Optics Exams - الاجابه كامله

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1) C) A multimode step-index optical fiber has its core refractive index 1.5 and
radius 20 µm. If the normalized frequency V is 20 at 1300 nm, find Mid 2023
Given: V = 20 & n1 = 15 & a = 20 m &  = 1300 nm
 numerical aperture V = k.a.Na
2 2
20 = .a.Na → 20 = * (20m).Na → Na = 0.207
 1300 *10−9
 cladding index Na = n12 − n 22 → Na 2 = n12 − n 22 → n 2 = n12 − N a2 = 1.4856

 maximum acceptance angle o.MAX = sin −1 (Na) = sin −1 (0.207) = 11.9

V 2 (20) 2
 total number of modes M= = = 200
2 2
2) B- A step-index fiber has core and cladding indices 1.5 and 1.47. If it supports 200 modes
at 1300 n.m, find : 2022 – 2014

 the numerical aperture NA = n12 − n 22 = (1.5)2 − (1.47)2 = 0.2985

 the maximum acceptance angle and its core diameter

−1 V2
o max = sin (NA) = 17.37 M=
  V = 20
2a V 20 * (1.3 m)
V= .NA   a = = = 13.86 m
 2NA 2 * 0.2985
d = a * 2 = 27.73 m
3) C) A manufacturer makes step-index fiber with V = 100 and numerical aperture 0.3 is to
be used at 1300 n.m. If n1 = 1.45, find the core size and cladding index. 2019
Given: V = 100 & NA = 0.3 &  = 1.3 m & n1 = 1.45
100 = a * 0.3  a = 69 m
NA = n12 − n 22  (0.3) 2 = (1.45) 2 − n 22  n 2 = 1.41863

4) B- A 12 km-optical fiber has attenuation factor 1.5 dB/km. What is the minimum optical
power that must be put into the fiber to get 0.3 yw at the receiving end? 2013
 = 1.5 dB / km & L = 12km & p out = 0.3 w
10 p 10 p p
 = log( in )  1.5 = log( in )  in = 10 10   pin = 18.93 w
L pout 12 0.3 0. 3
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Optics Exams
1) A) Discuss the different modes in optical fibers and the conditions for each mode Mid 2023
B- State the main types of modes in optical fiber and the condition required for each
mode. 2022 ‫تخلفات‬
Types Of modes in O.F
1- Guided Modes (Bounded modes)
- The modes that trapped ‫ حصرت‬in core.
- Condition: K 2    K1
Where :  : axial wave no. (in Z-direction)
K1 : wave propagation const. of core
K2 : wave propagation const. of cladding
K : free space propagation const
  o MAX

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2- Radiation modes (Refracted modes or cladding modes)

3- Leaky modes (Evanescent modes)

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2) B- Derive an expression for the total number of modes in multimode fibers in fiber
parameters. 2022 – 2021 – 2014
B)Derive an expression for the total number of allowed modes in multi-mode fiber Mid 2023

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3) A- State the advantages and main applications of optical communications. 2022 – 2021 – 2014
A- The SEA-ME-WE undersea optical cable connects more than 20 countries in 3
continents, state the advantages of the optical communications and sketch the cross-
section of optical fiber cable showing its main parts and the function of each part 2013
Advantages of optical fibers:-
1. Very wide bandwidth
❑ more information can be sent. ❑ Large Information Capacity.

2. Very low attenuation ‫اضمحالل االشارة‬

❑ fiber attenuation is 0.2 dB/km.
❑ large distance between repeaters, reduce the cost and sys. complexity.
❑ allow data to be sent over longer distances.
3. Small Size and Low Weight
❑ O.F dia 125μm, cable dia 2.5 mm and weight 6 kg/km.
❑ A coaxial cable, outer dia 28.4 mm, and weight 1110 kg/km.
4. Electromagnetic Interference Immunity : (EMI) ‫منع التداخل الكهرومغناطييس‬

❑ The dielectric nature of optical fibers, no electrical signals

❑ Doesn’t radiate or receive outside EM signals.
5. Electrical isolation: ‫اليوجد تداخل بين االشارة الضوئية والكهربية‬
❑ Optic fibers glass/plastic, are insulators. No electric current flows through them
❑ No sparks or potentially high voltages ‫ال يوجد شرارة أو جهد عايل‬
❑ Greater safety
6. Abundant raw materials: ‫مواد خام وفيرة‬
❑ Silicon dioxide (silica) for glass fibers or transparent plastic are plentiful ‫ متوفرة‬and
inexpensive ‫رخيصة‬.

7. Increased Signal Security:

❑ due to tap difficulty and No signal radiation; any antenna or detector cannot detect it.
❑ offer higher degree of security and privacy.

