaa la %h» i diaaatiaa» ftad mmm that th# i « m i*
farm aXmc my lia# la th# s aireatim* th# t Mmeastoa will a#t m t # Im#
t# th# malyala*


F ig u r e 2

law maalao the fora## acti»^ oa #a, olemeat of fluid dy#. d%, df mitm#
ted h#tw##a the platos, where the dietaao# hetweea the plate# le h* fh#
preesur© withia the film, p# I t etteatlelly iadepeadeat c€ th# depth la th#
film tiao t th# fluid mm he ooaeldered me laoompreeelhl#. $he for## oa th#
le ft fat# of the elemat 1# pdy aotlag Im th# direotloa. I f the pr###m#
iaoreai# ih the # direotioa 1# takea a« dp/d%, the laoreeae # 0# th# le ft
face to the right fee# will he (dp/da) d* aad the force oa the right fao#
will he [ p 1 (dp/clx)dxjcly actlag la th#-»* direottoa# I f th#
ehearlag forcee are a##m#d poeltlwe la the direotioa each that oomt#*
clockwl## rot#tloa he produced, the for## oa the top face will h# # # la
the #* dir#ot|oa« fh# #warimg etreee will he m im ctloa of hath y md *,
add therefor# the eheariag force oa the hotte» of the elemmt will he
[s + ( « « “« la *h« * d if W W .
I f # # im rtla force# are for # # m h riw *
“ LF ^ - Soix + [5 f =o

or p d v j - pc(>l - ^ d u o l^ - + SC»>‘ +

them ^ ^

fro» Bowloa^i law# of oiioou# flow 5^yw ^ mad ^ ,- M #

f feotofor# ^ =//! 1 ^ and ^ ^ )â ^ ♦ lalogrotim with re#
mpeot to y m à ooaoldwlag yx *# holag ooacleat throughout the film
- _L ^ VA 4. C| md iotegretiog oace more give#
iAx J

I f the leyer of fluid in immédiat# ooateot with plot# d I# ooaelderfd

#e m on# ah weloolty 0, aad If th# W #r of fluid im Immdlato coateot with
plat# B i# ooaeidered a# mot mowlag, th# foliowlag houadeyy ooaditioae mm %#
ooaeidered a# applyiagi
whoa y'o u =W
y- h u ' o

fhem for y # o % » % aad for y a h C, ^ ^ #

^ ^ (Ax n
W OetltatW thee# ralae# glr##t

u =

,r u=
h ^ dy

If Q %# # » TOlw» of tW tO m la
w it tlmo. «U» flow û - j f w«»y| ##a# Q --^ ^

0 = uv>- - J l 4 £
2 ^JL A ^ ^ o4X

= Uh __ _b i 0^
2 )2 ^ ^

*m # mm% imXW p t i m i p X m # # th e m m m ^ X m o f im m # r « # $ W M # y

%emfoH# Ww#m ## two pWe# *m#t «qWL %le*n## amd if there I# m

flow la th# i # r# # tim =o

Cjl X

l » t w » t l # with r # # # # to * ilr#»t
k ^ d p - ^ Wh ) CI
/ • (Ax '

«4 ^0 « i n # th#
prommr# # # trlh u tlm màm th# m n # plat## I plot# B h#i # I # # #
hi m d h # t # # lo ft #ai. I# % md at th# r l # t ##& I# %; h »t my point
from % to % I# #mm %
b'- k, - "|“(k.-V > i)
«no I f th# rati# */» l i mà- % /% I# # th #

b - b%, ((A - CAy, f X%)


JL: X, ) X- 6x,
«aA a%m M »i

é jiUAJ.
B \ — î ------- ^ ----------- £l-------
d*, h ^ci-aw^4'X,) hi(o-ax,

dp = 4üM Ê .[ — àh— ÇifUj— 1

(Ci-^X,4-X| ) kj (0-6AX, 4 X,) J

îmU0^rn%im W # # # # $

W hm *|«iO or
p -
b,*^ [6-«Xa-ûA,+x.)
» l# p m#$ he «ero* Olaoe
- 1 C ./K ,
é^UB ^ q
X t-

, the hraeketed
factor îwifto # w fer % » 0, p * O
+ + Cl = o
($-A)A 2 (r-e)a»
end' fer % # %, p f o
-' - + ^ ’A i _ 4- Cî - o
(*-<*) 2 0 -a)
fuhtreetlîig th### Mmltemeem# #%wtlen# glireii
,— ^ ~ — ^r / k l __ %c>
0 '^ ) a (i-a) %( ! - * ) Q% 2^%-A)

-» » Ci 0 _ o
(i-ft)c\ 2 h i (%-a ) a ^

^ = —L_ . C,
2 H iû ‘ a ( i +A) ^ If(X

p , _J 2a , ^ ^ _1_
^ 2^/aX//a) l~Q^

o = 6>» t 4 0 ( û - i) 6 - r

^ V ( a f i X e Ax1 , + * . ) j

and i Ç h i t l i m l i ï ï g t h e v e lu e % im th e m p re e e ie m f e r %

dp _
dX^ [(\+ 'e V û -( A Y ,tX iy ^

##m the preeeure le a »e%i«w, dp/d* %0 md the veleei%f hee #.

trlemgmler dieWhmtiem mimée i t i« only » ftm tim ef the eheer. %m
%m $ #m# mer eh» le the fil» thichmeee et the point of mmimm ptee»
mure# fhr %/d% « 0 minée ^ o th# hreoketed fe e t#
»mt # cxx, - _ Q

them (o-%)(a-(^Y, - x.) =0

a""- Q ^ X , - Q X , - Q t o \ X , 4X, =0

q ^ -Q - ; q (o -i)= X, ( a t i X a - i )

g iv in g y _ q
^ ’ T T S

= b , ( û - a K . + x.)=r b i ( a - i | ^ v-p^)

L / '« _ L « M i± 3 \ _ Zahz
h m -h iC ,4-a / -p p ^

tim* Q = y^h-Z- M t« «8« pfovioiwily ahem that

U^kz. z' U V l z f A - f X Y . i X , ^ __ x,y ^
q f 1 2 »2yM dx

( q - q x , f X,) eijp ^ m (û-qx, tx

l2yW dx

__ 12 A» L4q 1


dx h ,'

ih# p#w#r %# mv# plat# 4 will depen# #n the A # # elr### #$ plel# 4#

m « r# y # Ot

%# 5 = / ^ = w f- -M- - ( h h ) d t I end for y # 0*

[ h 2yW dx

hut V) = h i ( o - a x , H 'X ,)

