Crushing Wave Priest Spells

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Crushing Wave Priest Spells

Chill Touch (1 Action, 120ft. Range):

- Call upon a magical skeletal hand to give a target the chill of death.
o Targets take 2D8 Necrotic DMG, and can’t regain HP until the end of your next turn.

Mage Hand (1 Action, 30ft. Range, 1min. duration):

- Summon a magical hand, that allows you to open unlocked doors and chests, manipulate an
object, pour out a vial, etc.
o Mage Hand can’t move more than 30ft. away from the caster, otherwise it fades

Minor Illusion (1 Action, 30ft. Range, 1min. duration):

- You create a harmless sound or object of your choosing.

o Sounds can range from a silent whisper to a scream.
 Objects can’t be any bigger than a 5ft. square.

Prestidigitation (1 Action, 30ft. Range):

- Perform some basic magic tricks.

o Summon some harmless sensory effects, such as a shower of sparks, a puff of wind,
or faint musical notes.
o Instantly light or snuff a campfire or torch.
o Instantly clean or soil 1ft. of material.
o Chill, warm or flavour 13ft. of non-living material.
o Make colour, small mark or a symbol appear on a nearby object/surface for 1hr.
o Create a nonmagical trinket or illusory image that fits in your hand, lasting until the
end of your next turn.
 You can have up to three effects active at once time.

Ray of Frost (1 Action, 60ft. Range):

- Send forward a blast of chilled energy, slowing your target.

o Targets hit take 2D8 Cold DMG, and targets have their movement reduced by 10ft.
until the start of your next turn.
Level One Spells

Expeditious Retreat (1 Action, Self, Concentration, 10 Min duration):

- For the duration of the spell, the Dash action is available as a bonus action.

Ice Knife (1 Action, 60ft. Range):

- Mold a shard of ice and hurl it toward your enemies.

o Targets hit take 1D10 Piercing DMG.
 Any enemies within 5ft. (including targeted creature) must make a DEX ST
(DC14) or take 2D6 Cold DMG.
o Upcasting this spell increases the Cold DMG by 1D6.

Magic Missile (1 Action, 120ft. Range):

- Create three glowing darts of Force, and hurl them towards your enemies.
o Each dart can target separate targets, dealing 1D4+1 Force DMG/dart.
 Casting this at a higher level spawns an additional dart.

Shield (1 Reaction, Self, 1 round duration):

- Upon being hit with an ATK, or if targeted by Magic Missile, cast a shield around yourself.
o Boosts casters AC by 5 until the end of your next turn.

Level Two Spells

Blur (1 Action, Concentration, 1min duration):

- Casting this makes your physical appearance become a shifting blur.

o Attacks against you have disadvantage.
 This has no effect if the attacker does not rely on sight, can see through
illusions, or have truesight.

Hold Person (1 Action, 60ft. Rang, Concentration, 1min duration):

- You choose a target within range, and force them to make a WIS ST (DC14) or become
o Targets can repeat this save at the start of their turns, with a success ending the
Level Three Spells

Sleet Storm (1 Action, 150ft. Range, Concentration, 1min duration):

- Harness the power of an ice storm, creating a heavily obscured area in a 40ft. radius, with a
height of 20ft.
o The terrain of the affected area, and any creatures that start their turn or enter the
space must make a DEX ST (DC14) or fall prone.
 Any creatures casting a concentration spell who suffer the effects must
make a CON ST (DC14) or their concentration is broken.

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