Applications of optical fibers :-

❑ Telecommunications ❑ Long-Distance Transmission
❑ medical applications ❑ power stations
❑ Military applications, Banks,.. ❑ Submarine , under sea cables
❑ Satellite, Ships, computers,.

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The Cross- Section of Optical Fiber Cable

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4) B- Ray optics can explain some phenomena in optical fiber but can't explain others -
Explain. 2022 – 2021 – 2014
B) State the limitations of ray optics in optical fiber 2019
optical fiber can explain
❑ Reflection & Refraction.

optical fiber can't explain (limitation)
❑ Cannot explain single mode propagation.
❑ Cannot explain coherence (interference, diffraction).
❑ Cannot explain field distribution E, H (field intensity).
❑ Cannot explain radiation losses (bending losses in fibers).
❑ Cannot explain phase of optical wave.

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5) A- Derive an expression for the maximum acceptance angle in step-index fiber and its
relation with the numerical aperture. 2022 – 2021 – 2014
A- Use ray optics to derive an expression for numerical aperture and the maximum
acceptance angle in optical fiber. State the defects of ray optics treatment compared
with modal analysis In optical fibers. Defects ‫اجابته يف السؤال اليل قبله‬ 2020
Maximum acceptance angle
❑ Definition: the largest incident angle of the incoming ray to produce T.I.R at
the core – cladding interface
❑ Proof:

Ray 1 has incident angle o

Ray 1 has T.I.R →   C
Fom snell's law
n o sin o = n1 sin 1 → sin o = n1 cos  → 1
For o = o max
when   c → n1 sin c = n 2 sin 90 →  sin c = n 2 / n1
n12 − n 22
 sin o max = n1 cos c = n1 " from 1 &Triangle "

 sin o max = n12 − n 22

Numerical Aperture (NA)
 Describe the light acceptance capability of fibers
 Calculate the source - to- fiber optical power coupling efficiencies
 NA is a dimensionless quantity that is less than unity,
 values nominally ranging from 0.14 to 0.50.

NA = sin o max = n12 − n 22 = n1 2

n12 − n 22 n1 − n 2
where  =
2n12 n1
 : relative refractive index difference
0.2% → 1% for single mode
1% → 2% for multimode

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6) B- State the main types of optical fibers and compare between single- mode and
multimode fibers. 2022 – 2021 – 2014
B- Compare between single mode fiber and multimode fiber and explain how to
minimize signal degradation in each case. 2022 ‫تخلفات‬
Types of optical fibers :-
1) With respect to fabricated Material:
Core Cladding Loss distance cost
Glass Glass Low Long High
Glass Plastic Medium Medium Medium
Plastic Plastic High Short low

n glass  n plastic
2) w.r.t Refractive index profile
A- Step – index fiber

B- Graded – index fiber

3) w.r.t Modes
Mode (Ray Optics): a particular light ray travelling in the fiber at a particular
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A- Single Mode fibers (SMF)
One mode will propagate along the fiber
B- Multimode fibers (MMF)
I. step index

II. graded index

4) w.r.t Activity:
1- Passive
 Optical signal losses  conventional O.F cable
2- Active
used in optical amplifiers. EX:-
EDFA: Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifier
SOA: Semiconductor optical Amplifier

5) w.r.t λ:
At 850 nm or at 1310 nm or at 1550 nm
6) Photonic crystal fiber (PCF)
Single mode Fiber (SMF) Multi mode Fiber (MMF)
Modes Support only one mode Support more only one mode
Ref. index profile Step index Step index or graded index
Core diameter (2a) Small (≈ 8 μm) Large (≈ 50 μm)
NA Small Large
Optical source Laser diode (LD) LEDs
Coupling with opt.
Difficult Easier
Dispersion No intermodal dispersion Large intermodal dispersion
Δ Very small, from 0.2 to 1 percent Large, from 1 to 3 percent
high data rates, Medium data rates,
very long-distance short-medium distance

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how to minimize signal degradation in each case
1) Step index

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2) Multimode

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7) A- Define the attenuation windows in optical fibers and explain in detail the sources of
signal attenuation and how to minimize their effects. 2022 – 2021 – 2014
A- Sketch the attenuation curve of optical fiber showing the 3 transmission windows
and compare between them. 2022 ‫تخلفات‬
 There are three bands (windows) of wavelengths at which attenuation is minimized by
the time.
 By developing technological techniques, impurities are minimized in materials and
hence, attenuation is decreased.

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how to minimize their effects
• Work in low attenuation wave lenses in nominal values of 0.5 dB/km at 1310 nm and 0.3
dB/km at 1550 nm for standard SMF.