- -ji.^ ha. (o-aXi A Xi ) dp

th # s
ka (O-AX, +X,) 2 C*X
- y uU _ hi(ft-gx,^y,) 2«
s- ki(g-ax,vx,) 2 hy l(o-AY, + y,) Ca+»)0-ax,4»,)

5=: 4-
h i ( a - a x , 4 X,) hj(a'(AT«,^x,)

md finally
S= (g-ax.Ax.) ( g i* X û - g y ,4 x , )

fh# frid tie m l for## on plate 4 ie the eumatiem # w the area 4 of

the prodmot #f the # e a r etreee $ mà m element of m m dac*
3 J
JF ^J sdx =: B f s d x ,

-~AAq B ' 4 6o
hi ( o - a x , f X, ) CqtO(c»'C<x,-»-x,)

the forç# W ng wgativ# «Inee I t I# acting oppoeit# to the direotlom «f
«otioa of plate 4# fhe power loee I# givm ty the ptodmot of # # frlotloaal
fore# la pouaâi mà th# vWLoolty la laOhe# per eecoiid, faklag th# power
loe# a# poiltlvof
H = Fu -
mi. A l*# tb#Mi «va S600 Wb-powA#/«#owà io on« borawpoww tb» ho*##-
power le## wotdd h#t

H p Loss »» « -

g#4#*<ac«e aad ##B.WWe (lé) laveatigateA the friotloa la hearlag#

under different maditlon# of operation, and their roealte are iadioated
in figure 3* Oorve mmher I i# a plot of the ooeffielent of friotimo ^
vs yw N / p where / à I# the vi#oo#ity, I the revolatioa# per minute»
end ? the load per m it of projected hearing area • a# determined ty teet#
and carve mmher 2 I# the theoretical coefficient for fluid frictio n a#
given hy the Sommerfeld theory# fhe erperimwtal curve and the theorWioal
curve are in good agreement to the right of the minimum point on the emperl*
mental curvt# I t eeemed reaimnahle then, to aeeume that a. condition different
from that of hydrodynamlo W trication wee occurring to the le f t of the mini#
mm point of curve naaher I# 4 plot of the theoretical minimum film, t h i i ^
nee# vereu# ^ N /p indicate# that there i# a Charp d r ^ in the minimum
film thi<^Bn### at the Valve o f N/p corr##ponding to the adnimu» valve
of f of curve numher I# thi# ha# led to the de^tgnation of l # f i cation to



Curve Z


%hê l# fl 0t $he polai w v # ## tMa fil» W riW iem #

âà @f w m ; wmWy 9* #M%#i% # # Mmim» f il» %%!#»###

m# # ef /«N/p * la aaajm allm #1# awv## 1 #M % #»»# $ha$ »#
Ih# fil» tMelmaii éear##### ihe âàTlalloa W %##% mstm Cl) «aâ
$h» tïiaôfiiiaal aurv# (0) iaw#m###&

I l I# atofO. ta aoailâar lahrlamtlaa im tW thim fil» aa 1n»aaâ»fgr l#f#f

## 0Î th# %yp0 fthaat »hi#h l i t t l # i# aaéwmtoaé, #aâ # i # d#fl#t th# ##pll^
eatiam #f th# l###dyammi# th###y ta it# »m|y#i## Ooatidtf th# a il fil»
farmed h#t###a a jaw aal mé it# hearia## # # rtiag fram th# Joaraal th#r#
will he fôaad th# laagm ir layer, them th# 9#»1W> layer, aext th# matris
m#t#ri#l$ thea the Oeulemh layer fer th# heariag, aad finally th# hearing*#
langmair layer* A# th# f il» thleka### dear#####, th# amrieated matri» m.,
te ria l nlllih# fira t te h# fereed <mt from heteeen th# jenraal aad hearing*
dine# there are eleetrieal fere## holding th# Oeialomh l#y#r in peeltiea, i t
#11 reqttir# a greater ilreee,to,can## th# earn# relative motion h#t###n the
l#y«p# of l# rio a a t than previoaely* Ihi# wnld he #eaital#at to replaoiag
the lahrioaat eith on# of greater vieoo#ity. fh# thinner the film, the
etroager are the foroe# tending to hold the Inhriomt in plaoe, and th#
greater ie the «hear #tr##« re # ir# d to eanee relative motion heteeen the
layer#, fha# at the film thleka### deoreeeee thé effeotive vieoo^ty of the
InhriOant inorw###.

In meaeoriag the vieooeity of a Inhrioamt , the valve ohtained i# goner#

ally the vieooeity of the metrir matwial# einee i t oonetitnte# the largeet

part of th# Al#* ilma# glee# l i need emtmelvely Im rlmoeiiity

W th# male W a r # W r l # » t to #»##
I# mm#. l#i# thm t# #%#»% i t %m#», # # me detmümeâ hy th#
%ma. t##t# tmmd# t# l# # t# th# . # the Hmm l # t i e # t * md to
rnrne## # l y that #f the m trl# met.etiei..

mrnrn## mrve# I* 9# mû 9 erne# mte# # # fellWrng iemelmalm# #m

he dtaeat
I) tllh t h i # flim# the effeetlve vii###ty I# that of the mtrlrn
«âterlai.» and th© eerreletlm hetwem theea^ mû teet la good*
# A# the film $hi#m##e deoreeeee, the effeotiv# ##o#elty deftetee
from that of the mtrim meterlela# elm## the matrlae oometltmle# propmptlom#^
etely 1### of the to ta l m e#:if the Imhrloamt# %# «fftotlv# vIemMty I #
oreaeoi # # # the rliooelty of the •trme Idtrioamt" #11 he greater thm
that fo r th# mt#%* thi# ###### a mlve of f greater -tham that # # # t #
fiNaa theiretioal oomalderatlome, elm## the vieooelty maed Im the theoretlo*
#1 erpteoilim for frlotlom I# lea# than the m tm l effeotir#. vl##o#ty#

$} m # the mimlmmm polmt la rea#ed aim at; a ll of tW» mtrim materiel

la gome ea.d imly the iomloah and lm #m lr layer# ere left* %# thlmmer the
film* the grtmter I# the moleomlar orlmtmtlom md ao the greater l i the,: ap#
pmreat vi##«lty# fhl# aooommta for the ih #p Imcreaa# Im th# w efflolem t
of frlotlim , aim## the attraotlom hetireem the field# of # e ImWdamt mole#
#### mû the hmrimg m terlel# I# propor#im l to tin» r#olpro#l o f '# e
##### o f the d ia ta # # hetmeam them*
ly #

