BE2 Grammar Supplement

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Big English 2 | Table of contents Table of contents

In my classroom
1. Grammar practice

1.1 Present continuous tense ____________________________________ p.5

1.2 There is / There are ___________________________________________ p.9

2. Reading comprehension practice _______________________________ p.13

3. Writing practice __________________________________________________ p.15

Playground fun
1. Grammar practice

1.1 Modal verbs + infinitive ______________________________________ p.16

1.2 Prepositions of place ________________________________________ p.20

2. Reading comprehension practice _______________________________ p.22

3. Writing practice __________________________________________________ p.24

In my house
1. Grammar practice

1.1 There is / There are __________________________________________ p.25

1.2 Possessive form ______________________________________________ p.29

2. Reading comprehension practice _______________________________ p.31

3. Writing practice __________________________________________________ p.33

In my town
1. Grammar practice

1.1. Modal verb want + infinitive _______________________________ p.34

1.2. Prepositions of location __________________________________ p.38

2. Reading comprehension practice _______________________________ p.40

3. Writing practice __________________________________________________ p.42

©2020 Moro Gregorio All Rights Reserved PHOTOCOPIABLE 1

Big English 2 | Table of contents

My dream job
1. Grammar practice

1.1 Modal verb want + infinitive ________________________________ p.43

2. Reading comprehension practice _______________________________ p.47

3. Writing practice __________________________________________________ p.49

My day
1. Grammar practice

1.1 Present simple tense ______________________________________ p.50

1.2 Possessive adjectives ______________________________________ p.54

2. Reading comprehension practice _______________________________ p.56

3. Writing practice __________________________________________________ p.58

1. Grammar practice

1.1 Countable and uncountable nouns ________________________ p.59

1.2 Quantifiers: some and any __________________________________ p.63

2. Reading comprehension practice _______________________________ p.66

3. Writing practice __________________________________________________ p.68

Wild animals
1. Grammar practice

1.1 Modal verb Can ___________________________________________ p.69

2. Reading comprehension practice _______________________________ p.73

3. Writing practice __________________________________________________ p.75

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Big English 2 | Table of contents

Fun all year

1. Grammar practice

1.1 Present simple tense _______________________________________ p.76

1.2 Adverbs of frequency: always, sometime, never __________ p.80

2. Reading comprehension practice ______________________________ p.82

3. Writing practice _________________________________________________ p.84

Extra practice
1. Extra grammar practice

1.2 Question words ____________________________________________ p.85

2. Extra Vocabulary Language practice

2.1 Classroom actions ________________________________________ p.87

2.2 Classroom actions ________________________________________ p.89

2.3 Classroom actions ________________________________________ p.91

2.4 Classroom actions ________________________________________ p.93

2.5 Classroom actions ________________________________________ p.95

2.6 Classroom actions ________________________________________ p.97

2.7 Classroom actions ________________________________________ p.99

2.8 Classroom actions ________________________________________ p.101

2.9 Classroom actions ________________________________________ p.103

2.10 Classroom actions ________________________________________ p.105

©2020 Moro Gregorio All Rights Reserved PHOTOCOPIABLE 3

Big English 2 Unit 1

Grammar practice
Present continuous
Underline the correct words to complete the sentences.

1. What am / is / are you doing? We am / is / are reading a story.

2. What am / is / are your brothers doing? They am / is / are studying.

3. Peter and Joe am / is / are counting their pencils.

4. My friend am / is / are doing his homework.

5. What am / is / are your teacher doing? He am / is / are writing on the board.

6. Tom and I am / is / are cutting shapes.

7. I am / is / are using the computer and he am / is / are reading a book.

8. What am / is / are they doing? They am / is / are listening to the teacher.

9. What am / is / are your father doing? He am / is / are writing a letter.

10. He am / is / are not reading. He am / is / are doing a test.

Complete the sentences with present continuous. Use the words in brackets.

1. What are you doing? I __________ ________________ to the teacher. (listen)

2. John __________ ________________ English. (study)

3. What is she doing? She __________ ________________ (draw)

4. You __________ not ________________. You are drawing! (listen)

5. What are Tim and Kelly doing? They __________ ________________ shapes (cut)

6. We __________ not ________________ the computer. (use)

7. I __________ ________________ shapes. (glue)

8. Jenny __________ ________________ her pencils. (count)

9. What is the teacher doing? He _______ ________________ on the board (write)

10. Tom and I ________ ________________ and ________________ shapes. (cut / glue)

11. We __________ ________________ a test. (do)

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Big English 2 Unit 1

Write the –ing form of each verb and transform the sentences into present
1. speak _______________________ 2. listen _______________________

3. count _______________________ 4. use _______________________

5. draw _______________________ 6. glue _______________________

7. study _______________________ 8. cut _______________________

9. write _______________________ 10. do _______________________

Present simple Present continuous

I count pencils.

You listen to the teacher.

They glue shapes.

We color a picture.

Ruby cuts paper.

He uses the computer.

Look at the pictures and answer to the questions. Write sentences.

1. What is Louise doing?

• _____________________________________________________________

2. What are they doing?

• _____________________________________________________________

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Big English 2 Unit 1

Present continuous – Yes/No questions

Look at the pictures and answer. Write short answers.

1. Is she counting
2. Is he drawing?

______________________ ______________________

3. Is she cutting 4. Is she writing a

paper? sentence?

______________________ ______________________

5. Is she listening to 6. Are they writing on

music? a board?

_____________________ ______________________

Change the sentences into interrogative form and write both yes and no
1. Adam and Elly are gluing pictures.

Question: _________________________________________________________________________.

Answer: Yes,______________________________________________________________________.

Answer: No, ______________________________________________________________________.

2. Alex is writing a sentence on the board.

Question: _________________________________________________________________________.

Answer: Yes,______________________________________________________________________.

Answer: No, ______________________________________________________________________.

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Big English 2 Unit 1

Complete the sentence choosing by multiple-choice answers.

1. I ______ shapes and my brother ______ 2. Are they going to school? Yes,
a book. ______.
a) am gluing / is reading a) they are
b) glue / read b) are
c) gluing / reading c) are they

3. What are you doing? I ______. 4. They are ______ to the teacher.
a) drawing a) listening
b) is drawing b) are listening
c) am drawing c) listening

5. We ______. We ______ a story. 6. Is she cutting paper? No, she _____.

a) are drawing / are writing a) isn’t.
b) is not drawing / writing b) aren’t.
c) are not drawing / are writing c) is.

7. Jack and David ______ to the 8. Is she _____ the computer? No, she
teacher. _____.
a) listening a) using / isn’t.
b) is listening b) using / aren’t
c) are listening c) is using / isn’t

Complete the dialogue with the present continuous.

Billy: Hi, Andy. How are you today?

Andy: I’m great, thanks. What ________ you ________________ (do) ?.

Billy: I ________ ________________ (read) a story.

Andy: It looks fun! ________ Tommy ________________ (read) a story too?

Billy: No, he isn’t. He ________ ________________ (glue) shapes.

Andy: Let’s glue some shapes all together.

Billy: Sorry, there is only one glue stick in the classroom.

Andy: Oh, too bad! Never mind, let’s read the story together.

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Big English 2 Unit 1

Grammar practice
There is / There are

is a pen on the table is not a pen

There There
are (Two) pens on the table are not any pens

Yes, No,

Is a pen on the table? is is

there there there not
Are any pens on the table? are are

We use there is and there are to say that something exists. When we want to
indicate that a zero quantity of something exists, we use there aren't any.

There is a pen.

How many pens are there on the table? They are (two) pens.

There aren’t any pens.

Complete the sentence choosing by multiple-choice answers.

1. ______ students in the classroom. 2. ______ a TV in my room.
a) There is b) There are a) There is b) There are
c) There aren’t any d) There is not a c) There aren’t any d) There is not a

3. ______ four chairs and one table in 4. ______ many desks and chairs in the
the dining room. classroom.
a) There is b) There are c) There is d) There are
c) There aren’t any d) There is not a c) There aren’t any d) There is not a

5. ______ three birds in the tree. 6. ______ pens on the desk.

a) There is b) There are a) There is b) There are
c) There aren’t any d) There is not a c) There aren’t any d) There is not a

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Big English 2 Unit 1

Fill in the blacks to complete the sentences

1. Today is Sunday. __________ __________ any students at school.

2. __________ __________ four pens on the desk.

3. __________ __________ a cow and some sheep on the farm.

4. How many days __________ __________ in March?

5. __________ __________ a woman and two men in the picture.

6. __________ __________ only one week before the test. Let’s study!

7. __________ __________ twelve months in one year.

8. __________ __________ any chairs in the living room.

9. __________ __________ my backpack under the chair.

Look at the picture. Fill in the blacks to complete the sentences

1. __________ __________ any students. 2. __________ __________ twelve chairs.

3. __________ __________ a computer. 4. __________ __________ a desk.

5. __________ __________ a teacher. 6. __________ _________ any backpacks.

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Big English 2 Unit 1

There is / There are – Yes/No questions

Underline the right words to complete the questions.

1. Is / Are there a wardrobe in your room? Yes, there is / are.

2. I’m hungry. Is / Are there a restaurant around here? No, there isn’t / aren’t.

3. Is / Are there anything I can do to help you? Yes, there is / are, thanks.

4. Is / Are there a book on your desk? No, there isn’t / aren’t.

5. How many letters is / are there in the English alphabet?

6. Is / Are there any ducks on the farm? No, there isn’t / aren’t.

7. How many people is / are there in your family? There is / are five people.

8. Is / Are there any computers in your classroom? Yes, there is / are.

9. Is / Are there any girls named Jenny in your class?

Look at the pictures and answer. Write short answers.

1. Is there a teacher 2. Are there any

in the class? chairs?

______________________ ______________________

3. Are there any girls 4. Is there a board in

in the living room? the classroom?

______________________ ______________________

5. Is there a 6. Are there any

computer in your grapes on the
room? table?

______________________ ______________________

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Big English 2 Unit 1

Use the words in brackets to make sentences.

1. __________________________________________________________ (car / there / a)

2. ________________________________________________________ (a / board / there)

3. ________________________________________________ (not / any / there / tables)

4. _____________________________________________________ (a / there / book / ?)

5. ________________________________________________ (? / any / there / students)

6. _______________________________________________ (scissors / any / there / not)

7. _______________________________________________ (a / there / not / glue stick)

8. ______________________________________________ (any / there / not / markers)

Complete the sentences.

1. __________ is ________ backpack next to the bed.

2. __________ is ________ bag between the books.

3. __________ isn’t ________ backpack next to the bed.

4. Are __________ ________ girls in your class?

5. __________ isn’t ________ computer in my classroom.

6. __________ is ________ picture on the wall.

7. Is __________ ________ a boy named David your class?

8. __________ aren’t ________ clothes on the bad.

9. Are __________ ________ scissors in your pencil case?

10. __________ is ________ big playground in my school.

11. Is __________ ________ living room in your house?

12. __________ aren’t ________ children in the park.

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Big English 2 Unit 1

Reading comprehension practice

In my classroom
Read the paragraph and answer to the multiple-choice questions.
Hi, my name is Martha and I am a 4th grade student
in primary school. In my class there are fifteen
students. We are all girls, there aren’t any boys. My
classroom is big and nice, there are many colorful
tables, a white board and chairs, but there isn’t a
computer. Our teacher is Mr. Sheldon, he is very funny
and he likes to decorate the classroom walls with our
drawings. Today everyone in my class is having fun: Susy and Tina are gluing and
sticking shapes, Jackson is listening to a story with John and Lisa is cutting and
coloring pictures. Mr. Sheldon is writing numbers on the boad and Tim is counting.
Jessica and I are reading an english book and Jay is doing his homework.

1. Are there any boys in the class? 2. How many girls are there in the class?
a) Yes, there are. a) There are fourteen girls.
b) No there aren’t. b) There is thirteen girls.
c) Yes, there is. c) There are fifteen girls.

3. Is there a computer? 4. How many desks are there?

a) Yes, there is. a) There aren’t any desks.
b) No, there isn’t. b) There is one desk.
c) Yes, there are. c) There are two desks.

5. Are Jessica and Martha reading a 6. Are Jackson and John listening to the
book.? teacher?
a) Yes, they are. a) Yes, they are.
b) No, they aren’t. b) Yes, he is.
c) Yes, she is. c) No, they aren’t.

7. What is Mr. Sheldon doing? 8. What are Susy and Tina doing?
a) He is talking. a) They are cutting shapes.
b) He is writing on the board. b) They are gluing shapes.
c) He is drawing on the board. c) They are sticking pictures.