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A) State the spectral bands used in optical communications and which band is used in
EDFA fiber amplifier. 2019
 Original band (O-band):
Region originally used for first single-mode fibers
 Extended band (E-band):
Operation extends into the high-loss water-peak region
 Conventional band (C-band): (EDFA region)
 Long band (L-band): (longer than C-band)
 Ultra-long band (U-band)

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8) A- Define the signal dispersion in optical fiber and derive an expression for the
material dispersion factor D (λ) and explain how to minimize it. 2022 – 2021 – 2014
A- Define the dispersion in optical fiber and state its main types. Explain how to
minimize each type of dispersion. 2022 ‫تخلفات‬
A) Explain the material dispersion in optical fibers and derive an expression for the
material dispersion parameter". 2019
A- Derive an expression for material dispersion factor and explain how to minimize it.

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9) B- Derive an expression for the intermodal dispersion in optical fiber and how to
minimize it. 2022 – 2021 – 2014 – 2013

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10) A- State the main requirements for optical sources used in optical communication and
explain why ternary semiconductor alloys are used. 2022 – 2021 – 2014

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11) B- State the main requirements for photo detectors in optical link. 2022 –2014
A- State the main requirements Of photodetectors used in optical receivers. 2022 ‫تخلفات‬
A- State the main requirements for a good photodetector and define its responsivity
and sensitivity. 2020
A- Define the responsivity of photo detectors and derive an expression for the
quantum efficiency in pin diode. 2022 – 2014
 Requirements of photodetectors
1- High sensitivity (high response) at certain λ
2- Fast response time (short time)
3- Low noise
4- Temperature stability
5- High quantum efficiency
6- Compatible with core size
7- Low cost and long life time
8- Sensitive over the required wavelength range.

 Define Responsivity: is a useful parameter as it gives the transfer characteristic

of the detector (i.e. photocurrent per unit incident optical power).The expression
for quantum efficiency does not involve photon energy and therefore the
responsivity R is often of more use when characterizing the performance of a
‫ ال يتضمن التعبير‬.)‫هي معلمة مفيدة ألنها تعيط خاصية النقل للكاشف (أي التيار الضويئ لكل وحدة طاقة ضوئية ساقطة‬
‫ غالبًا ما تكون أكثر فائدة عند توصيف أداء جهاز الكشف‬R ‫ وبالتايل فإن االستجابة‬، ‫عن الكفاءة الكمية طاقة الفوتون‬

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 Define Sensitivity: is described in term of the minimum detectable optical
power ‫موصوفة من حيث الحد األدىن من القدرة الضوئية‬
‫القابلة لالكتشاف‬

 Efficiency:
Quantum efficiency : is the number of electron-hole carrier pairs generated per
incident photon of energy h
IP / q no.of electron − hole pairs
Q = =
Po / h no. of incident photons

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12) State the main types of signal degradation in optical fibers and explain briefly how
they can be minimized. 2020
 The main operating windows centered around: 850 nm, 1300 nm, 1550 nm. as there is low noise
and attenuation.

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 how they can be minimized
1- dispersion

2- attenuation.
 Work in low attenuation wave lenses in nominal values of 0.5 dB/km at 1310 nm and 0.3
dB/km at 1550 nm for standard SMF.
 There are three bands (windows) of wavelengths at which attenuation is minimized by
the time.
 By developing technological techniques, impurities are minimized in materials and
hence, attenuation is decreased.

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13) Express the process of double confinement in tight emitting diode. and why
quaternary semiconductors are used In LED. 2020
A- Explain why double heterojunctions are used in optical sources and how double
confinement is achieved to improve their performance. 2022 ‫تخلفات‬

By: Mahmoud Maher

‫نسألكم الدعاء‬

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14) A- Explain why ternary and quaternary semiconductors are used in LED and laser
diode for optical communication. 2022 ‫تخلفات‬
A) Explain why Si and Ge cannot be used in LED and laser sources. Explain the
advantages of quaternary semiconductor, alloys as source materials. 2019

Ternary semiconductors:
Semiconductor ternary alloys, which are often called pseudo binary alloys, are formed when we
combine two binary compounds; for example, in the common anion AC and BC compounds, which
produce A1-xBxC alloys, x represents the fraction of B atoms in the cation sublattice.
• An important advantage of quaternary alloys lies in the fact that both, energy band gap and
lattice parameters can be varied independently so that different compositions can be
fabricated on a suitable lattice matched substrate.
• The Ill—V alloys offer an ideal basis for the preparation of semiconductor materials with
the desired energy gap because their band gaps cover various spectral ranges.