4* Sinon th# vl####lty h#« imortased over that of th# mtrlm m#t#rl«â
after th# enrv# he# hem r##m#d, i t i# entirely p##«|hl# that th#
iffe itif# yuN/p 1# inmmidnf la # fnaMen me t# he mviM the w v # to
the fliA t égala# rather than to the left* #ma th# teat m rre my net W a t
to th# I W of the minima point at all# égala# the plot of the th#o»#tlaal
valve# fa t / might folio# # e t##t valve# If the effeotive vi#oo#ty mm
«nhitltnted for the W h viaooalty after tW oritloal film IhKtaee# #a#
reached* I t I# therefore poeeihle to ooneidm the l# ric a tio n of a hearing
a# heing hydro#nami# a# X^m a# a layer of Inhrioent of fin ite thimneaa
#%i#t# hetveen th# moving mrfac#e« fh# only reenirment I# that the tff#o%
tiv# viecoeity# rather than the hnlh viecoeity, rnnet he need for oonditlom
of thi#*film ihbrioation#

I t i# ##11 fenovtt that may hearing# operate in the rW on of thin»

film - or honndary layer * Inhrication* I t i# found, too, that the## hmr*
Inge are Chpahle of Carrying a much higher im d than vonld he ea^ected from
theoretical coneideratlona, fo# the load carrying ahility of a hearing I#
ft direct fmotion of the viemaity of the homing IhOricamt, Since i t I#
predicted that the effective mecoaity of a tmn*filrn i# mnch higher than
that of ft th itW ilm of the amme Inhrioant, i t may hell he e je c te d that
thinrnfiim operation #11 alio# higher load# to he oarrltd than #o#d h#
Cftlcnlftted #oÈ coneideration of the load carrying a h ility hftted on th# Wlh
viecoeity of the Inhriemt*
■ ' '
ihperimmtftl teet# condneted hy th# General M ectric % #m y (IT) indi#
cat# that ehot#hla#ting a ehaft, #ith fine eand or m all A ct p e m itt# the
la *

omryl## of appmylmtely fmm time# the nofaal load # a a operating im the

tMm f il» reglom of imhrioatiom. fhe #im t# reiaghemiag of the mrfao# my
he oomeidared a« eettiag t# w te eleotrioal field# om the wfaoe* the im*
weae# im the eleotrioal fieXde oh the ehaft mrfaoe made for a etromg# at*
traOtiom heWeem the aeymetrioal noleomlee of the •trme Ihhrioamt** mû the
ehaft, therehy a greater ehear etreee to cauee motiom hoteem the
layer# of «the trme luhrioamt*. fhie imoreaee im «hear etremgth d o ri#
thim-film operatiom oorre#omd# to an imoreaee in effeotive vioooei#, ami
«0 the imoreaee la load oarryiag onpaoity oomld well he e%eoted#
m .

%# i« «Imito im ém^
Bim ^ w # meMmwy# mA py#ebly %«#% iW ###
# m $ y W #m e& ##% #* W .$ # # » # f h w i M » %%b % # * # ,

' $# m$i## me ef $W «me mam <€ w W ^a*» ma $h« %y### m#

feri.alian« Im Itita me # # % # «Im# %k# me %o$h #m ###%!$ # f««
%m#e# , %# a^eWg#e$am ee#m«##r py#%#%3;y %##$ # # # « # # « « $ M «lee
#eea aiee# # p e ef W enm l eemWeiiee ex#»#* #w mmg# ef ####« «te
ee%#«m#e# «M la îjotli the pi «tee Is «#j«e$ea to # eeasimt # # ##««##
fe t « pfttioi of time, eloeg elth # e%«m#loe ««a ee«##«sle» etoo####

the hmtinm fotma la the teelpteeetlag teftigetatloa ee%te««et me

«• felloes*
I# Xsla heetlage
0# atamkwplm heatlag#
3, t r l e t ^ f i a h e e tia g o

4. Pletem tlag#
:i« tra m flelea sl^ tl

fhe t#%too«tlmg tefrigetellea eempteeset le m # el% let to leW^#

eete the# is the laletaai oo#a«tlea «agiae». %# .tenet pt^smwe# foma I#
the eo%teé80t mem tWt the hemlage me m% mhjeotea to #« M # * loaà# a
«aà the lenee teuperatwes w m that the iahrlcm t oa the m liaaer m il mill
met teaa to he heraea off . iortoirm the foot thet the oil meà la the me#
fy l# # « # o a ie tolahie la the r^ flg e tm t o#a le omrleâ etth. It*,
md heoàufto the eaeaheeee i« fille d elth refelgeraat a# well me hm#% la -
etieaai Im it# #mp, the m#y#e#er hmyiag# m# ##plled with m ##%#
aweoitltjr of l#Pleemt #t «11 time#*
' ^ -

heWeem <1S) hm« Imweetlgmted the eeadltleae of lahrlemtioa la latm *

wêX. wmWetlem eagiaet. ■% ee%mlag the m^ea^mmtei teealte of mgia*
teete with wemlt# papediated tqr a#e of hf#@#mmle themr» he fmmd the
I) d l# e a # the hemlag# me ef the eosplete type* the hemrlag e e # l# e #
ly emreeaad# the eheft# the hemlag hebmwet eeeeatliaiy like the 1 # decree
pmrtiml heerlage laweetlgmted hy feed# (19).
21 the leehege fmetove m# deweleped hf Iced# for ISO degree eemtml
hemrliig# whea mpplled, yielded rem it# la very dleee mgreeaeat with teet re#

#e ead wriet-plm hemrlagm of the r«frlc«yallea mm#

preoior will he mmlyeed eft the heel# ef the m tk deae hy SJeaalee» ead Me##,
the frletleam l leeee# la the pletea rlag# will he maalyeed ea the hmel# ef
the work doae hy Ometlmma (SOj, te he dieetieeed %&ea pi «tea rlage mre eem-
sidmed. the f# e tle m i leeeee dae to the «lldlag of the pletea «kirt
mgelftet the eyllader well will he eamlyeed ea the heel# ef the work .# #
hy haekmt, Mer#a mad here# (SI}..
R ad ia i C le a r a n c e , - C

E c c e n in c iiM = e

E ccen iriciii^/ Rad- Clearance ~ 7?