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Big English 2 Unit 1

Look at the pictures and choose true or false for each statement and rewrite
the false sentences correctly.

1. There are five boys and four girls in the class. True False

2. A girl is talking to the teacher. True False

3. A boy is painting a picture. True False

4. There aren’t any windows in the classroom. True False

5. There are many computers in the classroom. True False

6. A boy is cutting shapes. True False

7. A girl is drawing True False

8. A boy is gluing shapes. True False

1. __________________________________________________________________________

2. __________________________________________________________________________

3. __________________________________________________________________________

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Big English 2 Unit 1

Writing practice
In my classroom
Answer to the questions

1. What is he doing?

• ______________________________________________________________

2. Is she cutting shapes?

• ______________________________________________________________

3. Are there any students in the classroom?

• ______________________________________________________________

4. What are they doing?

• ______________________________________________________________

5. Is the teacher reading a story?

• ______________________________________________________________

6. How many books are there on the desk?

• ______________________________________________________________

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Big English 2 Unit 2

Grammar practice
Modal verbs + infinitive
like do
You You

He run He run
skate skate
She likes to She does not like to
jump jump
It It

We We
like do
They They

Yes, No,

you I I
Do do do
I you you

he run? he he
Does she like to she does she does not
it it it

we we we
Do do do
they they they

One of the most common ways that you’ll hear the word “like” is as a verb –
“to like”. We can use “like”, “love” and “hate” to talk about how we feel
about an activity.

I like to run I don’t like to run

I really like to run I really don’t like to run

I love to run I hate to run

I don’t mind to run

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Big English 2 Unit 2

Complete the sentences using the words in brackets.

1. I really __________________ jump rope. (like)

2. They __________________ run and play on the slide. (love)

3. Anna __________________ play hide and seek with her friends. (like)

4. Timmy and I really _____________ __________________ play soccer. (not like)

5. He __________________ to study math and computer science. (hate)

6. My dog really _____________ __________________ walk. (not like)

7. I really __________________ swim in the pool. (love)

8. Jack and Bob really __________________ speak English. (like)

9. Jade _____________ __________________ skateboard. (not like)

10. He __________________ ride his bike and play outside. (hate)

11. My brothers __________________ read books. (love)

12. David and my sister really _____________ __________________ walk. (not like)

Look at the pictures and answer to the questions. Write sentences.

1. What do you really like to do?

• ________________________________________________________

2. What does he love to do?

• ________________________________________________________

3. What don’t they hate to do?

• ________________________________________________________

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Big English 2 Unit 2

Modal verbs + infinitive – Yes/No questions

Complete questions and answers.

1. __________ they really like to jump rope? No, they __________.

2. __________ Lucy like to swim? No, she __________. She hates to swim.

3. __________ they like to skateboard? Yes, they __________.

4. __________ your brother like to skate? No, he __________. He likes to run.

5. __________ you like to skate? No, I __________. I hate to skate.

6. __________ you and Tom like to jump rope? Yes, we __________.

7. __________ her sisters like to play on the seesaw? Yes, they __________.

8. __________ your dog hate to swim? No, it __________. It really likes to swim.

9. __________ Johnny and Brendon like to walk? No, they __________.

10. __________ your mother really like to skateboard? Yes, she __________.

Complete the sentences choosing by multiple-choice answers.

1. Do you and your brother ______ 2. Does Jessica really like ______ on
watch TV in the living room? the playground? Yes, she does.
a) really likes to a) jump rope
b) love to b) to swimming
c) likes to c) to play

3. Do you and Tom ______ play on the 4. Does she ______ skate? No, she
seesaw? Yes, we do. doesn’t. She ______ skate.
a) really like to a) like to / hate to
b) hates to b) hate to / really likes to
c) really likes to c) really likes to / hates to

5. Do they ______ ride their bikes? No, 6. Does he _____ play tug of war? No,
they don’t. They ______ swim. he doesn’t. He _____ play tug of war.
a) love / hates a) love / don’t like
b) really like to / love to b) really like to / love to
c) likes to / hate c) like to / hates to

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Big English 2 Unit 2

Order the words in brackets to make sentences and questions.

1. ___________________________________________ (not like/ She / play on the slide)

2. _______________________________________ (play on the swing / love / My sister)

3. __________________________________________________ (play football/ hate / We)

4. ___________________________________________ (study English/ love / James / ?)

5. ___________________________________________ (Tom and I / not really like / run)

6. _________________________________________ (play on the swing / ? / they / like)

Look at the chart and complete the sentences.

skate ride a bike swim jump rope





1. Lisa __________ _______________ ride a bike but she _______________ swim.

2. Maria and Bob __________ _______________ swim.

3. John __________ _______________ jump rope and he _______________ ride a bike.

4. __________ Maria _______________ skate? No, she __________.

5. Lisa __________ _______________ skate.

6. Bob _______________ skate and he _______________ jump rope.

7. __________ Maria and Lisa _______________ ride a bike? No, they __________.

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Big English 2 Unit 2

Grammar practice
Prepositions of place
in on under near

The ball is in the The ball is on the The ball is under The ball is near the
box box the box box

behind In front of between next to

The ball is
The ball is behind The ball is in front The ball is next to
between the
the box of the box the box

A preposition of place is a preposition which is used to refer where something

or someone is exactly positioned. These prepositions can be used to discuss
an almost endless number of positions.

Use the words in brackets to make sentences.

1. ___________________________________________ (the jungle gym / behind / the slide)

2. ________________________________________________ (the bed / my desk / in front of)

3. ___________________________________________ (next to / the swings / the sand box)

4. _________________________________________________ (the ball / between / the boys)

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Big English 2 Unit 2

Look at the picture and complete the sentences with the right prepositions
of place.

1. Sam is building a sandcastle _____________________ the sandbox.

2. There is a seesaw _____________________ the swing.

3. Sara is eating ice-cream _____________________ the slide.

4. There is a swing _____________________ the sandbox.

5. Katy and Ronny really like to play _____________________ the seesaw.

6. Jack and Tommy are playing marbles _____________________ the sandbox.

Underline the right words to complete the sentences.

1. My dad is cooking in / next to / under kitchen.

2. I love to jump rope between / in front of / under my house.

3. I like to sit between / on / behind my mum and dad on the sofa.

4. They hate to play on / between / in the slide.

5. There are two seesaws under / between / next to the sandbox.

6. I have my toys between / in / under my bed.

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Big English 2 Unit 2

Reading comprehension practice

Playground fun
Read the paragraph and answer to the multiple-choice questions.

On sunny days, students really like to play outside after

school. There is a nice playground near our school. It is
very big and it has green grass. We like to play football
and hide and seek on it. Jessica really likes to jump rope
and Kelly loves to run. On the playground there is a long
slide but Bob doesn’t really like to play on it. Behind the
slide there is a swing, Sarah and Jenny really love it. Peter
doesn’t mind to play on the seesaw next to the swing, but he likes to hit the ball
with his bat best. In front of the slide there is a sand box too. David hates to play
in it! He likes to skateboard and ride his bike. Sometimes we play tug of war with
our tearchers too. They are very fun!

1. Jessica doesn’t really like to jump rope. True False

2. There isn’t a slide on the playground. True False

3. There is a swing behind the slide. True False

4. Jenny loves to play on the swing. True False

5. There is a seesaw next to the swing. True False

6. Peter really likes to play on the seesaw. True False

7. There is a sandbox behind the slide. True False

8. David hates to play in the sandbox. True False

Answer the question.

1. What is there on the playground?

• ___________________________________________________________________________

• ___________________________________________________________________________

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Big English 2 Unit 2

Read and match pictures and sentences

1. There is a slide next to the swing.

2. They don’t like to run but they really like to play tag.

3. The boy loves to play in the sandbox.

4. The family really likes to have lunch on a pic-nic table.

5. Three boys are eating ice-cream on a bench.

6. There is a big jungle gym on the playground.

7. They don’t like to play on the slide but the love to play tug of war.

8. A boy is playing on the swing.

Complete the sentences writing about yourself.

1. I like to ____________________________ 2. I really like to _____________________

3. I enjoy to _________________________ 4. I love to __________________________

5. I don’t mind to ____________________ 6. I don’t like to _____________________

7. I don’t really like to ________________ 8. I hate to _________________________

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Big English 2 Unit 2

Writing practice
Playground fun
Answer to the questions

1. Where are the swings?

• ______________________________________________________________

2. Where is the man?

• ______________________________________________________________

3. Does she like to play marbles?

• ______________________________________________________________

4. Do they like to jump rope?

• ______________________________________________________________

5. What do you really like to do?

• _________________________________________________________________________________

6. What do you hate to do?

• _________________________________________________________________________________

7. What do you like to do with your best friend?

• _________________________________________________________________________________

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Big English 2 Unit 3

Grammar practice
There is / There are
Complete the sentence choosing by multiple-choice answers.
1. ______ pillows on the bed. 2. ______ a TV in the living room.
a) There is b) There are a) There is b) There are
c) There aren’t any d) There is not a c) There aren’t any d) There is not a

3. ______ four chairs and one table in 4. ______ a sofa, two armchairs and a
the dining room. clock in the living room.
a) There is b) There are a) There is b) There are
c) There aren’t any d) There is not a c) There aren’t any d) There is not a

5. ______ lamps in the study room. 6. ______ a big tub in the bathroom.
a) There is b) There are a) There is b) There are
c) There aren’t any d) There is not a c) There aren’t any d) There is not a

8. ______ a blanket and two pillows in

7. ______ any windows in the kitchen.
my bedroom.
a) There is b) There are a) There is b) There are
c) There aren’t any d) There is not a c) There aren’t any d) There is not a

Use the words in brackets to make sentences.

1. _________________________________________________ (car / there / garage / in)

2. ______________________________________________________ (a / TV / there / big)

3. _____________________________________________ (not / a / there / chairs / any)

4. ______________________________________________________ (a / there / blanket)

5. ___________________________________________________ (any / there / pictures)

6. ___________________________________________________ (mirror / a / there / not)

7. ________________________________________________ (any / there / not / pillows)

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Big English 2 Unit 3

Name the pictures and complete the sentences.

1. _________________ 2. ________________ 3. ________________ 4. ________________

5. __________________________ 6. __________________ 7. __________________________

1. ________________ a wardrobe in the attic.

2. ________________ a cupboard in the kitchen.

3. ________________ any windows in the bedroom.

4. ________________ a bookshelf with many books in the studio.

5. ________________ some old things in the attic.

6. ________________ any chairs in the kitchen.

7. ________________ a dresser and a big wardrobe in the bedroom.

8. ________________ two windows in the dining room.

9. ________________ two armchairs and a sofa in the living room.

10. ________________ a table and four chairs in the dining room.

11. ________________ a fridge and an oven in the kitchen.

12. ________________ any pictures in the study room.

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Big English 2 Unit 3

There is / There are – Yes/No questions

Underline the right words to complete the questions.

1. Is / Are there a lamp in your bedroom? Yes, there is / are.

2. Is / Are there any curtains in your living room? No, there isn’t / aren’t.

3. Is / Are there a TV in your bedroom? Yes, there is / are’

4. Is / Are there a bookshelf in the study room? No, there isn’t / aren’t.

5. How many mirrors is / are there in your bathroom?

6. Is / Are there any pillows on the bed? No, there isn’t / aren’t.

7. How many rooms is / are there in your house? There is / are five rooms.

8. Is / Are a dishwasher in your kitchen? Yes, there is / are.

9. Is / Are there any old things in your attic? No, there isn’t / aren’t.

Look at the pictures and answer. Write short answers.

1. Is there a washing 2. Are there any

machine? pillows?

______________________ ____________________

4. Are there any

3. Is there a shower?

______________________ ____________________

5. Are there any

6. Is there a stove?

______________________ ____________________

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Big English 2 Unit 3

Read and complete the dialogue.

Sarah: Hey Ken, let’s have lunch at my home.

Kevin: Great idea. __________________ a stove in your kitchen?

Billy: Yes, __________________.

Andy: Amazing, can we cook some rice with vegetables and chicken?

Billy: Sounds good, but after lunch we have to wash the dishes.

Andy: __________________ a dishwasher?

Billy: No, __________________, but __________________ a sink!

Andy: That’s fine. After that we can watch a movie?

Billy: Yes, of course. __________________ a big TV in my living room.

Andy: How many sofas __________________are there in your living room?

Billy: __________________ any sofas, but __________________ three arm chairs!

