Druid Spells

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Druid NPC Spells

Druidcraft (1 Action, 30ft. Range):

- Being one with nature allows you to cause one of the following effects:
o Create a harmless effect that will predict the weather for the next 24 hours
o Spawn a flower blossom, open a seed pod, or bloom a leaf bud.
o You can summon another harmless effect such as falling leaves, the sound of a small
animal or even the faint odour of Skunk.
 This effect must be no bigger than 5ft.
o Instantly snuff or light a candle, torch or small campfire.

Produce Flame (1 Action, Self, 10min. duration):

- Spawn a flame, shedding light in a 10ft. radius.

o Dim light for a further 10ft.
- Can attack with it (30ft. range) hitting a target for 1D8 Fire Damage.
o Doing this ends the spell.

Shillelagh (Touch, Bonus Action, 1min. duration):

- Infuses your club or quarterstaff with magic, granting you the following magical effects:
o Use your WIS instead of your STR for ATK or WPN rolls with infused weapon.
o Weapons damage die increases to a D8, and the attacks become magical.

Thorn Whip (30ft. Range, 1 Action):

- You create a long thorny whip from the stalk of a plant, lashing out towards a creature of
your choice.
o Targeted creature takes 1D6 Piercing DMG, and is pulled 10ft. toward yourself.
 Creatures must be large or smaller.
Level One Spells

Entangle (1 Action, 90ft. Range, Concentration, 1 Min):

- Sprouts magical weeds and vines in a 20ft. square, making the ground difficult terrain.
o Any hostile creature within the square must make a DC14 STR ST or become
 Creatures can use their action to roll again, doing so makes the plants wilt
away from the area they were in.

Longstrider (1 Action, Touch, 1hr duration):

- Touch a creature, increasing their movement by 10ft.

o Upcasting this spell allows you to bless another creature with this buff.

Speak with Animals (1 Action, Self, 10 Mins Duration):

- Enables you to speak with animals.

Thunderwave (1 Action, 15ft. Cube):

- Send out a wave of thunder from in front of you, forcing every creature to make a CON ST
o On a failed save, target takes 2D8 Thunder DMG and are knocked back 15ft.
 Half DMG and no knockback on a success.
- Casting this sends out an audible 300ft. thunderous boom.

Level Two Spells

Animal Messenger (1 Action, 30ft. range, 24hr Duration):

- Choose a tiny beast within range, and imbue them with the ability to deliver a message
within a 50 mile range.
o The messenger creature will only speak to their chosen target.

Barkskin (1 Action, Touch, Concentration, 1hr duration):

- You touch a creature, giving their skin a bark-like appearance, making your AC being 16 at a

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