/?= c + e c o s -0 = c(!-j-Ticose')

h min - C - e =

Fig u re 4

Ib n iiâ ê r f i 0 » é 4 . % « tm g m tità fo ^ e e m % # # « f $ m $ #

i m ê i d U %« # v m > r # # # r #$#«## tim e# t%# a r t e m I t 1# # $ # # *

Wm à m it arm# # e fere# f id ll be egml te # # ehmr #tr#e«

$4 fa k in g th # f e r e # i # th e p e e l t l v # #m##* i t 1 # megmtiv# im #1# WLme# i t

m et# 4» m â if e e tie m e p p e e lt# t e th e 44r « e t l e » e f m tie m ,

Siam# the film 1# ée%#re4 te the âimmeter ef the ehmft, it my

h# %mwr###4 lithooaiy very # ii# it âiitertiem. fhmn c/x = rc/6^

the heeriag f^Xi ef e ll, the f ir s t term ^ U / h 1# th#

frietiemmi fere# dee oaiy te tiscoui frl#tie»« mad ^ ^
term r#pr#smte the frie tle m l fore# da# to the oircfomfereatlal pr#i#er#
rimtioa. fh# frietiomml fere# oaa them h# solved for in tv# parts* oa# part
remXting from ti«eou« frio tlea mieme* sad the other part the eoatrihntiom
to the frio tio m l fere## from the presmaf# v#rlalioat«

f t m fifffl?# 4 h “ c(/-h/ ^c»^^) m d t h e H a m ar v # e e i t y U~ #

$ h # # e Im am tatim l ff lo tie a iO . f e r e # da# to r l s o o o i f r i o l i o n i # g l v m h y

IT - 2770*^
' éo(c)(fi-rjc9ié)

t l i o e m f r i o t l e n t o r # # p e r t a l l Im agth o f h # W % #111 he f ^ v

d f ^ v - F y r <^9 r # m r« r d ^ i s th e m i t g m im m m m
r ## im m mm*
\hh - Z-rTA^Mr^ d0 __
fhm d Mv - - y ^
Mv -


If # r#W#d per m il length defined m

Mr ' ('^ } I# iairodmtd* Ihw

7T^ f
" /5
I I Am id he aeled Ihel iM t redtteed le r# e pet m il leaglh em he
need me # ehe# m the meewe# ef etpetimemW leehsdteee* eimee fe t # e
%#emW heerlegi /7 ' o «aâ /^v'r ' ^ ^

% ##m i# the eemWWie# le Ihe W eliem êm te the p tm m m

fle lle a

Weem# ^

If -

Ihee d i R - ^ \ ' _ — 1
^x (H?)C<?5€>)^ C(KrjCo5m) 1

w lw of e om to fow& atnoo ^ r c> xiWmm oa& staianM

fillUtt Wdrne### Umm 6ywU/^?^c>
_ i = C,
0*)7Co5e)^ c(i*r)Coso)^
ISm# C; = c (t+ncflje) #1 the *W,«m pre##m# e
ihm C, - c (#4K|Co5eJ
d j? _ f > __ (nr](UfJ9,)l
d% l^(f+nco>e)^ (f*^i]CéW)j

4^ - ^ f H Ù s E ± :L £ £ ^ fill

%hm d £ _ ^ x U r T n ((» )* - O f J l

mû F„ = / A ^ ii« i* rrilfc<»fr-a>^».)l
p '•2r/ I 0 +O o s © ) ’ J
»»w k= c ( i + T)C05e) and U = 2ffrN/(C

«iftoff [ »ro>g-co^g.)7
/d c L + V
Mio fn e tto a Ono *o prosooro io then given hy* d|M» = F f r V d
- «=& (T m - IL f nCcese-cae,)
J d y - c /p ^

idiete ^ «ad define the limit# of th# pressure imriation# in

t m n m ^ e y -e ^ -/2 o \ .^ 3
TT / n(o>ie-- Osei±
M fr ~ to J ^/ t-r ) w; ^
mepmtmling #nd inleftmilag hy piurlei

.. 75? / / C o S ^ c l» _ _ / C o S € ,d ^ J s
l^ p r ' to I ^ { n t f c t i e j j

/ ■Oj p ^
Cv^^c/b^ _ \ Y7-^j(»fy^z 1 ^

03 7 I "I I
^ [c o ^ , l«3
(»+-T]t05« )
^z \ yOl

Oomhimng give#
yrn [ A _7 / 2 ^1 6 2 % Î)
fo ^ ( i-i)^ ) nr)coiB /I

# # « # fiamlîyi
rrn f ( stn ^ ___ 5 m ^ 2 \
^ f> r ' T T I I t-F)7

(htCosfl,)A,-' VWt««€|: f . - ' VMf‘ i«n^A'i
(>-►)*)’* ( '*1 " /
to find 6^. Ihe Xoomtioa ef the point of mximm pteemre eel dp ~ ^
Sinee ^(cose- CospQ ^ #nd a ? s^ =r cms4>,
Sinoe thi# homing ie #e##mtieliy a complote homing# and oince for a comm
plete heating the angle for maximm preeeme ie #0 defined that
CoS e = (Befwaae* 37 pg 110)
them for tho howlmg nn&or eonelderatton coS ©, -

03 - ^ 2. 1# # # a l to 130 degree# a# mourn in fignr# 4# leede tan varione

teets on hearing» varying the 1/d ratio# and the eceentricitle», from
he ohtained valve# of 0^ and Ot # «officient to enahle him to plot the
rodeoed friotlon tormina a# a fonction of the eccentricity for a %2b4 par*
tia l hewing. # i # plot# Aom in figore # I# for sere leakage, fhe to tal
rednoed frictional to r# # I# % and i# e # a l to + %r#

Veede devolved tm leakage factor»# one for load opacity and the
o # e r for frictional tor### fheee are »ho»n in figore Weed# correlated
and % With length*#th (%/#) ratio# a# ehom on the carve. In Me
p # e r V# I the homing Imgth and 1 # • fhrnefme 1/d #1,0# l/# .
figore f contain* the rednoed e%ree»ion for hearing preeeare a* a function
M r

n o

m# m ## fm IW Pr (f) P
I» $h# i##â p«r « i t arta*

% th» ### # # # » # f m # $W %wlm# tmà #1% #m&I# m

•iüüÉlIaa af # # #atla». % # la # m #%I alla# $h# # a# a#
af |h# #e#aa#â ftiatlaaal $###» fat # # m %W*## aaaHII#»# ftü i # # # #
#* # # a## #f là# ImkÊm fm%m faa W #ll«a#l laiNia# #y* ## #àW a#
#m» tlp ori if #111 là # # # # # •n3m af # # $$#w# frltiia a ià # # # #
là # # # ê à# ####!# ftm là# pmMimA# à###lag.