Look at the pictures in the ex. 3 and write the right questions and answers.

1. Is there a shower in the bathroom?

• __________________________________________________________________________

2. What is there in the kitchen?

• __________________________________________________________________________

3. __________________________________________________________________________

• In the bedroom there is a bed, a wardrobe and two lamps.

4. __________________________________________________________________________

• In the dining room there is a table, some chairs and a cupboard.

5. What is there in the study room?

• __________________________________________________________________________

©2020 Moro Gregorio All Rights Reserved PHOTOCOPIABLE 28

Big English 2 Unit 3

Grammar practice
Possessive nouns
Singular Plural possessive
possessive nouns noun
The book of the The books of the The students’
The student’s book
student students books
The bags of the
The bag of the girl The girl’s bag The girls’ bag

Possessive nouns show who or what owns something:

Singular nouns are made possessive • The house of the boy is big.
by adding an apostrophe and the
an “s”. • The boy’s house is big.

(Regular) Plural nouns are made • The house of the boys is big.
possessive by adding an apostrophe
after the “s”. • The boys’ house is big.
(Irregular) Plural nouns: when a plural
• The house of the men is big.
noun does not end with and “s” the
possessive form is made by adding
• The men’s house is big.
an apostrophe and the an “s”.

Change the statements. Use possessive nouns.

1. The phone of Peter. ______________________________________

2. The house of Anna. ______________________________________

3. The bedroom of the parents. ______________________________________

4. The bed of my sister. ______________________________________

5. The car of my uncle. ______________________________________

6. The pens of the teachers. ______________________________________

©2020 Moro Gregorio All Rights Reserved PHOTOCOPIABLE 29

Big English 2 Unit 3

Complete the sentences with possessive nouns. Use the words in brackets.

1. My _________________ _________________ is very big. (cousin / TV)

2. My ________________ _________________ are on the table. (mother / keys)

3. _________________ _________________ are on the dresser. (Adam / sunglasses)

4. The _________________ __________________ is in the garden. (dog / house)

5. My _________________ _________________ are next to the stairs. (sisters / rooms)

6. _________________ _________________ is on the shelf. (Sarah / DVD player)

7. _________________ _________________ are under the bed. (Henry / shoes)

8. The _________________ _________________ is very beautiful. (children / house)

9. My _________________ _________________ is in the wardrobe. (aunt / dress)

10. Your _________________ _________________ is cool. (grandparents / car)

11. _________________ _________________ is in the bathroom. (Luke / t-shirt)

Underline the right words to complete the sentences.

1. She my cousin’s / cousins mother. Her name is Tania.

2. The students / student’s classroom is on the ground floor.

3. Linh and Vanessa’s / Linh and Vanessas’ backpacks are under the desk.

4. My mother’s / mothers dress in on the bed.

5. The dog’s / dogs’ ball is in the attic.

6. My father’s /fathers car is in the garage.

7. Greg’s / Gregs’ home is in Italy.

8. The children’s / childens’ books are on the bookshelf.

9. It is my uncle’s/uncles’ old jacket. It’s very cool.

10. The baby’s / babys’ new toy is in the bedroom.

11. John’s / Jonhs’ sister is eleven years old.

12. Susan and John’s / Susan and John living room is very big.

©2020 Moro Gregorio All Rights Reserved PHOTOCOPIABLE 30

Big English 2 Unit 3

Reading comprehension practice

My house
Read the paragraph. Fill in chart and choose true or false for each statement.
Hello! My name is Peter and this is my house. My
house is big, it has two floors. On the ground floor
there is a kitchen. a living room, a big dining room
and a bathroom. In my kitchen there is a sink, an
oven, and a stove. On the first floor there are three
bedrooms, a big corridor and a bathroom whit a tub
and two mirrors. My bedroom is between my
parents’ bedroom and the bathroom. In my
bedroom there is my bed, a desk where I do my homework, and my stuffed animals.
My sister’s bedroom is in front of my room. I love to stay in the living room. In the living
room there are two big sofas, a black bookshelf and carpets. In the house’s backyard
there is a nice small garden, with many flowers. In the garden, there are two swings
next to the small swimming pool, and a big wooden table with chairs. I love my house!
It’s very big and comfortable.

Number of floors in Number of rooms Number of rooms Number of rooms

the house in the house on the ground floor on the first floor

1. There is a fridge and a cupboard in the kitchen. True False

2. There are three bedrooms on the first floor. True False

3. Peter’s bedroom is next to his sister’s room. True False

4. There aren’t any sofas in the living room. True False

5. On the house backyard there is a swimming pool. True False

6. There are two swings next to the swimming pool. True False

©2020 Moro Gregorio All Rights Reserved PHOTOCOPIABLE 31

Big English 2 Unit 3

Tick all the household objects and furniture for each room.

1. What is there in the bedroom? 2. What is there in the living room?

a) wardrobe b) desk a) clock b) curtain
c) dresser d) lamp c) armchair d) TV
e) chair f) mirror e) carpet f) sofa

3. What is there in the bathroom? 4. What is there in the dining room?

a) mirror b) window a) cupboard b) table
c) dresser d) tub c) windows d) curtain
e) carpet f) sink e) TV f) carpet

5. What is there in the study room? 6. What is there in the kitchen?

a) armchair b) bookshelf a) dishwasher b) cupboard
c) sofa d) lamp c) stove d) fridge
e) curtain f) desk e) window f) sink

Look at the picture in the exercise 3 and describe one of the house rooms.

• ____________________________________________________________________________

• ____________________________________________________________________________

©2020 Moro Gregorio All Rights Reserved PHOTOCOPIABLE 32

Big English 2 Unit 3

Writing practice
In my house
Answer the questions with complete sentences.

1. Is your house big or small? How many rooms are there?

• __________________________________________________________________________________

• __________________________________________________________________________________

2. What rooms are there in your house?

• __________________________________________________________________________________

• __________________________________________________________________________________

3. What is there is your living room?

• __________________________________________________________________________________

• __________________________________________________________________________________

4. What is there in your bedroom?

• __________________________________________________________________________________

• __________________________________________________________________________________

5. What is there in your kitchen?

• __________________________________________________________________________________

• __________________________________________________________________________________

©2020 Moro Gregorio All Rights Reserved PHOTOCOP IABLE 33

Big English 2 Unit 4

Grammar practice
Modal verb - Want to
want do
You You

He buy He buy
see see
She wants to go She does not want to go
eat eat
It It

We We
want do
They They

Yes, No,

you I I
Do do do
I you you

he he he
Does she want to she does she does not
it it it

we we we
Do do do
they they they

We use the verb “want to” talk about wishes and needs, and to give advice:

• What do you want to do on Sunday? (wish or desire)

• You want to get your tickets soon before they’re all sold out. (advice)

©2020 Moro Gregorio All Rights Reserved PHOTOCOPIABLE 34

Big English 2 Unit 4

complete the sentences with the right for of “want to “.

1. My parents ____________________ go to the cinema tomorrow.

2. They ____________________ study English because they ____________________

• go to Europe to study next year.

3. My brother and I don’t __________________ go to school today.

4. Kate ____________________ aet a sandwich for lunch.

5. My sister doesn’t ____________________ play badminton with me.

6. I _____________________ buy a new laptop but I don’t _____________________

• go to the computer shop next to the bus stop.

7. James and Tony ____________________ visit their grandparents tomorrow.

8. We ____________________ go shopping at the mall.

9. Anna ____________________ buy a new dress at the shop to buy a new dress.

10. My best friend _____________________ go swimming at the pool next week.

use the words in brackets in the right order to make sentences with the
modal verb “want to “.

1. _________________________________________________ (go to / He / train station)

2. ____________________________________________________ (today / eat / I / pizza)

3. __________________________________________________ (play football/ not / She)

4. _______________________________________________________ (mail a letter / We )

5. __________________________________________________ (Max / buy / new shoes)

6. ____________________________________________________ (I / not / go shopping)

7. ______________________________________________ (cook dinner/ not / my dad)

8. _______________________________________________________ (mail a letter / We)

©2020 Moro Gregorio All Rights Reserved PHOTOCOPIABLE 35

Big English 2 Unit 4

Modal verb - Want to – Yes/No questions

Look at the pictures and answer. Write sentences.

1. Do they want to watch a movie?

• ________________________________________________________

2. Do you want to go to the supermarket?

• ________________________________________________________

3. Does she want to go to the park?

• ________________________________________________________

4. What does your sister want to play?


Change the sentence into interrogative form.

1. They want to eat out today. ____________________________________________

2. Mia wants to buy new shoes. ____________________________________________

3. I want to mail a letter. ____________________________________________

4. We want to study chinese. ____________________________________________

5. My brothers want to sleep. ____________________________________________

©2020 Moro Gregorio All Rights Reserved PHOTOCOPIABLE 36

Big English 2 Unit 4

Complete the dialogues with the right form of “want to”

Peter: Hi, Tom. How are you today?

Tom: I’m great. What __________ you __________________ to do today?

Peter: I __________ __________________ go shopping, I don’t like malls.

Tom: So, what __________ you __________________ to do?

Peter: __________ you __________________ go to the park to play football?

Tom: Yes, I ______________. I love to play football.

Peter: We can go to the park by bus or by bike.

Tom: I __________ __________________ go there by bus, it’s too hot!

Peter: I agree! Let’s go to the bus stop.

Tom: Perfect, but I __________________ take my ball first!

Look at the answers. Write the questions.

1. __________________________________________________________________________

• She wants to eat a sandwich with ham and cheese.

2. __________________________________________________________________________

• We want to go to swimming pool.

3. __________________________________________________________________________

• My sister wants to drink milk tea.

4. __________________________________________________________________________

• They want to watch a horror movie.

5. __________________________________________________________________________

• Matt wants to buy some groceries and fruit.

©2020 Moro Gregorio All Rights Reserved PHOTOCOPIABLE 37

Big English 2 Unit 4

Grammar practice
Prepositions of location
on the corner of at between

The cafe is on the corner The bakey is between the

The supermarket is at 55
of Main street and Park Book store and the
Cambridge street.
street supermarket.

opposite to / across from on next to

The bus stop is opposite The train station in on The hospital is next to the
to the mall. Green Street. school.

Use the words in brackets to make sentences.

1. ______________________________________________ (The gym / the mall / opposite to)

2. _________________________________________________ (on / Park street / The hospital)

3. ___________________________________________ (next to / bakery / The supermarket)

4. ________________________________________ (The cafe / the library / and / between)

5. ______________________________________________ (23 Green street / The office / at)

6. ________________________________________ (The school / the market / across from)

©2020 Moro Gregorio All Rights Reserved PHOTOCOPIABLE 38

Big English 2 Unit 4

Look at the pictures and complete the sentence.

1. The post office is __________________ Old Street __________________ the school.

2. The school is __________________ old Street, __________________ the library.

3. The bus station is ____________________ Park street and Green Street.

4. The butcher shop is __________________ the bakery and the bank.

5. The mall is __________________ Main Street, __________________ the library.

6. The Hotel is __________________ Park Street and Main Street.

7. The greengrocer is __________________ old Street.

8. The bank is ___________________ Main Street __________________ the mall.

Underline the right words to complete the sentences.

1. The supermarket is on / in/ at Main street, next to / between the bank.

2. The restaurant is on / opposite to/ on the corner of Elm street and Baker street.

3. My house on / in/ at Red street, between / opposite to the high school.

4. The laundry is across from / on the corner of the Bakery.

5. My grandparents live on / in/ at London, on / in/ at 55 Oxford Street.

©2020 Moro Gregorio All Rights Reserved PHOTOCOPIABLE 39

Big English 2 Unit 3

Comprehension practice
In my town
Read the paragraph and complete the sentence.

My town is big and exciting. I live at 13, Baker Street

and my neighborhood has many interesting places
where to go and there are many fun things to do.
There is a big park where you can have a picnic on
the weekends. It is between the sport center and the
library. There are some new stores in my town but
there is not a greengrocer. If you want to buy fruit
and vegetables you can go to market in High Street. There is a movie theatre next
to the shopping mall. I always go shopping with my mother on Saturday evenings.
Opposite to the school there is new bus station and on the corner of Baker Street
and Main street there is a café where I usually have a cup of tea with my friends
after school. If you need to mail a letter or send some parcels there is a post office
across the bakery where my dad goes to buy bread in the early morning. In town
there are also three restaurants: a chinese restaurant, an Italian restaurant and an
Indian restaurant. My favorite one is the indian resaturant because I love spicy
food! My favorite place in town is the gym, it is between the bank and the clothes
store, I love to go there to exercise every day.

