Lab 2

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Lab 2: Path Loss and Multipath

Name: Amr Mohsen Ahmed Zaki

Section: 5
Introduction :
The indoor environment is the place where people live and work, the public
have strong demand of positioning and guiding in parking lots, shopping
malls, airports and other places. Satellite navigation signal lost navigation
service ability for shading effects in indoor spaces, with the advantages of
convenient layout and compatible GNSS receiver hardware technology,
Beidou navigation pseudolite can realize GNSS users to use a mobile terminal
positioning module to receive the pseudolite signals indoors.

Task 1: Free Space Path Loss (FSPL) Simulation

• Objective: Calculate and plot FSPL as a function of distance
and frequency.
• Procedure:

• Calculate FSPL using the formula and plot over distance.

Analyze how frequency affects path loss.
• Choose different values for the frequency and discuss the
effect of them on loss.
• MATLAB Code:
• c = 3e8; % Speed of light in m/s
• f = 2.4e9; % Frequency in Hz (e.g., 2.4 GHz for WiFi)
• d = 1:1:1000; % Distance in meters
• lambda = c/f; % Wavelength
• FSPL = (4*pi*d/lambda).^2; % Free-space path loss
• FSPL_DB = 10*log10(FSPL); % Free-space path loss in DB
• plot(d, FSPL_DB);
• xlabel('Distance (m)');
• ylabel('FSPL (dB)');
• title('Free Space Path Loss vs. Distance');


Task 2: Transmit and Receive Signal Models with FSPL

Objective Simulate a basic transmit and receive signal model in
• Generate a simple sinusoidal signal to represent a transmitted
• Simulate the reception of this signal, considering free-space
path loss.
• Choose different values for the frequency and the distance and
discuss the effect of them on loss.

task3: Two-Ray Multipath Model

Objective: Model and understand the impact of two-ray multipath

• Simulate two-ray multipath propagation, considering direct
and reflected paths.
• Analyze how the phase difference between paths affects the
received signal.
• For the same parameters calculate the FSPL(in DB), then
compare it with the results of total loss (in DB).

Post-Lab Questions:
1. Transmit and Receive Signal Models with and Without Free-
Space Path Loss:
• With Free-Space Path Loss (FSPL): In the provided code,
the transmitted signal is modeled, and then the received
signal is calculated by dividing the transmitted signal by
the square root of the FSPL. The FSPL takes into account
the spreading of the signal as it propagates through
space, resulting in attenuation proportional to the square
of the distance. As a result, the received signal amplitude
decreases with distance.
• Without Free-Space Path Loss: In the section where the
transmitted signal is plotted, there's no consideration for
path loss. The signal is plotted as-is without any
attenuation due to distance.
Effect of Path Loss on Received Signal Amplitude: The path loss
causes a reduction in the received signal amplitude with increasing
distance. This is evident in the first part of your code where you plot
the Free-Space Path Loss against distance. As distance increases,
the FSPL increases, leading to a decrease in received signal
2. Effects of Multipath Interference as Demonstrated by the
Two-Ray Model:
• Two-Ray Multipath Model: In the provided code, the Two-
Ray Multipath Model is used to simulate the effects of
multipath interference. This model considers a direct
path and a reflected path, assuming a clear line-of-sight
and a reflected path with an additional distance traveled.
• Influence of Transmitter and Receiver Heights: The
heights of the transmitter and receiver play a crucial role
in the Two-Ray model. The Total Path Loss in this model is
influenced by the heights and is proportional to ht⋅hr.
Higher heights generally result in a more favorable signal
propagation environment.
Influence of Heights on Received Signal:
• Higher heights generally reduce the impact of multipath
• If the transmitter and receiver heights are the same, the
direct and reflected paths have similar lengths, and
constructive interference may occur, enhancing the
received signal.
• Varying heights can lead to destructive interference,
causing signal cancellation in certain scenarios.

1. Decreasing Signal Strength with Height: WiFi signal strength
(measured in dBm) weakens as the receiver antenna height
increases. This confirms the concept of path loss, where radio
waves lose energy as they travel through space, with signal
strength decreasing with distance.
2. Linear Relationship (Suggests Minimal Multipath): The
observed decrease in signal strength appears to be
approximately linear. This suggests a relatively unobstructed
environment with minimal multipath interference. In
environments with buildings or obstacles, reflections can
cause a more complex and unpredictable relationship
between height and signal strength

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