f# fia i ## W#ll#a. la#### la là# aü à àeaaplag## # # $ a## là# f#l#

IW ag p###W##
1) %#m * kaawleig# of là# Warla# ilm#a#loa#, W # #f laàalomal*
#*# mai f###it#i à#aaiag loWl# oaloalal# a l iWoa# orimà m### » im
#m#I# avmi^ lia i######. If#» fl# f# f fia i ?1 #m##aoaila# lo % fo#
ea# mmàt m ## #oa#li##ei. lo# «##al#r a«#araoy # # mia## #f ^ ami
#1 » o#a %» w i i â a a lll là# coaiàlaalloa le ##aoà#i làal #### là#,###l#«i
1«4 Affl y , t« « « in t a liy J^, 1^ krtat • fwaettoii «f Tj .
3) fj taaowt * «f ]% t w ao lW *g#' « « ’t# a#temla»4 t o r
#a#à # 0 # ' #### poiltioa# # # %# #%####lal# mm à# foaaâ fo# #a#
oiaaà aa## #o#|#oa* m i ee fiaall# là# % ta# là# pmllôWLa# à$##la# em
à# fom i fo# #a# #m k aa## poellloa#
$l % ma à# p lo llii a# # fmoiloa of mmà aagi# po#lloa, m i là#
#####. I» I# # # W ###àaalo»%%# I# ### m mema# %#
4 # » loWL f#l#ll#aml I#### I*. # ,#w## I» le là# %#a#la$ I# # là
mi # # # foim? io##,l# # # lo### la ia##pomi# (# )

llp lité %hê nmg&ïXmt tetoell# ta raitme p«r ###mé (2îtN/6o) »

fàf. # # # to it là#» l i i»d là# %o#i# it» #

là»## »## 6600 tîwpotmâi/»## ta a à######## t# *

M iliflftm to â ftftâ toJàa,,,n,,te»al8re»lâ lia ito t .

fà# mtmiBi th&% W# %##» i##»topei for là# ml» à##rl#g# #111 # f l r
##II I# là# ûiWEmplrn à##n#g# I f # ##rr#eli#a 1# m i# for là# f# #
làal là# a a # W voloolly I# aol wifom# *àâ# #ff##l I# im# lo là# rata#
li'f» # # l|m à#|###a là* mmm m «Mià repr###ai# là# WWI » ami là# #%w
maoila# ro i #MOà r#pr###al# là# àaariag* i l lop i#ai ooaler là# mi^ûm
valoollr I# a #m%|.mm al Çl 4» r/1) ilma# làal of là# oo#re##or làafi, aai
a l àollom i# ai ôaalor II la a mlaWw a l i l m r /l ) II»## là# aagüar ##%o*
ally of là# oo#r###or OàafI* 0oa#li#r f |# r # #, Wà#a là# coaprasior # a f l
aor#« làro à# m aafl# e # là# oraaà»pla àoarlag ### làro a # a relallT# mo*
of (o + 4>) i#ar##a#

W là# aagle làro a# wàloà làe «raal&*pla àaaria* lara# à# eu ,

là#» , low là# offaoliv# Ne, # ttl à# ###% I# fs/^ »
#à#r# N i i là# oo%r###or RPM •

ito m fl*tuP8 8 5in 4> = <j> = sjo ’[jSio©J

«b4 Ne= n I i ^ —' ] t ^ «ia«« =

for ^ a mail, aagta# ; r/^ sme = % e # al#o a w all mglo# a#

làal # fàtti Ne =N [ l + or A4 =A///^ % 7
i l àoiio» i#ai ooai# ^ approaoàa# ISô^i là# 5m 5/0 Oro-o) ^ f #
S i n B • m làal {^5/>5e - % , fà# tan'f--9
-- iiao# là# aagl# ^ i# ar«al#r làaa 90 i##r###. 9àea
A4; ^ N ( 1 - ^

R e la iio n B e iw e en C r a n k , C o n n e c i i n ^ R o d , a n d P ts + o n

F ig u r e 8

I»: iinM m tk# nnâ F # m # tw tm im $####

m% m H . m ê #### ##&##%#* $h# I# - %h» e i t ' m t i m w pê #$ %1m ####
mUm # m # *WL# ^ b# mm## A f I t t #
$#### * % ##- ## # imû%im p t # # # #%%# #m %# m # mê m ##w## %*
# * %# ##»# #W#WL#*1 %# $#*## U #1%.
%%m. %# % M= # Wm I # # %# $W %##
#âm@# f## « # # !# $ # $h# ###:### % ss f .
2nA/c =1 // -

# # # # # %##« Hill %hm %# J^7TN/viL__ # # h0f#4p###y I###


%# M# la %h# ### ## w#
t«r %pmÂÉm %#y#f (30) $#!& *la g#m##WL mgla##!;;^
$W af #11 m#Mm# W a ll# la i # l # %h# ##*
tia a I# of' # f##%»##$laa; #mF#al#y my %# $#k#a *# 1*oml#2r W # %#y|»
amlloa*# W lag $##« of # $hm#% W#yla# #oa#m%#& # e ##a#ml % # »
m e % % #y ( a ) ef the e ll film tweka### f # yevmpml# %'###-
Ilea mare me#* I t me feme that a m # l# e l film me m latelaed evea at
tare %»##&#* fh# e ll #lm me femd te he aheat #.##10 inehee t h i # fe#
#a##lag #lokly th re e # the eta a d ttlll peiltlea« aad ahout 0.000? iaehee
tidek for pa»#l# very iloely threai^ itaad etill. fheee film# are tM#k
emagh for hyWdyaamle i%0>rleatlea te take pla#$.

I t m il h* eeaeldered Ihea that the trlit^ y ia hearia# may he amlyeed

ea the haele ef the hydredyaemle theory m th thie eae previ elm$#elae# the
e l l film m il he thia* I t m il he eatlrely peeelhle for the elemelty ef
the e ll l a the hearlof ** dee te eegremetlea eaaeed hy the eleetrleal field
mad eaffaee teaeiea «ffeete prefioaely meatleaed * te he eeaelderahly dif#*
ferm t titm that me la ltla lly deietmlaed for the erlgiael lahrleaat*. fhe
Wme ef m eeeel^ te he wed la the maelyele %hm m et reeelee eerefm eea#
iidermtlea» peeelhly r# # lrla # ekeerlmeatal determimtim hy teet ef thl#
pprUmàm type lahrloaat la hearing eorfaeee ef ididlar rnetm te the hear.
im la # # # t|m .