1. The ____________________ is across the bakery.

2. There are three ____________________ in town.

3. The cafe is on the corner of ____________________ and ____________________.

4. Opposite to the the school there is a new ____________________.

5. The ____________________ is between the bank and the clothes store.

6. Next to the ____________________ there is a movie theatre.

7. The market is on ____________________ .

8. There are some new shops in my town but there is not a ____________________.

©2020 Moro Gregorio All Rights Reserved PHOTOCOPIABLE 40

Big English 2 Unit 3

Read and complete the sentens, then match pictures and sentences.

1. I want to mail a letter. Is there a ______________________ near here?

2. Is there a ______________________ in town? I’m very hungry.

3. I need some vegetables. Let’s go to the ______________________.

4. Is there a ______________________? I want to buy a new t-shirt.

5. They want to watch a movie tonight. Is there a ______________________?

6. At a ______________________ you can borrow some somey.

7. If you need to take a train you need to go to the ______________________.

8. The _____________________ is a good place where to buy some fresh seafood.

Read and complete the paragraph with the right prepositions.

There are some new stores _____________ my town. There is a big computer

Shop _____________ to my favoirite chinese restaurant. The new candy shopt is

_____________ 14 Oxford Street. _____________ the library and the museus there

Is a small bank. _____________ Main Street there is a big and colorful market

and _______________ Elm Street and Park Street there is an amazin clothes store.

©2020 Moro Gregorio All Rights Reserved PHOTOCOPIABLE 41

Big English 2 Unit 4

Writing practice
In my town
Look at the picture and answer the question.

1. Where is the butcher shop?

• __________________________________________________________________________

2. Is there a park? Where is it?

• __________________________________________________________________________

3. Where is the bank?

• __________________________________________________________________________

4. Is there a bakery? Where is it?

• __________________________________________________________________________

5. Where is the school?

• __________________________________________________________________________

6. Is there a computer shop? Where is it?

• __________________________________________________________________________

©2020 Moro Gregorio All Rights Reserved PHOTOCOPIABLE 41

Big English 2 Unit 5

Grammar practice
Modal verb - Want to
complete the sentences with the right for of “want to “.

1. My best friends ____________________ be soccer players.

2. They ____________________ study English because they ____________________

• be teachers when they grow up.

3. My brother __________________ fly planes.

4. Kate ____________________ be a cook. She really enjoys cooking.

5. My cousin ____________________ play badminton with Anna.

6. Dean and I _____________________ be firefighters.

7. Tony ____________________ visit Europe. He really loves art and history.

8. She doesn’t ____________________ be an accountant.

9. Anna ____________________ travel around the world.

10. My sister _____________________ go swimming at the pool next week.

use the words in brackets make sentences with the modal verb “want to“.

1. _______________________________________________ (police officer / He / not be)

2. _____________________________________________________ (Today / eat / I / rice)

3. ________________________________________________________ (vet/ not be / She)

4. ___________________________________________________ (help sick people / We)

5. __________________________________________________ (not learn Chinese / Ed)

6. _________________________________________________________ (I / not be / artist)

7. _______________________________________________ (not cook dinner / My sister)

©2020 Moro Gregorio All Rights Reserved PHOTOCOPIABLE 43

Big English 2 Unit 5

Look at the pictures and answer. Write sentences.

1. What do they want to do?

• __________________________________________________________

2. Where do they want to be?

• __________________________________________________________

3. Where do you want to go?

• __________________________________________________________

4. What does she want to be?


Change the sentence into negative form.

1. They want to be engineers. ____________________________________________

2. Mia wants to be a cook. ____________________________________________

3. I want to learn Spanish. ____________________________________________

4. We want to go swimming. ____________________________________________

5. My sister wants to dance. ____________________________________________

6. Elly want to drive a bus. ____________________________________________

©2020 Moro Gregorio All Rights Reserved PHOTOCOPIABLE 44

Big English 2 Unit 5

Modal verb - Want to – Yes/No questions

Match questions and answers

1. Do they want to be musicians? a. Yes, he does.

2. Does Christine want to be a doctor? b. No, we don’t.

3. Do you want to be a mail carrier? c. Yes, they do.

4. Does your brother want to be a pilot? d. Yes, I do.

5. Do we want to be scientists? e. No, she doesn’t

Look at the chart and complete the sentences.

Pilot Teacher Doctor Scientist Actor


1. ____________ Anna _____________ be a Teacher? _____________________.

2. What ___________ David and Alex _____________ be? ________________ be pilots.

3. ____________ Lisa _____________ be a doctor? _____________________.

4. What ___________ Alex _____________ be? __________________ be a doctor.

5. ____________ Anna _____________ be a pilot? _____________________.

6. What __________ Lisa and Alex _____________ be? ________________ be scientists

7. David __________________ a pilot or a scientist.

8. ____________ Lisa _____________ be an actor? _____________________.

©2020 Moro Gregorio All Rights Reserved PHOTOCOPIABLE 45

Big English 2 Unit 5

Complete the dialogues with the right form of “want to”

Peter: Hi, Tom. How are you today?

Tom: I’m great. What __________ you __________________ to do today?

Peter: I __________ __________________ go shopping, I don’t like malls.

Tom: So, what __________ you __________________ to do?

Peter: __________ you __________________ go to the park to play football?

Tom: Yes, I ______________. I love to play football.

Peter: We can go to the park by bus or by bike.

Tom: I __________ __________________ go there by bus, it’s too hot!

Peter: I agree! Let’s go to the bus stop.

Tom: Perfect, but I __________________ take my ball first!

Look at the answers. Write the questions

1. What does she want to eat?

• She wants to eat a sandwich with ham and cheese.

2. __________________________________________________________________________

• We want to go to swimming pool.

3. __________________________________________________________________________

• My sister wants to drink milk tea.

4. __________________________________________________________________________

• They want to watch a horror movie.

5. __________________________________________________________________________

• Matt wants to buy some groceries and fruit.

©2020 Moro Gregorio All Rights Reserved PHOTOCOPIABLE 46

Big English 2 Unit 5

Comprehension practice
In my town
Read the paragraph. Choose true or false for each statement blow then
rewrite the false sentences correctly. Then write about you.
My name is Emma, im a 4th grade student in John Cason
High school in Johannesbourgh, South Africa. When I grow
up I want to be a vet, because I really love animals and I
want to learn how take care of them. My mother is a doctor,
she works at a hospital and she takes care of ill people. She
works hard everyday from morning to evening. My father is
a pilot, he works a the airport and she flies planes six day a week. My sister is a
secretary, she works at a company office everyday, she sends e-mails and
answers the phone along all the day. She sometimes works as a musician in the
evening, she can play violin and piano very well. My uncle and aunt are farmers.
They have a big farm outide the city, they feed the animals, farm the land and
grow many trees and plants. We always visit them on the weekends. All my friends
want to be soccer players, singers or actors because they want to be popular and
famous but I prefer to study to become a vet.

1. Emma’s ______ is a doctor. She works 2. Emma’s ______ feed the animals and
at a hospital. farm the land.
a) mother b) father a) mother b) father
c) sister d) uncle and aunt b) sister c) uncle and aunt

3. Emma’s ______ sister sends e-mails 4. Emma’s______ flies planes six day a
and answers the phone. week.
a) mother b) father a) mother b) father
c) sister d) uncle and aunt c) sister d) uncle and aunt

5. Emma is a 4th grade ______ in primary 6. Emma wants to be a ______ because

school. she really loves animals.
a) singer b) student a) singer b) student
b) vet c) actress c) vet d) actress

©2020 Moro Gregorio All Rights Reserved PHOTOCOPIABLE 47

Big English 2 Unit 5

Read and complete.

A worker works at a A nurse works at a A manager works at a

______________________ ______________________ ______________________

A chef works at a A farmer works on a A housewife works at

______________________ ______________________ ______________________

Read and complete the sentences. Use the words in the box.

1. I travel to many different countries and I fly a plane. I am a __________________.

2. I am a __________________. I can play violin and piano.

3. I type letters and answer the telephone. I am a __________________.

4. I am a __________________. I take people’s orders and serve food.

5. I work for a big company. I have lots of meetings. I am a __________________.

6. I am a TV new ________________. You can see me when you watch news on TV.

7. I live on a farm. I plant seeds and feed the animals. I am a __________________.

8. I am a __________________. I usually wear glasses and I work at a library.

9. I have a company and I make a lot of money. I am a __________________.

10. I am a __________________. I do experiments in the laboratory.

musician scientist librarian reporter farmer

pilot waiter secretary manager businessman

©2020 Moro Gregorio All Rights Reserved PHOTOCOPIABLE 48

Big English 2 Unit 5

Writing practice
My dream job
Answer the questions
1. What does he want to be? Why?

• ______________________________________________________________

• ______________________________________________________________

2. What does she do? Where does she work?

• ______________________________________________________________

• ______________________________________________________________

3. What does he want to be? Why?

• ______________________________________________________________

• ______________________________________________________________

4. What do they do? Where do they work?

• ______________________________________________________________

• ______________________________________________________________

5. What do you do?

• _________________________________________________________________________________

6. What do you want to be when you grow up? Why?

• _________________________________________________________________________________

• _________________________________________________________________________________

©2020 Moro Gregorio All Rights Reserved PHOTOCOPIABLE 49

Big English 2 Unit 6

Grammar practice
Present simple
Complete the sentences. Use the words in brackets.

1. My parents always ________________ at nine o’clock. (get up)

2. John ________________ up very quickly. (get)

3. My brothers ________________ breakfast in the kitchen. (eat)

4. I ________________ my teeth and ________________ my face at 7:15. (brush, wash)

5. He ______________ his backpack and ______________ to school at 8:00. (take, go)

6. Julia ________________ the school bus at 9:30. (take)

7. My sister ________________ Math, English and History on Tuesdays. (study)

8. We usually ________________ outside on the weekend. (play)

9. My best friends ________________ TV every night before to fall asleep. (watch)

10. John never ________________ back home from school before 4:30. (come)

Complete with the right verb in present simple tense.

1. She __________________ 2. I __________________ 3. Milo _________________

• Dinner with her family. • at 7:45. • the dishes after dinner.

4. We __________________ 5. I _______________ to 6. They _________________

our dog every day. • School at 7:45. • late.

©2020 Moro Gregorio All Rights Reserved PHOTOCOPIABLE 50

Big English 2 Unit 6

Write questions and answers using the words in brackets.

1. What does she do at 7 o’clock? ______________________________________ (get up)

2. What time do you eat lunch? ______________________________________(12 o’clock)

3. What do they do at 1:30? _________________________________________(take a nap)

4. What time does he go to bed? __________________________________________(10:45)

5. __________________________________________________? Jeff washes her face at 7:45.

6. _____________________________________________? My brother feeds the cat at 6:30.

7. _____________________________________________? They go to school in the morning.

8. _______________________________________________________? I watch TV after dinner.

Look at the pictures and circle the right words to complete the sentences.

1. He has / doesn’t have 2. They go / don’t go to 3. Layla comes / doesn’t

• lunch at 11:55. • sleep at 10:15. • Come back home at 4:00.
• •

4. I help / don’t help cook 5. We do / don’t do our 6. I wake / don’t wake up

• dinner at 6 o’clock. • Homework at 4:30. • at at 6:30.

©2020 Moro Gregorio All Rights Reserved PHOTOCOPIABLE 51

Big English 2 Unit 6

Present simple – Yes/No questions

Complete the sentence choosing by multiple-choice answers.
1. Does your sister read a book before ______ you sometimes help your mother
to sleep? Yes, she ______. cook? Yes, I do.
a) do b) does a) do b) does
c) doesn’t d) don’t c) doesn’t d) don’t

2. ______ your brothers do their Does he eat breakfast before 7:00? No,
homework every day? Yes, they do. he ______.
a) do b) does a) do b) does
c) doesn’t d) don’t c) doesn’t d) don’t

3. ______ your family eat dinner Do you and your friends play outside
together in the living room? after school? Yes, we ______.
a) do b) does a) do b) does
c) doesn’t d) don’t c) doesn’t d) don’t

4. ______ your dad help wash dishes? ______ you sometimes help your mother
Yes, does. cook? Yes, I do.
a) do b) does a) do b) does
c) doesn’t d) don’t c) doesn’t d) don’t

Look at the pictures and answer. Write short answers.