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At longer wavelengths the quaternary alloy In 1—x Ga x As y P 1-y is one of the primary material
candidates. By varying the mole fractions x and y in the active arca. LEDs with peak output powers
at any wavelength between 1.0 and 1.7 µm can be constructed. For simplicity the notations GaAIAs
and InGaAsP are generally used unless there is an explicit need to know the values Of x and y.
Other notations such as AIGaAs, (AI. Ga)As. (GaAI)As, GalnPAs. And In. Ga, 1—x As y P 1-y are also found in
the literature. From the last notation it is obvious that depending on the preference of the
particular author. the values Of x and I x for the same material could be interchanged in different
articles in the literature.

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15) B- Explain the function of the intrinsic layer in PIN diode and how it affects the link
information capacity. 2022 ‫تخلفات‬

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16) B) Give a short account on graded-index fiber. 2019

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17) A) Give a short account on each of the following 2019
 photonic crystal fiber PCF and its advantages

 scattering losses

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 optical fiber materials

Core Cladding Loss distance cost

Glass Glass Low Long High
Glass Plastic Medium Medium Medium
Plastic Plastic High Short low

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18) B- Define the following terms of optical fiber; 2013
 Guided modes
- The modes that trapped ‫ حصرت‬in core.
- Condition: K 2    K1
Where :  : axial wave no. (in Z-direction)
K1 : wave propagation const. of core
K2 : wave propagation const. of cladding
K : free space propagation const
  o MAX

 acceptance angle
❑ Definition: the largest incident angle of the incoming ray to produce T.I.R at
the core – cladding interface
❑ Proof:

Ray 1 has incident angle o

Ray 1 has T.I.R →   C
Fom snell's law
n o sin o = n1 sin 1 → sin o = n1 cos  → 1
For o = o max
when   c → n1 sin c = n 2 sin 90 →  sin c = n 2 / n1
n12 − n 22
 sin o max = n1 cos c = n1 " from 1 &Triangle "

 sin o max = n12 − n 22

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Numerical Aperture (NA)
 Describe the light acceptance capability of fibers
 Calculate the source - to- fiber optical power coupling efficiencies
 NA is a dimensionless quantity that is less than unity,
 values nominally ranging from 0.14 to 0.50.

NA = sin o max = n12 − n 22 = n1 2

n12 − n 22 n1 − n 2
where  =
2n12 n1
 : relative refractive index difference
0.2% → 1% for single mode
1% → 2% for multimode

 original and conventional spectral bands

Band Description Wavelength range (nm) (spectrum)

O Band Original 1260 ~ 1360
E Band Extended 1360 ~ 1460
S Band Short wavelength 1460 ~ 1530
C Band Conventional 1530 ~ 1565
L Band Long wavelength 1565 ~ 1625
U Band Ultra long wavelength 1625 ~ 1675

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19) B) Compare between the dispersion in the following cases 2019
 standard silica fiber
 dispersion-shifted fiber
 dispersion - flattened fiber.
Sketch the index profile in the three cases.

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20) A) Derive an expression for responsivity of photodiode in terms of its material and
detector parameters, Sketch its dependance on wave-length λ for Si, Ge and lnGaAs.
B- Derive an expression for the quantum efficiency of photo diode and explain the
condition of cut-off wave length for different materials. 2013

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P a g e | 43 Optics Exams
21) B) State the requirements for photodiodes used in optical communications and explain
how they are realized in PIN diode. 2019
A- State the requirements of photo detectors used in optical fiber and they are
realized in silicon avalanche photo diode. 2013

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22) A- Derive an expression for the numerical aperture in optical fiber and use it to get
the total number of modes in multimode fiber. 2013

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23) A- Define the attenuation factor in optical fiber and compare between the different
causes of attenuation. 2013

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24) A- Sketch the main parts of the optical link and explain the function of each part and
how to maximize its information capacity. 2022 ‫تخلفات‬

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25) B- For laser diode, derive an expression for the threshold optical gain. 2022 ‫تخلفات‬
B) Derive an expression for the threshold gain in laser diode in terms of its material
and cavity parameters. 2019
A- Derive an expression of the gain in laser diode and explain how to maximize it.

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26) B- Sketch the layer structure of GaAlAs laser diode and explain the function of each
layer. 2022 ‫تخلفات‬

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27) B- Derive an expression for the chromatic dispersion factor in optical fiber. 2022 ‫تخلفات‬
sec5‫ هتالقيه موجود يف‬material dispersion ‫عاوز إثبات ال‬
28) B- Define the information capacity of optical link and derive the cut-off condition in
optical fibers 2013

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29) C- Give a short account on design optimization in single mode fiber 2013

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30) B- Sketch the layer structure of LED used in optical fiber link at 1550 nm and explain
the function of each layer. 2013

"‫"مع أطيب التمنيات بالنجاح والتوفيق‬

By: Mahmoud Maher

‫نسألكم الدعاء‬

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