%1# hearlag eaa mw he eaalyeed la the earn# fathleâ me me the mala


mad mêxâsmpin hearing#, irem & tooetedge of the l#o#ed load* the redaoed
load dam he dalemlated A# a fmetlom ef mmk tmgle* W # m il glv# # #
eemtrlelty a# # fmmetlem ef e m # »Wl# mdeh im tmm allewi a plot ef r# .
d m # frietiom %### a# # fwwtlem ef eramk angle. Ke^amioally Integra*,
tin g thie laat omrre givee am arerage ml## ef the redmeed frletiem $er#e*

frem figmre 8* for a e ra # angle merememt ef e* there ie a #ri#t#pim

merememt ef (|) . fre» the figmre sin(|) =^ s io ^ and to <f>- s»nO^ #
the m feelire a t the « riat pirn i# then N;^ «here N i i the
coï^Tetseer ehaft KPnA, and ,/ r . v

fh ii rpm mmet he meed im finding the redmeed hearing lead and the re#
dmeed frletlomal targme. % le rpm (8#) earn he plotted me a fmnetiom ef
and meohami dally integrated to gire am average emitahle for me# im
the ejpr#i<4.omi for friotlom to r we# poeer loee# and horeepoeer loee.

# e friotiom torgme = /i/

M - M r,.,

fhe pone» loi# -

fhe Horeipoeer loee =
t t MivcM L-
m *

the heliéf m# that the piatcawriag f#o# remaim#' p a ra ii#

te the hyltnder m i l. % w n ation ùt mrtk riaga hy Ihâ %ge Seetiaa af #%#
teaam af # m W d a aho«#d that th# ring# «vtdaac# # # a# ehow la figara
$ » they fomâ that the ring peaeeeeed a fla t rather than m carved face #a
each ^d e of the h i # pciat, and that thi# polat ocemrred »h<mt of the ,
dlitaace free the t% ef the ring# fh#y alee foand that the acute eagle
femed hy the intereeatioa ef the tee «arfaoee me aheat 80 edmte#.

(h&etlmea examined the eahject ef piitea ring luhricatlen im I i # t ef

the Bareatt of Slamdarde imv#etigetiem#| and ef te r mkimg the helev lieted
ae#a#tion$ he developed am eepreeeiom for the load carryimg capacity of
the pi atom ring. Ie aeemnedi
I) fhe rimge Cam Üei^pear im the groevee im the pi atom ec that they
#%pcrt no aide thrmet.
I) there ie enfficiemt Imhriceticn for the #ece helveem the «yUmder
wan end the rimg to he fille d with o il.
I) fhe tobricatimg oil cammot ecpport ahmolmt# temeiom.
fhe piitom ring them approachoi the elider hearing im ehape* with the
eaoeptiom that i t ha# mo pivot* i t m all im width* and eimce i t ie «ffeotive
ly a complete circle* i# in fin ité in length.

A« jpwlourtjr aeW opm ^ ^ UfB [^-i)(c»-g>xr»,) 1

wd mi W7 pdiat 1 _ 6«UB f(«-.Y»-x.)x, 1

M o i Ion

P i s i on Hinfi
y //w w B ///////////
e = ta n OO f T
______ i. 1
////////////// C ^ iln J e r IV all / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /

P r e s 5 v r o P is ir ib u fy o n /n 0 \! F ilm F > e iw e e n

T/?e Fbion and Cylinder' Wcill

F ig u r e 9

tmdet the &%e w%l# er#m r$% h#

#%ml m& ###!%« ie #mi tuaâet the leedimg e#e# I f % 't# th# m him t
pr#$#w# m the «leg fa##* #hm th# % 4- %* mmehe# ###* mû. i f #11 #im##
th# ,p*#@mr#' fof ih# tmilimg #%e is m##tiv#* the that th# #11
mmù% ahselut# teasioa cm he ##d so the maMmw poeeihl#
megaiive ptcumtc i# th# fra ilit^ edge #111 h# fhe met effect!## pfee#
mtn th# #!## # # !# # if# cm elmeticlfy wotild he #v#a % th#
area of the p re tw # cw m ahov# fh# h#okm lime im fi^sm #* .# # # the
pprnmmn i# W o# %* • fhe aegafloe p####fe màm the tmilimg edge votxld
halamo# out the ^# #### tm fh# leadlsig #0g«$ md#f the 'fmkm
lime# fo t IM i to h# tm#» th# hehlaâ the vtng m et he otmtil to
the amhlemt om it# fao#*

feet# oomdmoted hy Bohertsom amd Foyd ( # ) imdlmte that for the top
ring the pyeaewe# hehlmd the mimg amd om it# face are ahomt ###1* fhoiy
feet# imdioato that thl# might he eapeoted to apply to th# othmp yimge a#
veil a# to th# top rlmg«

If the M # poimt 1# takem im th# o«mt#y of th# yimg face* the pyeaemf#
om the rimg oW d he imdep#md#t of the dimeotiom of motiom# Cm%lmm com#
payed h it calomlated yemlt# for t%m protsmre with the mime# fomd hy
iblhara (23) tm the omtmwd #«»tio pyeetmy## of pietoa yimg»* m i h i fommi
good ##eememt heteem theiy mime#* # alto fourni that hi# Wue# W ica#
t i i a mimimum film thiam### of ahomt O&O## imeh##. fhl# fhl#m### i# #uf^
f W m t foy hyiyo#mamio li»bj^oatioa elmoe i t ie a fee W uem i time# the

fhe #######% that th# o#g!%ml3y flm% rime# w m $o # âiff#y#mf «hap#»

cm m m msitcâ W Xuhriiatiom, l# soaewhat ju stified hy teet#
y#p0rt#d m hy (26)* B# fow# that the fate et Tiné meac decye####
with time# heimg m# gyeat im the f l te t tm heur# as im the aext eighty*
fh li m i#t hé eemeidered a# imdieatimg that the ring is wearlag to suhh a
#h#pe m# to mahle a pyeteetire o il film to he formed* therehy deortaeing
the #mr*

fhe frio tio m l force per m i t leagtti will ho givem hy the mmaMom over
the to tal area per m it leagth of the produot of the shear etreoo md m el#»
mmt of unit area# d%*. I f the high poiat i s asmmed in the center of the
ring face* the dimensions on each side of the face will he the same* and
the frictional force will not he a function of the direction of motion*

for the leading edge# F.= sdx --dj sd^, .* and a# pretiomely de#
TO0P.4» ^_ J ^ f 'f ^ y

n = f s r J ^ j
lug opposite to the direction of motion a# expected*

for the trailin g edgei

/ < [ - h - i 7 ^ J

â# Can he seen from figure for the most part*

• 0 under # #
dm '
trailin g edgei md # # good s^romimtion of the shear stress wWdhe