1. Does she wake 2. Do you have
up at 6:30 a.m.? dinner at 6:00?

____________________ ____________________

3. Does Bob take a 4. Do they play

bath every days? outside at 4:00?

____________________ ____________________

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Big English 2 Unit 6

Look at the chart and complete questions and sentences. Then answer the

7:15 a.m. 12:00 a.m. 5:30 p.m. 6:45 p.m. 10:30 p.m

1. ______________ Jessica ____________________ at 7:15 in the morning?

2. Yes, she ______________. She always has coffee and muffins for breakfast.

3. _____________ Michael and Jessica go back home 12 o’clock in the morning?

4. No, they ______________. They ____________________ at 12 o’clock.

5. _____________ Michael and do his homework at 5:30 p.m.?

6. No, he ______________. He usually ____________________ at 5:30.

7. ______________ Jessica ____________________ 6:45 p.m.?

8. Yes, she ______________. She eats dinner with her family.

9. _____________ Michael go to sleep at 11:30 p.m.?

10. No, he ______________. He ____________________ at 10:30.

1. Does Micheal brush his teeth at 7 o’clock in the morning?

• _________________________________________________________________________

2. Does Jessica go to bed at 10:30 p.m.?

• _________________________________________________________________________

©2020 Moro Gregorio All Rights Reserved PHOTOCOPIABLE 53

Big English 2 Unit 6

Grammar practice
Possessive adjectives

Personal subject pronouns Possessive adjectives

I I have nice shoes. My My shoes are nice.

You You have nice face. Your Your face is nice.

He He has a ball. His His ball is big.

She She has car. Her Her car is red.

It It is a dog. Its Its nose is big.

We We have big hats. Our Our hats are big.

They They have a nice sister. Their Their sister is nice.

Possessive adjectives are used to show possession or ownership of something.

The possessive adjective needs to agree with the possessor and not with the
thing that is possessed.

Write the appropriate adjective for each subject.

1. Anna ________________ 2. House ________________

3. Hat ________________ 4. Kim and Tom ________________

5. My brother ________________ 6. Brian ________________

7. Alex and I ________________ 8. I ________________

9. Parents ________________ 10. John’s sister ________________

11. You ________________ 12. Cousins ________________

13. Lily’s uncle ________________ 14. Students ________________

©2020 Moro Gregorio All Rights Reserved PHOTOCOP IABLE 54

Big English 2 Unit 6

Complete the sentences with the right possessive adjectives.

1. Where is _____________ classroom? We can’t find it.

2. Susan, is that _____________ pen on the table?

3. What is your _____________ name? My Name is Thomas.

4. I think this is _____________ book. She left it on the floor.

5. _____________ name are Kevin and Henry. They are my friends.

6. He forgot to write _____________ on the test!

7. What is your phone number? _____________ is 555-9826.

8. Does your sister brush _____________ teeth twice a day? Yes, she does.

9. The children are crying because they cannot find _____________ toys.

10. Do you think his father likes _____________ birthday present?

Complete the sentences choosing by multiple-choice answers.

1. The cat always eats all _____ food 2. The blue car is not my sister’s car.
and fall asleep. The green one is _____ car.
a) my b) her a) my b) her
c) his d) its c) his d) its

3. Excuse me. Do you know where is 4. Tom, what time does _____ English
_____ smartphone? I think I lost it. class start?
a) my b) her a) my b) their
c) his d) its c) your d) its

5. The dog belongs to Lisa and Jessica. 6. Excuse me. Do you know where is
It’s _____ dog. _____ smartphone? I lost it.
a) my b) her a) my b) her
c) his d) their c) his d) its

7. My brother doesn’t like _____ job 8. Do they usually do _____ homework

because it’s very boring. after dinner? Yes, they do.
a) my b) her a) their b) her
c) his d) its c) his d) its

©2020 Moro Gregorio All Rights Reserved PHOTOCOP IABLE 55

Big English 2 Unit 6

Reading comprehension practice

My Day
Read the paragraph. Choose true or false for each statement below and
answer to multiple choice questions.
Alfred lives in Los Angeles with his family in a modern house.
He usually wakes up at about 7:30. He gets up, brushes his
teeth and gets dressed. He has breakfast at 7:45, then he
leaves home to take the bus to go to school. School starts
at 8:30. He usually has lunch at the school canteen at about
12:00. After school, he goes home, he does his homework
and when he finishes he helps her mum with housework and he sets the table for
dinner. Afred is very helpful, after dinner he and her sister always help their mother
to the dishes. He often watches TV after dinner and at about 10:00 he puts on his
pajamas and goes to bed.

1. Alfred lives in New York. True False

2. He usually wakes up at about seven-thirty. True False

3. He has breakfast before to get dressed. True False

4. He doesn’t go to school by bike. True False

5. He has lunch at twelve-thirty. True False

6. He goes to bed at nine-thirty. True False

1. Does Alfred have a brother? 2. What does Alfred do after breakfast?

a) Yes, he does. a) He brushes his teeth.
b) No, he doesn’t. He has a sister. b) He walks the dog.
c) No, he has two brothers. c) He leaves home.

3. How does Alfred help her mum? 4. What does Alfred do after dinner?
a) He takes out the garbage. a) He watches TV.
b) He helps with house work. b) He reads a book.
c) He helps to cook. c) He goes to bed.

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Big English 2 Unit 6

Complete the paragraph with the words in the box.

read a book - watch TV – get dressed –– take the bus – eat dinner – go to bed

get up – come back

Some friends think I have a boring routine, but I like it. I usually ________________ at

6:00 or 6:30. First I brush my teeth and wash my face, then I _________________ and

go downstairs to have breakfast with my family. I always have milk with cereals

and a lot of fruit. I _________________ to go to work because I don’t like to drive. I

always arrive at the office at about 8:00. After I finish to work, I usually read a book

at the park near my office. I _________________ home at t 5:30 and I feed our cat.

Before dinner I help my children with their homework while my wife cooks dinner.

We ________________ all together in the dining room at about 7:30 and after that

we wash the dishes. In the evening we like to __________________ in the or play

some table games and at about 9:30 I wear my pajamas, I ________________, and

and I _________________ for a while before to fall asleep.

Underline all the routine actions in the paragraph and fill in the chart.

Morning Afternoon Evening

©2020 Moro Gregorio All Rights Reserved PHOTOCOPIABLE 57

Big English 2 Unit 6

Writing practice
My day
Answer the questions.

1. What time does Anna’s family have lunch?

• _______________________________________________________

2. Do they go to bed at nine o’clock?

• _______________________________________________________

3. What time do you have dinner?


4. Do they do their homework at half past five?


Write about yourself.

1. In the morning, __________________________________________________________

• _________________________________________________________________________

2. In the afternoon, _________________________________________________________

• _________________________________________________________________________

3. In the evening, __________________________________________________________

• _________________________________________________________________________

©2020 Moro Gregorio All Rights Reserved PHOTOCOP IABLE 58

Big English 2 Unit 7

Grammar Practice
Countable and uncountable nouns

Countable nouns Uncountable nouns

Countable nouns are those that refer to Uncountable nouns are those that refer
something that can be counted. They to something that can’t be counted.
have both singular and plural forms. Uncountable nouns only have singular
form and they are used with a singular
verb without article.

Singluar Plural Singluar Plural

• a tree • four trees • butter

• It is an apple • They are apples • It is butter

Mark the words with “U” for uncountable nouns and “C” for countable

1. coffee 2. bread 3. potatoes 4. sausage

5. egg 6. yogurt 7. meat 8. pineapple

9. butter 10. mango 11. fries 12. spaghetti

13. cabbage 14. seafood 15. cookies 16. sandwich

©2020 Moro Gregorio All Rights Reserved PHOTOCOPIABLE 59

Big English 2 Unit 7

Sort out the words in the exercise 1 by countable and uncountable nouns.

Countable nouns Uncountable nouns

__________________ __________________ __________________ __________________

__________________ __________________ __________________ __________________

__________________ __________________ __________________ __________________

__________________ __________________ __________________ __________________

__________________ __________________ __________________ __________________

Complete the paragraph. Use the words in the box.

cabbage egg meat seafood mangoes

bread Sandwich x2 cookies pineapples meat

This is my kitchen. We have just been shopping. There are some ________________

In the cupboard and some ________________ in the fridge. There is also some

________________ and some ________________ in the freezer. We didn’t buy any

________________ and ________________, but we bought ________________. Mmmm,

It’s lunchtime, I’m hungry, I think I would like a ________________. “Mum! I want

a ________________. Do we have any ________________ or an ________________?”

Look at the pictures and undeline the right words to complete the sentences.

1. Max wants to buy some 2. Do they have any 3. Erika really needs some
• chocolate / chocolates. • plum / plums? • some salad / salads.

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Big English 2 Unit 7

How much and How many

How much? I want to know the quantity or amount.

How much + uncountable noun

• How much sugar would you like? • How much money do you have?

• How much time is left? • How much milk is in the fridge?

How many? I want to know the quantity or amount.

How many + countable noun

• How many days are there in May? • How many books do you have?

• How many bananas do you want? • How many students are there?

The noun is often omitted in the question when it’s obvious what we are
talking about.

• I would like to buy some cheese. How much would you like?
• I need some apples and plums. How many do you need?
• I want some sugar, please. How much do you want?

Complete the questions with much or many.

1. How ______________ chocolate do you eat every week?

2. How ______________ computers are there in your school?

3. How ______________ homework does your teacher give?

4. How ______________ milk do you drink every day?

5. How ______________ chees do you want in your sandwich?

6. How ______________ eggs do you need for the omelet?

7. How ______________ money do your parents give you every week?

8. How ______________ sweets do you have right now?

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Big English 2 Unit 7

Read the sentences and choose the correct one.

a) I don’t have much time! a) How many coffee do you want?
1. b) I don’t have many time! 2. b) How much coffee do you want?
c) I don’t have some time! c) How some coffee do you want?

a) We have many friends. a) How more potatoes are there?

3. b) We have much friends. 4. b) How much potatoes are there?
c) We have any friends. c) How many potatoes are there?

a) How any eggs do you want? a) How many sleep do you get?
5. b) How much eggs do you want? 6. b) How much sleep do you get?
c) How many eggs do you want? c) How some sleep do you get?

Write the correct sentence changing the underlined word.

1. There isn’t much bananas. _______________________________________

2. I want some hamburger, please! _______________________________________

3. How many fruit do you eat? _______________________________________

4. How much books do you have? _______________________________________

Underline the right words to complete the dialogues.

Lisa: I’m hungry. Are there any chips / chocolate?

Tom: No there aren’t. But there is an orange juice / egg sandwich?

Lisa: Great, I’ll have the sandwich and some orange juice / apple.

Tom: There isn’t any juice / sandwich. I will go to the supermarket.

Lisa: How many / much tomatoes do we have?

Tom: There is only one. We should by some more tomatoes.

Lisa: Oh! How much / many butter is there in the fridge?

Tom: There isn’t any, and we need some sugar / onion too.

©2020 Moro Gregorio All Rights Reserved PHOTOCOPIABLE 62

Big English 2 Unit 7

Grammar practice
Quantifiers: some, any, a and an
Countable Countable
Singular Plural

There is an apple There are some There is some

on the table plums in the fridge water in the glass

There isn’t an apple There aren’t any There isn’t any

on the table plums in the fridge water in the glass

Is there an apple Are there any Is there any water

on the table? cookies in the fridge? in the glass?

When you offer or ask for something using may, want, would, can or could we
use some instead of any in a question. Examples:

• Would you like some coffee? • Do you want some cookies?

• Can I have some cherries? • Could I have some water?
• May I eat some cake?

Complete with a, an or some.

1. ___________ juice 2. ___________ banana 3. ___________ coffee

4. ___________ bread 5. ___________ potatoes 6. ___________ egg

7. ___________ pineapple 8. ___________ yogurt 9. ___________ sausage

10. ___________ butter 11. ___________ bottle 12. ___________ strawberry

13. ___________ pasta 14. ___________ salt 15. ___________ rice

16. ___________ mango 17. ___________ plum 18. ___________ eggplant

19. ___________ sandwich 20. ___________ cabbage 21. ___________ chicken

22. ___________ cheese 23. ___________ grapes 24. ___________ orange

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Big English 2 Unit 7

Underline the right words to complete the sentences.

1. There is a banana / cabbage on the table. Can I have it, please?

2. What is this? It’s a juice / watermelon.

3. There is an egg sandwich / hot dog on your plate. Eat it, please.

4. I’m hungry. I want some salad / sausage and an yogurt / orange.

5. We have some cherries / grape, so we can make a juice / pie.

6. Let’s have some orange juice / hamburger and a cupcake / ice/cream.

7. We are eating some fish / pineapple and drinking a glass of milk / yogurt.

8. There is a pear / meat in the bowl and some vegetables / melon in the plate.

Complete with any or some.

1. Is there ________________ water in the bottle? No, there isn’t.

2. Are there ________________ bananas in the bowl?

3. There is ________________ honey but there isn’t ________________ bread.

4. There are ________________ eggs and there is ________________ butter.

5. Do you want ________________ sugar in your coffee?

6. If there isn’t ________________ fish, I would like ________________ chicken please.

7. Would you like ________________ chilly on your pizza? Yes, I would.

8. There isn’t ________________ butter in the fridge but there is ________________ jam.

Write three sentences using any, some an and a.

1. _________________________________________________________________________

2. _________________________________________________________________________

3. _________________________________________________________________________

4. _________________________________________________________________________

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Big English 2 Unit 7

Look at the picture and write sentences using some and any.

1. Cake ________________________________________________________________

2. Eggs ________________________________________________________________

3. Sugar ________________________________________________________________

4. Bananas ________________________________________________________________

5. Fish ________________________________________________________________

6. Carrots ________________________________________________________________

7. Onions ________________________________________________________________

8. Salad ________________________________________________________________

9. Tomatoes ________________________________________________________________

10. Cherries ________________________________________________________________

©2020 Moro Gregorio All Rights Reserved PHOTOCOPIABLE 65

Big English 2 Unit 7

Reading comprehension practice

Read the paragraphs and sort out the words in in the chart.

My name is Hello, I’m Julia,

Ronald, I’m I’m twelve years
14 years old old and I live in
and I live in the US. I eat
England. I some cereal with
usually eat bread jam or honey and I milk for breakfast. I never eat
drink some milk or orange juice for sausages, I don’t like that! At school,
breakfast. At school, I often eat a I usually eat a tuna salad with
sandwich with cheese, salad and vegetables and eggs. I also eat some
tomatoes for lunch. But I also eat hot fruit and drink some water. I
meals like Pasta, hamburgers or some sometimes go with friends to a
tomato soup. I don’t eat any crisps, I restaurant and we eat fried chicken
don’t like them! I sometimes eat fish with potatoes and vegetables for
and chips for dinner. dinner. I don’t eat any hamburgers, I
don’t like that!

Breakfast Lunch Dinner


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Big English 2 Unit 7

Read the paragraph and answer the questions.

1. What does Julia usually eat for breakfast?

• _________________________________________________________________________

2. What does Ronald often eat for lunch at school?

• _________________________________________________________________________

3. What does Julia don’t like to eat?

• _________________________________________________________________________

4. What does Ronald sometimes eat for dinner?

• _________________________________________________________________________

Sort out the food in the charts.

noodles cake soda crisps sausage onions

Pop-corn peach cookies coffee rice milk

juice pasta chicken salad salad chocolate

ice-cream peanuts pineapple sandwich tea hamburger

snacks sweets meals drinks
and fruit

©2020 Moro Gregorio All Rights Reserved PHOTOCOPIABLE 67

Big English 2 Unit 7

Writing practice
Answer the questions. Write three or four sentences for each question.
Use the quantifiers some, any, many, much, a and an.

1. What do you usually have for breakfast?

• _________________________________________________________________________

• _________________________________________________________________________

• _________________________________________________________________________

• _________________________________________________________________________

2. What do you like to eat for lunch?

• _________________________________________________________________________

• _________________________________________________________________________

• _________________________________________________________________________

• _________________________________________________________________________

3. What does your mum usually cook for dinner?

• _________________________________________________________________________

• _________________________________________________________________________

• _________________________________________________________________________

• _________________________________________________________________________

©2020 Moro Gregorio All Rights Reserved PHOTOCOPIABLE 68

Big English 2 Unit 8

Grammar practice
Cannot = can’t
Modal verb - Can

You You

He He
run run
She can swim She cannot swim
fly fly
It It

We We

They They

Yes, No,

you I I

I you you

he he he
Can she swim? she can she can not
it it it

we we we

they they they

• We use can to make general statements about what is possible: “It can be
very cold here in winter”.

• We use can and can't to talk about skill or general abilities: “Elephants
can swim but they can’t fly”.

• We use can to ask for permission to do something: “Can I drink water?”

• We use can I … to make offers: “Can I help you?”

©2020 Moro Gregorio All Rights Reserved PHOTOCOPIABLE 69

Big English 2 Unit 8

Complete the sentences with “can” or “can’t”.

1. A parrot _______________ speak, but it _______________ swim in the sea.

2. Cats _______________ catch mice, and they _______________ climb trees.

3. A rooster _______________ get up very early, but it _______________ lay eggs.

4. A snake _______________ walk or run, but it _______________ slither.

5. Goats _______________ can climb rocks, but they _______________ fly.

6. A horse _______________ run very and it _______________ jump over fences.

7. Geese _______________ fly for a long time, but they _______________ swim.

8. A monkey _______________ climb trees and it _______________ walk on its legs.

9. A dog _______________ fly, but it _______________ smell very well.

10. Sharks _______________ walk or run, but they _______________ swim quite fast.

11. Kangaroos _______________ dance, but they _______________ jump high.

12. A polar bear _______________ swim, but it _______________ climb trees.

Find the mistake and rewrite the sentences correctly.

1. Eagles can flying very high. ___________________________________________________

2. A bee doesn’t can swim. ___________________________________________________

3. Rhinos can to run. ___________________________________________________

4. A shark can swims fast. ___________________________________________________

5. Ants nest can. ___________________________________________________

6. Peacock can’t climb trees. ___________________________________________________

7. She cans ride a horse. ___________________________________________________

8. Camels can lives in the


©2020 Moro Gregorio All Rights Reserved PHOTOCOPIABLE 70

Big English 2 Unit 8

Modal verb – Can – Yes/No questions

Look at the pictures and answer. Write short answers.

1. Can a parrot fly in 2. Can they climb

the sky? trees?

______________________ ____________________

4. Can snakes
3. Can it swim?

______________________ ____________________

5. Can they jump 6. Can a frog run

high? fast?

______________________ ____________________

Use the words in brackets to write yes/no questions.

1. _________________________________________ (? / swim / elephants / Can)

2. _________________________________________ (lion / an / Can / ? / hunt)

3. _________________________________________ (polar bear / ? / swim / Can / a)

4. _________________________________________ (giraffes / climb trees / Can / ?)

5. _________________________________________ (? / sharks / swim fast / Can)

6. _________________________________________ (Can / ? / parrot / talk / a)

7. _________________________________________ (zebras / Can / run / ?)

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Big English 2 Unit 8

Complete the dialogue with can or can’t

Lee: What’s that Josh? Is it a toucan?

Josh: No, it isn’t. It’s a parrot. Look, it has colorful feathers.

Lee: What _____________ it do?

Josh: It _____________ can fly and sometimes it _____________ talk too.

Lee: What are they? Are they bears?

Josh: No, they aren’t. They are hippos. They live in the savannah.

Lee: _____________ they jump and run fast?

Josh: No, they _____________, but they _____________ swim and eat a lot.

Look at the chart and complete the sentences.


1. Penguins can ______________________ but they can’t _______________________.

2. A monkey can ______________________ and _______________________.

3. Kangaroos can’t _____________________ but they can ______________________.

4. A rhino can ______________________ but it can’t _______________________.

5. Toucans can ______________________ but they can’t _______________________.

©2020 Moro Gregorio All Rights Reserved PHOTOCOPIABLE 72

Big English 2 Unit 8

Reading comprehension practice

Awesome animals
Read the paragraphs and sort out the words in in the chart.

Polar bears are Monkeys are small

large animals that animals that live in
live in the ice and the jungles. They can
snow. They can climb ang hang from
swim well and hunt, and they can run treet, walk and run. They have a long
too but they can’t jump. They have tail and brown fur. They can eat fruit
thick fur and a big mouth. and plants. They can’t fly.

Camels are big Crocodiles live in

animals that live in the rivers and wetlands.
desert. They have four They have a long tail
long legs and one and sharpened teeth
hump. They can run and drink a lot of They can hunt and swim very well but
water but they can’t jump. They eat they can’t run fast. They eat only
grass. meat.
Can’ t

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Big English 2 Unit 8

Complete with can or can’t.

1. Monkeys ___________ hang from trees.

2. Lions _______________ swim very well.

3. Ducks ______________ swim in a pond.

4. Giraffes ___________ eat leaves from a tree.

5. ________ jump high.

6. Rabbits ____________ hunt.

7. Snakes _____________ slither fast.

8. Elephants __________ jump high.

9. Ostriches ___________ fly in the sky.

10. Sharks ______________ bite

Fill in the chart with animals’ names.

jump Climb trees swim fly

Can’ t

©2020 Moro Gregorio All Rights Reserved PHOTOCOPIABLE 74

Big English 2 Unit 8

Writing practice
Awesome animals
Answer the questions.

1. What can giraffes do? What can’t they do?

• _________________________________________________________________________

• _________________________________________________________________________

• Giraffes have _________________________________________________________

2. What can crocodiles do? What can’t they do?

• _________________________________________________________________________

• _________________________________________________________________________

• Crocodiles have ______________________________________________________

3. What can polar bears do? What can’t they do?


• _________________________________________________________________________

• Polar bears have ______________________________________________________

4. What can kangaroos do? What can’t they do?

• _________________________________________________________________________

• _________________________________________________________________________

• Kangaroos have ______________________________________________________

©2020 Moro Gregorio All Rights Reserved PHOTOCOPIABLE 75

Big English 2 Unit 9

Grammar practice
Present simple tense
Complete the sentences. Use the words in brackets.

1. My parents always ________________ on their wedding anniversary. (eat out)

2. Dad and I usually ________________ to a basketball game on Father’s Day. (go)

3. They never ________________ their cousins in June. (visit)

4. My brother ________________ a party with his friends on his birthday. (have)

5. School always ______________ in the summer. (close)

6. Julia always ________________ a New Year’s party in December. (have)

7. My sister and I often ________________ our grandparents in December. (visit)

8. We sometimes ________________ to see a movie on the weekend. (go)

9. I ________________ my birthday in October. (celebrate)

10. Students always ________________ to school in April. (go)

Complete with the right verb from exercise 1 in present simple tense.

1. She _________________ 2. School ______________ 3. They _________________

• her parents in May. • in September. • a party in December.

4. We __________________ 5. People ______________ 6. He _________________

to the beach in June. • Halloween in October. • to the mountains.

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Big English 2 Unit 9

Write questions and answers using the words in brackets.

1. What does she do in June? ______________________________________ (ride her bike)

2. Where do they go in May? __________________________________________(Singapore)

3. What do you do in December? ________________________________(Christmas party)

4. Where does he go in August? _______________________________________(on holiday)

5. __________________________________________? Jeff has a Halloween party in October.

6. _____________________________________________? I make a gift card on Mother’s Days.

7. ________________________________________________? She often has a picnic in March.

8. __________________________________________________? We visit our cousins in Summer.

Look at the pictures and circle the right words to complete the sentences.

1. He goes / has to a 2. We celebrate / have 3. They go / have on

• birthday party in April. • Midautum festival. • holiday in Summer.
• •

4. I make / have a gift 5. She never goes / go 6. I see / do a movie with

• Card on Mother’s Day. • swimming in winter. • my dad on Father’s Day.

©2020 Moro Gregorio All Rights Reserved PHOTOCOPIABLE 77

Big English 2 Unit 9

Present simple tense – Yes/No questions

Look at the calendars and answer the questions. Use short answers.

Linh’s family 2020 Calendar

January February March April

Vietnamese Lunar Mountains Linh’s Brother Liberation

New Year (Tết) holiday birthday Day

May June July August

Last day of Beach First day of

school holiday school

September October November December

Independence Last Year’s Eve

Women’s Day
Day party

1. Does Linh‘s family usually go to the 2. Do they always have a party in

beach in August? December?

• __________________________________ • __________________________________

3. Does Linh usually celebrate 4. Do they celebrate Independence

women’s Day in September? Day in October?

• __________________________________ • __________________________________

5. Does school always start in August? 6. Does school end in June?

• __________________________________ • __________________________________

7. Do they celebrate Linh’s Brother 8. Does Linh’s family celebrate the Têt
birthday in March? in January this year?

• __________________________________ • __________________________________

©2020 Moro Gregorio All Rights Reserved PHOTOCOPIABLE 78

Big English 2 Unit 9

Circle the right words to complete the sentences

1. Do / Does you usually do your homework at night?

• No, I don’t / doesn’t, but my sister always do / does her homework at night.