. So* wd
mi / 3 r)
Pj. zz I 5o^x = B f 3ctX)
/o Jo

/r = — M^ ^., / — j?i!-, - —— JâMÉ-f—!—]f|n A+

^ h% /) (A-okK. + x,) hjj. ^

Fr ' - ^ - '"»] = - ^ [ i ^ ]
fh# WWL fylotlom l fcrci then I# e##I to f fi

F • - F ^ [ « - V ] [ '" '’ “ - l" “

and fismaiy
F =

fhê to tal friotlonal foro# la th# ring #11% then h# F B D whmp# B

i i th# outiid# diamotor of th# piitom ling* 'ITP thn# heing #on#l to th#
oiroW #r#nti#l length of # # ring* to find t th# B m#t he oalcnlatfd for
##oh orahk oaglo poeitiom and th# f plotted as a ftmetion of orank angl#*
the linear relooity B i t a fhnotion of the orank «agin and th# l / r ratio for
the oonprattor in ###tion*

U- ( Be# reforaiio# 2Ô pg #83)

%@hanio«l integration of th# Fvs. 0 onnr# will g ir# an aver##

vain# of t* and maohanioal integration of the U vs.e eorv# will give an
average # ln # of f *

fh# power I##» # # h# the prodnot of the fnotional fore# Fève Tf P


and the * v # # e veW ity

H- ^ DUsvc
and the Wr##ew# Mm will he i*B• ie## # Pa^t ^ DUfwc
% #tl#m *# eaiWtmtiema ## mhetaatiated %y Bhlhafa* and Im m veiy
gemerai eemee hy fiiiiam#* tmdieate that the film thielmee# wemld he # f#
fW em tiy t h l # # that the uemai vli#e#ltr # the i#rieam t Aeuid apply
la, the eemtlem# deveieped fee pi stem rlmg W etle»*
/ / / / / // / / / / /




'o ilOb)

P ressu re P n ir tb v h o n in O il F ilm B e iw e e n

The P is -h n S k i r t a r id C ifim d e t W all

F tevR e 10

âa #f figmtê $ tdU inâlealè # # t i f $h# f w m m # #

#m »I # H i %# «wftae# i t ## $&# ^todnaliig #14# #11%##
F <)> « WsmmimU^m #f pl«t#n# mmy h#wt #f mm# h#» %im%
M t é vttar 1# m # # Wt#m e# th# pi§tm m#e i i
fmmâ m # # mm It# # p . W # l##4# to th# oomolmolom that # $
piotin ** ##m #ohj#ot#4 to aid# thrhat * # # # th# ifeiyt haiag
im m â a#im#t th# oyiiodoy m il #11# th# t#p of th# pi •to» I# hWld nmr
tvpm th# •ylimâw m il hy th# pi atom Pinga #

fifw # 10» lUnatmt## th# poaitio» of th# pi#to» ahiyt ralativ# to

th# oylindor m il. ih# •»»# mmmptipm »• ##r# u#«d for th# piato» y|»g
m»#Iy^$ #111 #0# h# # p li#d to th# pi#tom ahiyt* flgoi*# XOh ah### th#
py##aw# diotrihutio» fop th# pi «to» movimg dommpd# and fifop# 10# «how
th# ppoawp# dXstritmtlo» fop th# plat#» moviog %##pd. I t 1# to h« «lotod
that th# h#Pi»g fomod approaiamt## # alidop hoaorliiar of fin it# langthf fh#
<mr##8 d#v#Iop#d hy MoWcot# hopgm #md lf«r## for thi# typ# of hoari»# # ill
h# u«#d I» thi# #»»Iy«ii*

for th# piitom #o#imd %mrd# th# #ff#ot of th# troilim# #dg# i# iof#.
fio im tly w»H to h# m«gl#ot#d. Mmo# f * th# lomd p#r w i t or#», ammt
##»! th# old# thrmat diridad hy amd aim## ^ # #md aim##
B ia » fonotiom of h^ #md h^i f i # r # II* im mdditiom to m Wovlad## of # #
ooaproaaor dim#»#!#»#* oaa h# maad to ohtolm » trlml and arror aolmliom for
h# h* ht* hm* mod f . With the## fmotor# haorm# fi«w# 12 omm h# m##d to find

r"- pi6ton radiuS ^ o = angle of pis^n arc in CooHcV w#4-h cg\mder wall
M /nim vm rilrrr Th/t peoripf, w ih - l

F iM à iM
f n c T t o n f o r 5 h x i£ r B e a r in g w iih ^ L e a i^ a ^ e :
i* !...j j.
. :• J ' j ' I I ; ; ; I f - f- I

. J .4
. FlGt/RE l l

%b» of tH û tim -f . I f tM t of fricnio» I t # #

f io tto i ## # t m 9 % im of th» ormrife m # o , $bo »v#ro«# cooffioiooi of
fîfiotloo fot # 0 %#$yok$* » om 0# fow& V W o#êM #,
fîio «rofago %tam9% foroo êwlo^ $ho %#$roko# FtUm^ #- oa» mloo %o fowâ
i» %hm #mo fo####» %# powor lo## olU ##m %o (Ft Umvc)(f v )
«horo i» th# iotto #0 à ê% m m im û^ f m # # #o$oo riofa» fhe W f##.#ow#
10## m $W #*$yok# #111 %h#o %# (Ft mav* 4p?;?

â» «mly#lo of iko friotloo io#*## for th# #%# of %h# plotoo

moTÉ# m m m tâ eooüé ko ^^orfomeâ lu # o ###o mm#r» W # w # 4 gâ##
$h# powor Xo## #É (Fio^^XJio^^XUnyc) Xomàiag «dga» # $ frio»
tXommX oootrilmtioxi of %&e troiXlog ogfo ooiald ko ok$#xm# ky fXmdW ik# #0#
offioiiftk of frXooioo from figsiro 10. fo do Okt# oomaXdor y ## koXmg ##»X
$0 %k# mkimk «^itidor pro#### dloldod ky $h# mro# lu eootoet ol$h # #
oiX ftXm* fklo mro# ooold ko oklolmod from a kmooXodg# of Iho oo#r###oy
dimomoioo mé % #md k^# oXrWy ktmm* ^ pXokllmg # o oooffioiomt of
friè U m for oodk, oromk «ogXo poiltiom m é méÈmuieàUy imtmmtiae* # o
mooro## oaXuo of Ik# oooffioioml of fxiolioo for Ik# IfolXlog odg# om Ik#
domolyoko* # #oXd k# foomd.