2. Does your father like / likes to read books?

• Yes, he does. He usually read / reads a book before to fall asleep.

3. Do / Does your bothers usually come back home in Summer?

• No, they don’t. They never come / comes back home in Summer.

4. Does your family celebrate / celebrates the Lunar New Year’s Eve in January?

• Yes, we do / does. We always celebrate it all together.

5. Do / Does your school start in August?

• No, it doesn’t. School never start / starts in August here.

6. Do you friends sometimes have / has a party on Halloween?

• Yes, they doesn’t / don’t. They always have a party on Halloween.

7. Do / Does your parent usually do on holiday in summer?

• Yes, my mom and dad sometimes go / goes on holiday in summer.

Match to make sentences.

1. They never a) go ski in winter.

2. I sometimes b) celebrate his birthday in March.

3. You never c) visit out grandparents in Summer.

4. He always d) go to school in July.

5. She sometimes e) does her homework at night.

6. We usually f) go to the mountains in January.

©2020 Moro Gregorio All Rights Reserved PHOTOCOPIABLE 79

Big English 2 Unit 9

Grammar Practice We use adverbs of frequency, to say

how often we do things or things
Adverbs of frequency happen.

always 100% I always go to beach in summer.

sometimes 25% She sometimes has a party on New Year’s Eve.

never 0% We never celebrate the Mid-Autumn festival.

Circle the right words to complete the sentences.

1. Do you watch fireworks on New Year’s Eve?

• Yes, of course I do. I always / never watch fireworks and have a party on

• New Year’s Eve. I always / never stay at home.

2. Does Thomas celebrate the mid-autumn festival?

• Yes, He does. He always/ never wears my dragon mask for the mid-autumn

• festival, but he sometimes / never eats mooncake because he doesn’t like it.

3. Do you go to the beach in summer?

• No, we don’t, but we never / always go to the mountain. we like to walk and

• sometimes / never we can see wild animals.

4. Do you celebrate Christmas Day?

• No, I don’t. I always / never celebrate Christmas Day. But I sometimes / never

• make the Christmas tree with my father because we like making decorations.

5. What do you and your sister you do on Mother’s Day?

• We never / always buy our mum flowers but we never / always make a gift

• card and do housework.

6. What does your family usually do is summer?

• My never / always go to the beach because we love swimming in the sea.

©2020 Moro Gregorio All Rights Reserved PHOTOCOPIABLE 80

Big English 2 Unit 9

Put the words in order to make sentences.

1. (go swimming / always / He / summer / in / and / brother / his)

• __________________________________________________________________________

2. (a / has / brother / My / always / birthday cake / his / on / birthday)

• __________________________________________________________________________

3. (best / visits / grandparents / winter / in / friend / never / My)

• __________________________________________________________________________

4. (sometimes / eat out / We / summer / New Year’s Eve / on)

• __________________________________________________________________________

Look at Jessica’s chart and complete questions and sentences.

Spring Summer Fall Winter


1. Jessica _________________ goes skiing because there is not any snow but she

• _________________ go to the mountains.

2. She ________________ visits her cousins in summer because she ________________

• goes to school.

3. Jessica _________________ celebrate her birthday in fall.

4. She _________________ likes to ride her bike and she _________________

• goes skiing in winter.

©2020 Moro Gregorio All Rights Reserved PHOTOCOPIABLE 81

Big English 2 Unit 9

Reading comprehension practice

Special Day
Read the paragraph and complete the sentences choosing by multiple-
choice answers.
Nick’s favorite day is Sunday. He usually wakes up at 10
o’clock and he eats his favorite breakfast: corn flakes, milk,
toast and a glass of orange juice. After breakfast he rides his
bike for a while and then he sometimes helps his dad wash
the car. They usually have lunch at 2 o’clock. He likes to take
a nap after lunch, and then he watches TV or plays
computer games with his brother. In the afternoon he
sometimes meets his friends and they ride their bikes
together or they play football. He never helps cook but he
always sets the table for dinner. In the evening he has a bath and he usually goes
to bed at half past ten. He always has fun on Sunday!

1. Nick ______ eats bread with eggs for 2. Nick ______ helps his dad wash the
breakfast. car.
a) always b) often a) always b) usually
c) sometimes d) never c) sometimes d) never

3. He ______ has lunch at two o’clock. 4. He ______ has a boring Sunday.

a) always b) usually a) always b) usually
c) sometimes d) never c) sometimes d) never

5. Nick ______ sets the table for dinner. 6. Nick ______ helps cook.
a) always b) usually a) always b) usually
c) sometimes d) never c) sometimes d) never

7. He ______ goes to bed at half past 8. Nick ______ meets his friends in the
ten. afternoon.
a) always b) usually a) always b) usually
c) sometimes d) never c) sometimes d) never

©2020 Moro Gregorio All Rights Reserved PHOTOCOPIABLE 82

Big English 2 Unit 9

Look at the chart and complete the sentences.

Spring Summer Autumn Winter


have a picnic go to the beach go to school New Year’s Eve


visit my cousins go to mountains ride a bike go skiing


go on vacation go to school go to the beach ride a bike

1. Julie always celebrates _____________________ in December.

2. Julie’s family sometimes _____________________ in winter.

3. She never _____________________ in fall.

4. Julie always _____________________ in the Fall.

5. She never _____________________ in August.

6. Julie’s family sometimes _____________________ in summer.

7. She always _____________________ in spring.

8. They never _____________________ in spring.

Complete the sentences writing about yourself.

My favorite day is ________________. I usually wake up at ________________ and I

Eat my favorite breakfast: _______________, _______________ and _______________

After breakfast I __________________ for a while and then I __________________ or

In the afternoon I sometimes _______________. In the evening I usually ___________

__________________, and I go to bed at __________________.

©2020 Moro Gregorio All Rights Reserved PHOTOCOPIABLE 83

Big English 2 Unit 9

Writing practice
Fun all year
Answer the questions with complete sentences.

1. When is your birthday? What do you usually do on that day?

• _________________________________________________________________________________

• _________________________________________________________________________________

2. What do people always do on New Year’s Eve?

• _________________________________________________________________________________

• _________________________________________________________________________________

3. What do you never do in summer? What do you always do?

• _________________________________________________________________________________

• _________________________________________________________________________________

4. What do children usually for the Mid-Autumn Festival?

• _________________________________________________________________________________

• _________________________________________________________________________________

5. What do you always do on Halloween?

• _________________________________________________________________________________

• _________________________________________________________________________________

©2020 Moro Gregorio All Rights Reserved PHOTOCOP IABL E 84

Big English 2 Extra Practice

Grammar Practice
Question Words
What Where Who
Asking for a specific Asking for a place or Asking about a
thing, object position person

What animal is it? Where do you live?

What are you doing? Where is my book? Who is that woman?
What time is it? Where is the park?

When How (much / many)

Asking about time, Asking about quantity
moment, occasion or price

When do you sleep? How much water is it?

When is your birthday? How many plums are
When can I see you? there?

Complete the questions choosing by multiple-choice answers.

1. ______ is Michael doing? He is 2. ______ are those? They are my
playing guitar. cousin.
a) What b) Where a) What b) Where
c) How d) Who c) How d) Who

3. ______ old are you? I’m 12 years old. 4. ______ is your birthday? It’s in May.
a) What b) Where a) What b) Where
c) How d) Who c) When d) Who

5. ______ is the bakery? It’s on Park 6. ______ many apples do you want? I
Street, opposite the cinema. want five apples, please.
a) What b) Where a) What b) Where
c) How d) When c) When d) Who

7. ______ do you live? I live in Hanoi. 8. ______ time is it? It’s five-thirty.
a) What b) Where a) What b) Where
c) How d) Who c) When d) Who

© 2020 Moro Gregorio PHOTOCOPIABLE 85

Big English 2 Extra Practice

Complete the sentences with the right question words.

1. _______________ many brothers and sisters do you have? I have two brothers.

2. _______________ kind of fruit do you like? I really like watermelon.

3. _______________ time do you go to bed? I usually go to bed at twelve o’clock.

4. _______________ do you live with? I live with my parents and brother.

5. _______________ do you usually do on holiday? I go on holiday in August.

6. _______________ are you doing? I am playing computer games.

7. _______________ do polar bears live? They live in the ice and snow.

8. _______________ students are there in your class? There are twenty students.

9. _______________ are those women? They are my aunt and my mother.

10. _______________ does a doctor work? A doctor works at a hospital.

11. _______________ much milk do you need? I need two liters please.

12. _______________ do you usually do on Christmas Day? I open my presents.

Read the answers and write the questions.

1. __________________________________________________________________________

• Anna studies English at 9 o’clock every morning.

2. __________________________________________________________________________

• The supermarket is on Elm street. It’s between the school and the bakery.

3. __________________________________________________________________________

• Ashton is an English teacher. He works at St. Marriot High School.

4. __________________________________________________________________________

• Eva lives in Los Angeles with her family.

© 2020 Moro Gregorio PHOTOCOPIABLE 86

Big English 2 Extra Vocabulary and language Practice

Classroom Actions
Label the pictures with the right words in the box and fill in the chart.

1. _______________ 2. ______________ 3. _______________ 4. _______________

5. _______________ 6. ______________ 7. _______________ 8. _______________

count cut glue color

listen Use talk write

Complete with the –ing form of the action verbs in the box in the exercise 1.

1. She is ____________________ to music. She loves k-Pop.

2. He is ____________________ on an abacus.

3. She is ____________________ paper with her scissors.

4. She is ____________________ a computer.

5. They are ____________________ a picture with markers.

6. She is ____________________ shapes.

7. She is ____________________ a sentence in her notebook.

8. The teacher is ____________________ a book to the students.

Copyright © 2019 Moro Gregorio PHOTOCOPIABLE 87

Big English 2 Extra Vocabulary and language Practice

Label each picture with the right expression.

1. ______________ 2. ______________ 3. ______________ 4. _______________

5. ______________ 6. ______________ 7. ______________ 8. _______________

go to the board sit down stand up listen

raise your hand clean the board work in group help each other

Answer the questions choosing by multiple-chice answers.

1. I use the ____ to cut paper. 2. I use the ____ to glue pictures.
a) glue b) scissors a) glue b) notebook
c) sharpener d) marker c) pencil d) eraser

3. I use the ____ to color pictures. 4. I use the ____ to write.

a) glue b) scissors a) eraser b) pen
c) sharpener d) marker c) glue d) crayon

5. I use the ____ to read and study. 6. I use the ____ to take notes.
a) glue b) book a) glue b) book
c) sharpener d) marker c) notebook d) scissors

7. I use the ____ to learn online. 8. I use the ____ to write on the board.
a) computer b) scissors a) chair b) computer
c) sharpener d) marker c) glue d) chalk

Copyright © 2019 Moro Gregorio PHOTOCOPIABLE 88

Big English 2 Extra Vocabulary and language Practice

Playground Actions
Label the pictures with the right action verbs in the box.

1. _______________ 2. _______________ 3. _______________ 4. _______________

5. _______________ 6. _______________ 7. _______________ 8. _______________

hit a baseball jump rope kick a football fly a kite

skate run ride a bike skateboard

Look at the chart and complete the sentences. Use the words from activity1.



1. Samantha likes to __________________ and __________________.

2. Cameron doesn’t like to __________________ and __________________.

3. Samantha doesn’t like to __________________ and __________________.

4. Cameron likes to __________________ and __________________.

© 2020 Moro Gregorio PHOTOCOPIABLE 89

Big English 2 Extra Vocabulary and language Practice

Complete the sentences with ‘in’ or ‘on’ and match with the pictures.

1. They like to play ______ the slide. 2. He love to play ______ the sandbox.

3. We are playing ______ the seesaw. 4. I like to play ______ the marry-go-round

5. Anna is sitting ______ the bench. 6. She like to play ______ the jungle gym.

Complete with the words in the box and match with the pictures

hopscotch Tug of war Hide and seek

1. They don’t like to play blind man’s bluff but they love to play tug of war.

2. They don’t mind to play tag but they really like to play hide and seek.

3. She like to play marbles but she loves loves to play hopscotch.

© 2020 Moro Gregorio PHOTOCOPIABLE 90

Big English 2 Extra Vocabulary and language Practice

Household Objects and Furniture

Label the pictures with the right words in the box.