S^# lotoX powor Xo#s i4XX lk#m k#

Ik# kor##o##r Xooa miXX k« Ik# pomor Xoo# dindod ky

!%# l o w kor#opo#«r Xoo# p«r roioXulloo do# lo friollom k#l###a Ik#

pitlom # l f l md Ik# oyXimdor miiX #IXX< k#i

m #

foXIWmg wmoXo#!#»# a rt «tldm l from $k# kody # $M#

#W fm » # # iam iligalfâ»

%» I» %Wk$ # f tk» pr#### Imkrimiâ#» Ikootr i l I t p o ttlk lt I# tp#

'pmmiml## % m ix y il# ! »tm## # # frw itm i##### tkai my k*
m pteltd I» r ttlp r tm lit# rtfrigm tilom mtklm#y* I f Ik# ##m #
tla g # é k te em ilé» amd diWmpg# preemret# ttd # # rtm im llm t
p tf miml# «## W m »

#* I l le ###ik%#* W l m # Itee t t # r e # $ # tW ##
llo tllir üké f t l t l l t » X ttttt la rttip ro etlltii ia ltm tl eo#aelltm # # » # # *
à %### m » # w e # t o w # I» Ike of p itit» ring W eliom , là ert
# # e ffte l of ik* Mtk #&# m Ik# X ukrittllta of ik# < # IM #
m il# m p m iim àtriy Ik# % # r •telioa# « mkt# tk# tee«#IIOR t f .tti^ t
l# r i# t » l #%ply ^ttlIoiktM t* â» td d ilio m i I tte I» tom rtoy »ty k# #»»
p to ltê la # # em tlytl# # f Ikt tn tl» p iii k ttfla g frio iltn * I l le m llte ly
potttikit Ihml # # M # latimlemtome pretem tt # e l otm e W lmg wWmtlIo»
m f m im imelemltmtoo# Im # # Iklm o il f i l » I» Ikt Weimpîm


i* i l # o # d ko poitikio lo tpproeitml# Ih# W ftolit# #eoo»Kly # # #

l#riotiiom %y m m tly # t ^ # # latreeto i» lo## mm#»g
# # t # ly 0##' ik tl t% o#M fm # m# oG#lio#ii#' #f ik# % #o#m »lo Ik t##
mtiM Iko ##ooeiiy te Wefmlm## ky #lmW d lotie#

4* # # fo llo ei# # lo tie m# i# tttli# tlio » e mr# tocgotit# t e lk#y #ey


#0# tom# lig k l m m M itim » of l#rio% tioa % «mkeWHt#

littg m not itikstoaMallug Iho gemermX Ikeorim# aitoolalod oilk #1# t|p #
of lukrieatlon*
a) â ootparima of tke tieoosillot of m rim # ImkriWim# oil#
e llk tketr ■iirrf«0# teanioa## I# #e# i f Iker# 1# wm §m«mé m rr#llu
lioa/kolmm 7i$##ily and mmfaoe Immioa#
k) A oompariiom of Ike load earryimg ek llily of # ketrimg #or#*
l|3Qsf mtder oondilioa# of komdmry#l#y#r lokrioalloa id Ik Ike mrfooe
ImWLoa# of Ike mrioo# Ikkrioml# uwed I» Ike l##l.
o) fke meaewemmi of Ike vieooelly of #m o il ia # eeykoll
vieoomeler i f or o*e##le) idlk mivereel oullol Wbo# mod# of dif*
fereal m W io l# , fkl# wold lead lo ladioal# ekelker or aol Ike
oi#oo«dly of e lakrleaal 1# e faaelloa of Ike keerlag mmlerlel#»
d) Neeearemeal of Ike rieooeliy of m o il ia Ike preeeaoe of
earioa# eleolrioal field## %i# .will • lo ea W eal ^ iadioel# Ike
iaflaenoe of eleo iriW field# oa Ike mleWLer orim lelioa of Ike
lakrioaal a# evideaoed % okeage# ia il# eieooeily.
e) %e meeearmeai of Ike vi#oo#dly of aa o il ia a eaykoll
tiecomeler (for #Km#le) wilk #mpi#li#ed aairereel oallel lake#*
I f Ike elreagik of Ike mgaeliemlloa I# raried from l # e io loke^
Ike off#01 of orieaielioa ia Ike moleoole# of Ike keeriag malerlel
oa Ike effeolir# vi#ooei$y Of Ike lakrio&al may ke iadiomled#

fowm# t . #$## m Aplol» %#. ymo*îail*imk# %#» 168$

(2) 8#aol#$ 0. % # 0 theory of M a tW lo a Phil# #m #* koy^
600# 1888 # imL264
PelW f* %* triOl# la Wm## %og# #omm# {61. PoWeharg) 1880
%0#1 # 7 W #
Boewall# B*8. fh» theory of film îhihriceiloa %0 àg. # re # à 6o»
À.I. 1928
(S) aomerfeld, A. 0m Ihe %dro« theory of W # Sell. Molli. Phy.
1904 pp 97-lGS
{8} %ag$Wry» A. Om Problem# im theory of Hlm lufe. trm A##
im w 89mt8
(7) Sereey, M.P* theory of Imhrioatioa tiley A 6oai AI 1938
{#) lowarthi I .i .6 . Oraphloml 8lmây of doorael ïmhrioatloa trm e A6M38
1923 w 4 ^ 4 2 iî 1924 m 809#832# 19^ pp 1073#10#
(9) #og# P# Oottlritmiioms a dm Ormlemg# 1928
(10) Merdy# Mr t . Pree. àoyal # e . #w88# 1912 p 834* »^86# 1913 p 393
BIAeWL m Imtredmetlom lo W f # # Ohmlelry 1939
im m A#. %#m. %e. 1919 pp 1381#1#8 fertâigr 8ee. #em#
m : x r p W I I I 1920 p 82
àXmmàmf #. Colloid 9heml#l:gy, Primé# é App*
(14) pàrlA# the Qhemiéel Meéhemlm of Imhrimilom (p%er)
(preeemled before A## # h . %g. 8mm. Imme 1932)
(18) lüLiàowk, a .a , MaaroiKfSL %,:p. ,194# *»|L m ; %*,, j* jkm* 1982 3MP i;&*.:W8;
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1943 p 8
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(as) GaeUenau, K^A. A %6ve, f t m t j r of Piutoa sing {«£toleatloa
Phyalo# 7 p 364
(31) Httskut, Morgau ouà Here» Jotura App {%yslc« Sol 3 to . 3 1840
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(28) Stoutoa, 1.1. tho Englaeer 1988 p 378
(%) 9m. Bloo. Go. 9XA-8SS1 A Bata fOldor 8 » #
(24) Boteutaoa A S o # Olaaol Sowar 1834 p S4S
(86) Ibl&or# In atitu ta of fby. Gham. Baa. (Xokyo) Sol. Paper 182.1839
(26) m iiarna, 0.9. Automobile Soglaaer Toi 24 p 369
(87) lor torn, A.I. Idbrloatlo* loGraw-mil 1943
(28) liotity, Ir. luterual Coaîb'ootloft lagl&as HeOraw-aiU 1939

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