1. _______________ 2. _______________ 3. _______________ 4. _______________

5. _______________ 6. _______________ 7. _______________ 8. _______________

9. _______________ 10. _______________ 11. _______________ 12. _______________

13. _______________ 14. _______________ 15. _______________ 16. _______________

carpet cupboard sink stove bathtub closet

mirror fridge clock armchair bathtub bookcase

microwave washing machine shower

Copyright © 2019 Moro Gregorio PHOTOCOPIABLE 91

Big English 2 Extra Vocabulary and language Practice

Fill in the chart with the words from exercise 1.

Kitchen Bedroom Bathroom Living room

Complete the text using the words in the box.

My family and I live in a modern apartment. There are two small bedrooms in our

home, one for my parents and one for me. In my bedroom there is a big

_____________________ where I keep my clothes and a _____________________

where I do my homework. I really likeour living room because you can see all the

city from our window. There is a comfortable sofa and two chairs where we can

watch _____________________ together and a _____________________ with all my

father’s books. There is a coffee table in front of the sofa and there are some

flowers on it. There aren’t any _____________________ in our kitchen, but it’s clean

and modern. My mother bought a new _____________________ and this is great

because sometimes I like to bake cookies and pizza my family. I love out bathroom

as well, because there is a large _____________________ .

oven dresser bathtub TV

windows bookshelf desk

Copyright © 2019 Moro Gregorio PHOTOCOPIABLE 92

Big English 2 Extra Vocabulary and language Practice

Places in my town
Label the pictures with the right words in the box and fill in the chart.

1. _______________ 2. _______________ 3. _______________ 4. _______________

5. _______________ 6. _______________ 7. _______________ 8. _______________

9. _______________ 10. _______________ 11. _______________ 12. _______________

hospital museum train station bakery clothes store cinema

supermarket cafe post office library shopping mall bank

I want to go to the I don’t want to go to the

©2020 Moro Gregorio All Rights Reserved PHOTOCOPIABLE 93

Big English 2 Extra Vocabulary and language Practice

Complete the sentence with the words from the exercise 1.

1. I can mail a letter and ship parcels at a __________________________.

2. Is there a _________________________.? I need to go food shopping.

3. I want see a movie tonight. Is there a ________________________?

4. You can buy t-shirts, pants and jackets at a _________________________.

5. At a _________________________ you can borrow some money.

6. You can catch a train at the ______________________.

7. A _______________________ is a place where you can have a drink or a snack.

8. At a ______________________ you can learn about history, science and nature.

9. We can find fresh bread and cakes at a _________________________.

10. You can go shopping at a _________________________.

11. If you want to borrow a book you need to go to the ________________________.

12. Doctors and nurses work at the _________________________.

Complete the sentences choosing by multiple answers.

1. If I want to buy a new laptop I can 2. I can play outside and have a pic-
go to the ____. nick at a ____.
a) computer shop b) bus station a) bus station b) supermarket
c) shopping mall d) park c) park d) school

3. I need to buy some medicine. Is 4. He wants to exercise. Is there a

there a ____? ____.
a) restaurant b) gym a) gym b) supermarket
c) shopping mall d) park c) park d) bakery

5. I want to buy some fresh fish. Is 6. You can play tennis and other
there a ____? sports at a ____.
a) grocery b) shopping mall a) sport center b) supermarket
c) fishmonger d) bakery c) school d) shop

©2020 Moro Gregorio All Rights Reserved PHOTOCOPIABLE 94

Big English 2 Extra Vocabulary and language Practice

Jobs and Occupations

Label the pictures with the right words in the box and fill in the chart.

1. _______________ 2. _______________ 3. _______________ 4. _______________

5. _______________ 6. _______________ 7. _______________ 8. _______________

9. _______________ 10. _______________ 11. _______________ 12. _______________

pilot scientist teacher firefighter police officer farmer

mail carrier vet artist doctor Football player chef

I want to be a/an I don’t want to be a/an

Copyright © 2019 Moro Gregorio PHOTOCOPIABLE 95

Big English 2 Extra Vocabulary and language Practice

Match the jobs with their definitions.

1. Pilot 2. a. A _______________ helps children learn.

3. Mail carrier b. A _______________ draws and paints.

4. Scientist c. A _______________ puts out the fire.

5. Vet d. A _______________ helps sick people.

6. Teacher e. A _______________ flies planes.

7. Artist f. A _______________ protect the people.

8. Firefighter g. A _______________ delivers mails and parcels.

9. Doctor h. A _______________ farms the land and grows food.

10. Police officer i. A _______________ help sick animals.

11. Football player j. A _______________ plays football.

12. Farmer k. A _______________ cooks delicious food.

13. Chef l. A _______________ do experiments and research.

Complete with the words from the box.

1. A teacher works at a __________ 2. A firefighter works at a _________________

3. A vet works at a _______________ 4. A police officer works at a ______________

5. A pilot works on a _____________ 6. A doctor works at a ____________________

7. A chef works at a _____________ 8. A mail carrier works at a ________________

9. A farmer work on a ____________ 10. A scientist works at a ___________________

hospital post office school restaurant fire station

airport clinic police station plane laboratory

Copyright © 2019 Moro Gregorio PHOTOCOPIABLE 96

Big English 2 Extra Vocabulary and language Practice

Jobs and Occupations

Label the pictures with the right words in the box and fill in the chart.

1. _______________ 2. _______________ 3. _______________ 4. _______________

5. _______________ 6. _______________ 7. _______________ 8. _______________

9. _______________ 10. _______________ 11. _______________ 12. _______________

go to bed do homework get up have breakfast

have lunch have dinner brush your teeth wake up

have a shower go to work go home go to school

Morning Afternoon Evening

Copyright © 2019 Moro Gregorio PHOTOCOPIABLE 97

Big English 2 Extra Vocabulary and language Practice

Match the jobs with their definitions.

1. have dinner a. You do this just before you fall asleep.

2. go to school b. You do this when your alarm clock goes off.

3. have a shower c. It’s the most important meal of the day.

4. go to bed d. You do this at the dinner table with your family.

5. go home e. You do this to make your body and hair clean.

6. wake up f. You do this after you wake up.

7. have breakfast g. You do this to learn new things.

8. brush your teeth h. Your teacher will get angry if you don't do it.

9. get up i. Your dentist always tells you to do this twice a day.

10. do homework j. You do this in the afternoon after school.

Complete the sentences with the appropriate words.

1. I usually _________________ up at 6.00 a.m. when my alarm clock goes off.

2. I _________________ lunch in the school canteen at 1 p.m.

3. In my family we usually _________________ dinner at about 6 p.m.

4. My school finishes at 3 p.m. and then I _________________ home by bus.

5. On the weekends, I _________________ to bed later than on weekdays.

6. My alarm clock goes off at 8 a.m. but I don't _________________ up until 8.30 a.m.

7. I always _________________ my teeth before I go to bed.

8. On weekdays, I _________________ to school with my friends at 9.00 a.m.

Look at the pictures and complete the sentences.

1. You should help 2. You should help

you parents to you parents to
• _________________ • _________________

Copyright © 2019 Moro Gregorio PHOTOCOPIABLE 98

Big English 2 Extra Vocabulary and language Practice

Foods and drinks

Label the pictures with the words in the box.

1. _______________ 2. _______________ 3. _______________ 4. _______________

5. _______________ 6. _______________ 7. _______________ 8. _______________

9. _______________ 10. _______________ 11. _______________ 12. _______________

13. _______________ 14. _______________ 15. _______________ 16. _______________

17. _______________ 18. _______________ 19. _______________ 20. _______________

mango rice salt soda strawberries

bread egg chicken pepper potatoes

cheese cabbage salt seafood yogurt

steak pineapple sausages butter spaghetti

Copyright © 2019 Moro Gregorio PHOTOCOPIABLE 99

Big English 2 Extra Vocabulary and language Practice

Sort out the words in the exercise 1 to fill in the chart.

Fruit Vegetables Meat

Read the descriptions and choose the right answer.

1. You need it to make a sandwich or 2. A small round red fruit that grow on
a toast. trees.
a) cake b) cake a) cherry b) watermelon
c) bread d) bread c) apple d) plum

3. It is white and it makes your coffe 4. A long yellow fruit that grow on trees
sweet. in hot places.
a) salt b) sugar a) mango b) apple
c) candy d) honey c) pineapple d) banana

5. It is white or yellow. People usually 6. It is a hot black drink. People usually

put it on their pizza. add sugar in it.
a) fries b) butter a) coke b) coffee
c) cheese d) onion c) tea d) juice

8. It is a small purple fruit that can be

7. Rabbits really love this vegetable.
used to make wine.
a) carrot b) eggplant a) plum b) grapes
c) tomato d) onion c) cherry d) watermelon

9. It is cold and sweet. People usually 10. They are made from potatoes.
eat it in summer. People eat them with ketchup.
a) chocolate b) cheese a) fries b) sandwich
c) cake d) ice-crem c) pizza d) spaghetti

Copyright © 2019 Moro Gregorio PHOTOCOPIABLE

Big English 2 Extra Vocabulary and language Practice

Wild Animals
Look at the pictures and solve the crossword.

1. l _ o _ 2. h _ p _ o
3. p _ n _ a 4. d _ l _ h _ n
5. c _ o _ o _ i _ e 6. p __ r __ o __
3 7
7. z _ b _ a 8. g _ r _ f _ e
9. m _ n _ e _ 10. t __ g __ r
11. c _ e _ t _ h 12. s __ a __

5 8 9



12 13 14

15 16 17


12. s _ a _ k 13. c _ m _ l
14. k _ n _ a _ o _ 15. s _ a _ e
16. e _ e _ h _ n _ 17. t _ r _ l _
18. b _ a _ 19. r _ i _ o

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

11. 12. 12. 13. 14.


15. 16. 18. 19.

Copyright © 2019 Moro Gregorio PHOTOCOPIABLE 101

Big English 2 Extra Vocabulary and language Practice

Sort out the animals byhabitats.

Forest and Jungle Grassland and Desert Ocean and river

Match the animals with their descriptions.

1. shark a) A colorful bird that can sometimes talk.

2. zebra b) A big cat with orange fur and black stripes. It lives in Asia.

3. parrot c) It lives in the cold forest and likes fish and honey.

4. shark d) It looks like a horse, but has black stripes.

5. panda e) It doesn’t need much water and is lives in the desert.

6. bear f) It is very big and has a trunk and tusks.

7. elephant g) A big black and white animal that lives in China.

8. tiger h) A big predator in the sea with sharpened teeth.

Look at the pictures and choose the right answers.

a) beak a) beak
b) feather b) feather
c) horns c) horns
d) fur d) fur
e) wings e) wings

a) beak a) beak
b) feather b) feather
c) horns c) horns
d) fur d) fur
e) wings e) wings

Copyright © 2019 Moro Gregorio PHOTOCOPIABLE 102

Big English 2 Extra Vocabulary and language Practice

Months Of the Year and Festivals

Write the months of the year in the right order. Use the words in the box.

3. ________________ 6. ________________

4. ________________ 7. ________________

5. ________________ 8. ________________

9. ________________ 1. January

10. _______________ 2. _________________

11. _______________ 12. ________________

March May September December February July

June November January August April October

Match words and pictures.

1. _______________ 2. _______________ 3. _______________ 4. ________________

5. _______________ 6. _______________ 7. _______________ 8. ________________

Halloween Valentine’s Day Easter Day Children’s Day

Christmas Day Thanksgiving Day St. Patrick’s Day mid-Autumn fest

Copyright © 2019 Moro Gregorio PHOTOCOPIABLE 103

Big English 2 Extra Vocabulary and language Practice

Match words and statements.

1. Christmas Day a) eat moon cake and wear dragon masks.

2. Halloween b) Eat turkey and have a family lunch.

3. Mid-Autumn c) buy a chocolate box.

4. Valentine’s Day d) receive presents and decorate a Christmas tree.

5. Thanksgiving Day e) have an Easter eggs hunt and paint eggs.

6. Easter Day f) play trick-or-treat and wear scary costumes.

Fill in the calendar with the festivals. Use the words from the box.

January February March April

________________ ________________ ________________

May June July August

________________ ________________ ________________

September October November December

________________ ________________ ________________

Easter Day Valentine’s Day Halloween

mid-Autumn festival Christmas Day Children’s Day

Father’s Day St. Patrick’s Day Thanksgiving Day

Copyright © 2019 Moro Gregorio PHOTOCOPIABLE 104

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